Oracle OLAP Analytic Workspace Java API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)


Package oracle.AWXML

Contains classes that define an object model and instantiate it in a standard form analytic workspace.


Interface Summary
DerivedMeasureInput Interface specifying that conforming objects can be used as input to calculations for derived measures.


Class Summary
Aggregation The rules for aggregating data over a dimension.
AggregationArgument An argument used by the aggregation rules for a dimension.
AggregationDefinition The aggregation rules for a measure or a group of measures within a cube.
AggregationHierarchySpecification Specifies the aggregation rules for a hierarchy of a dimension.
AggregationOperator The operator to be used for aggregating data over a given hierarchy.
AggregationSolve A Solve that specifies aggregation for a given measure or a group of measures in a cube.
Allocation The rules for allocating over a dimension.
AllocationArgument Argument to a RELATION statement in the allocation map.
AllocationDefinition The allocation rules for a measure or a group of measures within a cube.
AllocationHierarchySpecification Specifies the allocation rules for a hierarchy of a dimension.
AllocationOperator The type of operator to be used as the allocation method for data over a given hierarchy.
AllocationSolve A Solve that specifies allocation for a given measure or a group of measures in a cube.
Attribute Specifies the basic characteristics of an attribute.
AttributeProjection Specifies an attribute for a level or a hierarchy.
AttributeSourceExpression Specifies the column mapping for an attribute.
AW Serves as a container for objects.
AWConnection Initializes a JDBC connection and opens an OLAP session using the AWXML analytic workspace.
AWDatabaseNull Causes a reference in the analytic workspace to be null.
AWHandlerBase Parses an XML string representing an object or an action and restores the parsed XML as objects in memory.
AWObject An abstract class that defines the basic characteristics of a model object that supports attributes and can be mapped to a relational source.
BaseObject Specifies the basic characteristics of an object model.
BaseOperator The operators that can be used for aggregating or allocating data over a dimension.
CalculatedMember A dimension member that results from a calculation.
CalculatedMemberRef A CalculatedMember used to define a derived measure or another CalculatedMember.
CalculationSpecification Assembles and orders the MODEL and RELATION statements within the aggregation map.
ConfigurationParameters Configuration parameters in the argument to a RELATION statement of the aggregation map.
Cube Specifies the basic characteristics of a cube.
CubeDimensionSourceExpression Specifies the columns in a fact table that map to key columns in dimension tables.
CubeDimRef Specifies the dimensions of a cube.
CubeMapGroup Defines a set of mappings for a cube.
DerivedMeasure A measure resulting from calculations on other measures.
Dimension Specifies the basic characteristics of a dimension.
DimensionKeySourceExpression Specifies the key columns for a dimension, a level, a hierarchy, or a level within a hierarchy.
DimensionMapGroup Defines a set of mappings for a dimension.
DimensionMemberExpression An expression that specifies a set of dimension members.
DimensionMemberSelection A set of members in a dimension.
ExternalSourceExpression This object specifies the columns that contain the source data for an object model.
ForecastArgument An argument used by the OLAP DML FORECAST command.
ForecastArgumentValue The value of an argument to a forecast.
ForecastDefinition The rules that define a forecast based on a measure or a group of measures within a cube.
ForeCastKeyWord A keyword used by the OLAP DML FORECAST command.
ForecastSolve A Solve that specifies a forecast for a given measure or a group of measures within a cube.
HierarchicalParentSourceExpression This object specifies the parent-child relationships between pairs of columns that are mapped to a hierarchy or to a level within a hierarchy
Hierarchy A model object that defines the basic characteristics of a hierarchy.
HierarchyLevelAssociation A HierarchyLevelAssociation associates a Level with a Hierarchy.
Level A model object that defines the basic characteristics of a level.
MappingGroup A BaseObject that defines a set of mappings for a dimension or a cube.
Measure Specifies the basic characteristics of a measure.
MeasureSourceExpression This object specifies the column mapping for measures.
Model A set of calculations to be performed on a dimension.
ModelDimRef A dimension referenced in a model.
ModelRef A Model in the aggregation map.
OlapMeasure An OLAP measure is a derived measure that implements a specific OLAP operation.
OlapMeasureInput Input used by an OLAP measure.
Operator An operator to be used in the calculation of a DerivedMeasure.
OperatorType The types of operations that can be used as allocation methods.
Parameter A parameter to the aggregation or allocation rules for a dimension.
PermanentCalculatedMember A CalculatedMember that is stored permanently in the analytic workspace.
PreComputeClause The precompute clause to the RELATION statement in the aggregation map.
RestrictedSourceExpression This object specifies restrictions on the columns mapped to an object model.
SessionCalculatedMember A CalculatedMember that is stored during the current session and is discarded when the workspace is closed.
Solve Abstract class representing a calculation that can be performed in an analytic workspace.
SolveDefDimRef A dimension used in a SolveDefinition.
SolveDefinition The OLAP DML definition for a Solve.
SourceColumn The relational columns containing the source data for an object in the analytic workspace.
WhereClause The SQL WHERE clause used as a RestrictiveSourceExpression for limiting the data to be loaded from the source columns.


Exception Summary
AWConnectionException Unable to establish a JDBC connection.
AWException Analytic workspace exception.
AWExpressCommandException OLAP DML command returned an exception.
AWExpressObjectNotFound Object not found in the analytic workspace.
AWFunctionNotSupported Function not supported in the analytic workspace.
AWMemberExistsException Unable to create dimension member because it already exists.
AWObjectExistsException Unable to create the object because it already exists.
ObjectNotValidException Not a valid object in the Analytic Workspace API.


Package oracle.AWXML Description

Contains classes that define an object model and instantiate it in a standard form analytic workspace.

The object model is composed of base objects that define a cube or a cube component. Most objects are owned by a parent object. For example, a measure is owned by its parent cube, and a level is owned by its parent dimension. Cubes, measures, dimensions, and dimension components can include mapping information for populating them with data from relational tables. A calculation model specifying aggregation, allocation, and forecasting can be applied to measures.

Cubes, Dimensions, and Solve Definitions are top-level objects in the object model hierarchy. Cubes and Dimensions exist within a schema. Cubes, Dimensions, and Solve Definitions may be associated with an analytic workspace.

Use the following link to view a graphical representation of the object model.

OLAP Analytic Workspace API Object Model

For more information on the logical model for OLAP and standard form analytic workspaces, see the Oracle OLAP Application Developer's Guide.

The oracle.AWXML package contains three base classes:

All the other classes in the oracle.AWXML package are subclasses of BaseObject.

Oracle OLAP Analytic Workspace Java API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)


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