Oracle interMedia Java Classes API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part No. B12248-01
Class OrdDoc

public class OrdDoc

The OrdDoc class is used to represent an instance of the ORDSYS.ORDDoc database type in a Java application. The OrdDoc class includes a set of methods to get and set various object attributes, plus a set of methods that perform various operations on an OrdDoc Java object.

Users of this class are assumed to be familiar with Oracle interMedia Java Classes User's Guide and Reference and Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference.

All methods operate on the attributes of the OrdDoc Java object in the application with the exception of those methods that access the media data for read or write purposes.

If your application modifies the OrdDoc Java object, or the media data in the database, you must update the ORDDoc SQL object in the database to make those changes permanent.

Some methods in the OrdAudio Java class are handed off to a database source plug-in or database format plug-in for processing; these methods have  byte [] ctx []  as a context parameter. Applications should allocate a 64-byte array to hold any context information that may be required by a source plug-in or a format plug-in. For example, a plug-in may initialize the context information in one call and use that information in a subsequent call. Note that one array is required for source plug-in context and another array is required for format plug-in context. Note that 64 bytes should be sufficient for most plug-ins, however, some user-defined plug-ins may need additional space. The following example illustrates how to allocate a plug-in context information array:

    byte [] ctx [] = new byte[1][64];
In the current release, no Oracle-supplied source plug-ins or format plug-ins maintain context. Also, not all user-written source plug-ins or format plug-ins maintain context. However, if you include the context parameter as described, your application should work with any current or future source plug-ins or format plug-ins.

Constructor Summary
          Internal constructor used only by the Oracle ORAData interface factory method to create an instance of the class.


Method Summary
 void clearLocal()
          Clears the local attribute to indicate that the media data is stored externally.
 int closeSource(byte[][] ctx)
          Closes a data source.
 oracle.sql.CustomDatum create(oracle.sql.Datum d, int sqlType)
          Internal method used only by the Oracle CustomDatum interface.
 void deleteContent()
          Deletes any data stored in the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 void export(byte[][] ctx, java.lang.String srcType, java.lang.String srcLocation, java.lang.String srcName)
          Exports the data from the BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 oracle.sql.BFILE getBFILE()
          Returns a BFILE locator from the database when the srcType attribute is "FILE".
 oracle.sql.CLOB getComments()
          Returns the CLOB locator from the comments attribute.
 oracle.sql.BLOB getContent()
          Returns the BLOB locator from the localData attribute.
 oracle.sql.BLOB getContentInLob(byte[][] ctx, java.lang.String[] mimetype, java.lang.String[] format)
          Returns the data from the BLOB specified by the localData attribute in a temporary BLOB in the database.
 int getContentLength()
          Returns the contentLength attribute.
 byte[] getDataInByteArray()
          Returns a byte array containing the data from the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 boolean getDataInFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Writes the data from the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute to a local file. getDataInStream()
          Returns an InputStream from which the data in the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute can be read.
static oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
          Deprecated. CustomDatumFactory method. New applications should use the ORADataFactory interface
 java.lang.String getFormat()
          Returns the format attribute.
 java.lang.String getMimeType()
          Returns the mimeType attribute.
static oracle.sql.ORADataFactory getORADataFactory()
          Returns the OrdDoc ORADataFactory for use by the getORAData method.
 java.lang.String getSource()
          Returns the source information in the form srcType://srcLocation/srcName.
 java.lang.String getSourceLocation()
          Returns the srcLocation attribute.
 java.lang.String getSourceName()
          Returns the srcName attribute.
 java.lang.String getSourceType()
          Returns the srcType attribute.
 java.sql.Timestamp getUpdateTime()
          Returns the updateTime attribute.
 void importData(byte[][] ctx, boolean setProp)
          Imports data from an external source into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute, and optionally calls setProperties.
 void importFrom(byte[][] ctx, java.lang.String srcType, java.lang.String srcLocation, java.lang.String srcName, boolean setProp)
          Imports data from an external source into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute, and optionally calls setProperties.
 boolean isLocal()
          Indicates if the media data is stored locally in the database in a BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 boolean loadDataFromByteArray(byte[] byteArr)
          Loads data from a byte array into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 boolean loadDataFromFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Loads data from a file into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 boolean loadDataFromInputStream( inpStream)
          Loads data from an InputStream into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 int openSource(byte[] userarg, byte[][] ctx)
          Opens a data source.
 byte[] processSourceCommand(byte[][] ctx, java.lang.String cmd, java.lang.String args, byte[][] result)
          Calls the source plug-in in the database to execute a command.
 int readFromSource(byte[][] ctx, int startpos, int numbytes, byte[][] buffer)
          Reads data from the data source.
 void setComments(oracle.sql.CLOB comments)
          Sets the comments attribute.
 void setContentLength(int contentLength)
          Sets the contentLength attribute.
 void setFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Sets the format attribute.
 void setLocal()
          Sets the local attribute to indicate that the media data is stored locally in the database in a BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
 void setMimeType(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Sets the mimeType attribute.
 void setProperties(byte[][] ctx, boolean setComments)
          Parses the media data properties, sets the attributes in the OrdDoc Java object, and optionally populates the CLOB specified by the comments attribute.
 void setSource(java.lang.String srcType, java.lang.String srcLocation, java.lang.String srcName)
          Sets the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName attributes.
 void setUpdateTime(java.sql.Timestamp currentTime)
          Sets the updateTime attribute.
 int trimSource(byte[][] ctx, int newLen)
          Trims the data to the specified length.
 int writeToSource(byte[][] ctx, int startpos, int numbytes, byte[] buffer)
          Writes data to the data source.


Constructor Detail


public OrdDoc()
Internal constructor used only by the Oracle ORAData interface factory method to create an instance of the class. Applications should not use this constructor.
Method Detail


public boolean isLocal()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates if the media data is stored locally in the database in a BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
true if the data is stored locally in the database in a BLOB, false otherwise.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the local attribute.


public void setLocal()
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the local attribute to indicate that the media data is stored locally in the database in a BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the local attribute.


public void clearLocal()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Clears the local attribute to indicate that the media data is stored externally.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the local attribute.


public java.lang.String getSourceType()
                               throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the srcType attribute. For example, "FILE" or "HTTP".
the srcType attribute as a String.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the srcType attribute.


public java.lang.String getSourceLocation()
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the srcLocation attribute. For example, MEDIA_DIR or
the srcLocation attribute as a String.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the srcLocation attribute.


public java.lang.String getSourceName()
                               throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the srcName attribute. For example,
the srcName attribute as a String.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the srcName attribute.


public java.lang.String getSource()
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the source information in the form srcType://srcLocation/srcName.
the source information as a String.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the correspoding getSource method in the database.


public void setSource(java.lang.String srcType,
                      java.lang.String srcLocation,
                      java.lang.String srcName)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName attributes.
srcType - the source type, for example, "FILE", "HTTP".
srcLocation - the source location, for example, MEDIA_DIR,
srcName - the source name, for example,
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the srcType, srcLocation, or srcName attributes.


public java.sql.Timestamp getUpdateTime()
                                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the updateTime attribute.
the lastUpdate attribute as a java.sql.Timestamp.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the updateTime attribute.


public void setUpdateTime(java.sql.Timestamp currentTime)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the updateTime attribute. This method sets the updateTime attribute to the specified time, or to the database server's current SYSDATE time if currentTime is specified as null.
currentTime - the update time in a java.sql.Timestamp, or null to set the update time to the database server's current SYSDATE time.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding setUpdateTime method in the database.


public oracle.sql.BLOB getContent()
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the BLOB locator from the localData attribute.
an oracle.sql.BLOB.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the localData attribute.


public oracle.sql.BFILE getBFILE()
                          throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a BFILE locator from the database when the srcType attribute is "FILE". This method calls the corresponding getBFILE method in the database, which creates the BFILE using the srcLocation and srcName attributes.
an oracle.sql.BFILE.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding getBFILE method in the database.


public java.lang.String getFormat()
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the format attribute.
the format attribute as a String.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the format attribute.


public void setFormat(java.lang.String format)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the format attribute.
The format attribute determines which format plug-in is used to handle calls to methods that operate on the media data. In particular, the setProperties method uses the format attribute to determine which format plug-in to call to parse the media data properties. See the setProperties method for more information on how to initialize the format attribute before calling the setProperties method, and for information on how the setProperties method in the default, Oracle-supplied plug-in, sets the format attribute. Note that calling the setFormat method sets the attribute value only; it does not modify the media data itself.
format - the new attribute value.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the format attribute.


public java.lang.String getMimeType()
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the mimeType attribute.
the mimeType attribute as a String.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the mimeType attribute.


public void setMimeType(java.lang.String mimeType)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the mimeType attribute.
setProperties sets this attribute automatically for certain media formats; use this method only if you are not using setProperties. This method sets the attribute value only; it does not modify the media data itself.
mimeType - the new attribute value.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the mimeType attribute.


public int getContentLength()
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the contentLength attribute.
the contentLength attribute as an int.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the contentLength attribute.


public void setContentLength(int contentLength)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the contentLength attribute.
setProperties sets this attribute automatically for certain media formats; use this method only if you are not using setProperties. This method sets the attribute value only; it does not modify the media data itself.
contentLength - the new attribute value.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the contentLength attribute.


public oracle.sql.CLOB getComments()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the CLOB locator from the comments attribute.
the comments attribute as an oracle.sql.CLOB.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the comments attribute.


public void setComments(oracle.sql.CLOB comments)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the comments attribute.
The comments attribute is reserved for use by interMedia. You can set your own value, but it could be overwritten by interMedia Annotator or by the setProperties method.
comments - the new attribute value.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing the comments attribute.


public boolean loadDataFromFile(java.lang.String filename)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException,
Loads data from a file into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute. Before loading the data, this method calls the following methods:
filename - name of the file from which to load data.
true if the data is loaded successfully; otherwise, an exception is raised if an error occurs. This method never returns false.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing an object attribute or if an error occurs executing a method in the database. - if an error occurs reading the data file.


public boolean loadDataFromInputStream( inpStream)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException,
Loads data from an InputStream into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute. Before loading the data, this method calls the following methods:
inpStream - the InputStream from which to load data.
true if the data is loaded successfully; otherwise, an exception is raised if an error occurs. This method never returns false.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing an object attribute or if an error occurs executing a method in the database. - if an error occurs reading the InputStream.


public boolean loadDataFromByteArray(byte[] byteArr)
                              throws java.sql.SQLException,
Loads data from a byte array into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute. Before loading the data, this method calls the following methods:
byteArr - a byte[] arrary from which to load data.
true if the data is loaded successfully; otherwise, an exception is raised if an error occurs. This method never returns false.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing an object attribute or if an error occurs executing a method in the database. - if an error occurs reading the byte array.


public boolean getDataInFile(java.lang.String filename)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException,
Writes the data from the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute to a local file.
filename - name of the file to which the data is to be written.
true if the data is written to the file successfully; otherwise, an exception is raised if an error occurs. This method never returns false.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing an object attribute. - if an error occurs reading the data from the BLOB or writing the data to the output file.


public getDataInStream()
                                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns an InputStream from which the data in the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute can be read.
an InputStream from which the data can be read.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing an object attribute.


public byte[] getDataInByteArray()
                          throws java.sql.SQLException,
Returns a byte array containing the data from the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
a byte[] array containng the data.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs accessing an object attribute. - if an error occurs reading the data from the BLOB.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if sufficient memory cannot be allocated to hold the data.


public oracle.sql.BLOB getContentInLob(byte[][] ctx,
                                       java.lang.String[] mimetype,
                                       java.lang.String[] format)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the data from the BLOB specified by the localData attribute in a temporary BLOB in the database. This method creates a temporary BLOB in the database, reads the data from the BLOB specified by the localData attribute, writes the data to the temporary BLOB, then returns the temporary BLOB locator to the caller.
The application must free the temporary BLOB after accessing the data contained therein.
ctx - the format plug-in context information.
mimetype - a String[] array, 1 element in length, into which the mimeType attribute is written as element 0.
format - a String[] array, 1 element in length, into which the format attribute is written as element 0.
the media data in a temporary oracle.sql.BLOB.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs creating the temporary BLOB or executing the corresponding getContentInLob method in the database.


public void deleteContent()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Deletes any data stored in the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding deleteContent method in the database.


public void importData(byte[][] ctx,
                       boolean setProp)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Imports data from an external source into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute, and optionally calls setProperties. If the setProp parameter is true, this method calls the setProperties method in the database to set the property attributes and populate the CLOB specified by the comments attribute. The external data source is specified by the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName attributes.
ctx - the source plug-in context information.
setProp - a boolean that specifies whether or not to call setProperties.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding import method in the database.


public void importFrom(byte[][] ctx,
                       java.lang.String srcType,
                       java.lang.String srcLocation,
                       java.lang.String srcName,
                       boolean setProp)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Imports data from an external source into the database BLOB specified by the localData attribute, and optionally calls setProperties. If the setProp parameter is true, this method calls the setProperties method in the database to set the property attributes and populate the CLOB specified by the comments attribute. The external data source is specified by the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName parameters. The srcType, srcLocation, and srcName attributes are updated with values of the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName parameters passed to the importFrom method.
ctx - the source plug-in context information.
srcType - the source type, for example, "FILE", "HTTP".
srcLocation - the source location, for example, MEDIA_DIR,
srcName - the source name, for example,
setProp - a boolean that specifies whether or not to call setProperties.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding importFrom method in the database.


public void export(byte[][] ctx,
                   java.lang.String srcType,
                   java.lang.String srcLocation,
                   java.lang.String srcName)
            throws java.sql.SQLException
Exports the data from the BLOB specified by the localData attribute. This method calls the corresponding export method in the database to export the media data to a location specified by the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName parameters.

Not all source plug-ins support the export method. For example, the "FILE" source type is the only Oracle-supplied source type that supports the export method. In addition, this method is supported only by Oracle database server release 8.1.7 or later.

The remainder of this description illustrates the use of the export method and the Oracle-supplied "FILE" source plug-in. User-written plug-ins will have different behaviors.

The export method implemented by the Oracle-supplied "FILE" source plug-in copies the media data from the BLOB specified by the localData attribute, but does not modify the media data stored in the database BLOB in any way.

After exporting the media data, all the media property attributes remain unchanged, however, the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName attributes are updated with values of the srcType, srcLocation, and srcName parameters passed to the export method. After calling the export method, if you no longer intend to manage the media data within the database, call the clearLocal() method to indicate the media data is stored outside the database and call the deleteContent() method to delete the media data stored in the database BLOB.

The export method in the database writes only to a database directory object that the user has privilege to access. That is, you can access a directory that you have created using the SQL CREATE DIRECTORY statement, or one to which you have been granted READ access. To execute the CREATE DIRECTORY statement, you must have the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. In addition, you must use the DBMS_JAVA.GRANT_PERMISSION method to specify which files can be written.

For example, the following SQL*Plus command grants the user, MEDIAUSER, the permission to write to the file named


The previous example illustrates how to authorize access to write to a single file. In addition, there are various wildcard path specifications that authorize write access to multiple directories and file names. For example, a path specification that ends in "/*" (where "/" is the operating-system dependent file separator character) indicates all the files contained in the specified directory. A path specification that ends with "/-" indicates all files contained in the specified directory and all its subdirectories. A pathname consisting of the special token "<<ALL FILES>>" authorizes access to any file.

See the security and performance section in Oracle Java Developer's Guide and the class in the Java API for more information.

ctx - the source plug-in context information.
srcType - the source type, for example, "FILE".
srcLocation - the source location, for example, MEDIA_DIR.
srcName - the source name, for example,
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding export method in the database.


public void setProperties(byte[][] ctx,
                          boolean setComments)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Parses the media data properties, sets the attributes in the OrdDoc Java object, and optionally populates the CLOB specified by the comments attribute. This method sets the format, mimeType, and contentLength attributes. An attribute is set to null if the corresponding property cannot be extracted for a specific media format. If setComments is true, this method also populates the CLOB specified by the comments attribute with all extracted properties in XML form. If setComments is false, the comments attribute is not modified. This method throws a SQLException if the media format is not recognized.
The format attribute determines which format plug-in is used to parse the media data properties. If the format attribute is null when setProperties is called, then the default, Oracle-supplied, format plug-in is used to parse the media data properties and fill in various attributes, including the actual media data format, for supported media formats. See Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference for information on the media formats supported by the Oracle-supplied format plug-ins. Note that the ORDDoc.init methods in the database always set the format attribute to null. If the format attribute is not null, then the format plug-in specified by the format attribute will be called when setProperties is called.
ctx - the format plug-in context information.
setComments - a boolean that specifies whether or not to populate the CLOB specified by the comments attribute.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding setProperties method in the database.


public int openSource(byte[] userarg,
                      byte[][] ctx)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Opens a data source.
userarg - additional source plug-in information that may be required by user-defined source plug-ins.
ctx - the source plug-in context information.
the status as an int, where 0 indicates success and a non-0 value indicates a failure code specific to the source plug-in.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding openSource method in the database.


public int closeSource(byte[][] ctx)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Closes a data source.
ctx - the source plug-in context information.
the status as an int, where 0 indicates success and a non-0 value indicates a failure code specific to the source plug-in.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding closeSource method in the database.


public int readFromSource(byte[][] ctx,
                          int startpos,
                          int numbytes,
                          byte[][] buffer)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Reads data from the data source. This method reads the specified number of bytes into the application buffer from the data source starting at the specified position in the data source.

Not all source plug-ins require that the data source be opened before it can be read. However, if you call the openSource method before calling readFromSource, your application should work with any current or future source plug-ins.

ctx - the source plug-in context information.
startpos - the start position in the data source.
numbytes - the number of bytes to read from the data source.
buffer - a byte[][] array of the form [1][n], where n >= numbytes
number of bytes read as an int.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding readFromSource method in the database.


public int writeToSource(byte[][] ctx,
                         int startpos,
                         int numbytes,
                         byte[] buffer)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Writes data to the data source. This method writes the specified number of bytes from the application buffer to the data source starting at the specified position in the data source.

Not all source plug-ins support write operations. For example, applications can write to a BLOB specified by the localData attribute; however, the "FILE" and "HTTP" source types do not support writable data sources and so do not support this method. Furthermore, those source plug-ins that do support write access may support only sequential write access and may not support write access to arbitrary starting positions within the data source.

Not all source plug-ins require that the data source be opened before it can be written. However, if you call the openSource method before calling writeToSource, your application should work with any current or future source plug-ins.

ctx - the source plug-in context information.
startpos - the start position in the data source.
numbytes - the number of bytes to write to the data source.
buffer - a byte[] array containing the data to be written.
number of bytes written as an int.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding writeToSource method in the database.


public int trimSource(byte[][] ctx,
                      int newLen)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Trims the data to the specified length.

Not all source plug-ins support trim operations. For example, applications can trim the data stored in a BLOB specified by the localData attribute; however, the "FILE" and "HTTP" source types do not support writable data sources and so do not support this method. Furthermore, those source plug-ins that do support write access may not support the trim operation.

Not all source plug-ins require that the data source be opened before it can be modified. However, if you call the openSource method before calling trimSource, your application should work with any current or future source plug-ins.

ctx - the source plug-in context information.
new - the length to which the data is to be trimmed.
the status as an int, where 0 indicates success and a non-0 value indicates a failure code specific to the source plug-in.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding trimSource method in the database.


public byte[] processSourceCommand(byte[][] ctx,
                                   java.lang.String cmd,
                                   java.lang.String args,
                                   byte[][] result)
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
Calls the source plug-in in the database to execute a command. This method is for use with user-written plug-ins only; this method raises an exception if used with the source plug-ins supplied by Oracle.
ctx - the source plug-in context information.
cmd - the command to be executed by the source plug-in.
args - the command arguments.
result - a byte[][] array of the form [1][n] into which the result of the command execution is written.
the result of the command execution
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs executing the corresponding processSourceCommand method in the database.


public static oracle.sql.ORADataFactory getORADataFactory()
Returns the OrdDoc ORADataFactory for use by the getORAData method. Specify this method as the factory parameter of the getORAData method when retrieving an OrdDoc object from an OracleResultSet or OracleCallableStatement. For example:
  OrdDoc media = (OrdDoc)rset.getORAData( 1, OrdDoc.getORADataFactory() );
the OrdDoc implementation of the ORADataFactory interface.


public static oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
Deprecated. CustomDatumFactory method. New applications should use the ORADataFactory interface


public oracle.sql.CustomDatum create(oracle.sql.Datum d,
                                     int sqlType)
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Internal method used only by the Oracle CustomDatum interface. Applications should not call this method.

Oracle interMedia Java Classes API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part No. B12248-01

Copyright © 1999, 2003, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.