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Using Oracle9iAS Containers For J2EE

This guide provides general details for developing and deploying Java applications in Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J). OC4J is a J2EE container that accepts HTTP and RMI connections. These connections access servlets, JSP Pages, and EJBs.


For more details on OC4J, see on-line materials (and the latest version of this document) located on /docs/tech/java/oc4j

OC4J subjects are discussed as follows:

OC4J Overview

Oracle9iAS provides a complete Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) container written entirely in Java that executes on the standard Java Development Kit (JDK) Virtual Machine (JVM). OC4J can be run on the standard JDK that exists on your operating system and does not require the Oracle9i JVM. OC4J contains its own Web server, which we recommend that you configure for handling J2EE applications behind Apache.

The Oracle9iAS new J2EE container, OC4J, is based on some technology licensed from Ironflare Corporation, which develops the OrionServer--one of the market's leading J2EE containers. While Oracle has integrated--and continues to integrate OC4J with the Oracle9iAS infrastructure--the product and some of the documentation contains some reference to the origin of this product.

Oracle9iAS Primary Features

The primary features of OC4J are the following:

Pure Java Container/Runtime executing on JDK

The J2EE container is implemented completely in Java and has the following capabilities:

  1. Lightweight--Less than 10 MB disk space and 12.2 MB of memory at the start.
  2. Quick installation--The installation requires less than 2 minutes, which comes with a default configuration.
  3. Leverages the JDK Java VM--OC4J is certified to run on both JDK 1.2.2_07 and JDK 1.3.x.x. It leverages the performance enhancements and features of each JDK release for each operating system and hardware platforms.
  4. Easy to use--Supports standard Java development and profiling tools
  5. Available on all standard operating system and hardware platforms including Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Tru64, Windows NT, and Linux.

Complete J2EE 1.2 Container

OC4J is a complete J2EE 1.2 container that includes a JSP Translator, a Java servlet engine, and an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container. It also supports the Java Messaging Service (JMS), and several other Java specifications as shown below in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 OC4J J2EE Support

Text description of getstar5.gif follows
Text description of the illustration getstar5.gif

OC4J supports the standard J2EE APIs, listed below in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Oracle9iAS J2EE Support

J2EE Standard Interfaces Version Supported

Java Server Pages (JSP) 



2.2 and 2.3 

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 

1.1 and parts of 1.2 

Java Transaction API (JTA) 


Java Messaging Service (JMS) 


Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) 


Java Mail 


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 


Overview of J2EE APIs and OC4J Support

The standard APIs and OC4J support for these APIs are discussed in the following sections:

Java Servlets

The OC4J servlet engine provides the following:

Support for Servlet 2.2 and 2.3

The OC4J servlet engine provides complete support for the Servlet 2.2 and also supports the Servlet 2.3 specification. The Servlet 2.3 specification is part of the upcoming J2EE 1.3 Specification.

100% Compatible with Tomcat

The OC4J servlet engine is 100% compatible with the Tomcat Servlet Engine delivered by the Apache consortium. Developers, who have used Apache and Tomcat to develop their applications, can easily deploy them to the OC4J servlet engine.

Complete Support for Filters

OC4J supports simple and complex filters which are part of the servlet 2.3 specification. Specifically, a filter is a component that is invoked when a client requests a resource that the Filter is mapped to such as a URL pattern or a servlet name. Normally, a filter is wrapped and manipulates a request, response, or header values before or after the execution of the original request target. It does not return any response to the client.

Filters can be the following:

The OC4J servlet engine provides the following features:

Full WAR file-based Deployment

Servlets are packaged and deployed to J2EE containers using a standard format called a Web Application Archive (WAR) file. OC4J provides:

  1. A WAR file packaging tool that takes several servlets (and JSPs see below) and packages them into a WAR file.
  2. A WAR file deployment tool that takes the resulting WAR and deploys it to one or more OC4J instances. The WAR deployment tool also supports cluster deployment enabling a specific archive to be simultaneously deployed to all the OC4J instances defined to constitute a "cluster".
Auto-Compile, Auto-Deployment of Servlets

OC4J provides automatic compilation of servlets and automatic deployment where the server receives a .WAR archive. OC4J automatically decompresses the .WAR archive and installs the application. This shortens the develop, compile, deploy cycle of building J2EE applications.

Stateful Failover and Cluster Deployment of Servlets

A cluster is a group of OC4J servers that coordinate their actions in order to provide scalable, highly-available services in a transparent manner. Servlets make use of the HTTP session object to save their state between method requests, such as the contents of a Web shopping cart or travel itinerary. OC4J supports an IP-multicast based clustering mechanism that allows servlets to transparently--that is, without any programmatic API changes--replicate servlet session state specifically HTTP session objects to other OC4J instances.

Java Server Pages

OC4J provides a JSP 1.1 Compliant Translator and Runtime Engine. Users can also use the Oracle JSP Translator (OJSP) against OC4J. It has several important features:

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

OC4J provides a JDK-based EJB container that provides the following:

Java Database Connectivity Services (JDBC)

With Oracle9iAS, Oracle provides connectivity to both Oracle and non-Oracle databases. Specifically, it provides enhanced JDBC drivers to access Oracle8.0, Oracle8i, and Oracle9i databases. Oracle has certified, but does not ship, Merant's JDBC drivers to access non-Oracle databases--specifically DB/2 UDB, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, and Sybase databases.

The primary features of JDBC support within OC4J are as follows:

Full JDBC 2.0 Support

Oracle's JDBC Drivers are fully JDBC 2.0 compliant providing:

Merant JDBC Drivers

To access non-Oracle databases from the Oracle J2EE Container, Oracle certifies Type 4 JDBC Drivers from Merant, which is an Oracle Partner. Merant provides JDBC Drivers to access Informix, Sybase, Microsoft SQL-Server, and IBM DB/2 Databases from Oracle9iAS v

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

OC4J provides a complete JNDI 1.2 implementation. Servlets and Enterprise JavaBeans in OC4J access names using the standard JNDI programming interfaces. The JNDI service provider in OC4J is implemented in an XML-based file system.

Java Transaction API (JTA)

OC4J provides a complete implementation of the JTA 1.0.1 specification that consists of two parts:

With J2EE, developers do not need to be concerned about programming explicit transactions with JTA, since that work is done through the JDBC and EJB APIs handled by the container and configured by the application deployment descriptor. Application developers can focus on the design of the transaction rather than its implementation.

Java Messaging Service (JMS)

JMS is the J2EE mechanism to support the exchange of messages between Java programs. This is how Java supports asynchronous communication--where the sender and receiver do not need to be aware of each other. Thus, each can operate independently. JMS supports two messaging models:

OC4J provides a complete implementation of the JMS 1.0 specification.

Installing OC4J


The current release of OC4J is more stable when used with JDK version 1.2.2_07, or 1.3.xxx. We recommend that you use the JDK that comes with Oracle9i Application Server, which is JDK version 1.2.2_07.

You do not need to add anything to your CLASSPATH to run OC4J, because it loads the Java JAR and class files directly from the installation directory, from the lib/ subdirectory, and from the deployed applications EAR, WAR, or ejb-jar files.

Basic Installation

OC4J is distributed within a ZIP file named oc4j.zip on the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE CD. After unzipping this file, follow instructions listed in the README.TXT. Install this ZIP file in the $ORACLE_HOME directory where you installed the Oracle9i Application Server.

You must have a Java2 version Java executable in your $PATH, preferably version 1.2.2_07. To install OC4J, execute the following:

% unzip oc4j.zip 
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home 
% java -jar orion.jar -install 

After the install is complete, the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home directory contains all the files necessary for running OC4J with a default configuration. The installation prompts you for an administration username and password, which is used for the administration console command-line tool.


OC4J is installed with the Sun Microsystems JDK version 1.2.2_07 tools.jar. We are licensed from Sun Microsystems to include this JAR file in our product. However, if you want to use your own tools.jar or if you receive a versioning problem because you use version 1.3, copy the lib/tools.jar from your version of the JDK installation to the j2ee/home/ root installation directory. Make sure that you copy this JAR file to the j2ee/home directory and not to the j2ee/home/lib directory. 

Testing the Default Configuration

OC4J is installed with a default configuration that includes a default Web site and a default application. These are provided so you can start and test OC4J immediately.

Start OC4J by executing the following:

  1. Change directory to the OC4J installation directory (j2ee/home), and issue one of the following commands:
  2. The server should output "Oracle9iAS ( Container for J2EE initialized".

  3. Test OC4J by accessing "http://localhost:8888/" from a Web browser. If you changed the default port number, access the Web server using "http://localhost:<portnumber>/".

For example, test the Web server by connecting a Web browser to http://localhost:8888/servlet/HelloWorldServlet, which should return a "Hello World" page.

For more information on starting and stopping OC4J, see "Starting and Stopping OC4J". For more information on configuration, see "Configuring OC4J and J2EE Applications".

Quick Start for JSPs and Servlets

To deploy Web applications on OC4J, you can either place your servlet classes and JSP Pages in the j2ee/home/default-web-app directory or you can deploy full-fledged J2EE applications in the WAR, EJB-JAR, or EAR formats. Dropping servlets and JSP Pages is the easiest way to migrate applications from previous versions of Oracle9iAS.


Using J2EE standard applications is required if you use EJBs, and recommended for all new developments. 

If you already have servlets and JSP Pages, you can drop them below the j2ee/home/default-web-app directory of your OC4J installation.

If, as recommended, you have configured Apache to proxy requests to OC4J (see "Setting Up OC4J For Access Behind Apache"), you must add ProxyPass commands in the Apache http.conf file for the URLs giving access to JSPs. For example, to access the Hello.jsp page through Apache you can add the following lines to the Apache httpd.conf. file:

ProxyPass         /examples/ http://<oc4j-host>:8888/examples/ 
ProxyPassReverse  /examples/ http://<oc4j-host>:8888/examples/

Setting Up OC4J For Access Behind Apache

OC4J and Apache can both be used as Web Servers. Apache has more features, such as SSL.

We recommend that you tunnel requests to the J2EE Container from Apache using mod_proxy. Although this is not necessary, it ensures that all pages that are served by the Oracle9i Application Server can benefit from other Oracle9i Application Server services--such as SSL and WebCache. This avoids wasting Java resources for serving static pages.

  1. Configure the Apache mod_proxy to redirect incoming requests, such as requests for servlets, to OC4J by adding the following:
  2. <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
      ProxyRequests On
      ProxyPass         /servlet/ http://<oc4j-host>:8888/servlet/
      ProxyPassReverse  /servlet/ http://<oc4j-host>:8888/servlet/

    You can add these lines to one of the following configuration files:

  3. OC4J may have port number conflicts with the Apache server running in your $ORACLE_HOME. The default installation does not have a port conflict. OC4J defaults to port number 8888; Apache defaults to port number 7777. If you change these values to ones that conflict, change the HTTP listener port in default-web-site.xml to a port number other than one on which Apache listens.

  4. Note:

    Be aware that OAS defaulted to using port 8888 also. If you are migrating from OAS to Oracle9iAS or have both of these entities running on the same node, you may need to change one of these entities to listen on another port. 

    To change the OC4J default Web site port number, edit the <web-site> element as follows:

    where <port> is the port number you want for the default Web site.

Starting and Stopping OC4J

Starting OC4J

When started, OC4J executes on a single standard JDK. To start OC4J, change to the container's installation directory ($ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home) and issue the following command:

% java -jar orion.jar <options> 

Table 1-2 lists the options:

Table 1-2 Options to OC4J Module

Option Description

-config <file>

Specifies a configuration file other than the default server.xml


Strictly validates all the configuration files. This is useful if you have modified the configuration file and want to verify the syntax. If not specified, no validation occurs. Note: This option requires a connection to the Internet. 

-out [file]

Specifies a file to route the standard output to. The file where messages printed to System.out are logged here, as well as the messages sent to output through the servlet logging interface. If not specified, all output is written to standard out. 

-err [file]

Specifies a file to route standard error to. The file where messages printed with System.err are logged. If not specified, all errors are written to standard error. 


Installs the server and activates the admin account. Rewrites text files to match the operating system line feed. This should only be used the first time. 


Enables context lookup support from user-created threads. 


Suppresses standard output. 


Prints the version number and exits. 


Prints the help message. 

Administering OC4J

After starting the OC4J server, you can administer the server from a command-line client admin console, admin.jar. The syntax is as follows:

java -jar admin.jar ormi://<host>:<port> <admin_id> <admin_password> <options>

If this host executes the statement, use localhost. The default port number for ORMI is 23791. You defined the administration username and password at installation time. These are contained within the principals.xml file.

Table 1-3 lists the -restart and -shutdown options for admin.jar. A complete description of all options for admin.jar is contained in Table 1-5.

Table 1-3 Administration Console Options For Restart and Shutdown

Option Description


Shuts down the OC4J server. 


Restarts the OC4J server. The container must have been started with orion.jar

Restarting OC4J

OC4J detects automatically most of the changes made to deployed applications. When detected, OC4J reloads the applications automatically. Thus, you do not need to restart the server when redeploying an application. However, you may have to restart OC4J if you change some of the container-level configuration files, such as: data-sources.xml, rmi.xml, principals.xml.

The recommended method to restart or shut down OC4J is through the use of the client admin console, which is contained in admin.jar. To restart OC4J using the default parameters, change to the installation root directory and issue the following command:

java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ <admin> <admin_password> -restart

This command connects to the OC4J RMI listener port and requests it to restart. Sometimes this command does not work, because the JVM itself may be in a broken state that does not accept RMI messages. In this case, stop the JVM with normal operating system commands, such as kill or killall.

Shutting Down OC4J

To shut down OC4J, from the container installation directory, issue the following command from the client console:

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ <admin> <admin-password> -shutdown

This command provides a graceful shut down of the container. If it does not shut down the container, force a rapid shut down by passing the force argument, as follows:

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ <admin> <admin-password> -shutdown force

For the cases where this does not work, kill OC4J processes with your operating system commands.

Configuring OC4J and J2EE Applications

Overview of XML Configuration Files

Each OC4J server instance can contain multiple Web sites and multiple J2EE applications. Each Web site is an HTTP listener that provides access to Web applications for HTTP clients. Each application is a standard J2EE application defined in an EAR file. An application can have both Web application components (servlets and JSP Pages) and EJB applications. J2EE Applications with a Web application are made accessible to Web clients through binding them to a URL served by one of the Web sites. Applications that contain only EJBs are not bound to a URL in a Web site, but are accessible in the server through RMI. The relationship of each of these components is described within the OC4J XML configuration files.

Figure 1-2 illustrates that OC4J server configuration consists of basic OC4J server configuration files, all Web site configuration files, and the load balancer configuration. The J2EE application configuration consists of XML files for J2EE application deployment and client configuration.

  1. OC4J Server Configuration Files: These files are specific to OC4J and configure the OC4J server and point to the location of key J2EE configuration files. These settings are not related to the user J2EE applications, but to the server itself.
  2. J2EE Application Configuration for J2EE applications and clients: These files are J2EE application-specific and are used for the deployment of J2EE applications.
  3. Load Balancer Configuration: This OC4J-specific file is used to configure the load balancer that you can use in-between clients or Apache and OC4J servers.

Figure 1-2 OC4J And J2EE Application XML Files

Text description of getstara.gif follows
Text description of the illustration getstara.gif

Table 1-4 describes each component and feature contained within OC4J and how each configuration file maps to these components and features:

Table 1-4 OC4J Features and Components

Features/Components XML Configuration Files

OC4J overall server configuration 


OC4J security 


Performance for OC4J servers 

loadbalancer.xml--every load balancer exists outside of the OC4J server. See "Increasing Performance With Load Balancing and Clustering" for more information. 

OC4J JDBC support 


RMI support within OC4J 


JMS support within OC4J 


Web sites defined within OC4J 


Each Web site is defined within its own *web-site.xml file. Note that each *web-site.xml can be named individually, as long as it is suffixed with web-site.xml. Replace the asterix (*) with your desired name. For example, Web site XML files can be named my-web-site.xml

J2EE applications 

application.xml and orion-application.xml

The *application.xml files are used to define the J2EE EAR file, which contains the location of the EJB JAR file and Web application WAR file.  It also defines the location of the security XML definition file - principals.xml. Note that an application.xml exists within the config/ directory. This is the global application definition file. 

J2EE Web applications 

  • global-web-application.xml is an OC4J-specific file for configuring servlets that are bound to all Web sites.
  • web.xml and orion-web.xml for each Web application
The *web.xml files are used to define the Web application deployment parameters and is included in the WAR file. In addition, you can specify the subcontext mappings for servlets and JSPs in this file. For example, a servlet is defined in the <servlet> element and its subcontext mapping is defined in the <servlet-mapping> element. 

J2EE EJB applications 

ejb-jar.xml and orion-ejb-jar.xml

The *ejb-jar.xml files are used to define the EJB deployment descriptors and is included in the EJB JAR file. 

J2EE client applications 

application-client.xml and orion-application-client.xml

XML File Inter-Relationships

Some of these XML files are inter-related. That is, some of these XML files reference other XML files--both OC4J configuration and J2EE application. These files are as follows:

OC4J Server Configuration

As mentioned previously, the server.xml file is the primary configuration file for the OC4J server. It references other configuration files, which pertain to this instance of OC4J. The server.xml file references the XML configuration files shown in Figure 1-3:

Figure 1-3 XML Files Referenced Within server.xml


A description of each of these XML files is contained in "XML File Reference". An example of how these files may be configured is shown in "J2EE Application XML Configuration Example".

Logical Servers and Listener Ports

Each installation of OC4J can contain several logical Web servers, each with its own listener port, and one logical EJB container with its RMI listener port.

J2EE Application Configuration

The J2EE application deployment information is contained within XML configuration files. Each application type has its own configuration files, as follows:

J2EE Application Type XML Configuration Files

Web application 

web.xml, orion-web.xml

EJB application 

ejb-jar.xml, orion-ejb-jar.xml

Combination of both Web and EJB applications 

application.xml, orion-application.xml


application-client.xml, orion-application-client.xml 

These XML files are discussed more in "XML File Reference".

Directory Structure for OC4J Server Configuration Files

Each of the OC4J server configuration files belong in the config/ directory as shown in Figure 1-4:

Figure 1-4 Configuration Directory Structure

|       |-------ms-access.xml
|       |-------ms-sql.xml
|       |-------oracle.xml

|       `-------sybase.xml
|-------application.xml (the global application.xml file)

Directory Structure For Application Configuration Files

When you create an EAR file for your J2EE application, the J2EE specification directs you to place your classes and XML configuration files in specific directories. Normally, each EAR file is created from the following directory structure contents:

Figure 1-5 EAR Directory Structure

|       |-------application.xml
|       `-------orion-application.xml

Each WAR file was created with the Web application and its XML files structured as follows:

Figure 1-6 Web Application Directory Structure

|       |-------web.xml
|       |-------orion-web.xml
|       `-------classes
|               `-------Servlet classes
`-------JSP pages

Each EJB file was created with the EJB application classes and its XML files structured as follows:

Figure 1-7 EJB Application Directory Structure

|       |-------ejb-jar.xml
|       `-------orion-ejb-jar.xml
`-------EJB classes

You can provide all application XML files in either of the following:

Notice that each J2EE-specific file can be supplemented with an OC4J-specific file. For example, the ejb-jar.xml file is defined by Sun Microsystems. The OC4J-specific orion-ejb-jar.xml file may optionally be necessary for implementation-specific information.

Deploying Java Applications

OC4J supports all types of J2EE applications: Web Applications (WAR files) that contain servlets and JSP Pages, EJB Applications (EJB-JAR files) that contain enterprise Java beans, and Enterprise Applications (EAR files) that group together Web and EJB applications. The J2EE specifications define the layout for EAR files, which is discussed in the previous section.

There are 2 ways to deploy J2EE applications:

This section discusses the following in more depth:

Deploying With Exploded Directory Format

When developing, you want to quickly modify, compile, and execute your classes. OC4J automatically deploys Web applications that are placed in the j2ee/home/default-web-app directory, as described in "Quick Start for JSPs and Servlets", and EJB applications that are placed in the j2ee/home/applications directory.

For deploying EJB or complex J2EE applications, you can place the files in its own directory under the applications/ directory. The directory structure is similar as designated for an EAR file. Replace a directory name where the EJB JAR file or Web application WAR file would exist. Deposit the classes where they belong in a directory structure that maps to their package structure. This structure is displayed in Figure 1-8.

Figure 1-8 Development Application Directory Structure

       |       `-------application.xml
       |       |-------EJB classes (my.ejb.class maps to /my/ejb/class)
       |       `-------META-INF
       |               `-------ejb-jar.xml   
       |        |-------index.html
       |        |-------JSP pages 
       |        `-------WEB-INF
       |                |----web.xml
       |                `----classes
       |                     `-------Servlet classes (my.servlet to /my/servlet)
                |-------Client classes

Modify the server.xml, applications.xml, and *web-site.xml files as stated below:

Deploying With Packaged EAR Files

If you decide to deploy a packaged J2EE application, you must first assemble the application and then deploy using the admin.jar command.

Application Assembly

You must assemble your application into an EAR file. The EAR file contains either one or both EJB JAR or Web WAR files. OC4J provides assembly tools, but you can also assemble these files manually.

For manual assembly, create the necessary directories, edit the descriptors, and place the files under the expected directory--as described in the J2EE specification. Finally, execute the appropriate Java tools to package the application into the EAR file.

Alternatively, OC4J offers a set of GUI assembly tools to package J2EE modules and applications. OC4J offers the following J2EE assembly tools:

You can start each tool individually by executing "java -jar xxx.jar".

Deploying Applications

OC4J contains a command-line deployment tool for deploying J2EE applications--the admin.jar command. The options for this command are listed in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5 Administration Console Options

Option Description


Shuts down the OC4J server. 


Restarts the OC4J server. The container must have been started with orion.jar


Deploy (re-deploy) an application. Supply application information in the following sub-switches:

-file: Path and filename of the EAR file to deploy.

-deploymentName: User-defined application deployment name

-targetPath: Path on the server node to deploy archive into. Default is the applications/ directory. We recommend that you provide a target path. This is the directory where the EAR file is copied for deployment.

If <target_path> is not specified, the EAR file is copied to the applications/ directory. OC4J maintains a unique name for the EAR file. Thus, when you re-deploy the EAR file, OC4J renames the file by prepending an underscore character ('_') in front of the name to ensure that another application's EAR file is not overwritten. However, if it is the same application, the applications/ directory contains a separate EAR file for each deployment. If you provide a target path, this problem does not occur. 

<app_deploy_name> <web_app_name> 
<web_site_name> <context_root>

Bind a Web application to the specified site and root.

  • <app_deploy_name> is the application name, which is the same name used in -deploymentName on the -deploy option. Also note that this is the same name that is saved in the <application name=<app_name> > variable in the server.xml file.
  • <web_app_name> is the name of the WAR file contained within the EAR file--without the .war extension.
  • <web_site_name> is the name of the *web-site.xml file that denotes the Web site that this Web application should be bound to. This is the file that will receive the Web application definition.
  • <context_root> is the root context for the Web module.

This creates a entry in the OC4J *web-site.xml configuration file that was denoted in the <web_site_name> variable. 


Installs a new DataSource. Supply information within the following sub-switches:

-jar: path to the JAR file containing the driver that is to be added to the server's library.

-url: The JDBC database URL.

-location: The namespace location for the raw source. For example, jdbc/DefaultPooledDS.

-pooledLocation: The namespace location for the pooled source. For example, jdbc/DefaultPooledDS.

-xaLocation: The namespace location for the XA source. For example, jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS.

-cmtLocation: The namespace location for the CMT source. For example, jdbc/DefaultDS. This is the source that is usually used by applications.

-username: The username to log in with.

-password: The password to log in with.

-application: The application to install the source in. The default is the global application.

-connectionDriver: The JDBC database driver class. For example, 'com.mydb.Driver'. 

-application <name> <command>

Application-specific command and subcommands. Defined further by sub-switches below:

-dataSourceInfo: Retrieves information about the installed DataSource objects.

-restart: Restarts the application. This triggers auto-deployment if enabled and a file has been touched.

-addUser <username> <password>: Adds a user to the application trying to restart from the client when it has not been started from the OC4J server. 

Deploying The J2EE Application EAR File

To deploy a J2EE application using an EAR file, execute admin.jar, as follows:

java -jar admin.jar ormi://<host><:port> 

        <username> <password> -deploy -file <filename> 

        -deploymentName <deploymentName> -targetpath <target_path>

This deployment step creates a new entry in server.xml for the application, as follows:

<application name=<app_name> path=<path_EARfile> auto-start="true" /> 


Binding The Web Application

To make your J2EE application accessible from the OC4J Web server, you must explicitly bind the Web application. The following command binds the application to the OC4J Web server:

java -jar admin.jar ormi://<host><:port> <username> <password> 

                -bindWebApp <app_deploy_name> <web_app_name> 

        <web_site_name> <context_root>

This creates an entry in the OC4J *web-site.xml configuration file that was denoted in the <web_site_name> variable.

Deploying Upon OC4J Server Startup

You can have your applications automatically deployed when OC4J starts. For server start up deployment, you modify the server.xml and web-site.xml files with your application information. Modify these files similarly to what is done for you by the admin console with the -deploy and -bindWebApp options. These options place the correct information into server.xml and the *web-site.xml files. Once these configurations are in these XML configuration files, the application is deployed automatically when you start OC4J by executing orion.jar.

Hot Deployment of Applications

OC4J hot deploys your applications if the timestamp on some of the XML files change. Restarting OC4J to redeploy is a common problem. Instead, OC4J notices when some of the XML files change and redeploys appropriately. Hot deployment is enabled for some cases, but not all of them. These cases are listed as follows:

Cases when hot deployment occurs:

Cases when hot deployment does not occur:

If you change the appropriate XML file, the server automatically detects the change. The next time a client accesses the application, OC4J redeploys the application. For the case where OC4J does not check for updates, you redeploy either by using the admin.jar console or restart the OC4J server manually for these to be redeployed.

Setting up DataSources

J2EE applications retrieve connections to the database through java.sql.DataSource objects. Data source objects are used for connecting to a database. You can set up each data source to contain connection information to the database. In addition, you can create special types of data source objects to provide the following functionality:

Specify the data source in data-sources.xml. Part of the specification includes JNDI names to locate them at runtime. The XML definition for each data source includes a JDBC connection string, and, optionally, a database account. Once deployed, the application accesses the data sources at runtime through a JNDI lookup.


You must restart OC4J after you modify the data-sources.xml file. 


Alternatively, you can use the client admin console to install the data source as follows:

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome  

        -installDataSource -jar $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/classes12.jar 

        -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:jismain 

        -connectionDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver 

        -location jdbc/DefaultOracleDS -username scott -password tiger

See Table 1-5 for a full description of the required parameters for this option.

Typical Data Source Setup

If you want to use the JDBC Thin driver, provide the host, port, and SID of the database in the database URL in the data-sources.xml file. Declare the data source as follows, replacing <host>, <port>, and <sid> with the correct values:


You can retrieve connections from your application code, as follows.

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("jdbc/myPooledDataSource");
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
...do some work...

In this example, we retrieved the connection from the JNDI name associated with the ejb-location entry. Thus, the connections come from a pool, and the conn.close() statement returns the connection to the pool.


In general, the JDBC OCI driver is faster than the JDBC Thin driver. However, it requires an Oracle Client installation. To use JDBC OCI, replace the url entry with a JDBC OCI entry. Provide the tnsname of your database or an Oracle Net Services name-value list.



The JDBC OCI driver can be used the leverage the database cache. To do this, set the OCI_CACHE environment variable to one before starting OC4J.

Using Merant Drivers

Merant JDBC drivers are shipped with Oracle9iAS to connect to heterogeneous databases. Merant JDBC drivers do not connect to Oracle databases, but instead are used to connect with non-Oracle databases, such as Microsoft SQLServer, Sybase and DB2. If you want to use Merant drivers with OC4J, add corresponding entries for Merant in the data-sources.xml file.


See the Merant documentation for installing Merant JDBC drivers. 

The following displays an example of a DataSource entry for SQLServer. For detailed information, see the Merant DataDirect Connect JDBC" User's guide and reference.


For a DB2 database, refer to the following sample:



For a Sybase database, refer to the following sample:


Username and Password Entries

You can supply the username and password in the data-sources.xml file or provide them at runtime from your application code, as follows:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("jdbc/myPooledDataSource");
Connection conn = ds.getConnection("scott", "tiger");
...do some work...

Using the Non-Pooled Data Source

Most of the time, use the JNDI name associated with the ejb-location entry, because it provides connection pooling. However, there are cases where you may want to open and close connections yourself, such as when you need one connection per client. To achieve this, use the JNDI name associated with the location entry, as is shown below:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
// Use the name from the location entry
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("jdbc/myDataSource");
Connection conn = ds.getConnection("scott", "tiger");
...do some work...
conn.close(); // The connection is really closed

Security in OC4J

OC4J contains the following security features:


Users and groups are identities known by the container. Roles are the logical identities each application uses to indicate access rights to its different objects. The username/passwords can be digital certificates and, in the case of SSL, private key pairs. The deployment descriptors indicate what roles are needed to access the different parts of the application. The descriptors also provide a mapping between the logical roles and the users/groups known by the container.

Defining users, groups, and roles are discussed in the following sections:

Specify Users and Groups

OC4J supports the definition of users and groups--either shared by all deployed applications or specific to given applications.

The following excerpt from the principals.xml file shows how to define a group named allusers and a user named guest with password, welcome. The guest user is made a member of the allusers group.

  <group name="allusers"> 
   <description>Group for all normal users</description> 
   <permission name="rmi:login" /> 
   <permission name="com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission" /> 
....other groups... 
  <user username="guest" password="welcome"> 
   <description>Guest user</description> 
   <group-membership group="allusers" /> 

Specify Logical Roles in a J2EE Application

Specify the logical roles that your application uses in the XML deployment descriptors. Depending on the type of the application, update one of the following with the logical roles:

In each of these deployment descriptors, the roles are defined by an XML element named <security-role>.

Example 1-1 EJB JAR Security Role Definition

This example creates a logical role named VISITOR in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.

  1. Define the logical security role, VISITOR in the <security-role> element.
  2. <security-role> 
     <description>A role for every user</description> 
  3. Define the bean and methods that this role can access in the <method-permission> element.
  4. <method-permission> 
     <description>VISITOR role needed for CustomerBean methods</description> 

Mapping Logical Roles to Users and Groups

You map logical roles defined in the application deployment descriptors to actual users and groups defined in the principals.xml file. The mapping is specified in the container-specific deployment descriptor with a <security-role-mapping> element.

Example 1-2 Mapping Logical Role to Actual Role

This example maps the logical role VISITOR to the allusers group in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file. Any user that can log in as part of this group is considered to have the VISITOR role; thus, it can execute the methods of customerbean.

<security-role-mapping name="VISITOR"> 
 <group name="allusers" /> 


You can map a logical role to a single group or to several groups. 

Plugging In Your Own User Repository

The default behavior of the container is to read the user names, groups, and passwords from the principals.xml file. This is not always secure. Alternatively, you can specify that the container use a user repository that manipulates the usernames, passwords, and groups. You can specify your own user repository or use the sample implementation of a custom user manager provided with OC4J.

A sample implementation of the com.evermind.security.UserManager interface is provided in com.evermind.sql.DataSourceUserManager. In order for OC4J to use any user manager, specify the name of the user manager class in one of the following XML files:

The UserManager manages users, groups, and passwords with interfaces such as createUser(), getUser(), getGroup(), and so on. The OC4J-provided DataSourceUserManager class manages the users in a database specified by DataSource. You must define the table name and columns where the data is stored in the XML configuration file. The XML requires that these are set within the properties shown below in the example. A typical registration of the user manager for an application can be specified in orion-application.xml, as follows.

                        <user-manager class="com.evermind.sql.DataSourceUserManager">
            <property name="table" value="j2ee_users" />
            <property name="usernameField" value="username" />
            <property name="passwordField" value="password" />
            <property name="dataSource" value="jdbc/OracleCoreDS" />
            <property name="groupMembershipTableName" value="second_table" />
            <property name="groupMembershipGroupFieldName" value="group" />
            <property name="groupMembershipUserNameFieldName" value="userId" />

You must set these properties for the user manager to work properly. This DataSourceUserManager assumes that two tables exist in the database:

Notice that no table exists for the list of groups that are available. Instead, the list of groups is specified in principals.xml. The mappings from groups to roles is also specified in the OC4J-specific application.xml.

The UserManager is a hierarchical implementation with a parent-child relation ships. The parent for the DataSourceUserManager is always the default file-based (principals.xml) UserManager. However, you can change the parent with the setParent() method. The sample DataSourceUserManager invokes parent.getGroups() to retrieve all the available groups.


Authenticating HTTP Clients

Most clients to your application are Web browsers, which access the container through Apache mod_proxy. OC4J requests the client to authenticate itself when accessing protected URLs.

Authenticating EJB Clients

When you access EJBs in a remote container, you must pass valid credentials to this container.

Credentials in JNDI Properties

Indicate the username (principal) and password (credentials) to use when looking up remote EJBs in the jndi.properties file.

For example, if you want to access remote EJBs as guest/welcome, define the following properties. The factory.initial property indicates that you will use the Oracle JNDI implementation:



In your application program, authenticate and access the remote EJBs, as shown below:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
CustomerHome = (CustomerHome)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/customerbean");
Credentials in the InitialContext

To access remote EJBs from a servlet or JavaBean, pass the credentials in the InitialContext object, as follows:

Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); 
env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://localhost/ejbsamples"); 
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "guest"); 
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome"); 
Context ic = new InitialContext (env); 
CustomerHome = (CustomerHome)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/customerbean")

Adding Custom TAG JARs

Adding JARs for Beans

OC4J supports the standard servlet 2.2/2.3 Web application deployment directory structure. Users can make Java classes available to a Web application by doing the following:

  1. Copy all Java class files under the /WEB-INF/classes/ directory with the appropriate package name directories.
  2. Place the JAR files under the /WEB-INF/lib directory.

After the Java classes are available to a user's Web application, the user can access them. For example, a user can access a JavaBean in a JSP page through the <jsp:useBean> tag.

Adding Custom Tags

Customizing tags in the OC4J server requires the following procedures:

Once all these steps are completed, you can use the tag library under the specified prefix. For example, to use a tag, footag, that was defined in the URI under the mytagprefix, specify the following:

<mytagprefix:footag attr1="value1" />

Remote EJBs

Custom RMI Usage

ORMI is the custom wire protocol for RMI that OC4J uses.

JNDI Properties

Specify the factory, security, and location settings in JNDI properties for application clients to use EJBs. In a Web application, you can use InitialContext to retrieve the properties, because they are internal to OC4J. For external applications, however, you need the following settings:



RMI HTTP-Tunneling

To enable HTTP tunneling, do the following:

  1. Add the following to the global-web-application.xml
  2. <servlet>
  3. Prepend the RMI URL with "http:".

  4. For instance, ormi://localhost/theapp becomes http:ormi://localhost/theapp.

Remote EJB Lookup

The ORMI default port number is 23791. Thus, set the URL in the jndi.properties, as follows:




Increasing Performance With Load Balancing and Clustering

You can provide load balancing and fault tolerance for your OC4J servers.

Load balancing, as depicted in Figure 1-9, receives all of the client requests and redirects these requests to an OC4J server that it knows about. The load balancer treats the OC4J servers as a pool that can service incoming calls. The load balancer also maintains session context, so that when a client reconnects, its request is sent to the OC4J server that previously was servicing that client.

Figure 1-9 Load Balancing

Text description of getstar3.gif follows
Text description of the illustration getstar3.gif

Fault tolerance is provided by setting up your OC4J servers to exist within clusters and islands.

Figure 1-10 graphically displays a single cluster of two islands across two hosts.

Figure 1-10 Clustering Islands

Text description of getstar4.gif follows
Text description of the illustration getstar4.gif

Load Balancing

If you want to load balance HTTP requests across multiple OC4J instances, you must configure and start the OC4J load balancer in back of the Apache server, but in front of your server farms, as shown in Figure 1-9.

For high scalability, you can replicate multiple OC4J instances on multiple JVMs on a single host or across multiple hosts. You must use your own mechanisms to replicate the installations; but once your farm is set up, the container's deployment tools enable you to deploy and update applications on all the machines in the farm at the same time. Each system in the farm runs one Oracle9i Application Server and several JVMs for the J2EE container. In the current release, you must start--by hand--each separate OC4J and JDK JVM on each server.

When configuring a server farm, use a hardware-based load balancer in front of the farm, such as Cisco LoadDirector or BigIP. The hardware load balancer distributes HTTP requests to different Apache servers in the farm. The container load balancer, sitting in between Apache and the OC4J instances, distributes the requests to the different OC4J instances.

Because the session routing information is kept in the container load balancers, you do not get farm-wide session tracking by default. If you are using the HTTPSession object for an application deployed in the farm, you must configure your hardware load balancer to ensure "stickiness." This ensures that connections from the same client are routed to the same server in the farm. You can set a stickiness time-out to the same value as the HTTPSession time-out.

Fault Tolerance

OC4J supports clusters of islands for fault tolerance. You can customize clustering to the specific needs of your users. Clustering requires a load balancer, because the load balancer replicates each individual node state to the cluster. In the case of failover, the state information is preserved. The state information is not saved to any persistent store--instead, it is stored in-memory.

OC4J supports HTTP tunneling of RMI requests/responses without clustering. Clustering for pure EJB clients is not supported. However, one can receive failover for pure RMI/EJB clients by specifying a comma-separated list of multiple sites in the java.provider.url JNDI environment property. When there is a failure connecting to one server, the client container switches over to the next server in line.


The LoadBalancer provides load balancing for the Web component, not for EJBs. 

Fault tolerance in OC4J works for both stateful and stateless requests.

Enabling Clustering

To enable clustering in OC4J, perform the following:

  1. Install the Web application on all the nodes in your cluster.

  2. Make sure that the nodes you are using in your cluster have the same Web application installed. If you do not want this in two places, you can place the Web application on a shared drive that both servers can access. Start all your nodes, and check that the Web application is working correctly on all nodes in the cluster.

  3. Set up your Web application to replicate its state.
    1. Edit the orion-web.xml deployment descriptor. If you want to add clustering for the whole Web site or all Web applications, edit the global-web-application.xml.

    2. Add the following:

    3. Optionally, you can specify the following:
      • The multicast host/IP address to transmit and receive cluster data on (default is
      • The port to transmit and receive cluster data on (default is 9127).
      • The id (number) of this cluster node to identify itself with in the cluster. The default is based on local machine IP.

      Repeat this step for all the OC4J servers in your cluster. This step ensures that the following is replicated:

      • The HttpSession data (as long as it is Serializable or an EJB reference). Note that if the EJBs are located on a server that fails, the references might become invalid.
      • The ServletContext data.

    When using multiple islands, you may want to use different multicast IP addresses to enable "smart" routing of multicast packets in your network. Smart routing ensures that you do not send unnecessary packets to uninterested parties (machines).

    For example, if we want two hosts in one island and three hosts in another island, you should configure different multicast addresses so that each does not receive unnecessary messages.

  4. Configure your cluster islands.

  5. Cluster islands are connected to a certain site, rather than to a Web application. To configure a cluster island, edit the *web-site.xml file where your Web application is deployed. Modify the <web-site> element and add a numerical identifier for the cluster island. For example, in the default-web-site.xml, the cluster island is identified as "1", as follows:

    <web-site  ...   cluster-island="1" >

    If your cluster has more than one island, specify different numerical values for the servers that belong to different islands. Remember that state is shared only within an island.

  6. Configure the load balancer host and port number in each Web site configuration in the web-site.xml file. Each of the OC4J nodes--across which the load is to be balanced--communicates their location to their load balancing node. Since host names are not always reliably resolved to an IP address, it is recommended to provide the IP address, rather than a host name or localhost.

  7. In the main body of the <web-site> element for each *web-site.xml, add the following:

    <web-site ... >
      <frontend host="balancer-host" port="balancer-port" />

    Replace the following:

    This host and port make up the public host name for the site. We recommend port 80 for the port number.

  8. In the /WEB-INF/web.xml file of your application, put in the tag </distributable>.

To test the clustering, start up the load balancer by executing "java -jar loadbalancer.jar". Then, access the load balancer host and port with your Web browser. If you request the same page multiple times from different clients, the load is balanced across servers. If you request it multiple times from the same client, it is served by the first server accessed. If you want to see what the load balancer is doing, start the OC4J instance with the following debug options set to true: -Dhttp.cluster.debug and -Dcluster.debug.

To test the state replication, access /servlet/SessionServlet. After the first request, check to see which server becomes the primary server for this session. Shut the primary server down, and try the request again. You should receive the same session as before on a different node. In addition, the counter should update correctly.

Default Behavior Of The LoadBalancer

By default, the behavior of the load balancer is as follows:

  1. If a new request is made from an IP address that has not connected to the site before and has no session associated with it, it sends the request to a random back-end host.

  2. If more than one island in the cluster is capable of serving the same site, an island is picked at random. Thereafter, a random node is picked within the selected island, and all state sharing is within the island of this selected node.

  3. If a request is made from an IP address that has already been in conversation with the Web site, the request is sent to the same server as the previous request. That is, unless you have specified that requests will not be routed based on IP address. To request this, specify the -dontUseIP command-line option, or use -ip="false" in load-balancer.xml.

  4. By default, load balancing is client-based and not request-based. Statistically, load balancing is expected to forward an equal number of clients to each of the nodes in the island.

  5. If a request is made within a Keep-Alive socket, the request is sent to the same server as the previous request. That is, unless you specify that Keep-Alives should not be used through the -dontUseKeepalives command-line option or the keepalives="false" in load-balancer.xml.
  6. If a request is made from a user with a session, and if the primary server for the session does not respond, the request is sent to another server in the same island. Because the state has been replicated, the other server has the same user state.
  7. If a request to the proper server fails, the request is sent to another server.
  8. Clustering requires a multicast facility. The load balancer (as does all clustering services) requires multicast to work. To make sure that it works, start the load balancer with the -debug switch the first time to see that it receives messages correctly on the multicast socket. When you are using -debug, you see extra information regarding the progress.

  9. When using multiple islands, use different multicast IP addresses to enable "smart" routing of multicast packets in your network.

Multicast Groups and Addresses

Every IP multicast group has a group address. IP multicast provides only open groups. That is, it is not necessary to be a member of a group to send datagrams to the group.

Multicast address are similar to IP addresses used for single hosts and are written in the same way: A.B.C.D. Multicast addresses never clash with host addresses, because a portion of the IP address space is reserved for multicast. This reserved range consists of addresses from to However, the multicast addresses from to are reserved for multicast routing information. Application programs should use multicast addresses outside this range.

If any router between the individual systems running OC4J instances and the system running the LoadBalancer is not IP multicast-enabled, then the LoadBalancer does not discover the instance. Note that many ISP routers are not multicast-enabled.


  1. When using multiple islands, use different multicast IP addresses to enable "smart" routing of multicast packets in your network, and just send traffic on certain IPs to certain servers.
  2. Typically, each site is served by one island. An over-burdened site may be served by multiple islands. State is replicated only within an island. Let the degree of fault tolerance required decide the size of the island. If the load for the site is deemed too much for one island, then duplicate the application on another island. This prevents unnecessary state replication and provides optimal scalability.
  3. To get request-based load balancing, use the -dontUseIP switch. By default (except in the event of a failover), once a session is bound to a node, it continues to forward to the same node. The default is client-based (not request-based) load balancing.
  4. With selectionType set to "first", the entire island provides only failover service. This may be useful when we want to load one server. Then, if it fails, all requests failover to the next server.

Common Problems

  1. All classes referred from load balanced <distributable> JSPs must be serializable. Otherwise, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
  2. Multicast hosts must be in the range to Some of these addresses are used by well-known organizations.
  3. Multicast may not work for computers connected to the internet through ISPs.


The following examples show how to configure and deploy a J2EE application within OC4J. Directions for modifying the XML configuration files for the Petstore demo are available on the /docs/tech/java/oc4j site.

J2EE Application XML Configuration Example

In this example, the myapp application contains a Java client, an EJB assembled into a JAR file, servlets and JSPs assembled into a WAR file, and an EAR file that contains both the EJB JAR file and the Web application WAR file. The tree structure showing the location of all the XML configuration files, the Java class files, and JSP files is shown in Figure 1-11. Notice that you can separate all the configuration files into logical directories within the application directory.

Figure 1-11 Application EAR Structure


|       `-------application.xml
|       |-------META-INF
|       |       |-------application-client.xml
|       |       `-------orion-application-client.xml
|       `-------TemplateClient.class
|       |-------META-INF
|       |       `-------ejb-jar.xml
|       |-------Template.class
|       |-------TemplateBean.class
|       `-------TemplateHome.class
        |       |-------web.xml
        |       `-------classes
        |               `-------TemplateServlet.class
application.xml example

The myapp/META-INF/application.xml file lists the EJB JAR and Web application WAR file that is contained in the EAR file within <module> elements.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 
1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd">
  <display-name>myapp j2ee application</display-name>
     A sample J2EE application that uses a Container Managed
     Entity Bean and JSPs for a client.
web.xml example

The file myapp/web/WEB-INF/web.xml contains the class definitions for EJBs, servlets, and JSPs that are executed within the Web site. These can be similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 
2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">

   <display-name>myapp web application</display-name>
      Web module that contains an HTML welcome page, and 4 JSP's.

ejb-jar.xml example

The file myapp/ejb/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml contains the definitions for a container-managed persistent EJB, which should contain something similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 
1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd">
      An EJB app containing only one Container Managed Persistence Entity Bean
            template bean populates a generic template table.
server.xml addition

When you deploy the application using the admin console, the console adds the location of the application EAR file to the server.xml file. This causes the application to be restarted every time that OC4J is restarted. If you do not want the application to be restarted with OC4J, change the auto-start variable to FALSE.


If you set auto-start to FALSE, you can manually start the application through the admin console or it is automatically started when a Web browser requests the application. 

<application name="myapp" path="../myapp/lib/myapp.ear" auto-start="true" "> 


default-web-site.xml addition

You must designate the WAR file name and define the root context for the Web application, which was deployed in the WAR file. Edit default-web-site.xml and add the following:

<web-app application="myapp" name="myapp-web" root="/technology/myapp" /> 

Client Example

The client XML configuration is contained in two files: application-client.xml and orion-application-client.xml.

The application-client.xml file contains a reference for an EJB, as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE application-client PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE 
Application Client 1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application-client_1_


The orion-application-client.xml file maps the EJB reference logical name to the JNDI name for the EJB. For example, this file maps the <ejb-ref-name> element, "TemplateBean," defined in the application-client.xml to the JNDI name, "myapp/ejb/TemplateBean", as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE orion-application-client PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE 
Application-client runtime 1.2//EN" 

        <ejb-ref-mapping name="TemplateBean" location="myapp/ejb/TemplateBean" />

J2EE EJB, Web, and Client Example

After developing your J2EE application, assemble the different modules of your J2EE application (EJB, Web, and client) into an EAR file. This section shows and example of a J2EE application with a EJB, Web, and client sections.

The following descriptor--META-INF/application.xml--shows how a J2EE application includes the WAR, EJB JAR, and client JAR files:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 
1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd">
  <display-name>myapp j2ee application</display-name>
     A sample J2EE application that uses a Container Managed
     Entity Bean and JSP's for a client.

To deploy this application from the client using the admin console "admin.jar", perform the following from the myapp directory. Notice that it defines the EAR file in the -file option and the target path for copying the EAR file into in the -targetPath option. Since the path where the EAR resides and the target path is the same, no copying occurs.

% java -jar $J2EE_HOME/admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome 

        -deploy -file ./lib/myapp.ear -deploymentName myapp -targetPath ./lib
Auto-deploying myapp (New server version detected)...
Auto-deploying myapp-ejb.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous 
deployment)... done.
Auto-deploying myapp web application (New server version detected)...


The EJB JAR file is immediately unpacked; the WAR file is unpacked when you navigate to /myapp on the Web server. 

This adds the following to server.xml:

<application name="myapp" 

        path="/technology/private/myapp/lib/myapp.ear" auto-start="true" />


These additions allow the application to automatically start--by default--with the OC4J container and enable subsequent hot deployments every time a component in myapp.ear is touched. However, if auto-start was set to FALSE, the application starts when it is used or manually started. The following command demonstrates a manual start of the myapp application.

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome -application myapp -restart

EJB Module--With Container Manager Persistence

Package the CMP-EJB module with home interface, remote interface, bean class, and XML descriptor--META-INF/ejb-jar.xml--in an EJB JAR file. The XML descriptor must conform to the DTD standard at http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd.

The myapp EJB deployment descriptor contains the following specifics:

For example, the ejb-jar.xml for the myapp application is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.
1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd">
      An EJB app containing only one Container Managed Persistence Entity Bean
            template bean populates a generic template table.


The EJB module is deployed as part of a J2EE application EAR file.

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome -deploy 

        -file ./lib/myapp.ear -deploymentName myapp 

        -targetPath ./lib
Auto-deploying myapp (New server version detected)...
Auto-creating table: create table TemplateBean (col_1 NUMBER not null primary 
key, col_2 VARCHAR2(255) null, col_3 FLOAT null)
Auto-deploying myapp-ejb.jar (Class 'myapp.ejb.Template' had been updated)... 

To install a data source, copy the JDBC JAR that has the data source connection drivers (DriverManagerDataSource, DriverManagerConnectionPoolDataSource and DriverManagerXADataSource) to $J2EE_HOME/lib. Modify data-source.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "data source configuration" 

Alternatively, you can use the client admin console to install the data source as follows:

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome  

        -installDataSource -jar $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/classes12.jar 

        -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:jismain 

        -connectionDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver 

        -location jdbc/DefaultOracleDS -username scott -password tiger

Web Module--Servlet and JSP calling EJBs

Package the Web module, which includes HTML pages, JSPs, and servlets, in a WAR file with the descriptor--WEB-INF/web.xml. This file must conform to the standard DTD at http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd.

The myapp Web module specifies the following in its descriptor:

The Web server looks for the following:

To bind the Web component (WAR file) of a J2EE application ( EAR file) on a Web site, do the following:

% java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome 

        -bindWebApp myapp myapp-web default-web-site /myapp

This adds the following to default-web-site.xml:

<web-app application="myapp" name="myapp-web" root="/technology/myapp" />

The myapp web.xml descriptor is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 
2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">
   <display-name>myapp web application</display-name>
      Web module that contains an HTML welcome page, Servlet and JSP's.

Client Module--Standalone Java Client Invoking EJBs

Package your client module in a JAR with the descriptor META-INF/application-client.xml that conforms to standard DTD at http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application-client_1_2.dtd.

Application Client Example

The application client that accesses the myapp application has a descriptor, which describes where to find the EJB stubs (home and remote interface) and its JNDI name.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE application-client PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE 
Application Client 1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application-client_1_

JNDI Properties For the Client

Set the JNDI properties for a regular client, so it finds the initial JNDI context factory.

  1. Set the JNDI properties within a hashtable.
  2. Pass the properties either to javax.naming.InitialContext or in a jndi.properties file.
  3. If you provide it in the jndi.properties file, package the properties in myapp-client.jar to ensure that it is in the CLASSPATH.
  4. jndi.properties:
Manifest File for the Client

Package the client in an runnable JAR with a manifest that has the main class to run and required CLASSPATH, as shown below. Be careful to check the relative paths in this file.

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: myapp.client.TemplateClient
Name: "TemplateClient"
Created-By: 1.2 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Implementation-Vendor: "Oracle"
Class-Path: ../../../j2ee/home/orion.jar ../../../j2ee/home/jndi.jar 
../../../j2ee/home/ejb.jar ../lib/myapp-ejb.jar
Executing the Client

To execute the client, perform the following:

% java -jar lib/myapp-client.jar 
TemplateClient.main(): start
Enter integer value for col_1: 1
Enter string value for col_2: BuyME
Enter float value for col_3: 99.9
Record added through bean

XML File Reference

The following sections briefly describe each XML file and its contents:

OC4J Server Configuration Files


The server.xml file contains the configuration for the application server. Among other things, this is where you specify the following:

The server.xml file also contains references to the other configuration files.

Specifically, in the server.xml you specify the following:

Finally, the server.xml file is where you can add your own applications. You can have as many application directories as you want, which do not have to be located under the container installation directory.

The DTD is located at the following site:


The web-site.xml file contains the configuration for a Web site. Specifically you specify:

The DTD is located at the following site:


The principals.xml file contains security information for the OC4J server. It defines user and group configuration for using the default XMLUserManager.

The DTD is located at the following site:


The data-sources.xml file contains configuration for the data sources used. In addition, it contains information on how to retrieve JDBC connections. A data source has the following settings:

The DTD is located at the following site:


The jms.xml file contains configuration for the in-memory Java Messaging Service implementation. It contains the following:

The DTD is located at the following site:


The rmi.xml file contains configuration for the Remote Method Invocation system. It contains the setting for the RMI listener, which provides remote access for EJBs. In this file you specify the following:

The DTD is located at the following site:


The load balancer routes requests across OC4J instances, which are registered as belonging to a cluster. You can use the loadbalancer.xml file to configure the load balancer without using the command-like options described in the clustering document. See "Increasing Performance With Load Balancing and Clustering" for more information.

The DTD is located at the following site:


J2EE Application Configuration

All J2EE applications use both J2EE-specific and product-specific XML files. These are described below.

Generic J2EE Application and Component Configuration

The J2EE configuration files are standardized configuration files used across all J2EE servers. See the J2EE specifications for information on how to configure the following XML files:

OC4J Application and Component Configuration

The OC4J-specific deployment XML files contain deployment information for different components. If you do not create the OC4J-specific files, they are are automatically generated when using auto-deployment. You can edit them manually. OC4J-specific deployment files are used by the deployer to map environment entries, resources references, and security-roles to actual deployment-specific values.

OC4J Application deployment (orion-application.xml)

This is the configuration for the global application. It contains settings as listed below:

The DTD is located at the following site:

OC4J EJB deployment (orion-ejb-jar.xml)

This is the OC4J-specific deployment descriptor for EJBs. It contains the following settings:

The DTD is located at the following site:

OC4J Web-application deployment (orion-web.xml)

This is the OC4J-specific deployment descriptor for mapping Web settings. This XMl file contains the following:

The DTD is located at the following site:

OC4J Application-client deployment (orion-application-client.xml)

This OC4J-specific deployement file is for the client application. It contains JNDI mappings and entries for the client. The DTD is located at the following site:


FAQ and Known Errors

OC4J Uses Non-Standard JSP Packages

The javax.servlet.jsp.* package distributed by OC4J is not the Javasoft standard package. If you substitute and use the standard Javasoft packages, these packages make the OC4J JSP behave incorrectly for the tag ext area.

Development for Servlets and JSPs

OC4J contains features to enable developing servlets and JSPs. For example, if you set "development=true" in the global-web-application.xml file, OC4J compiles the servlet class for you automatically as soon as the the servlet source (the .java file) is changed. The servlet is compiled and executed when accessed through a Web browser. This is known as running in "development mode". Turn off this flag when you finish your development cycle.

Error Deploying Namespace Definitions

In orion-application.xml, a <namespace-access> element defines the different aspects of the JNDI namespace. However, if you define an orion-application.xml with your application, and deploy it using admin.jar, this element is not initialized. Instead, the default value for <namespace-access> is used.

The work-around is not clean. In order for your <namespace-access> definitions to be initialized properly, do the following:

  1. Deploy the application EAR file using admin.jar.
  2. Erase the deployed application files out of the application-deployments directory, which causes the application to be hot deployed.

You only have to do this the first time with the application. From this time on, the <namespace-access> element is read correctly.

Missing Features

OC4J JTA does not provide two-phase commit. In addition, OC4J does not currently support Oracle AQ.

JNDI Properties

If you include a jndi.properties file for the application, it is used only for Java classes, not for the Web application. For the Web application, you can set your properties within a hashtable and pass it to javax.naming.InitialContext. You must define your properties with one of these two methods if your client accesses OC4J JNDI from outside the container.

Update On FAQ

See /docs/tech/java/oc4j for FAQ updates.

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