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Oracle Service Documentation Updates

This section contains important information. Please read this section for the latest updates and additions to your user's guide.

Profile Options

Two profile options have been renamed, Service: RMA Line Status for Non-repair Lines and Service: RMA Line Status for Repair Lines. They correspond, respectively, to the two profiles below:

Service: Product Status for Returns

Determines the default status assigned to non-repair customer products when the Depot Repair Control program runs.

Service: Product Status When Returned for Repair

Determines the default status assigned to return-for-repair customer products when the Depot Repair Control program runs.

See: Oracle Service Profile Options.

Windows and Navigator Paths

The navigator menus associated with the Service responsibility have changed. For each instance of "Service Request Tracking" in the Windows and Navigator Paths appendix, read "Service Requests" instead. Also, the path for the Item Reservations window is Service Requests > View Reservations.

See: Windows and Navigator Paths.

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