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Oracle Email Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B10033-01
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Error Messages

This chapter includes component-specific errors, listed in numerical order. The error codes are divided into the following groups:


Error messages may appear in any part of Oracle Email. Users may see them in the end-user interface, and administrators may see them in the administrative tools and process logs.

Sometimes, more than one error is displayed. A list of error messages is called an error stack. The bottommost error in the stack is typically the cause of the error.


The error stack may contain error messages from other Oracle products that Oracle Email uses. When these additional errors appear, refer to the documentation for the given product.

IMAP4 and POP3

The following is a list of IMAP4 and POP3 error messages:

101, 0, Login failed

Cause: Invalid user name or password used for LOGIN command.

Action: Check the user name, password and try again.

102, 0, No of auth/login tries exceeded. Exiting

Cause: Used all your allowed login attempts

Action: Check the user name and password, then retry in a new session.

103, 0, User logged out

Cause: IMAP/POP session ended either by LOGOUT/QUIT command or because of some other fatal server error like unable to read or write to client connection anymore.

Action: Session end by LOGOUT/QUIT command is normal. If you suspect an abnormal connection termination, check for other errors in this error chain in server log file.

104, 0, Authorization succeeded

Cause: Successful login via authenticate command

Action: None

105, 0, Authorization failed

Cause: Unsuccessful login attempt via authenticate command

Action: Check the user credentials and try again.

106, 0, Could not retrieve folder id for folder={sarg0}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: Possibly a non-existent folder name was used.

Action: Correct the folder name and try again. If folder name is correct, check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

107, 0, Failed to get header info for folder={sarg0} with fid={narg1}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

108, 0, Failed to update folder={sarg0} with fid={narg1}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

109, 0, Failed to connect to database {sarg1}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: Server unable to create OCI connection pool.

Action: Make sure database is up and configured correctly in Oracle Internet Directory.

110, 0, Conntected to database {sarg1}

Cause: Successful connections to the database

Action: None

111, 0, Failed to get statement handle {narg1} with Error#{narg0}.

Cause: Database related error

Action: Check for OCI error in this error chain

112, 0, Autologout: idle {narg0} minutes.

Cause: Your session was idle for too long

Action: Send noop or any other command before timeout.

113, 0, Out of free Memory. Requested {narg0} bytes.

Cause: No more free memory is available to server.

Action: Reduce the load on server by reducing any of following: threads, max. clients, OCI sessions or Oracle Internet Directory connections. Make sure enough free memory is available for server on your system.

114,0, Module {sarg0}: nesting level too deep, no stats

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact customer support

117, 0, Failed to get body parts for messageID={narg0}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

118, 0, Failed to get database session for db={sarg0}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: There are no more free sessions available in OCI connection pool.

Action: This may be a temporary error due to a spike in load. You may need to reevaluate your system to reduce the number of clients connecting to this database, increase the number of sessions in pool or tune the system in general to get faster response.

119, 0, Failed to insert subscribed folder={sarg0}. Error #{narg0}

Cause: Database error.

Action: Check the OCI errors in this error chain

120, 0, Failed to rename folder={sarg0})to {sarg1}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: Trying to rename a non-existent folder, or the new name is already in use or not allowed.

Action: Make sure folder with old name exists and new name is not already in use or contains restricted characters. Check for any other database errors in this error chain.

121, 0, Failed to set SEEN flag for msgid={narg0} in fid={narg1}. Error#{narg2}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

122, 0, Failed to get shell for msgid={narg0}. Error#{narg1}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

123, 0, Failed to create hierarchical folders {sarg0}. Error#{narg0}


Action: Check the folder name you are trying to create. Also check for any OCI errors in this error chain.

124, 0, Failed to expunge {narg0} msgs from folder with fid={narg1}. Error#{narg2}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

125, 0, Bad flags list

Cause: Syntax error in flag list for Store command.

Action: Correct the syntax for flag list.

126, 0, Failed to get folder Id for folder={sarg0}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: Possible causes are:

Action: Make sure you are looking for the right folder and is spelled correctly. If it is a shared folder, check its configuration and permissions in Oracle Internet Directory. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

117, 0, Failed to create shared folder={sarg0}. Error#{narg0},{sarg1}

Cause: Database error.

Action: Check and resolve database errors in this chain.

128, 0, Failed to delete shared folder={sarg0}. Error#{narg0},{sarg1}

Cause: Possible causes are:

Action: Check the name of the folder and make sure you are the owner of the shared folder you are trying to delete. Check for database errors in this error chain.

129, 0, Failed to rename shared folder={sarg0} to {sarg1}. Error#{narg0},{sarg2}

Cause: Possible causes are:

Action: Make sure you are the owner of shared folder or retry with a different name.

130, 0, Failed to change ACI on shared folder={sarg0}. Error#{narg0},{sarg1}

Cause: Database error.

Action: Check the database and Oracle Internet Directory error logs.

131, 0, Failed to determine if this folder or any child is shared.{sarg0}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

132, 0, Failed to determine Folder space usage for user={sarg0}. Error#{narg0}

Cause: This could be due to an OCI error.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_FOLDER_API is loaded. Check and resolve any other database errors in this error chain.

133, 0, Bad message in Folder={narg0},mid={narg1},muid={narg2}. Null value for {sarg0}

Cause: One of the required message attributes is missing in database.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly.


The following is a list of SMTP server error messages:

100, 0, Memory allocation failed

Cause: The process is consuming too much memory.

Action: Reduce the number of threads running and restart the process.

101, 0, Memory realloc failed

Cause: The process is consuming too much memory.

Action: Reduce the number of threads running and restart the process.

103, 0, failed to create thread

Cause: There are too many threads in the process.

Action: Reduce the number of threads and restart the server. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

175, 0, ESDSGetEntry failed {sarg0}

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server may be down.

Action: Restart the Oracle Internet Directory server. If the problem still exists contact technical support.

176, 0, ESDSGetEntry for entrytype failed {sarg0}

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server may be down.

Action: Restart the Oracle Internet Directory server. If the problem still exists contact technical support.

177, 0, ESDSGetAttribute failed for {sarg0}

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server may be down.

Action: Restart the Oracle Internet Directory server. If the problem still exists contact technical support.

200, 0, loop detected for the recipient: {sarg0}

Cause: The address resolution for the recipient resulted in a loop.

Action: Make sure the data present in the Oracle Internet Directory server does not introduce any loops for the recipient. Check if auto forward attribute for the recipient introduces a chain ending with original recipient.

201, 0, orclobjectid not populated in Oracle Internet Directory for usr: {sarg0}

Cause: Mandatory attribute orclobjectid is missing in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Populate correct value for the user in Oracle Internet Directory.

205, 0, failed to deliver to user inbox: {sarg0}

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. Check if ES_MESSAGE_API is loaded.

208, 0, failed to index msg for user: {sarg0} index type: {sarg1}

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. Check if ES_OT_API is loaded.

209, 0, message rejected by rules for usr: {sarg0}

Cause: The user rule resulted in rejection of the message.

Action: None.

210, 0, message rejected by the recipient {sarg0} using replymode: reject

Cause: Auto reject is set in Oracle Internet Directory entry for the recipient.

212, 0, failed to delete local recipients

Cause: There may be OCI errors.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. Check if ES_MESSAGE_API is loaded.

213, 0, local delivery failed for user: {sarg0}

Action: Check the log for exact reason for failure prior to this message, and see any correction for the user's setup is needed.

225, 0, failed to pickup unprocessed messages

Cause: Error in recovery processing.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_QUEUE_API is loaded.

226, 0, failed to requeue messages

Cause: Error in recovery processing.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_QUEUE_API is loaded.

243, 0, path for external filter process is NULL in Oracle Internet Directory

Action: Populate orclmailsmtpexternalfilterprocess with path for virus scanner executable if virus scanning is enabled.

302, 0, User {sarg0} logon failed. Oracle Internet Directory returns {narg0}

Cause: Unable to authenticate user in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Check user name and password to see if they are correct.

401, 0, Error {narg0}: Unable to get msgid

Cause: Unable to get next message ID from database.

Action: Check if the schema is installed and if the package is valid.

402, 0, Error {narg0}: Unable to store envelope

Cause: Unable to insert envelope information into database.

Action: Check if the schema is installed and if the package is valid.

403, 0, Error {narg0}: Unable to store recipient

Cause: Unable to insert recipient information into database.

Action: Check if the schema is installed and if the package is valid.

404, 0, Error {narg0}: Unable to store {sarg0} queue

Cause: Unable to insert the message into a queue.

Action: Check if the schema is installed and if the package is valid.

405, 0, Error {narg0}: Unable to insert the message

Cause: Unable to insert message into database.

Action: Check the OCI error and ORACLE error.

406, 0, Error: Routing loop detected

Cause: Message may be in a loop by checking the Received: headers.

Possible causes: Loop in address rewriting rules; Auto-forward between addresses;.forward set up by UNIX mail senders.

Action: Check the rewriting rules and auto-forward setup and notify the sender.

407, 0, Error: Unable to read from client

Cause: Unable to read from client.

Action: Check network connections.

500, 0, spam check failed for IP address: {sarg0}

Cause: DNS server failed to verify that the IP address of the SMTP client is correct.

501, 0, spam check failed for host: {sarg0}

Cause: DNS server failed to verify that the host is a valid internet host.

502, 0, spam check failed for sender: {sarg0}

Cause: The sender is either in the list of rejected senders or rejected domains.

503, 0, spam check failed for recipient: {sarg0}

Cause: This could be due to either relay is not allowed for the non-local recipient's domain OR the non-local recipient is in the list of rejected recipients.

650, 0, failed to get submit recipients

Cause: This could be due to OCI errors.

651, 0, failed to delete submit recipients

Cause: This could be due to OCI errors.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_MESSAGE_API is loaded.

652, 0, failed to insert resolved recipients

Cause: This could be due to OCI errors.

Action: Make sure all required packages are loaded in the database correctly. In particular, check if ES_MESSAGE_API is loaded.


The following is a list of housekeeping error messages:

Oracle error {sarg0} occurred during expiration

Cause: An RDBMS error prevented house keeper from successfully performing expiration.

Action: Correct the generic RDBMS error and try running house keeper again.

Oracle error {sarg0} occurred during queue pruning

Cause: An RDBMS error prevented house keeper from successfully performing pruning.

Action: Correct the generic RDBMS error and try running house keeper again.

Oracle error {sarg0} occurred during pruning

Cause: An RDBMS error prevented house keeper from successfully performing pruning.

Action: Correct the generic RDBMS error and try running house keeper again.

Oracle error {sarg0} occurred during collection

Cause: An RDBMS error prevented house keeper from successfully performing collection.

Action: Correct the generic RDBMS error and try running house keeper again.

Oracle error {sarg0} occurred during tertiary storing

Cause: An RDBMS error prevented house keeper from successfully performing tertiary storage.

Action: Correct the generic RDBMS error and try running house keeper again.

List Server

The following is a list of list server error messages:

Msg-id: 5002(An error occurred while performing a database operation. Error= {sarg0})

Cause: The cause for this error is available in the error message itself.

Action: Look at the oerr error for the error specified in the error message.

Msg-id: 5003(Error occurred while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory server on {sarg0}port {narg0} bind dn {sarg0})

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is down or has stopped responding or is listening on a different port.

Action: Restart the Oracle Internet Directory server if it is not running. Otherwise, restart the list server and specify the correct host name and port number of the Oracle Internet Directory server.

Msg -id: 5004(Error initializing process control)

Cause: Either the database or the Oracle Internet Directory server is not running or has stopped responding.

Action: Restart the database and Oracle Internet Directory server. If they are running, then restart the list server.

Msg-id: 5021(Error modifying user {sarg0} entry. Error = {narg0})

Cause: An Oracle Internet Directory error occurred while trying to process a command for the user.

Action: Check if the user entry on the Oracle Internet Directory server is still valid.

Thin Client

The following is a list of Thin Client error messages:

An error occurred while adding attachments

Cause: WebMail was unable to add the attachments.

Action: Try again.

No folder name was specified

Cause: The user did not specific a folder name.

Action: Enter a folder name.

An error occurred; unable to create the new folder

Cause: WebMail was unable to create the folder.

Action: Try again.

A folder by that name <foldername here> already exists

Cause: The user specified a folder name that is being used by another folder.

Action: Name the folder with a new name or put the folder in a different location.

An error occurred while creating the message

Cause: WebMail could not create a new message object.

Action: Try creating a message again.

No valid To: recipients found

Cause: User did not specify a valid e-mail address in the To field.

Action: Try again and specify a valid e-mail address.

Error occurred during message creation

Cause: WebMail could not create a new message object.

Action: Try creating a message again.

Invalid parameter specified for attachment removal

Cause: WebMail experienced a problem when removing the attachment.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Invalid attachment index was received

Cause: WebMail attachment indices are misaligned.

Action: Recreate the message.

No message IDs were specified for deletion

Cause: The user did not select messages for deletion.

Action: Select the message for deletion.

An error occurred during message deletion

Cause: The message does not exist.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

An error occurred while compacting the folder

Cause: This is a problem with the voice mail messages in the folder.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

No message IDs were specified for forwarding

Cause: The user did not select a message before selecting Forward.

Action: Select a message before selecting Forward.

More than one message specified for forwarding

Cause: Multiple messages were selected for forwarding.

Action: Select one message at a time for forwarding.

Invalid message specified

Cause: The message selected could not be forwarded.

Action: Try selecting another message, if that does not work, contact your system administrator.

An error occurred while preparing the message for forwarding

Cause: The selected message could not be processed for forwarding.

Action: Try again or contact your system administrator.

The destination folder does not exist

Cause: The destination folder selected does not exist.

Action: Select another destination folder.

No message IDs were specified for move

Cause: The user did not select a message before selecting Move.

Action: Select a message before selecting Move.

An error occurred while performing message move

Cause: WebMail could not process the move request.

Action: Try again or contact your system administrator.

There are no more messages in this folder

Cause: No messages exist before of after the current message.

Action: Try another folder.

An error occurred opening the next message

Cause: WebMail could not open the next message.

Action: Try again or contact your system administrator.

There are no messages before this one in this folder

Cause: No messages exist before of after the current message.

Action: Try another folder.

An error occurred opening the previous message

Cause: WebMail could not open the previous message.

Action: Try again or contact your system administrator.

Unable to find folder

Cause: The folder is not accessible.

Action: Check the shared permission or contact your system administrator.

Folder does not exist

Cause: There is no such folder in the account.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

An error occurred while opening the folder

Cause: WebMail experienced problems opening the folder.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Error occurred during communication with the message store

Cause: Possibly a network problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

No message ID specified

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Error retrieving message

Cause: The message may have been deleted, but the browser is looking a cached or old pages.

Action: Refresh the message list and try again.

No message IDs were specified for reply

Cause: The user did not check any messages before selecting Reply.

Action: Select a message before selecting Reply.

More than one message specified for reply

Cause: The user selected multiple messages for reply.

Action: Select only one message at a time.

Invalid message specified

Cause: WebMail could not process the message for reply.

Action: Try again or contact your system administrator.

Error occurred while preparing the message for reply

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact your system administrator

Error while sending message

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact your system administrator.

No folder was specified for editing

Cause: The user did not select a folder in the folder list before selecting Edit.

Action: Select a folder from the folder list.

The specified folder does not exist in the mail store

Cause: The folder selected is not available.

Action: Verify that the folder exists, or contact you system administrator.

An error occurred while preparing the folder for editing

Cause: Internal Error

Action: Contact your system administrator.

You cannot rename special system folders

Cause: The user tried to rename the inbox.

Action: None, the inbox cannot be renamed.

No new name was specified

Cause: The user did not specify a name for the folder.

Action: Specify a name for the folder.

A folder with that name already exists

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact your stem administrator.

Unable to rename folder

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact your stem administrator.

An error occurred while trying to update the folder

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact your stem administrator.

Error while setting previous state

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact your stem administrator.

You are no longer connected to the mail store

Cause: The session has timed out.

Action: Contact your stem administrator.