Class IfsSimpleXmlParser




All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IfsSimpleXmlParser
extends java.lang.Object
implements XmlParserInterface

The IfsSimpleXmlParser creates LibraryObjects by traversing the DOM tree.

The parser defines a simple mapping between XML tags and iFS objects.

The parser is the reverse of the SimpleXmlRenderer. Output from the SimpleXmlRenderer can be run through the IfsSimpleXmlParser to re-create the relevant objects.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String IGNORE_UNSETTABLE_OPTION
          If set to true in options table, parser will ignore all attributes in the XML document which are marked as "unsettable".
Constructor Summary
IfsSimpleXmlParser(LibrarySession ls)
          Constructs a IfsSimpleXmlParser

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String IGNORE_UNSETTABLE_OPTION
If set to true in options table, parser will ignore all attributes in the XML document which are marked as "unsettable".
Constructor Detail


public IfsSimpleXmlParser(LibrarySession ls)
Constructs a IfsSimpleXmlParser
ls - the LibrarySession