Business Components

Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityDefImpl
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jbo.server.rules Contains sample validation beans. 

Uses of EntityDefImpl in oracle.jbo.server

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that return EntityDefImpl
 EntityDefImpl AttributeDefImpl.getEntityDef()
          Returns the EntityDefImpl object which contains this attribute.
 EntityDefImpl EntityAssociation.getEntityDef()
          Gets the definition of the source of the association.
 EntityDefImpl EntityAssociation.getOtherEntityDef()
          Returns the definition of the destination of the association.
protected  EntityDefImpl EntityImpl.getEntityDef()
          Gets the Entity Definition Object which governs the structure of this Entity Object.
protected  EntityDefImpl[] ViewObjectImpl.getEntityDefs()
          Returns an array of entity definitions of the entity bases.
static EntityDefImpl EntityDefImpl.findDefObject(java.lang.String defFullName)
          Finds the named Entity Object definition.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type EntityDefImpl
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl object based on the given defintion, in the context of the root Application Module.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given an EntityDef object and a Primary Key.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the given defintion.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.

Uses of EntityDefImpl in oracle.jbo.server.rules

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.rules with parameters of type EntityDefImpl
 void JboBaseValidator.setValidatingAttribute(EntityDefImpl beanInfo, java.lang.String str)
          Sets the validating attribute by name.

Business Components