Oracle eMail Server Developer's Guide
Release 5.2



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This preface includes the following topics:

Intended Audience

This Developer's Guide primarily addresses the application developer audience. It provides an introduction to Oracle eMail Server and describes the management tasks you will perform as an Oracle eMail Server server administrator. PL/SQL programming knowledge is also helpful in implementing PL/SQL APIs and server-side rules.

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:

Convention  Description 


Italicized type identifies document titles. 


Monospace type indicates commands. 


Boldface type indicates script names, directory names, path names, and file names (for example, the script). 


Uppercase letters indicate parameters or environment variables (for example, ORACLE_HOME). 


In code examples, vertical ellipsis points indicate that information not directly related to the example has been omitted. 

. . .  

In command syntax, horizontal ellipsis points indicate repetition of the preceding parameters. The following command example indicates that more than one input_file may be specified on the command line.

command [input_file ...] 

< > 

In command syntax, angle brackets identify variables that the user must supply. You do not type the angle brackets. The following command example indicates that the user must enter a value for the variable input_file:

command <input_file> 

[ ] 

In command syntax, brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none. You do not type the brackets. The following command example indicates that the variable output_file is optional:

command <input_file> [output_file] 

{ } 

In command syntax, curly brackets indicate that a choice of two or more items separated by a vertical bar or pipe ( | ). You do not type the curly brackets. The following command example indicates a choice of either a or b:

command {a | b} 


The dollar sign represents the shell prompt in UNIX. 1 

1 In examples, an implied carriage return occurs at the end of each line, unless otherwise noted. You must press the [Enter] key at the end of a line of input.

Oracle Oracle eMail Server Documentation

Oracle Oracle eMail Server documentation is available in HTML and PDF format on the CD-ROM and installs automatically during product installation. Use your Web browser to access $ORACLE_HOME/doc/es52/index.htm on your server. The following documents are available:

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