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Assigning Rules to Transactions

When you are assigning rules to an AutoAccounting function, you may want to assign different rules to different conditions. For example, you may want to account for indirect projects using one set of rules, and use two different sets of rules for billable items and nonbillable items on contract projects.

To make it easy to do this, Oracle Projects provides function transactions to each function, which identifies commonly used conditions in which you may want to assign different rules.

The following chart lists examples of function transactions under the Labor Cost Account function:

Labor Cost Account Function
Indirect, Private Labor All items on indirect, private projects
Indirect, Public Labor All items on indirect, public projects
Indirect, All All labor items on indirect projects
Capital, Private, Capital Capitalizable labor items on capital, private projects
Capital, Private, Non-Capital Non-capitalizable labor items on capital, private projects
Capital, All All labor items on capital projects
Contract, All All labor items on a contract project

You can assign rules to function transactions for each AutoAccounting function.

You complete the following steps to assign AutoAccounting rules to AutoAccounting functions and transactions:

Enabling AutoAccounting transactions

You tell Oracle Projects which AutoAccounting rules to use, under which circumstances, by assigning rules to transactions. In cases where an AutoAccounting function consists of several distinct transactions, you assign rules to each transaction you want to use. These rule assignments then determine which general ledger account AutoAccounting uses to process that transaction. Oracle Projects attempts to use the most appropriate transaction; if you have not enabled that transaction, it tries to use the fallback transaction.

For example, the Labor Revenue Account function, which Oracle Projects uses to credit a revenue account for labor revenue, consists of three transactions:

When Oracle Projects needs to credit a revenue account for labor performed on a public project, it first checks whether you have enabled the Public Labor Revenue transaction. If the transaction is enabled, Oracle Projects uses the AutoAccounting rules you assigned to the transaction to determine which account to credit.

If you have not enabled the Public Labor Revenue transaction, Oracle Projects checks the "fallback" transaction All Labor Revenue.

Suggestion: If your accounting practices do not distinguish between the contexts, you can simplify your AutoAccounting implementation by not enabling transactions; instead, you could implement only the All transaction.

You enable a transaction using the Assign AutoAccounting Rules window:

Defining segment rule pairings

After you enable a transaction, you match each segment in your Accounting Flexfield with the appropriate AutoAccounting rule. For example, if you have a two-segment Accounting Flexfield containing a Company segment and an Account segment, you assign one rule to the Company segment and one rule to the Account segment.

You use the Assign AutoAccounting Rules window to enable AutoAccounting transactions and assign rules to them.

See Also

Assign AutoAccounting Rules Window Reference

Assign AutoAccounting Rules Window Reference

Use this window to assign an AutoAccounting rule to each segment of your Accounting Flexfield for the AutoAccounting transactions you want to use.

Name. Select the name of the AutoAccounting function for which you want to enable one or more transactions and assign rules. If you do not want to limit your search to a particular function, leave this field blank.

Oracle Projects predefines AutoAccounting functions; you cannot modify them, or define additional transactions.

Function Transactions region

Use this region to view the AutoAccounting transactions associated with this AutoAccounting function, and to enable each transaction you want to use.

Oracle Projects predefines AutoAccounting transactions; you cannot modify them, or define additional transactions.

Name. Oracle Projects displays each AutoAccounting transaction available for this AutoAccounting function.

Enabled. Check on this option if you want to enable this AutoAccounting transaction. Do not check the option if you do not want to enable this AutoAccounting transaction.

You can assign AutoAccounting rules to your Accounting Flexfield segments for this transaction regardless of whether you check or don't check this option. However, if you do not check the option, AutoAccounting does not recognize the associated rule assignment.

Suggestion: If your business does not distinguish between each kind of transaction, enable the ALL transaction.

Note: If you do not enable any transactions, Oracle Projects automatically uses the ALL transaction.

Segment Rule Pairings region

Use this region to assign an AutoAccounting rule to each segment of your Accounting Flexfield for each transaction you want to use.

Number. Enter the number that corresponds to the Accounting Flexfield segment to which you want to assign an AutoAccounting rule for this transaction. You need to enter either a number or a segment name to identify an Accounting Flexfield segment.

Note: You need to start your numbering sequence with the number zero (0).

Segment Name. Select the name of the segment to which you want to assign an AutoAccounting rule for this transaction. If you have already selected a number, Oracle Projects automatically displays the corresponding segment name.

Rule Name. Enter the AutoAccounting rule that you want to assign to this Accounting Flexfield segment for this transaction.

Rule Button. You can choose this button to navigate to the Define Rules window.

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