Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A88894-01
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Introducing Oracle XML Gateway

This chapter describes the following sections:

What is XML Gateway?

With Release 11i.4 of the Oracle e-Business Suite, Oracle XML Gateway emerges as a key component of Oracle's application integration framework. XML Gateway is a set of services that allows for easy integration with the Oracle e-Business Suite to create and consume XML messages triggered by business events. It integrates with Oracle Advanced Queuing to enqueue/dequeue a message which is then transmitted to/from the business partner via any message transport agent.

Oracle XML Gateway Services

Oracle XML Gateway provides the following services:

Oracle XML Gateway Architecture

The services supported by Oracle XML Gateway are grouped into three major components as follows:

Figure 17-1 shows the relationship of these three components:

Figure 17-1 XML Gateway Architecture

Text description of adxml107.gif follows
Text description of the illustration adxml107.gif

XML Gateway components are integrated with the following Oracle tools and technologies to provide a complete solution:

XML Gateway Services - Message Designer

The XML Gateway Message Designer is a wizard-guided, GUI-oriented, repository-based tool that allows you to do the following:

Table 17-1 lists the actions supported by XML Gateway.

Table 17-1 Actions Supported by XML Gateway
Action Category  Action Description 


Create global variable

Assign value from another variable 

Math Functions 





String Functions 



Database Functions 

Assign next sequence value

Append where clause

Insert into database table  

Procedure Call 

Execute procedure with send and return parameters 

Function Call 

Execute function and assign function return value 

XSLT Transformation 

Execute procedure to perform XSLT transformation 

OAG Standard Conversions 

  • Convert Oracle date to OAG date format

  • Convert Oracle operational amount to OAG operational amount format

  • Convert Oracle quantity to OAG quantity format

  • Convert Oracle amount to OAG amount format

  • Convert OAG date to Oracle date format

  • Convert OAG operational amount to Oracle operational amount

  • Convert OAG quantity to Oracle quantity format

  • Convert OAG amount to Oracle amount format


Return Error Code to Sender 

Return error code and error message to sender  

Get Global Variable Value 

Get global variable value









Exit program  

The most common actions are the OAG standard conversions to convert Oracle's representation for date, operational amount, quantity, and amount values to the OAG format and vice versa.

The ability to inquire on the status of the Execution Engine allows flexible process control based on the severity of an error. For serious errors, the process may be aborted with error messages returned to the sender via an Oracle Workflow process.

The convenience of calling out to existing procedures or functions enables tight integration with the Oracle e-Business Suite.

Once the message map is defined, it is loaded into the XML Gateway repository for use by the Execution Engine to create outbound or consume inbound XML messages.

XML Gateway Services - Message Set Up

To implement a message with a trading partner, use XML Gateway Services message set up to define the trading partner or hub, code conversion values, and transaction name cross references. In addition, you can identify where on the file system to store the DTDs, XML messages and process LOG files.

XML Gateway Services - Execution Engine

The XML Gateway Execution Engine interfaces with the Oracle e-Business Suite, XML Gateway Set Ups and Oracle Advanced Queuing to perform the following functions:

In addition, for system/process errors, a copy of the XML message is placed in the XML message directory for use in trouble shooting the reported error. For trading partner related data errors, the trading partner can refer to their copy of the XML message.

The XML Gateway listeners are actively polling for messages and will begin processing once it detects that something has arrived on the transaction queue. The XML Gateway Execution Engine will take the document information from the transaction queue and begin the process of creating or consuming an XML message as described above.

A Word About XML Standards

Many standards bodies (for example, EbXML, Rosettanet, SOAP, iFX) exist with published Document Type Definitions (DTD) each claiming to be better than the other. Some standards are strong at managing the message content while others excel at managing both the message content and its related processes.

As a provider of software to support all industries, Oracle has chosen to align with Open Application Group's (OAG) XML standards for broad based message implementation. OAG is also the standard most widely adopted by the Oracle customer base.

All Oracle pre-built messages delivered with the Oracle e-Business Suite will be based on the OAG standards. However, all pre-built messages may be re-mapped to any standard of choice using the XML Gateway Message Designer provided a DTD or XML Schema Definition is available.

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