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Oracle Collaboration Suite User's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B10032-01
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Oracle Files

Oracle Files is a hosted content management application that supports user collaboration and file sharing. Oracle Files provides a sophisticated, Web-based user interface that enables users to easily share files of any kind with others in a workspace or across an enterprise.

Oracle Files Concepts and Features

This chapter provides a high-level overview of Oracle Files end-user concepts, features and functionality.

Three Levels of Administration

In Oracle Files, there are three levels of administration:


A workspace is where a selected group of Oracle Files users store and collaborate on files and folders. The content of a workspace is visible and editable only by its members. A workspace includes at least one administrator, and can include participants and viewers.

Workspace Access Levels

Workspace Quota

Each workspace is allocated a quota. The contents of each workspace, including its Public folder and Trash folder, count against the workspace's allocated quota. Exceeding the workspace's quota prevents the workspace members from storing additional content into the workspace. The workspace's administrators can, however, request that the Subscriber Administrator increase the workspace's quota.

See Also:

"Workspace Management" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information

File Management

Each user has a My Public Files folder where he or she can store files, viewable by all Subscriber users.

Each user has a My Private Files folder where only he or she can access, store, and view files.

See Also:

"File Management" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information


Users can conduct simple or advanced searches. Advanced searching lets users refine and combine search criteria. In addition, as part of the Oracle Collaboration Suite, users can use the Collaboration Suite Search, an application that lets users search any and all configured applications in the Oracle Collaboration Suite.

See Also:

"Search Options" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information


By associating categories with files or folders and modifying the attributes of a category, users can organize and classify their information. Users can also search for files by category.

See Also:

"Categories" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information


Users can retain a history of file modifications by creating and saving one or more snapshots of a file.

See Also:

"Versioning" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information

Review Process

Users can submit files for review, and select users to approve, reject, or just review these files.

The backbone of a review process in Oracle Files is Oracle Workflow. Using a review process, any workspace member can submit for review one or more files from their workspace to other members of their workspace. A review process ends in the approval or rejection of these files, or can expire or be cancelled prior to their approval or rejection. Members can either be Approvers or Reviewers of a review process:

When you complete the Review Process, the initiator is notified of the approval or rejection of the Review Process.

See Also:

"Review Processes and Workflow" in the Online Help for Oracle Files for detailed information


Files deleted in Private and Public folders are moved to Personal Trash. Files deleted in workspaces are moved to a corresponding Trash folder. A user can request to restore files that have been emptied from their trash.

See Also:

"File Management" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information


Using Microsoft Web Folders, a user can open and edit an Oracle Files workspace file and save his or her changes directly back to Oracle Files. When a user opens a workspace file from Microsoft Web Folders to edit in Microsoft Office, the file is automatically locked in Oracle Files. Any changes made to the file are automatically saved back to Oracle Files. When the user closes the file in Microsoft Office, the file is automatically unlocked in Oracle Files.

See Also:

"File Management" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information

Oracle FileSync

Oracle FileSync synchronizes all file changes between a local machine and Oracle Files, ensuring that the contents of selected local folders and remote folders match.

See Also:

"FAQ" in the Oracle Files online help for detailed information