Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01


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Using XML Parser for C++, 5 of 10

XML Parser for C++ XSLT (DOM Interface) Usage

Figure 22-2 shows the XML Parser for C++ XSLT functionality for the DOM interface.

  1. There are two inputs to XMLParser.xmlparse():

    • The Stylesheet to be applied to the XML document

    • XML document

    The output of XMLParser.xmlparse(), the parsed stylesheet and parsed XML document, are sent to the XSLProcess.xslprocess() method for processing.

  2. XMLParser.xmlinit() initializes the XSLT processing. XMLParser. xmlinit() also initializes the xslprocess() result

  3. XSLProcess.xslProcess() optionally calls other methods, such as print methods. You can see the list of available methods either on OTN or in Oracle8i XML Reference.

  4. The resultant document (XML, HTML, VML, and so on) is typically sent to an application for further processing.

  5. The application terminates the XSLT process by declaring XMLParser.xmlterm(), for the XML document, stylesheet, and final result.

XML Parser for C XSLT functionality is illustrated with the following examples:

Figure 22-2 Parser for C++: XSL-T Functionality (DOM Interface) Usage

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