Oracle9iAS Personalization Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A87539-02
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Installing Oracle Workflow

The directions in this chapter represent the steps that are typically required to install Oracle Workflow on a UNIX platform; they are included here for your convenience. These directions may not be appropriate in all circumstances and for all platforms. If you encounter problems or if these directions are not appropriate for your site, see the Oracle Workflow Guide, release 2.6.1, for complete directions.

Oracle Workflow is installed on the system where Oracle9i is installed.

Installing Oracle Workflow 2.6

Follow these steps to install Oracle Workflow 2.6:

  1. Start Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) as described in Oracle9i Administrator's Guide for your platform.

  2. Welcome: The Welcome window appears. Click Next.

  3. File Locations: Click Next.

  4. Available Products: Choose Oracle9i Management and Integration and click Next.

  5. Oracle Workflow is a component of Oracle Integration Server, which is a component of Oracle9i Management and Integration Product. Select Custom installation, and click Next.

  6. Find Workflow component under Oracle Integration Server and select it. Deselect other options that may be highlighted for install. Click Next.

  7. Summary: Displays selected products that will be installed. Click Install to start the installation process.

  8. Workflow Configuration Assistant: Workflow Configuration Assistant starts automatically during Workflow installation, and prompts you for the following Workflow configuration information:

    • Workflow Account: owf_mgr (default)

    • Workflow Password: This field is empty; provide the password here.

    • SYS Password: Enter the new password you provided in step 2 of "Configuring the Database", in Chapter 3.

    • SYSTEM Password: Enter the new password you provided in step 2 of "Configuring the Database", in Chapter 3.

    • Install Option: Select Install.

    • Language Selection: (default)

    • Connect Method: Select Local.

    • Connect String: Enter net_service_name (check tnsnames.ora file).

    Click Submit. This completes Workflow configuration.

  9. If Oracle HTTP Server is not already started, log in as root and start it. To test whether it is already started, start a browser and point it to your hostname:


    where <hostname> is the name or IP address of the system on which you are installing these components.

    You'll see a page with the title "Oracle HTTP Server Components" and a list of server components. If you do not see this page, it means Oracle HTTP Server is not running, and you must start it. To do so, log in as root and enter:

    # $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl startssl

    If Oracle HTTP Server is correctly started, you will see the following:

    ./apachectl start ssl:http started

    If Oracle HTTP Server fails to start, check the log files to learn the reason.

    Exit as root and return to your role as Oracle database administrator.

  10. Configure a Database Access Descriptor (DAD) for Oracle Workflow as follows:

    Point your browser to your <hostname>, and among the components listed,

    • select mod_plsql.

    Then click the Gateway Database Access Descriptor Settings link:

    • Database Access Descriptors: Administer DAD Entries -- on that page, click Add Default (blank configuration).

    • Database Access Descriptor: Create DAD Entry -- enter the following:

      • Database Access Descriptor Name: (enter any name; we suggest wf)

      • Schema Name: Leave this empty.

      • Oracle User Name: Leave empty.

      • Oracle Password: Leave empty.

      • Oracle Connect String: (the same Connect String that you specified in step 8)

      • Default (Home) Page: wfa_html.home

      Ensure that Oracle User Name and Oracle Password are blank, and that all other fields have their default settings.

    Click OK (at the top).

    You'll see WF added to the sample DADs listed. Click Close. Exit the browser.

  11. Edit the file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf to add the following aliases:

    Alias /OA_JAVA/ "<$ORACLE_HOME>/jlib/"
    Alias /OA_MEDIA/ "<$ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/icons/"
    Alias /OA_DOC/ "<$ORACLE_HOME>/wf/doc/"

    Be sure to substitute the full path of $ORACLE_HOME in each alias.

  12. Restart Oracle HTTP Server:

    • Log in as root.

    • Stop Oracle HTTP Server:

      # $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl stop
    • Wait 15 seconds.

    • Start Oracle HTTP Server:

      # $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl startssl

      If Oracle HTTP Server is correctly started, you will see the following:

      ./apachectl start ssl:http started
    • Exit root.

  13. To test workflow installation/configuration, point your browser to


    for <wf-DAD>, substitute the value for the Database Access Descriptor name that you chose in step 10.

    To log in to Workflow Administrator, you'll be prompted for user name for Workflow Account) and password (Workflow Password) (these values are from step 8). This brings up the wfa_html.home Oracle Workflow page.

  14. Now update the Global Workflow Preferences so that the workflow administrator is the only user with the privilwdgw to adminiister the workflow.

    • On the wfa_html.home page, click Global Workflow Preferences.

    • Click Update to make the fields editable.

    • Click the drop-down arrow of the Workflow Administrator field.

    • The Find window appears. In the Find field, enter your Workflow Account user name. Click Find. The DAD that you created appears, with a link. Click the link and it takes you to the finished page.

    • Click OK. Close browser.

Configuring Email Notifications (Optional)

You can configure Workflow email notifications so that OP can send an email message when a build, deployment, or report completes. Email is sent to the email address that is entered in the email notification fields on the Create Build Schedule, Create Deployment Schedule, and Create Report Schedule pages. The message can be sent to individual users and/or mailing lists. Configuring email notifications requires the following two steps:

  1. Configure sendmail on the system where OP is installed.

  2. Configure the Workflow Notification Mailer engine.

Configure sendmail

You must configure sendmail to run on the system where OP is installed. You should verify that the sendmail daemon is running before you try to use email notifications. Consult your UNIX system administrator for details about configuring sendmail.

Configure the Workflow Notification Mailer Engine

The exact details depend on the operating system that you are using. The general steps are as follows:

  1. Log in as root. Create a UNIX account, for example, opmail, to run the Workflow mailer. You may want to add a group before creating this user account. The following steps are required on a Solaris system to add a group and a user (commands to add a group and a user may differ on other UNIX platforms; consult your UNIX system administrator):

    1. Add a group:

         groupadd <opmail_group_name> 

      where <opmail_ group_name> is a string of 8 or fewer lowercase alphabetic and numeric characters.

    2. Create a user account for the new user:

      useradd -g <opmail_group_name> -d <opmail_user_home_directory>
      -s /bin/csh -c "Workflow Mailbox" -m <opmail_user_name>

      where<opmail_user_home_directory> is the home directory for the new user and <opmail_user_name> is the login name of the new user. The login name must be a string of 8 or fewer characters; the only characters allowed in the login name are alphabetic characters, numeric characters, period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).

    3. Set the password for the new user. You can choose any password allowed on your system.

         passwd <opmail_user_name>
  2. Log in to the system as opmail.

  3. Create a directory named mailFolders.

  4. Edit the .login file for opmail as follows:

    1. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID variables.

    2. Add $ORACLE_HOME/bin and /usr/lib to the PATH variable.

    3. Add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set to $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

  5. Log out and log in again.

  6. Verify that sqlplus works from the opmail account. You can use the following command:

    sqlplus /nolog
  7. Log in to the user account that owns the Oracle software on your system.

  8. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/wf/res. This directory contains the wfmail.cfg file.

    The wfmail.cfg file is generic, and must be customized for your system. Edit wfmail.cfg to customize it for your system, carefully checking all the configuration settings for your system.

  9. Again log in to the system as opmail.

  10. Start the mailer with the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/wfmail.csh -f $ORACLE_HOME/wf/res/wfmail.cfg &
  11. You will see two mailer processes (owned by the user opmail) start up. You can verify that the two mailer notification processes are running with the following command on Solaris:

    ps -ef | grep wfmail

For more information, see the README file for your operating system and the documentation for Oracle Workflow.

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