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Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B10042_01
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A dynamically loaded Java class that acquires content from an external source, such as a Web site or a database, and converts the content into Mobile XML.

Adapter Result format

A general, user interface-independent content format. Content in Adapter Result format requires conversion to Simple Result format before it can be converted to the final target format.

Async-enabled service

Also known as an ASK (Async Server Kernel) service. An Async-enabled service enables customers to access wireless services using asynchronous messaging like SMS, email or 2-way pagers. As a result, users can access wireless services even if they use devices that are not Internet-enabled.

Content Manager

The visual interface for creating Wireless services. For Oracle Collaboration Suite, you use the Content Manager to edit the input parameters of the mobile services.


The Wireless component that manages the Wireless repository and service requests.


A background process that performs a specified operation in response to certain events or at specified times.

Device Portal Access

A Web-based interface that end users access to select services and configure their device portal.

device transformer

A transformer that converts content from Simple Result format into the target format.

DOM Interface

Document Object Model. The interface that allows programs and scripts to access and transform processed XML documents.


Document Type Definition. A file in an XML document that defines how the application presenting the document should interpret the XML document.

end user

A person who accesses a Wireless service from a client device.

Enterprise Manager Daemon (EMD)

The Enterprise Manager Daemon handles the different components metrics and displays them in a component specific HTML page. An EMD is installed with Oracle9i Application Server.


The process of transforming content by replacing existing markup tags with tags that represent another format.


Handheld Device Markup Language. A reduced version of HTML designed to enable wireless pagers, cellular phones, and other handheld devices to access Web page content.


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. An organization responsible for assigning new Internet-wide IP Addresses to ISPs.


Interactive Mail Access Protocol. A hierarchical mail storage and retrieval structure.


HyperText Markup Language. The document format that defines the page layout, fonts, and graphic elements, as well as the hypertext links to other documents on the Web.


The HttpAdapter fetches the Mobile XML content from the external HTTP/HTTPS URLs. It acts as a proxy browser (which understands Mobile XML) on behalf of the mobile device.


Java Naming and Directory Interface. A set of APIs that provide directory and naming functionality to Java applications.


JavaServer Pages. A technology based on Java servlets which separates the functions of Web page layout and content generation. JavaServer Pages technology enables the creation of server-generated Web pages that incorporate dynamic content.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Protocols for accessing directories. The LDAP protocols support TCP/IP.

logical device

An object that describes either a physical device, such as a cellular phone, or an application, such as email. There is a default device transformer for each logical device.

master service

The core implementation of a service. The master service object invokes a specific adapter, and identifies the transformer used to convert content for the target device.


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. A mail type that defines the message structure for different 8-bit character sets and multi-part messages.

mobile service

A pre-configured service that can be called from a device by a mobile user, or from another application.

Mobile XML

A set of DTDs and XML document conventions used by the Wireless to define content and internal objects.


Personal Information Management. Wireless includes pre-configured PIM mobile services, such as calendar, address book, and directory.


An Oracle9i database which stores all of the Wireless objects, such as users, groups, adapters, and services.


A query to initiate a desired Wireless service. Requests are submitted on behalf of end-users to the Wireless server.

request manager

The Wireless component that processes requests for services. The request manager authenticates the user, submits the request to the Wireless core, and retrieves the device type and any presentation settings. The request manager also forwards converted content from the transformer to the user.

request object

An XML document representing a request for service.

result transformer

A transformer that converts content from Adapter Result format into Simple Result format.


Remote Method Invocation. A standard for creating and calling remote objects. RMI allows Java components stored in a network to be run remotely.

sample repository

The initial Wireless repository, which includes pre-built objects such as transformers, adapters, and logical devices.\


A core object used in a Wireless server to represent a unit of information requested by, and delivered to, a Wireless client. An end user typically sees a service as a menu item on a device or as a link on a Web page.

Service Designer

The visual interface for creating and managing Wireless users, user groups, adapters, transformers, and master services.

Simple Result format

A content format that contains abstract user interface elements such as text items, menus, forms, and tables.

source format

The original format of content retrieved from an external data source by a Wireless adapter. For example, the source format of Web page content is HTML.

SQL adapter

An adapter that retrieves and adapts content from any JDBC-enabled data source.


An XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) instance that implements content presentation for XML documents. Wireless transformers can be either XSLT stylesheets or Java programs.

target format

The format required to deliver data to a specific type of client device.


A minimal version of HTML implemented by a transformer in the starter Wireless repository. Thin HTML does not include support for frames, JavaScript, or other advanced features.


A Wireless object that converts content returned by the Wireless adapters. Result transformers convert Adapter Result documents into Simple Result documents. Device transformers convert Simple Result documents into the target format.


Tagged Text Mark-up Language. A lightweight version of HTML suitable for most PDAs.

user agent

An object that associates an end user with a device type.

user group

A Wireless object that represents a set of users that are grouped together based on common criteria such as interests, subscription level, or geographic location.


A markup language that enables the use of voice to interface with applications.


Wireless Application Protocol. A wireless standard from Motorola, Ericsson, and Nokia for providing cellular phones with access to email and text-based Web pages. WAP uses Wireless Markup Language (WML).

Web Integration adapter

An adapter that retrieves and adapts Web content using WIDL files to map the source content to Wireless XML.


World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. A set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that enable remote users to collaboratively manage files with one-another on the Internet.


Web Interface Definition Language. A meta-data language that defines interfaces to Web-based data and services. WIDL enables automatic and structured Web access by compatible applications.

WIDL file

A file written in Web Interface Definition Language that associates input and output parameters with the source content that you want to make available in a Wireless service.


Wireless Markup Language. A markup language optimized for the delivery of content to wireless devices.


eXtensible Markup Language. A flexible markup language that allows tags to be defined by the content developer. Tags for virtually any data item can be created and used in specific applications, allowing Web pages to function like database records.


Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations. A language for transforming one XML DTD into another XML DTD.