Business Components

Interface Row

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
RowImpl, ViewRowImpl

public interface Row
extends AttributeList, XMLInterface

This interface provides access to table rows. This interface defines a base type for View Object and Entity rows. Customer application logic can use this interface to access database table rows independently of the implementation of the underlying row. For example, assume that a customer application is written to perform batch style inserts into a database table. This application can reference the Row interface for row access instead of accessing instances of RowImpl, ViewRowImpl, or EntityImpl directly. This design would allow changes in a row's implementation (Entity Row or View Object Row) without necessitating changes in the application logic.

In addition to providing a base type for View Object Row and Entity Row access, this interface provides tier-independent access to table rows. Consequently, customer application logic can reference the interface on both the client and middle tiers of a three-tier application. Please note that on the client tier of a three-tier application, the interface will always be implemented by a View Object Row. This interface should not be implemented by the developer.

JDeveloper 3.0
See Also:
RowImpl, EntityImpl, ViewRowImpl

Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
Method Summary
 Key getKey()
          Returns the row's key.
 boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
          Tests if an attribute is updateable.
 void lock()
          Locks the row(s) in the source database table.
 void remove()
          Removes the row from the source database.
 void validate()
          Invokes the validation methods defined for the row's Entity Object.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.AttributeList
getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributeCount, getAttributeIndexOf, setAttribute, setAttribute
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
readXML, readXML, writeXML, writeXML

Method Detail


public Key getKey()
Returns the row's key.
the row's Key.


public void validate()
Invokes the validation methods defined for the row's Entity Object.
JboException - a runtime exception, if the recipient wishes the property change to be rolled back.


public void lock()
Locks the row(s) in the source database table.
JboException - a runtime exception, if an exception occurs during access.


public void remove()
Removes the row from the source database.
JboException - a runtime exception, if an exception occurs during access.


public boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
Tests if an attribute is updateable.
index - the index of the attribute.
true if the row is marked UPDATEABLE, or if the row is marked UPDATEABLE_WHILE_NEW and the current row is new.

Business Components