Oracle Ultra Search APIs

Uses of Class

Packages that use Group
oracle.ultrasearch.query This package contains all classes that are part of the new Oracle Ultra Search Query API and the Email API for the Oracle 9iAS release. 

Uses of Group in oracle.ultrasearch.query
Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.query that return Group
 Group InstanceMetaData.getGroup(int gid)
          Get a group using its ID.
 Group InstanceMetaData.getGroup(java.lang.String gname)
          Get a group using its name.
Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.query with parameters of type Group
 java.util.Collection InstanceMetaData.getAttributesUnion(Group[] grps)
          Get the attributes available in a set of data groups by finding the union of each group's attributes.
 java.util.Collection InstanceMetaData.getAttributesIntersect(Group[] grps)
          Get the attributes available in a set of data group by finding the intersection of each group's attributes.
 AttributeLOV InstanceMetaData.getLOVUnion(Attribute att, Group[] groups, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the attribute LOV available for this set of groups by finding the union of the individual group's LOV.
 AttributeLOV InstanceMetaData.getLOVIntersect(Attribute att, Group[] groups, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the attribute LOV available for this set of groups by finding the intersection of the individual group's LOV.
 java.lang.String InstanceMetaData.getDisplayName(Group grp, java.util.Locale loc)
          Get the display name for a Group.
Constructors in oracle.ultrasearch.query with parameters of type Group
From.From(Group grp)
          Construct a query on a single group
From.From(Group[] grps)
          Construct a query on several groups
Oracle Ultra Search APIs