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Workflow Monitor

The Workflow Monitor is a tool that allows you to view and administer the status of a specific instance of a workflow process. You can use the point-and-click interface to display detailed status information about activities in the process as well as about the process as a whole. The Workflow Monitor can be run in 'USER' or 'ADMIN' mode, where 'ADMIN' mode provides additional details and functionality pertinent only to a workflow administrator. See: Workflow Monitor Access.

The Workflow Monitor consists of the following sections:

Process Title

The process title appears in the upper left of the Workflow Monitor and displays the name of the workflow process and the name of the item type and user key that uniquely identify a running instance of that process in the process diagram window. If no user has been set, then the item key is displayed instead. If you drill down into a subprocess in the process diagram window, the process title updates to display the subprocess name.

Click on the process title to deselect any selected activity in the process diagram window and to direct the detail tab window to display information about that process or subprocess as a whole.

Process Diagram Window

The process diagram window is a scrolling canvas that displays the diagram of the workflow process or subprocess currently listed in the process title. This diagram is identical to the diagram created in Oracle Workflow Builder. Note, however, that you cannot use the Workflow Monitor to edit this diagram.

The process diagram window provides graphical cues about the status of the process and its activities:

Color of Box State Possible Status Code
Red Error ERROR
Yellow Suspended HOLD

Detail Tab Window

The detail tab window, which appears below the process diagram, is a vertically scrollable display area that provides information about a selected process or activity.

The information appears as follows for each tab, where rows preceded by an asterisk (*) or values shown in bold parentheses ( ) appear only when the monitor is run in 'ADMIN' mode:

Definition Tab
Process Display Name: Activity Display Name
Item Type:		Item Type display name	(internal name)
Activity Name:	Activity display name	(internal name)
Description:	Activity description
Activity Type:	Process, Notification, or Function
Message:		Message internal name
Function:		Name of PL/SQL procedure called by activity
Result Type:	Result type display name	(internal name)
Timeout:		Timeout value in days, hours, minutes
*Cost:		Function activity cost in seconds
*Loop Mode:	IGNORE or RESET
*Error Process:	Error process assigned to activity, if any
Usage Tab
Process Display Name: Activity Display Name
Start/End:		No, Start, or End		(process result)
Performer:		Role name or item attribute internal name
*Comment:		Comments for the process activity node
Status Tab
Process Display Name: Activity Display Name
Status:		Activity status
Result:		Activity result		(result code)
Begin Date:	Date activity begins
End Date:		Date activity ends
*Notification:	Notification ID
Assigned User:	Role name or item attribute internal name
(shown only if Activity Status is 'ERROR')
*Error Name:	Name of error 
Error Message:	Error message
*Error Stack:	Error stack
Notification Tab
Process Display Name: Activity Display Name
*ID:			Notification ID
Recipient:		Recipient of notification
Status:		Notification status
Begin Date:	Date notification is delivered
End Date:		Date notification is closed
(If the selected activity is a Voting activity, then instead of displaying the above information, this tab displays the results of the vote.  This tab displays for each recipient, the notification status and voting result.)
Item Tab
Process Display Name: Item Type, Item Key (or User Key, if set)
Owner: 		Owner of the item, not implemented yet
Begin Date:	Date workflow process instance is created
End Date:		Date workflow process instance is completed
<Item Attribute>:		<type(format)>	<value>

Administration Buttons

The administration buttons appear beneath the detail tab window only when the Workflow Monitor is run in 'ADMIN' mode. Each button allows you to perform a different administrative operation by calling the appropriate Workflow Engine API. The buttons and their behavior are as follows:

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