Oracle Email Java API Reference
Release 2(9.0.4)

A C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V W X _


Account - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.Account.
This class represents the top level object that contains all of one's rules.
Account(AccountType) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.Account
Constructs an instance using an existing AccountType Object.
AccountType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType.
This class represents the object that holds a list of events.
AccountType() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
ActionType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType.
The class represents one action.
ActionType() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType
activateGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Marks attribute "active" to "yes" for all rules in a group.
addACI(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Takes in a user_address, ACI string and calls an LDAP api to set the ACI for the user.
addACI(String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Takes in a user_address, ACI string and a flag to determine if the full ACI list is supported or not and calls a LDAP api to set the ACI for the user.
addACI(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
addACI method takes in a user type, user_address, aci string and calls ldap api to set the aci for the user.
addACI(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Takes in a user_address, ACI string and a flag to determine if the full ACI list is supported or not and calls a LDAP api to set the ACI for the user.
addAction(ActionType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Adds one action element.
addAttribute(AttributeType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds an attribute object.
addAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds the attribute string if the attribute does not require any parameters.
addCommand(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType
Adds the command element.
addCondition(ConditionType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds a subcondition if this is a compound condition.
addCondition(ConditionType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Adds the condition object.
addFilter(OracleEsFilter) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
add filters to the profile, store in the mailstore
addFrom() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
addHeaderLine(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
addInSection(InSectionType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds the insection type condition object if this is a sectional search condition.
addOperand(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds an operand.
addOperator(OperatorType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds the operator object.
addOperator(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds the operator string if it is a simple operation.
addParameter(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType
Adds a parameter
addProcCall(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Adds an external condition if this is an user-defined PL/SQL function call.
addRecipients(Message.RecipientType, Address[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
addRule(RuleType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Adds a rule object to this list.
addRulelist(RuleListType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Adds a rule list to this account.
ADMINACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
ALL - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TrueTerm
The singleton object of TrueTerm
ANNOTATE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag
appendMessages(Message[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Appends messages to this folder.
appendMessages(Message[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
appendMessages - append only if shared folder writable
appendMessages(Message[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
appendMessages(Message[], String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Appends messages to this folder.
ASC - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
AttributeType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AttributeType.
The class represents a message attribute, to be used in a condition object.
AttributeType(String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AttributeType
Creates an instance from an attribute string
auth_sendMessage(Store, Message) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility
auth_sendMessage(Store, Message, Address[]) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility


CC - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
clear() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Method to clear the internal message objects.
close() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to get folder by name
close() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
close(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Closes the folder and expunges the folder if requested.
closed(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
CommandType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.CommandType.
The class represents a command name, as part of an action object.
CommandType() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.CommandType
compareDBInfo(OracleUserConnectInfo) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Comparator method to check if database information matches
COMPILE_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException
This represents a PL/SQL compilation exception.
ConditionType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType.
This class represents a condition object.
ConditionType() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
connect(OESContext) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to connect to a store.
connect(String, int, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to connect to a store
ldapHost - LDAP Host Name ldapPort - LDAP Port user - User@Domain password - Password
connect(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to connect to a store
convertACL(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility
Convert V1 style ACLs to V2 style.
copyMessages(Message[], Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Copies the specified messages from this folder to the specified destination folder.
copyMessages(Message[], Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Copy messages only when COPYFROM aci is present.
create() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
create() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
Create the profile in the mailstore
create(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
If type doesn't have HOLDS_MESSAGES, it implies /NOSELECT.
create(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Create - override the create method in the OracleFolder class.
CreateContactInfo(OESContext, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method creates a contact info in the directory for the user logged in.
CreateDistributionList(OESContext, DirectoryObject, Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method creates a distribution list in the directory.
CreateMailUser(OESContext, String, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method creates a mailuser in the directory.
CreatePrivateList(OESContext, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method creates a privatelist in the directory for the user logged in.


decode(FileInputStream, FileInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
This method takes in the user certificate and the private keys as FileInputStream and the content of the message part to decode and returns a decrypted MimeBodyPart object.
decode(String, String, ByteArrayInputStream) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
This method takes in the user certificate file location and the private key file location and the content of the message part to decode and returns a decrypted MimeBodyPart object.
DefaultFolder - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder.
The api(s) in this folder should not be directly used by the user.
delete() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
Delete the profile in the mailstore and all the filters belonging to the profile.
delete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Deletes this folder.
delete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Delete this folder.
delete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
DELETEACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
DeleteContactInfo(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method deletes a contact info from the directory.
DeleteDistributionList(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method deletes a Distribution List from the directory.
deleteFilter(OracleEsFilter) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
delete the filter from this profile, exception thrown if filter does not belong to profile.
DeleteMailUser(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method deletes a mailuser from the directory and db.
DeletePrivateList(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method deletes a private list from the directory.
DES_CBC - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Encryption Algorithm: DES_CBC
DES_EDE3_CBC - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Encryption Algorithm: DES_EDE3_CBC
DESC - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
DirectoryAccess - class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess.
This class provides the Directory management APIs.
DirectoryAccess() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
DirectoryAttributeMetaData - class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData.
This class represents the metadata for a email server ldap object (eg., mailuser, list etc).
DirectoryConstants - class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants.
This class contains the list of constants used for the email server related directory operations.
DirectoryConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DirectoryException - exception oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryException.
This exception is thrown whenever any directory errors occur.
DirectoryObject - class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject.
This class represents a email server ldap object (eg., mailuser, list etc).
disableGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Marks attribute "active" to "no" for all rules in a group.
disconnected(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
DS_ALIAS - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_CALLERTYPE_APP - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_CALLERTYPE_MAILUSER - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_FOREIGN - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_LOGON_SIMPLE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_MODIFY_ADD - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_MODIFY_DELETE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_MODIFY_REPLACE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DS_USER - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryConstants
DSA - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Signature Algorithm: DSA


EMAIL_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
encryptMessage(MimeMessage, Session, InputStream, InputStream, InputStream[], boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Encrypt a mime message.
EsMessage - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.EsMessage.
EsMessage() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.EsMessage
exists() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Checks if the folder exists on the store.
exists() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Check if this folder exists in the database
exists() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
expunge() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Expunges messages marked \DELETED.
expunge() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Expunge permitted only if allowed i.e., shared folder is writable.
expunge() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder


fake_connect(String, OracleUserConnectInfo) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
FAX_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
fetch(Message[], FetchProfile) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Prefetches the items specified in the FetchProfile for the given messages.
fetch(Message[], FetchProfile) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Get the messages if FETCH aci is present.
fileToDoc(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Parse rule data in XML text from a file and return an XMLDocument object.
FILTERED - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag
FROM - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria


GENERIC_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException
This represents all other generic errors
get_date_format(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
getActions() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Gets the Action list as a Vector.
getActive() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Gets the value of the Active attribute.
GetAllContacts(OESContext) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method retrieves all Contacts for the user logged on.
getAllGroupNames() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Gets all rule group names without duplicates.
getAllHeaderLines() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getAllHeaders() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getAllMessageComments(String[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Returns the list of comments for the message as an array of OracleComment objects
GetAllPrivateLists(OESContext) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method retrieves all private lists for the user logged on.
getAttribute() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the message attribute if it is a simple condition
getAttributeName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData
Returns the name of the attribute.
getAttributeOid() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData
Returns the oid of the attribute.
getAttributeType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AttributeType
Gets the attribute data type
getAttributeType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData
Returns the type of the attribute.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method returns the value of an attribute for an add or lookup operation.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
This is an extended api that returns the authenticated user's email address.
getCaseSensitive() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.OperatorType
Gets the case sensitiveness of this operator
getCommand() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType
Gets the command name
getCondition() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Gets the condition object.
getConditionType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the type of the condition.
getConnectString() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for connectString
GetContactInfoMetaData(OESContext) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method returns the metadata for a user's private address book contact info object.
getContentID() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getContentID() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getContentLanguage() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getContentLanguage() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getContentMD5() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getContentMD5() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getContentStream() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getContentStream() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getContentType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getContentType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getContentWithHeaders() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getCriteria() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
return the criteria set for this filter as a javax.mail.SearchTerm object
getDataHandler() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getDataHandler() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getDate() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
getDate() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
getDateType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
getDays() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
getDBConn(DBConnectInfo) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
Return a connection from the connection pool.
getDBConn(OESContext) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
getDBConn - Overloaded method to use OESContext to return connection from the pool instead of the OESLoginContext.
getDBConn(OESLoginContext) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
User method to return connection from pool.
getDBHost() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for database hostname
getDBPassword() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for database password
getDBPort() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for database port
getDBUser() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for database user
getDefaultFolder() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
getDefaultValues() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData
Returns the the default values for attributes (if any default is set in the LDAP)
getDefinition() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.ScanTerm
Retrieve the virus definition
getDeletedMessages(String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Retrieve a list of deleted message headers and msg_ids
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
Retrieve the description for this filter
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Gets the value of attribute Description.
getDisposition() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getDisposition() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
GetDistributionListMetaData(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method returns the metadata for a public distribution list (DL).
getEncoding() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getEncoding() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getEncryptedPassword() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for encrypted database password
getEvent() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Gets the value of the Event attribute.
getFileName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getFileName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getFilteredHeaders(long[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns a list of .
getFilteredText(String, int, boolean, char[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
IMT API that returns filtered text(plain text or html versions) of the message.
getFlags() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getFolder() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
get the javax.mail.Folder object for which this filter is set We are assuming that all filters are based on folder operations
getFolder() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Returns the folder from which this message is obtained.
getFolder(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the folder object corresponding to the given name.
getFolder(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to get folder by name
getFolder(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
getFolder(URLName) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to get folder by name
getFolderId() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the internal folder id for this folder.
getFolderSize() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the sum total of the sizes of all the messages in a folder.
getFrom() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
getFrom() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
getFrom() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getFullName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the current folder's full name which DOES NOT contain the namespace
getFullPath() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the full folder name with the namespace.
getGranteeACI() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns a vector of OracleGranteeACI objects.
getGranteeAddress() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Return the address of the grantee
getGranteeType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Return the type of the grantee Valid Types are: user - ESDSConstants.DS_MAILUSER, dl - ESDSConstants.DS_DISTRIBUTION_LIST, domain - ESDSConstants.DS_DOMAIN
getGroup() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Gets the value of attribute Group.
getHeader() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
getHeader - Use this method to get sort header
getHeader(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getHeader(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getHighlight(String, int, String, boolean, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
IMT API that returns the highlights of the message.
getId() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Gets the value of the numerical attribute ID.
getInboxCounts(String, DBConnectInfo) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility
getInSection() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the InSectionType object that contains sectional search condition information.
getJunction() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the value of the Junction attribute
getKey() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleComment
Method to get the comment key.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for application identifier
getLineCount() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getLineCount() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
GetMailUserMetaData(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method returns the metadata for a mailuser.
getMandatoryAttribs() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method returns the mandatory attributes for an email server ldap object, for example, mailuser, distribution list etc.
getMarkupText(String, int, String, boolean, char[], String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
IMT API that returns queried text(message or message part) of the message
getMatchingHeaderLines(String[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getMatchingHeaders(String[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getMessage() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryException
getMessage(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the message object corresponding to the given message number.
getMessage(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Get the message if FETCH aci is present.
getMessage(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
getMessageByType(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the message object that corresponds to the given message type.
getMessageByUID(long) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the Message object that corresponds to the given message uid.
getMessageComment(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Returns the comment for the commentName.
getMessageCount() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the total number of messages in a folder.
getMessageCount() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
getMessagesByUID(long[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the messages specified in the UID array.
getMessagesByUID(long, long) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the messages specified in the range (inclusively).
getMessageType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.MessageTypeTerm
getMessageUID() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
getMetaData(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method returns the meta data associated with an attribute.
getMsgId() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
getMultiplicity() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData
Returns the multiplicity of the attribute.
getName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the cannonical name of the folder.
getName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
getName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
getNamespace() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Retrieve shared namespace.
getNegation() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the value of the Negation attribute
getNewMessageCount() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the number of messages with \RECENT flag in this folder.
getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getNonMatchingHeaders(String[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getOp() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.OperatorType
Gets the operator name
getOperand() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the first operand string
getOperands() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets all operands in a vector
getOperator() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets tje operator object if it is a simple condition
getOptionalAttribs() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method returns the optional attributes for an email server ldap object, for example, mailuser, distribution list etc.
getOrder() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
getOrder - Use this method to get order
getOwnerType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Gets the value of attribute ownerType.
getParam() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AttributeType
Gets the value of attribute parameter
getParameters() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType
Gets the parameter list in a Vector
getParent() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns a new folder object that represents the parent of this folder.
getParent() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Return the parent of this folder as an instance of OracleSharedFolder.
getParent() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
getParent() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleElement
Gets the parent element for the current element
getPermanentFlags() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the list of permanent flags.
getPriority() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
GetPrivateListMetaData(OESContext) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method returns the metadata for a user's private list object.
getProcCall() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets the external condition PL/SQL function name
getPublicNamespaces() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
getQualifiedName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Gets the value of attribute qualifiedName.
getQuota() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for user quota
getReceivedDate() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
getReceivedDate() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getRecipients(Message.RecipientType) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
getRequired() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAttributeMetaData
Returns true if the attribute is an mandatory attribute from the DirectoryObject it was retrieved from, false if optional.
getRule() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Gets a user level rule as XML text as a regular mail user
getRule(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Retrieves rule as XML text as an administrator
getRulelists() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Gets the vector of rule lists in the object.
getRuleObjects() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Retrieves rule data as Java objects as a regular mail user
getRuleObjects(Reader) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Retreives rule data in Java objects given a Reader
getRuleObjects(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Retrieves rule data in Java objects for a user as an administrator
getRules() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Gets the list of rules.
getRulesForGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Gets the list of rules that has the same "group" attribute value as the given group name.
getSentDate() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
getSentDate() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getSeparator() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the folder delimiter character.
getSharedNamespaces() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
getSize() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
getSize() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getSubConditions() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Gets all sub conditions in a vector if this is a compound condition
getSubject() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
getSubject() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
getSubject() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
getTag() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.InSectionType
Gets the value of the section tag.
getTag() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AttributeType
Gets the attribute name
getTag() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.CommandType
Gets the command name
getThemes(String, int, boolean, String[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
IMT API that returns the theme of a message or part of a message.
getTo() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
getTokens(String, String, boolean, String[], int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
IMT API that returns word tokens out of a message or message part.
getType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the folder type - HOLDS_FOLDER, HOLDS_MESSAGE.
getType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
API that returns the message type.
getType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
getType() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleElement
Gets the type object for the element.
getUid() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Retrieves the uid value for this message
getUID(Message) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the msg UID for the specified message.
getUIDValidity() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the uid validity information for the folder.
getUnreadMessageCount() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the total number of unread messages in a folder.
getURLName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the URL name reprensenting this folder.
getUsage() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Get usage for the user.
getUserName() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Getter for username
getValue() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleComment
Method to get the comment value.
getVendor() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.ScanTerm
Retrieve the vendor name
getVisible() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Gets the value of the Visible attribute.
getVisibleRules() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Gets the list of all visible rules.


hasDelete() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Has delete permission
hasInsert() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Has insert permission
hasLookup() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Has lookup permission
hasNewMessages() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Checks whether the folder has messages with the \RECENT flag set.
hasNewMessages() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
hasRead() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Check if shared folder has read permissions.
hasRead() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Has Read permission
hasSeen() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Has seen permission
hasWrite() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Check if shared folder has write permissions.
hasWrite() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
Has Write permission


initDBPool(OESContext, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
initDBPool User method to set connection pool.
initDBPool(OESContext, String, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
User method to set connection pool.
initDBPool(OESLoginContext, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
User method to set connection pool.
initDBPool(String, String, int, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
initDBPool Read the connpool_min_limit, connpool_max_limit and connpool_increment properties.
InSectionType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.InSectionType.
This class represent a in-section search criteria object to be used as type of condition.
InSectionType(String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.InSectionType
Creates an instance of this class with the given search pattern string.
INSERTACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
INTERNAL_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
isConnected() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Use this method to get folder by name
isOpen() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the opened flag.
isShared() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Checks if the folder is shared.
isSubscribed() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns true if this folder is subscribed.
isSubscribed() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Check if the shared folder is subscribed.


list(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns a list of folder objects that match the pattern.
list(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
List subtree of shared folders using *(recursive) or %(top level)
listFilters() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
list all the filters that belong to this profile - retrieve latest information from the mailstore.
listProfile() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
List the existing wireless profiles for this user.
listSubscribed(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns a list subscribed of folder objects that match the pattern.
listSubscribed(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
List subtree of subscribed shared folders using *(recursive) or %(top level)
loadHeaders() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
LOOKUPACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
LookupContactInfo(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method looks up a contact for the mailuser logged in.
LookupDistributionList(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method looks up a Distribution List.
LookupMailUser(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method looks up a mailuser.
LookupPrivateList(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method looks up a private list for the mailuser logged in.


main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
match(Message) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
match(Message) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.MessageTypeTerm
match(Message) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TrueTerm
Returns true any any match
match(Message) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.ScanTerm
Matching is not supported for runtime searching.
MD5 - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Digest Algorithm: MD5
MDNSENT - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag
MessageTypeTerm - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.MessageTypeTerm.
MessageTypeTerm(int) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.MessageTypeTerm
Use the following constants for the message type: OracleMessage.EMAIL_TYPE, OracleMessage.VOICE_TYPE, OracleMessage.FAX_TYPE, OracleMessage.NEWS_TYPE
modifyAttributeValue(String, Vector, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method is used to set the attribute values and the modification type (Add, Delete or Replace).
ModifyContactInfo(OESContext, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method modifies a contact info in the directory.
ModifyDistributionList(OESContext, String, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method modifies a DL in the directory.
ModifyDistributionListMembers(OESContext, String, String, String, Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method modifies the members of a DL in the directory.
modifyFilter(OracleEsFilter) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
replace the current filter with the new filter
ModifyMailUser(OESContext, String, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method modifies a mailuser in the directory.
ModifyPrivateList(OESContext, DirectoryObject) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method modifies a private list in the directory.
moveMessages(Message[], Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Moves messages to other folders.
moveMessages(Message[], Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Checks for permissions and moves messages to/from shared folders.
MSG_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria


NEWS_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
NOUSER_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException
This represents an authentication exception.


open() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
open(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Returns the folder information and then fetches all the messages in the folder.
open(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Open -- Get folder information and then get all the messages in the folder...
opened(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
OperatorType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.OperatorType.
This class represents a condition operator.
OperatorType(String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.OperatorType
Creates an operator object from an operator name
oracle.mail.sdk.esmail - package oracle.mail.sdk.esmail
oracle.mail.sdk.ldap - package oracle.mail.sdk.ldap
oracle.mail.sdk.rule - package oracle.mail.sdk.rule
OracleACI - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI.
ACI(s) are the permissions that are set on shared folders.
OracleAuthenticator - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleAuthenticator.
The OracleAuthenticator class is used in the OC4J environment to connect to the ESMail service provider.
OracleAuthenticator() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleAuthenticator
OracleBodyPart - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart.
OracleComment - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleComment.
This class implements an OracleComment.
OracleComment(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleComment
Constructor to create a comment.
OracleDBPool - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool.
This is a jdbc connection pool used by the javamail service provider.
OracleDBPool() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
OracleEsFilter - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter.
This class implements an Wireless Filter
OracleEsFilter(Folder, String, SearchTerm) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
OracleEsProfile - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile.
This class implements an Wireless Profile
OracleEsProfile(Store, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
OracleEsProfile(Store, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsProfile
OracleFilteredMsgHdrs - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs.
OracleFilteredMsgHdrs() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
OracleFilteredMsgHdrs(long, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
OracleFolder - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.
This class implements an Oracle folder.
OracleFolder.OracleFlag - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag.
OracleFolder.OracleFlag() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag
OracleGranteeACI - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleGranteeACI.
This class is used to retrieve shared folder aci and grantee information.
OracleMessage - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage.
This class extends MimeMessage
OracleMessage(OracleFolder, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
OracleMessage(OracleFolder, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
OracleMessage(Session) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
OracleSharedFolder - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder.
This class implements an Oracle Shared folder.
OracleSMimeBodyPart - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart.
This class supports SMime functionality for decrypting and verifying smime encrypted and signed message parts.
OracleSMimeBodyPart() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
OracleSortCriteria - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria.
This class supports sorting and is an extension to the Standard JMA functionality.
OracleSortCriteria(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
OracleStore - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore.
This class implements an OracleStore.
OracleStore(Session, URLName) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
session - Session object for this Store.
OracleUserConnectInfo - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo.
This class models an esmail service provider user.
OracleUserConnectInfo() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo

OracleUserConnectInfo(String, int, String, String, String, int, String, String, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo

OracleUtility - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility.
An utility class that provides a number of mail utility functionality, such as portlet functionality and auth send
OracleUtility() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility


parse_simple_term(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
parse_term(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
Parse the simple search term - return array of search strings Converts only either OR or AND term strings - not a combination
parse(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility
Utility method to parse an IMAP search command string and return a SearchTerm object.
pr(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
pr(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleEsFilter
print() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
print() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Print out the values of the connect information
print() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
print(XMLOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ActionType
Prints in XML format of this object.
print(XMLOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Prints in XML format of this object.
print(XMLOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Prints in XML format of this object.
print(XMLOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.Account
Prints in XML representation of the Account object to an XMLOutputStream object.
printAttributes(XMLOutputStream, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleElement
Serializes attributes into XML format
printStackTrace() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryException


QueryMailUsers(OESContext, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method queries for mailusers in the directory for the given search criteria.


RC2_CBC_128 - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Encryption Algorithm: RC2_CBC_128
RC2_CBC_40 - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Encryption Algorithm: RC2_CBC_40
RC2_CBC_64 - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Encryption Algorithm: RC2_CBC_64
READACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
RECEIVED_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
recoverMessages(String, int[], String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
RecoveryHeader - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader.
RecoveryHeader() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
RecoveryHeader(int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.RecoveryHeader
releaseDBConn(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
releaseDBConn - To be used to release a connection back into the pool.
removeACI(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Takes in a user_address and removes folder access for the user.
removeACI(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Takes in a user type, user_address and removes access for the user.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleElement
Removes all child elements.
removeAt(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleElement
Removes an child element at a specific position starting with 0.
removeCondition() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Removes the condition object.
removeHeader(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
removeHeader(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
renameTo(Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Renames this folder and notifies the RenameListeners.
renameTo(Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Rename this folder; notify the RenameListeners
renameTo(Folder) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.DefaultFolder
renameUpdate(String, String, ESDSContext, Connection) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Perform rule update as a result of a rename.
ResolveDistributionList(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method provides resolution of list.
ResolvePrivateList(OESContext, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method resolves the list to the given resolution type.
RetrieveAttribValueFromCache(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
When a user is authenticated, certain user attributes like the quota, voice quota, user id, user state etc get cached.
RSA - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Signature Algorithm: RSA
RuleElement - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleElement.
Common super class for all rule objects.
RuleListType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType.
This class represents a list of rules associated with one event.
RuleListType() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
RuleParser - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser.
This class provides APIs to store, retrieve and validate rules.
RuleParser() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Default Constructor
RuleParser(OESContext) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Constructs a RuleParser object with a given authentication context
RuleParserException - exception oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException.
This class represent a parsing exception.
RuleType - class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType.
This class represents one rule.
RuleType() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType


saveChanges() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
ScanTerm - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.ScanTerm.
ScanTerm(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.ScanTerm
Construct a ScanTerm object.
search(SearchTerm) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Constructs the IMAP4 search string and calls the PL/SQL search.
search(SearchTerm) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Search on the messages is permitted only if SEARCH aci is present.
search(SearchTerm) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Get the search results for all the users folders.
search(SearchTerm, Message[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Constructs the IMAP4 search string and calls the PL/SQL search.
SearchContacts(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method retrieves all Contacts for the user logged on for the given search criteria.
SearchPrivateLists(OESContext, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryAccess
This method retrieves all private lists for the user logged on for the given search criteria.
SEENACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
SEMANTICS_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException
This represents a rule semantic violation.
SENT_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
SENT_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
serialize(SearchTerm) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUtility
Convert a SearchTerm object into IMAP style search command
setActions(Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Resets the action list with the given list of actions.
setActive(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Sets the value of Active attribute, either "yes" or "no".
setAttributeValue(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method is used to set the attribute values for an add operation.
setAttributeValue(String, Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryObject
This method is used to set the attribute values for an add operation.
setAuthContext(OESContext) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Sets authentication context.
setCaseSensitive(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.OperatorType
Sets the case sensitiveness of this operator
setConditions(Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Sets the sub-conditions for this parent condition.
setContent(Multipart) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setContent(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setContentMD5(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setCurrentProfile(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleStore
Set the current profile.
setDataHandler(DataHandler) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
Print debug statements - useful to see connection cache and active connection size.
setDebugMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Change debug setting (stdout based logging)
setDebugOff() - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Turn debugging off
setDebugOn() - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Turn debugging on.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Sets the value of attribute Description.
setDescription(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setDisposition(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setEncrypt(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleDBPool
setEncryptedPassword(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleUserConnectInfo
Setter for encrypted database password
setEncryptionMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Change password encryption setting
setEvent(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Sets the value of Event attribute.
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setFlags(Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
setFlags(int[], Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Set flags for the folder.
setFlags(int[], Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Set flags only when SETSEENFLAG or SETALLFLAGS acis are present.
setFlags(int, int, Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Sets flags for the folder.
setFlags(int, int, Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Set flags only when SETSEENFLAG or SETALLFLAGS acis are present.
setFlags(Message[], Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Set flags
setFlags(Message[], Flags, boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Set flags only when SETSEENFLAG or SETALLFLAGS acis are present.
setFrom(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
setGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Sets the value of attribute Group.
setHeader(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
setHeader - Use this method to set the header to sort on
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleBodyPart
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
setId(Integer) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Sets the value of ID, the numerical ID attribute for the user.
setJunction(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Sets the value of Junction attribute
setKey(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleComment
Method to set the comment key.
setMessageComment(String, String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Sets the comment for the message.
setMessageComments(OracleComment[]) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Sets the comments for a message.

setMsgUID(long) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
setNegation(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Sets the value of Negation attribute
setOperands(Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.ConditionType
Sets operands to the condition.
setOrder(int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
setOrder - Use this method to set the sort order
setOwnerType(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Sets the value of attribute ownerType, either "user", "domain" or "system".
setParam(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AttributeType
Sets the value of the attribute parameter
setPriority(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
setQualifiedName(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Sets the value of attribute qualifiedName, in the form of "name@domain".
setReceivedDate(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
setRule(XMLDocument) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Validate and save rule data in persistent storage.
setRulelists(Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.AccountType
Resets this object with a new list of rule lists.
setRuleObjects(Account) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Saves rule to the directory given an Account object
setRules(Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleListType
Resets this object with given list of rules as a Vector os RuleType objects.
setSentDate(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
setSubject(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFilteredMsgHdrs
setSubscribed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Subscribes or unsubscribes the folder.
setSubscribed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSharedFolder
Check the shared folder to be subscribed.
setTag(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.InSectionType
Sets the value of the section tag.
setValidation(boolean) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Sets rule validation mode.
setValue(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleComment
Method to set the comment value.
setVisible(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleType
Sets the value of Visible attribute, either "yes" or "no".
SHA1 - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Digest Algorithm: SHA1
signMessage(MimeMessage, Session, InputStream, InputStream, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Digitally sign a mime message.
signNencryptMessage(MimeMessage, Session, InputStream, InputStream, InputStream[], boolean, boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
Digitally sign and encrypt a mime message.
sortMessages(Vector) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder
Sorts the messages in the folder according to the specified order, returning a list of message UIDs.
SQL_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException
This represents a generic SQL exception
storeMessage(long, Connection, boolean, Message, boolean, int, String, TimeZone, int) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.EsMessage
Not supported for use other than for MigTool
stringToDoc(String) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParser
Parses rule data in XML text and return an XMLDocument object.
SUBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSortCriteria
SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.rule.RuleParserException
This represents a rule syntax violation.


TodayTerm - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm.
This class implements a TodayTerm.
TodayTerm(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TodayTerm
Since we need to distinguish between sent date and received date, use the constants: comparison : use the ComparisonTerm.LT and EQ only.
toString() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TrueTerm
prints the "ALL" representation
toString() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.ScanTerm
Prints the "SCANNEDBY" representation
toString() - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.ldap.DirectoryException
TrueTerm - class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TrueTerm.
TrueTerm() - Constructor for class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.TrueTerm
Construct a TrueTerm object.


verify_message(FileInputStream, FileInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream[], InputStream[], InputStream) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
This method takes in the user certificate file and the private keys file, the content of the message part that contains the signature to verify, the sinature certificates and the actual signature and returns an integer value(1 - verified, 0 - not verified).
verify_message(String, String, ByteArrayInputStream[], InputStream[], InputStream) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleSMimeBodyPart
This method takes in the user certificate filename and the private keys filename, the content of the message part that contains the signature to verify, the sinature certificates and the actual signature and returns an integer value(1 - verified, 0 - not verified).
VOICE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage


WRITEACI - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleACI
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage
Please refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.


XDELETEAFTERSUBMIT - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag
XDSNREQUESTED - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag
XMDNREQUESTED - Static variable in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleFolder.OracleFlag


_parseValue(String) - Static method in class oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.OracleMessage

A C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V W X _
Oracle Email Java API Reference
Release 2(9.0.4)


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