Oracle Ultra Search APIs

Uses of Class

Packages that use Attribute
oracle.ultrasearch.query This package contains all classes that are part of the new Oracle Ultra Search Query API and the Email API for the Oracle 9iAS release. 

Uses of Attribute in oracle.ultrasearch.query
Subclasses of Attribute in oracle.ultrasearch.query
 class DateAttribute
          Class DateAttribute represents an attribute that takes Date values.
 class NumberAttribute
          Class NumberAttribute represents an attribute that takes BigDecimal values.
 class StringAttribute
          Class StringAttribute represents an attribute that takes string values.
Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.query that return Attribute
 Attribute AttributeLOV.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute associated with this LOV.
 Attribute InstanceMetaData.getAttribute(java.lang.String uniqueName)
          Get an attribute using the unique attribute naming scheme.
 Attribute InstanceMetaData.getAttribute(int id)
          Get an attribute using an attribute ID.
 Attribute InstanceMetaData.getAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type)
          Get an attribute from Ultra Search using an attribute name (not display name), and type
Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.query with parameters of type Attribute
 java.util.Collection Document.getAttributeValues(Attribute att)
          Returns all the values associated with an attribute.
 java.lang.Object Document.getAttribute(Attribute att)
          Returns a value associated with an attribute.
 Result Instance.getResult(Query query, java.util.Locale qryLang, int startPointer, int docsRequested, java.util.Locale docLanguage, Attribute[] atts, java.lang.String terms, boolean withCount)
          Get the result for a query.
 AttributeLOV InstanceMetaData.getLOVDefault(Attribute att, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the attribute LOV available for this attribute.
 AttributeLOV InstanceMetaData.getLOVUnion(Attribute att, Group[] groups, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the attribute LOV available for this set of groups by finding the union of the individual group's LOV.
 AttributeLOV InstanceMetaData.getLOVIntersect(Attribute att, Group[] groups, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the attribute LOV available for this set of groups by finding the intersection of the individual group's LOV.
 java.lang.String InstanceMetaData.getDisplayName(Attribute att, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the display name for an Attribute.
Oracle Ultra Search APIs