Package oracle.ifs.server

Interface Summary

Class Summary
OperationState The OperationState class is manage the state of a server side operation, specifically to manage the cascading effects for operations such as free(), copy(), etc.
S_AccessControlEntry This is server side representation of the AccessControlEntry class.
S_AccessControlList Copyright (c) 1999 Oracle Corporation.
S_ApplicationObject The S_ApplicationObject class represents a generic S_PublicObject.
S_Attribute An S_Attribute is the server-side representation of the ATTRIBUTE class.
S_Category Category subclasses can contain their own custom data, which effectively contain data about the PublicObject with which the Category instance is associated.
S_ClassAccessControlList The S_ClassAccessControlList class
S_ClassDomain A S_ClassDomain describes a validation that can be applied to an Attribute to ensure that its values are instances of specified classes.
S_ClassObject An S_ClassObject is the server-side representation of the CLASSOBJECT class.
S_ContentObject The S_ContentObject class.
S_ContentQuota A ContentQuota contains information that defines how much storage space in iFS is allocated and consumed by the DirectoryUser.
S_DirectoryGroup An S_DirectoryGroup is the server-side representation of a group of users and/or other groups.
S_DirectoryObject The S_DirectoryObject class is the server side representation of an iFS user or group of users.
S_DirectoryUser An S_DirectoryUser is the server-side representation of an iFS user.
S_Document The S_Document class.
S_ExtendedUserProfile The ExtendedUserProfile class allows creation of user profiles with customized profiling information.
S_Family Server side representation of the FAMILY class.
S_Folder Server side representation of the FOLDER class.
S_FolderPathRelationship Server side representation of the FOLDERPATHRELATIONSHIP class.
S_FolderRelationship Server side representation of the FOLDERRELATIONSHIP class.
S_Format The S_Format class describes
S_GroupMemberRelationship A S_GroupMemberRelationship is the server-side representation of a GroupMemberRelationship.
S_LibraryObject The S_LibraryObject class is the server side base class for all iFS objects.
S_LibraryObjectData The S_LibraryObjectData class is an opaque class used to manage the data for an iFS LIBRARYOBJECT.
S_LibraryObjectDefinition The S_LibraryObjectDefinition class is used by the server to create new objects.
S_LibraryService S_LibraryService is the iFS repository service.
S_LibrarySession An S_LibrarySession represents a user session in the iFS repository.
S_MountPoint A MountPoint is used to categorize Folders as being 'mountpoints' for protocols such as SMB.
S_PermissionBundle The S_PermissionBundle class
S_Policy An S_Policy is the server-side representation of a Policy.
S_PolicyPropertyBundle An S_PolicyPropertyBundle is the server-side representation of a PolicyPropertyBundle.
S_PrimaryUserProfile A PrimaryUserProfile contains information related to a DirectoryUser such as the home folder, the default ACLs, ContentQuota.
S_Property An S_Property is the server-side representation of a Property.
S_PropertyBundle An S_PropertyBundle is the server-side representation of PropertyBundle.
S_PublicObject The S_PublicObject class is the server side implementation of the iFS PUBLICOBJECT class.
S_Relationship The S_Relationship class is the server side implementation of the iFS RELATIONSHIP class
S_SchemaObject The S_SchemaObject class is the server side implementation of the iFS SCHEMAOBJECT class
S_Selector The S_Selector class creates and executes SIMPLE searches server-side.
S_SystemAccessControlList The S_SystemAccessControlList class
S_SystemObject The S_SystemObject class is the server side implementation of the iFS SYSTEMOBJECT class.
S_TieAccessControlEntry S_TieAccessControlEntry allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the ACCESSCONTROLENTRY classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieAccessControlList S_TieAccessControlList allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the ACCESSCONTROLLIST classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieApplicationObject S_TieApplicationObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the APPLICATIONOBJECT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieCategory S_TieCategory allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the CATEGORY classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieClassAccessControlList S_TieClassAccessControlList allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the CLASSACCESSCONTROLLIST classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieClassDomain S_TieClassDomain allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the CLASSDOMAIN classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieContentObject S_TieContentObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the CONTENTOBJECT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieContentQuota S_TieContentQuota allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the CONTENTQUOTA classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieDirectoryGroup An S_TieDirectoryGroup allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the DIRECTORYGROUP classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieDirectoryObject An S_TieDirectoryObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the DIRECTORYOBJECT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieDirectoryUser An S_TieDirectoryUser allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the DIRECTORYUSER classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieDocument S_TieDocument allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the DOCUMENT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieExtendedUserProfile S_TieExtendedUserProfile allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the EXTENDEDUSERPROFILE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieFamily S_TieFamily allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the FAMILY classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieFolder S_TieFolder allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the FOLDER classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieFolderPathRelationship S_TieFolderPathRelationship allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the FOLDERPATHRELATIONSHIP classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieFolderRelationship S_TieFolderRelationship allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the FOLDERRELATIONSHIP classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieFormat S_TieFormat allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the FORMAT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieGroupMemberRelationship A S_TieGroupMemberRelationship allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the GROUPMEMBERRELATIONSHIP classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieLibraryObject S_TieLibraryObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of S_LibraryObject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieMountPoint S_TieMountPoint allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the MOUNTPOINT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TiePermissionBundle S_TiePermissionBundle allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the PERMISSIONBUNDLE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TiePolicy An S_TiePolicy allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the POLICY classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TiePolicyPropertyBundle An S_TiePolicyPropertyBundle allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the POLICYPROPERTYBUNDLE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TiePrimaryUserProfile S_TiePrimaryUserProfile allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the PRIMARYUSERPROFILE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieProperty An S_TieProperty allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the PROPERTY classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TiePropertyBundle An S_TiePropertyBundle allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the PROPERTYBUNDLE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TiePublicObject S_TiePublicObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the PUBLICOBJECT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieRelationship S_TieRelationship allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the RELATIONSHIP classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieSchemaObject S_TieSchemaObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the SCHEMAOBJECT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieSystemAccessControlList S_TieSystemAccessControlList allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the SYSTEMACCESSCONTROLLIST classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieSystemObject S_TieSystemObject allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the SYSTEMOBJECT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieUserProfile S_TieUserProfile allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the USERPROFILE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieValueDefault S_TieValueDefault allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the VALUEDEFAULT classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieValueDefaultPropertyBundle S_TieValueDefaultPropertyBundle allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the VALUEDEFAULTPROPERTYBUNDLE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieValueDomain S_TieValueDomain allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the VALUEDOMAIN classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieValueDomainPropertyBundle S_TieValueDomainPropertyBundle allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the VALUEDOMAINPROPERTYBUNDLE classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieVersionDescription S_TieVersionDescription allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the VERSIONDESCRIPTION classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_TieVersionSeries S_TieVersionSeries allows the Oracle-defined behavior of the VERSIONSERIES classobject (and its subclasses) to be extended or overridden through the server extensibility API.
S_UserProfile The UserProfile class provides storage for profile information on a DirectoryUser.
S_ValueDefault A ValueDefault describes a value that can be applied to an Attribute to be used if no value for that Attribute is specified in creating a new object.
S_ValueDefaultPropertyBundle A ValueDefaultPropertyBundle is a PropertyBundle containing a valid definition of the value of a ValueDefault.
S_ValueDomain A ValueDomain describes a validation that can be applied to an Attribute to ensure that its values lie within a set of acceptable values.
S_ValueDomainPropertyBundle A ValueDomainPropertyBundle is a PropertyBundle containing a valid definition of the value of a ValueDomain.
S_VersionDescription Copyright (c) 1999 Oracle Corporation.
S_VersionSeries Server side representation of the VERSIONSERIES class.