Oracle Ultra Search Java API Reference
Release 10g


Class Contains

extended byoracle.ultrasearch.query.Contains
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Contains
extends java.lang.Object
implements Query

Find documents that contains some text within its content, or its string attributes. Contains query does not apply to Date or Number attribute.

If no attribute is specified, then Contains operates on the document content, instead of any attribute. Nevertheless, a match found in the title attribute of the document will have higher score than a match in the document content.


Constructor Summary
Contains(StringAttribute att, java.lang.String val, InstanceMetaData instmd)
          Construct a contains query on a string attribute.
Contains(java.lang.String val, InstanceMetaData instmd)
          Construct a contains query on the document content


Method Summary
 java.lang.String compile()
          compile into a query string.
 java.lang.String compileForCount()
          compile into a query string for counting hits.
 java.lang.String expand(StringAttribute att, java.lang.String str, InstanceMetaData instmd, boolean boost)
          Translate an user's attribute contains query string into a text query The default translator uses + and -, see Ultra Search sample query documentation.
 java.lang.String expand(java.lang.String str, InstanceMetaData instmd)
          Translate an user query string into a text query The default translator uses + and -, see Ultra Search sample query documentation.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public Contains(StringAttribute att,
                java.lang.String val,
InstanceMetaData instmd)
Construct a contains query on a string attribute.


public Contains(java.lang.String val,
InstanceMetaData instmd)
Construct a contains query on the document content
Method Detail


public java.lang.String compile()
compile into a query string.
Specified by:
compile in interface Query
a query string representing this query.


public java.lang.String compileForCount()
compile into a query string for counting hits.
Specified by:
compileForCount in interface Query
a query string representing this query.


public java.lang.String expand(StringAttribute att,
                               java.lang.String str,
InstanceMetaData instmd,
                               boolean boost)
Translate an user's attribute contains query string into a text query The default translator uses + and -, see Ultra Search sample query documentation.
att - a string attribute
str - the main query string
instmd - the InstanceMetaData object
boost - true if this expansion is used to boost basic search
the translated Oracle Text query string (contains clause)


public java.lang.String expand(java.lang.String str,
InstanceMetaData instmd)
Translate an user query string into a text query The default translator uses + and -, see Ultra Search sample query documentation. The default implementation of "boosts" matches found in string attribute "Title" by a factor of 2. For example, if "foo" is the user's query, the a document that has one occurance of "foo" in its title attribute will have a score value at least twice that of a document that has one occurance of "foo" anywhere else.
str - the main query string
instmd - the InstanceMetaData object
the translated Oracle Text query string (contains clause)

Oracle Ultra Search Java API Reference
Release 10g


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