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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86, and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

Part Number B10874-04
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12 Configuring Oracle Files

This chapter guides you through the process of configuring Oracle Files.

This chapter contains these topics:

12.1 Overview of the Oracle Files Configuration Process

The following steps are required to configure and run Oracle Files:

  1. Run the Oracle Files configuration assistant.

    See "Configure Oracle Files".

  2. Start the Oracle Files processes.

    See "Starting All Necessary Processes".

  3. Create the Oracle Files subscriber.

    See "Creating the Oracle Files Subscriber".

  4. Log in to Oracle Files as orclguest (or as an existing Oracle Internet Directory user).

    See "Validating Basic Operations".

See "Setting Up Oracle Files Runtime" for more information about post-configuration tasks. See "Additional Post-Configuration Tasks" for additional post-configuration tasks.

12.2 Recommended Protocol Configurations

The following describes security considerations for the protocols used to access Oracle Files.

  1. FTP and AFP protocols send unencrypted user passwords across the network.

    This is the defined behavior of these industry-standard protocols. Oracle has no control over this behavior, and it does not represent a defect in Oracle software. Sites unwilling to accept this behavior should either a) disable these protocols; or b) configure Oracle Files to use Oracle Files-specific user passwords for these protocols, so that users' Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On passwords are not compromised if FTP or AFP passwords are compromised.

    To set Oracle Files-specific passwords, use the Protocol Access page in Oracle Files. See the Oracle Files online help for details.

  2. The HTTP/DAV protocol allows both "basic" (unencrypted) and "digest" (encrypted) authentication.

    "Basic" authentication sends unencrypted user passwords across the network unless HTTP/DAV uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Apache configuration (performed separately from Oracle Files configuration) determines whether or not HTTP/DAV uses SSL. Sites concerned about HTTP/DAV "basic" authentication should configure Apache to use SSL.

  3. The HTTP/DAV, FTP, SMB, AFP, NTFS, and NFS protocols do not encrypt the network channel by default.

    Files transferred using these protocols are susceptible to interception. This is the defined behavior of these protocols. Oracle has no control over this behavior and it does not represent a defect in Oracle software. Sites unwilling to accept this behavior should disable these protocols and configure Apache to use SSL (HTTP/DAV only).

  4. If authentication is performed using the Oracle Files Web User Interface HTML form, instead of Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On, unencrypted passwords are transmitted over the network unless Apache is configured to use SSL.

  5. To administer Oracle Files using Oracle Enterprise Manager, a user authenticates using an HTML form. Unless Oracle Enterprise Manager is configured for SSL, unencrypted passwords are transmitted over the network.

  6. By default, JDBC does not encrypt network connections between Oracle Files processes and the Oracle9i Database Server. This means that passwords and files being transferred are susceptible to interception. Either a) secure the network connection between the middle tier machines running Oracle Files (if any), or b) use Oracle Advanced Security to encrypt these connections.

  7. When configuring Oracle Files to use Oracle Internet Directory for user authentication, the administrator must choose whether or not to use SSL for connections between Oracle Files and Oracle Internet Directory. If SSL is not used, unencrypted passwords can be sent over network connections between Oracle Files processes and Oracle Internet Directory. Either a) secure the network connection between Oracle Files and Oracle Internet Directory or b) use SSL.

12.3 Preconfiguration Tasks for Oracle Files

The Oracle Files configuration assistant starts automatically if you chose to configure Oracle Files as part of the installation process and guides you through the process of identifying the Oracle database to use for the Oracle Files schema and various other configuration tasks.

Before you configure Oracle Files, there are a number of preconfiguration tasks you might want to complete, depending on your planned deployment. To perform any of these tasks, either deselect the Oracle Files check box in the Oracle Universal Installer, which stops the Oracle Files configuration assistant from starting, or cancel the Oracle Files configuration assistant when it starts.

After performing the desired preconfiguration task(s), you can then run the Oracle Files configuration assistant and configure Oracle Files. To run the Oracle Files configuration assistant, execute ifsca from the following location:


This section contains the following topics:

Table 12-1 lists recommended and optional preconfiguration tasks and provides information to help you determine whether or not a task is necessary to your deployment of Oracle Files.

Table 12-1 Optional Preconfiguration Tasks for Oracle Files

Optional Preconfiguration Task Purpose
"Using Oracle Database 10g with Oracle Files"

Steps for this task begin.

If you want to use Oracle Database 10g, you must perform this preconfiguration task.

To use Oracle Database 10g with an existing Oracle Files installation, you must apply Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release See the patch set documentation for more information.

"Create Custom Tablespaces (Recommended)"

Steps for this task begin.

For a production environment, Oracle recommends creating custom tablespaces for the various tables and indexes that comprise the system.

If you choose to create custom tablespaces, you must do so before configuring Oracle Files. You cannot use custom tablespaces that you create after configuring Oracle Files.

"Set Up Oracle Files to Use Real Applications Clusters Database (Optional)"

Steps for this task begin.

If you know that you want to use a Real Application Clusters database with your initial deployment of Oracle Files, it is recommended that you perform this task prior to configuring Oracle Files.

Table 12-2 lists additional configuration and usage information for Oracle Files.

Table 12-2 Important Information for Configuring and Running Oracle Files

Topic Location
Creating users in Oracle Internet Directory "Creating Users in Oracle Internet Directory"
Provisioning users in Oracle Files "Creating Users in Oracle Internet Directory", and Oracle Files Administrator's Guide
Integrating Oracle Workflow with Oracle Files "Integrating Oracle Workflow with Oracle Files (Optional)"
Oracle Files configuration tasks involving Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Files Administrator's Guide
Oracle Files Site Administrator and Subscriber Administrator information "Creating the Oracle Files Subscriber"; Oracle Files Administrator's Guide and Oracle Files online help
Configuring the NFS server Oracle Files Administrator's Guide
Installing the Oracle FileSync client Oracle Files Administrator's Guide
Other client access paths and software Oracle Files Administrator's Guide
Creating a Return to Portal link "Adding the Return to Portal Link in the Oracle Files Web UI (Required)"

12.3.1 Using Oracle Database 10g with Oracle Files

Follow these steps if you have a new Oracle Files installation and you want to use Oracle Database 10g for your information storage database:


To use Oracle Database 10g with an existing Oracle Files installation, you must apply Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release See the patch set documentation for more information.

  1. Install Oracle Database 10g from the Oracle Database 10g CD pack.

  2. Set the following environment variables on the computer on which the Oracle Database 10g server is installed:

    • Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the following:

    • Set the PATH to include the following:

    • Set the SHLIB_PATH to the following for the HP-UX PA-RISC platform

  3. Ensure that the following database parameters are set on the computer on which the Oracle Database 10g server is installed:

    Table 12-3 Required Database Parameters

    Parameter Name Minimum Value
    aq_tm_processes 1
    java_pool_size 30 MB
    job_queue_processes 4
    open_cursors 300
    processes 100
    session_max_open_files 50
    shared_pool_size 50 MB (52428800 bytes)

    The values listed in Table 12-3 are minimum values for these parameters. You may want to increase these values as appropriate for your deployment.

  4. On the computer on which the Oracle Database 10g server is installed, restart the database and the database listener.

  5. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release middle tier.

  6. Do not select the Oracle Files components for configuration during installation of the middle tier.

    If the Oracle Files configuration assistant appears, click Cancel.

  7. Apply Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release

    See the patch set documentation for more information.

  8. Configure Oracle Files by executing ifsca from the following location:


    For configuration instructions, see "Configure Oracle Files".

12.3.2 Create Custom Tablespaces (Recommended)

During Oracle Files configuration, you must select whether to store all schema objects in the USERS tablespace, or in custom tablespaces. For a production environment, the USERS tablespace is not optimal. Oracle recommends creating custom tablespaces for the various tables and indexes that comprise the system (see Table 12-4) before attempting to configure Oracle Files.

To create custom tablespaces for Oracle Files, Oracle recommends that you create tablespaces as locally managed tablespaces.

Locally managed tablespaces track all extent information in the tablespace itself, using bitmaps, resulting in simplified space allocation, ease of management, and performance benefits.

Locally managed tablespaces have been available since Oracle8i, and beginning with the Oracle9i Database Server, locally managed is the default for all non-SYSTEM permanent tablespaces whenever the type of extent management is not explicitly specified.

An example of the SQL syntax is:

    DATAFILE '/data1/oradata/sidname/tbspname_01.dbf' SIZE 50M EXTENT

In this example, the EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL clause is extraneous, since this is the default, but the full syntax is shown to highlight the fact that you need not provide segment, extent, and other sizing parameters.

  • If you create locally managed custom tablespaces, the default options are recommended. Specifically, be aware that you should not specify automatic segment-space management for the tablespaces, because most Oracle Files data is stored as LOBs, and AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT does not support LOBs.

  • Create custom tablespaces on disk storage appropriate for your implementation. See the Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference for more information.

Table 12-4 contains additional information about custom tablespaces. This table can be used to note the names and specifics of any custom tablespaces you create.

For more information about creating tablespaces and about locally managed tablespaces, see the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.

Table 12-4 Custom Tablespace Definitions for Oracle Files

Tablespace Description (default size) Your Custom Tablespace Name
Primary Stores metadata for documents, information about users and groups, and other Oracle Files object data. (50 MB)
Non-Indexed Media Stores LOB data for documents that are not indexed by Oracle Text, such as zip files. (50 MB)
Indexed Media Stores LOB data for documents indexed by Oracle Text, such as text and word processing files. (50 MB)
interMedia Media Stores LOB data for documents indexed by Oracle interMedia, such as image, audio, and video files. (50 MB)
Oracle Text Index Stores the Oracle Text tokens table. (50 MB)
Oracle Text Keymap Stores the index on the Oracle Text tokens table. (50 MB)
Oracle Text Data Stores other Oracle Text tables. (150 MB)

12.3.3 Set Up Oracle Files to Use Real Applications Clusters Database (Optional)

You can choose to run Oracle Files against a Real Application Clusters database at any time, either preconfiguration or post-configuration.

However, if you know that you want to point to a Real Application Clusters database for your initial Oracle Files deployment, performing the following preconfiguration steps enables you to specify a Real Application Clusters database during the Oracle Files configuration process. Note that there are additional post-configuration tasks that must also be completed.


In order to use Real Application Clusters, configuration of Oracle Files must be performed against a specific node in the target Real Application Clusters configuration, and this node must have load balancing disabled during the Oracle Files configuration process.

  1. Set the following system parameter in the Real Application Clusters database:


  2. Ensure that the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter is set to a value of 10 or higher.

  3. Make a TNS entry in the tnsnames.ora file for load balancing and connection failover options in each Oracle home used by Oracle Files. Please see Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Administration for more information on making a TNS entry for these options.

  4. Configure Oracle Files, specifying the name of the Real Application Clusters database on the Database Selection screen of the Oracle Files configuration assistant.

  5. Perform required post-configuration steps.

    See "Post-Configuration Steps for Using Oracle Files with a Real Application Clusters Database (Optional)" for details.

12.4 Configure Oracle Files

The Oracle Files configuration assistant is started automatically by the Oracle Universal Installer, and guides you through the configuration options listed in Table 12-5. The Oracle Files configuration assistant always begins with the Oracle Files CA - Welcome screen.

Using the Oracle Files configuration assistant, make your choices on each screen and click Next to continue. To configure Oracle Files at a later time, click Cancel to stop the assistant, and then run the configuration assistant by executing the ifsca script from the following location:


Table 12-5 describes the types of configurations you can perform:

Table 12-5 Configuration Assistant Options

Configuration Type Description See Also...
Creating a New Oracle Files Domain
Creates a new Oracle Files schema in the database. Optionally configures the software required to include the computer as a middle tier in the domain. "Creating a New Oracle Files Domain"
Setting Up a Computer to Use an Existing Domain
Configures Oracle Files software on the system for integration with an existing domain.

Select this option if:

  • You are adding additional middle tiers

  • You are you upgrading your Oracle Files schema from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

"Setting Up a Computer to Use an Existing Domain"

To monitor the Oracle Files configuration assistant as it progresses, you can view the log as it is being written to the following file:


12.4.1 Creating a New Oracle Files Domain

These instructions guide you through the process of configuring the Oracle Files domain controller computer, which is typically the first computer in the domain that you are configuring.

The instructions begin from the Oracle Files configuration assistant Welcome screen.

  1. Click Next.

    The Domain Operation screen displays.

    Figure 12-1 Domain Operation Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_01.gif

  2. Select the Create a new Oracle Files domain option.


    If you upgraded your Oracle Files schema from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, you must choose Set up this computer to use an existing Oracle Files domain on the Domain Operation screen, and reference the instructions for "Setting Up a Computer to Use an Existing Domain".

  3. Click Next.

    The Database Selection screen displays.

    Figure 12-2 Database Selection Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_02.gif

  4. Enter the name of the host on which the database is running, the listener port number, the database service name, and the password for the database SYS user account.


    The database service name must be registered on the listener computer. To determine which services are registered, use the command lsnrctl status on the database server.

  5. Click Next.

    The Database Login Verifications message box displays while the CLASSPATH, database connection to the Oracle9i database, initialization parameters, Oracle JServer installation, and other important requirements are verified.

    If an error occurs (for example, if JServer is not installed in the database, you see an error message related to the DBMS_JAVA package), you must cancel the Oracle Files configuration process, fix the error, then restart the Oracle Files configuration assistant by executing ifsca from the following location:


    The Oracle Files configuration assistant attempts to make a connection as SYS AS SYSDBA using a database string, and therefore needs the database to be configured with a password file. If the following error message displays, then it is likely due to a missing password file on the database server:

    Invalid password for Oracle user SYS

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for more information about password file administration.

    If additional errors occur, more information on why verification failed can be found in the FilesConfig.log file at the following location:


    The Schema Name screen displays when the verification process completes.

    Figure 12-3 Schema Name Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_03.gif

  6. Enter a name to use for the Oracle Files schema. You must also provide a password for the schema. Enter the password in both fields to confirm.

  7. Click Next.

    The Oracle Files configuration assistant checks to see if the schema name exists in the database. If it does exist, or if related schema names based on this schema name exist, a message box displays requesting further clarification.

  8. In this message box:

    • Clicking No returns you to the Schema Name screen, where you can enter a new name for the schema.

    • Clicking Yes drops this schema and all related objects from the database, such as tables and views, and create a new schema.


      Do not click Yes unless you are sure you want to drop this schema and all related objects from the database, and create a new schema. If you are upgrading Oracle Files, exit from the configuration assistant and run ocsua. Follow the instructions in "Setting Up a Computer to Use an Existing Domain".

    The Tablespaces screen displays after you close the message box.

    Figure 12-4 Tablespaces Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_04.gif

  9. Select one of the following options:

    • Select Use the USERS tablespace for all Oracle Files data if you have not created custom tablespaces for Oracle Files content.


      Oracle corporation recommends that you create custom tablespaces for Oracle Files if you are configuring a production system. Create custom tablespaces as a preconfiguration step. See "Create Custom Tablespaces (Recommended)" for more information.

    • Select Specify a tablespace for each data type and choose the tablespaces you want to use for each type of content from the drop-down lists if you have created tablespaces specifically for Oracle Files content. The tablespaces must exist in order to select them for each data type; the Oracle Files configuration assistant does not create them.

  10. Click Next. The Character Set and Language screen displays.

    Figure 12-5 Character Set and Language Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_05.gif

  11. Select the default character set and indexing language to use when storing documents in Oracle Files. The document character set defaults are used by client applications that do not specify a language or character set for documents being transferred to Oracle Files. The default character set is also used by non-Unicode enabled protocols, such as FTP and WebDAV, to determine the character set for these protocol servers to use.

    Oracle Corporation recommends setting the character set to the character set used by the majority of users in your Oracle Files domain.

    See Also:

    "Multi_Lexer" in Oracle Text Reference for more information

  12. Click Next.

    The Default Port Numbers screen displays. The default port number settings are stored as an object for use by all middle tier computers that use the Oracle Files schema. After configuration of Oracle Files is complete, to change the configuration on any single middle tier computer, you must use the Enterprise Manager Web Site.

    Figure 12-6 Default Port Numbers Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_06.gif

  13. Change any of the port numbers as needed.

    • To run both the native UNIX and the Oracle Files versions of specific protocol servers on this computer, you must change the port numbers to avoid conflicts. If you change the port numbers, the new port numbers are used for all middle tiers in the domain.

    • If you change the main port for the NFS protocol server, you must also change the mount server port to a number other than 0. A value of 0 indicates that the mount server port number should be dynamically allocated by the port mapper, and should only be used when the NFS protocol server is on the standard NFS port number 2049.

      See Also:

      Oracle Files Administrator's Guide for detailed information about setting up the NFS protocol server

    • If you do not want to run the native UNIX implementations of the services, you can accept the default port numbers. However, if you accept the default port numbers you must stop the native UNIX services in order to avoid port conflicts.


      To provide Oracle Files NFS support to NFS clients running on AIX, HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit), and Compaq Tru64 platforms, you must use port 2049 (the default) for Oracle Files and disable the native UNIX NFS protocol server. Linux x86 and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit) NFS clients do not have this limitation, so you can use both UNIX NFS and Oracle Files NFS protocol servers on the same computer for these clients.

  14. Click Next.

    The Website Information screen displays.

    Figure 12-7 Website Information Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_07.gif

  15. Enter the following information:

    • HTTP Host Name: Enter the fully-qualified host name and port number of the computer through which you want the domain to provide HTTP listener services. This information should match the values you entered during Oracle Collaboration Suite middle-tier installation.

    • HTTP Port: Enter a value for the HTTP port. If you are unsure of what port number to use, navigate to the Application Server Home page in the Application Server Control and click the Ports tab.

      For example:

      • 4443: Enter this value if you have configured SSL and are not using Oracle9iAS Web Cache.

      • 4444: Enter this value if you have configured SSL and are using Oracle9iAS Web Cache.

      • 7777: Enter this value if you have not configured SSL and are not using Oracle9iAS Web Cache.

      • 7778: Enter this value if you have not configured SSL and are using Oracle9iAS Web Cache.

    • Uses SSL: Select this only if you have configured SSL on that computer.


    If you have a load balancer in front of your middle-tiers, then the hostname and port number should match that of the load balancer.

    See Also:

    Oracle Files Administrator's Guide and Oracle9i Application Server Security Guide for detailed information about using SSL.

  16. Click Next.

    The SMTP Information screen displays.

    Figure 12-8 SMTP Information Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_09.gif

  17. Enter the e-mail server information. This can be any valid SMTP server name. Enter the full host name of the SMTP server, in the form hostname.domain. Alternatively, you can enter the IP address of the SMTP server.

    This information is used to send e-mail to the Subscriber Administrator regarding their respective passwords and to users regarding Oracle Files account provisioning.


    This information must be correct in order for the Subscriber Administrator to receive a password and for users to be notified when their accounts are provisioned. If the information is not correct, the Subscriber Administrator cannot log in to Oracle Files and users will not know when their accounts are provisioned.


    If you need to change this information after configuring Oracle Files, you must:
    • Edit the IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX.SmtpHost property of the FilesBaseServerConfiguration server configuration object through Oracle Enterprise Manager. You must restart the OC4J_iFS_files instance.

    • Reset the password on the Subscriber Name page (see "Creating the Oracle Files Subscriber" for more information).

  18. Click Next.

    The Administrator Information screen displays.

    Figure 12-9 Administrator Information Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_08.gif

  19. Enter the fully-qualified e-mail address to use for sending notifications and other messages to the Oracle Files site_admin user.

  20. Click Next.

    The Users screen displays. The Oracle Files configuration assistant creates three new users: system, guest, and site_admin. The Site Administrator is used to create the Subscriber in Oracle Files.

  21. Assign passwords to each of the default users.

    The site_admin user is necessary for creating the Oracle Files subscriber post-configuration.

  22. Click Next.

    The Oracle Internet Directory Login screen displays.

    Figure 12-11 Oracle Internet Directory Login Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_10oid.gif

  23. Enter the login information for the Oracle Internet Directory instance that you want to use for credential management. Enter the following information:

    • Server: Enter the fully-qualified host name for the computer running Oracle Internet Directory.

    • Port: Enter the port number where the Oracle Internet Directory server is listening.

      • Typically, the port number is 389. If port 389 is unavailable during the installation, port 4032 is used.

      • If you have SSL-enabled Oracle Internet Directory, select Uses SSL and change the port number. Typically, the port number for SSL-enabled Oracle Internet Directory is 636 or 4031.

        See Also:

        Oracle Files Administrator's Guide and Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for detailed information about setting up Oracle Internet Directory for use with SSL

    • Super User: Enter the Oracle Internet Directory super user name.

      The default Oracle Internet Directory super user name is cn=orcladmin.

    • Super User Password: Enter the Oracle Internet Directory super user password.

      The password was created during the installation of Oracle Internet Directory.

    • Root Oracle Context: Enter the root Oracle Context.

      The default Oracle Internet Directory root Oracle Context is set to cn=OracleContext. Typically, you can leave this unchanged. If the Oracle Internet Directory administrator changed the root context, you must enter the correct value. The concept of a root context is specific to LDAP directory services.

  24. Click Next.

    The Set Up Local Machine screen displays.

    Figure 12-12 Set Up Local Machine

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_12.gif

  25. Select one of the following options:

    • Select Yes to create the Oracle Files schema and configure this host to run a domain controller, node, or HTTP node.

    • Select No to create the new schema without configuring this host.

  26. Click Next.

    The Domain Components screen displays.

    Figure 12-13 Domain Components Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_13.gif

  27. Enter the fully qualified host name that you want to use for Oracle Files. If the computer contains multiple network interface cards (NICs), enter the IP address of the host computer.

  28. Select Run Domain Controller on this computer and all other processes that you want to configure for the domain. By default, the following processes are selected on this screen:

    • Run Domain Controller on this computer configures the Oracle Files Domain Controller process. Only one computer should run this process.

    • Run a Node on this computer configures an Oracle Files node to run on this computer. Protocol servers and agents run on this node.

    • Run an HTTP Node on this computer configures an HTTP node to run the Oracle Files DAV server for HTTP and WebDAV access on this computer.

  29. Click Next.

    The Node Configuration screen displays.

    Figure 12-14 Node Configuration Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_14.gif

    This screen lists all the protocol servers and agents that you can choose to run in the domain:

    • Node Name is the name by which you want the node to be known. For example, it can include the name of the computer (host name). The name must be unique across all of the nodes on this domain.

    • Run Oracle Files Agents configures all the Oracle Files system agents to run on this computer. Note that agents run on only one node in the domain. If agents are already configured to run on another node, this box must be unchecked.

    • Run Protocol Servers configures the Oracle Files protocol servers to run on this computer. Protocol Servers include FTP, AFP, NFS, and SMB.

      See Also:

      Chapter 1, "Oracle Files Concepts" in Oracle Files Administrator's Guide

  30. Enter a node name and configure protocol servers and agents as needed.

  31. Click Next.

    The HTTP Node Configuration screen displays, if you selected Run an HTTP Node on this computer on the Domain Components screen. This screen enables you to provide a name for the HTTP Node. Continue to step 32.

    Otherwise, the Summary screen displays. Continue to step 34.

    Figure 12-15 HTTP Node Configuration Screen

    See the surrounding text for a description of this image
    Description of the illustration ifsca_15.gif

  32. Enter the name for the HTTP Node.

    • HTTP Node Name is the name by which you want the HTTP node to be known. It can include the name of the computer (host name), but this is not a requirement. The name must be unique across all of the nodes on this domain.

  33. Click Next.

    The Summary screen displays. The Oracle Files configuration assistant now has all the information needed to create a new Oracle Files schema and configure the node and other processes. Note the name and location of the log file and any other important information on this screen.

  34. Click Configure to execute the configuration process.

    A progress window displays. If an error occurs, check the following log file for more information:


    When the process is complete, a message informs you that the configuration was successful. Click OK to close the message. Oracle Files and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site are integrated automatically.

    If the Oracle Files configuration assistant was started by Oracle Universal Installer, then any remaining configuration tools are run.

12.4.2 Setting Up a Computer to Use an Existing Domain

These instructions guide you through the process of setting up a computer to use an existing domain. Perform these steps if you upgrade your Oracle Files schema from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, or if you want to add additional Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tiers for your existing Oracle Files domain.

The instructions begin from the Oracle Files configuration assistant Welcome screen.

  1. Click Next to begin the configuration process.

    The Domain Operation screen displays

  2. Select the Set up this computer to use an existing Oracle Files domain option and click Next.

    The Database Selection screen displays.

  3. Enter the name of the host on which the database is running (database host name), the listener port number, the database service name, and the password for the database SYS user account.


    The database service name must be registered on the listener computer. To determine which services are registered, use the command lsnrctl status on the database server.

  4. Click Next.

    The Database Login Verifications message box displays as the CLASSPATH, database connection to the Oracle database, initialization parameters, Oracle JServer installation, and other important requirements are verified.

    If an error occurs, you must correct the problem before configuration can continue. For example, if JServer is not installed in the database, you see an error message related to the DBMS_JAVA package.

    If additional errors occur, more information on why verification failed can be found in the FilesConfig.log file at the following location:


    The Schema Name screen displays when the verification process completes.

  5. Select the schema name of the existing Oracle Files domain from the list and enter the schema password.


    If you select the name of an existing Oracle Files schema from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3), and you have not previously upgraded this schema to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, a dialog box displays with the following text:

    "You have selected an Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Files schema which must first be upgraded to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( Files schema before configuring Oracle Files against it. To perform this upgrade, cancel the configuration process and run the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant. You can also choose another schema by entering new schema information in the Oracle Files configuration assistant."

    For step-by-step information about upgrading your Oracle Files schema from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, see "Oracle Files Post-Upgrade Tasks".

  6. Click Next.

    The Domain Components screen displays after the database connection and schema are verified.

  7. Enter the host name that you want to use for Oracle Files. If the computer contains multiple network interface cards (NICs), enter the IP address of the host computer.

  8. Select the processes that you want to configure to run on this computer. By default, the following processes are selected:

    • Run Domain Controller on this computer configures the Oracle Files Domain Controller process. Only one computer should run this process. To reuse an existing schema, uncheck this box. If a Domain Controller is already running on a different node, leave this box checked only if you want to move the Domain Controller to this middle tier.

    • Run a Node on this computer configures an Oracle Files node to run on this computer. Select this option if you want to run protocol servers or agents on this middle tier.

    • Run an HTTP Node on this computer configures an HTTP node to run the Oracle Files DAV server for HTTP and WebDAV access on this computer.

  9. Click Next.

    The Node Configuration screen displays.

    The Node Configuration screen lists all the protocol servers and agents that you can choose to run in the domain:

    • Node Name is the name by which you want the node to be known. It can include the name of the computer (host name), but it need not. Use any string that makes sense to you.

    • Run Oracle Files Agents configures all the Oracle Files system agents to run on this computer. Note that agents run on only one node in the domain. If agents are already configured to run on another node, this box must be unchecked. If this box is checked, it inactivates agents running on other nodes and enables them on this node. If you are upgrading an existing Oracle Files schema, this box must be unchecked.

    • Run Protocol Servers configures the Oracle Files protocol servers to run on this computer. Protocol Servers include FTP, AFP, NFS, and SMB.

      See Also:

      "Oracle Files Concepts" in Chapter 1 of Oracle Files Administrator's Guide

  10. Enter a node name and configure protocol servers and agents as needed.

  11. Click Next.

    The HTTP Node Configuration screen displays if you selected Run an HTTP Node on this computer on the Domain Components screen. This screen enables you to provide a name for the HTTP Node. Continue to step 12.

    Otherwise, the Summary screen displays. Continue to step 14.

  12. Enter the name for the HTTP Node.

    HTTP Node Name is the name by which you want the HTTP node to be known. It can include the name of the computer (host name), but it need not. Use any string that makes sense to you.

  13. Click Next.

    The Summary screen displays. The Oracle Files configuration assistant now has all the information needed to configure the computer. Note the name and location of the log file and any other important information on this screen.

  14. Click Configure to execute the configuration process.

    A progress window displays. If an error occurs, check the following log file for more information:

  15. When the process completes, a message informs you that the initial configuration was successful. Click OK to close the message.

    If the Oracle Files configuration assistant was started by the Oracle Universal Installer, then the remaining configuration tools are started.


    After configuring Oracle Files to reuse a previously created schema, if you do not select Run Domain Controller on this computer, you must edit the following Oracle Files Base Server Configuration properties so that they point to the appropriate computer that is running the Domain Controller process:

    Alternatively, you can override these properties in the server-specific configurations.

12.5 Non-Interactive Configuration of Oracle Files

You can configure the Oracle Files domain non-interactively by passing a response file containing all the configuration settings to the Oracle Files configuration assistant as a parameter at the command line. The location of the response file is:


The file contains instructions about how to modify and use it. Modify the response file to meet your specific needs.

  1. Open the file in a text editor.

  2. Make any required changes to the settings in the file, and close the file when you are finished.

    The file itself contains instructions about how to modify and use it. Modify the response file to meet your specific needs. For example, you can specify a name for the schema, or disable the Run Domain Controller option, if you are installing and configuring an additional middle-tier machine to work with an existing instance.

  3. Run the Oracle Files configuration assistant using your modified response file by entering the following two commands:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin
    ./ifsca -file $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/settings/ -silent

    Oracle Files is configured on the computer according to the specifications defined in the response file. If an error occurs, check the following log file for more information:



    The response file contains sensitive information, such as passwords. After you have used the response file to configure Oracle Files, you should delete password information from file.

12.6 Setting Up Oracle Files Runtime

You must perform the following tasks to set up Oracle Files for runtime, and to ensure that your system is operational and secure:

12.6.1 Starting All Necessary Processes

These instructions assume that Oracle Files has been installed and configured, and that the database and listener are running.

Oracle Files uses the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) component of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure to support the DAV Servlet, which is deployed to OC4J automatically during the configuration process.

  1. Verify that Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site is running by using the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl status
  2. From a Web browser on the server computer or from another computer on the network, access the URL to connect to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site on the computer where the Oracle Files domain controller is configured:


    The hostname should be a fully qualified domain name. The port is typically 1810.

    A User name and Password Required or Enter Network Password prompt displays.

  3. Enter ias_admin as the user name with the appropriate password for the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle-tier.

    The Web page displays a list of all Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure components, or Targets, running on the specified host, as well as any Oracle Collaboration Suite-associated middle tiers.

  4. Click the name of the Oracle Collaboration Suite instance that is hosting the Oracle Files software. If you are prompted for the Oracle Collaboration Suite instance user name and password again, enter ias_admin and the appropriate password to continue.

    The Application Server page displays all of the system components running on the instance. The list should include the Oracle Files domain, which appears as a concatenation of iFS_ and the database instance's host name, port number, service name, and the name of the schema for Oracle Files. For example:


    The Start and Stop buttons on this page are not active, and do not allow you to control Oracle Files.

  5. Click the Oracle Files domain name link. On the subsequent page, click Start Local Components. A page prompting you for the host credential to start the Oracle Files node displays.

  6. Enter the operating system account name and password for the computer. This is typically the root user name and password.

  7. Click OK.

    If your Oracle Files domain comprises multiple nodes across multiple computers, repeat steps 1 through 7 of this section for each computer. You must enter the operating system account name and password on each computer running a node that you want to start.


    In place of steps 1 through 7, you can run the ifsctl start command from the $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin location. However, following steps 1 through 7 enables you to use a browser to manage Oracle Files from any location.

  8. Click the link that takes you back to the Application Server page.

    Select OC4J_iFS_files and click Start or Restart.

  9. Start the OC4J instance.

    To start the OC4J instance from the command line, navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin directory and use the following command:

    opmnctl startproc gid=OC4J_iFS_files

    The Oracle Files domain starts. You must start the OC4J instance on every middle tier computer that is running the HTTP Node.

  10. Check the status of the Oracle Files domain. To do this, run the ifsctl status -n command from the following location:

  11. Check the log files to make sure the node and the HTTP node appear. The log files are located in the following directories:


12.6.2 Creating the Oracle Files Subscriber


Ensure that the SMTP server is running before creating a subscriber. The SMTP server must be running in order for the Subscriber administrator and users to receive e-mail regarding their respective passwords.

In the following steps, you must log in to Oracle Files as the Site Administrator and create the Subscriber. You must create the Oracle Files subscriber in order for Oracle Internet Directory users to be able to log in to Oracle Files.

  1. Go to:


    The http_host should be a fully qualified domain name. For example:

    The Administrator Login page displays.

  2. Log in as site_admin and use the same site_admin password you used during configuration.

  3. Click New Subscriber.

    The Subscriber Name page displays. Note that the Subscriber Name is the default subscriber for the Oracle Internet Directory server. The Oracle Internet Directory server is the value entered in step 23 in the "Creating a New Oracle Files Domain" section during Oracle Files configuration.

  4. Accept the default values.


    Multiple subscribers are not currently supported due to Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On limitations.

  5. Click Next.

    The Subscriber Information page displays.

  6. Set the quota and maximum number of users. For example, 1 GB total quota, 10 MB quota for each user, and 10 MB quota for each Workspace.

  7. Click Next.

    The Create Subscriber Administrator Account page displays.

  8. Enter the Subscriber Administrator user login ID. The e-mail address is where the subscriber's password is sent. Specify the Default User Account Settings and Default Workspace Settings.

  9. Click Next.

    The New Subscriber Confirmation page displays.

  10. Review your information, then click Submit.

    The Browse Subscribers page displays. You can see that the Subscriber has been created and the Subscriber's password has been automatically e-mailed.

  11. To log in as the Subscriber Administrator, navigate to the following URL:


    The Administrator Login page displays.

  12. Log in as subscriberadmin_user_login_ID/password using the subscriber user login ID that you entered when creating the subscriber in step 8 of this section, and the subscriber password that you received by e-mail.

  13. Click the Users tab to view the Users page. Search for the wildcard value * to see an updated list of all Oracle Files users.

12.6.3 Creating Users in Oracle Internet Directory

In order for users to access Oracle Files, they must first be created as users in Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle's LDAP server.

To create users in Oracle Internet Directory:

  1. Make sure that the OC4J_DAS instance has been started on the Infrastructure host.

  2. Connect to your infrastructure host, typically:

    The hostname should be a fully qualified domain name.

  3. Log in as the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator (typically orcladmin).

  4. Click the Directory tab.

  5. Click Create.

    The Create User page displays.

  6. Fill in the fields. You must specify an e-mail address.

  7. Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Users to add this user to the group.

  8. Click Submit.


    If you use spaces at the end of user names, or any of the following characters, the user is not provisioned from Oracle Internet Directory into Oracle Files: & ' % ? \ / + = ( ) * ^ , ; | ~

Once users are created in Oracle Internet Directory, and the Oracle Files Site Administrator has created the Oracle Files Subscriber Administrator, they are automatically provisioned in Oracle Files every 15 minutes (the default setting) by the FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgent.

Additionally, once a user has been created in Oracle Internet Directory, logging on to Oracle Files as that user immediately provisions the user in Oracle Files, irrespective of the time interval specified for the Agent (this feature is new in this release).

You can reset the default interval for auto-provisioning by the FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgent from 15 minutes to any interval of your choosing.

See Also:

Oracle Files Administrator's Guide for information about how to change this default interval


Although Oracle Files supports multibyte character sets, some protocols, such as WebDAV, do not support multibyte user names. For this reason, when you create users for Oracle Files in Oracle Internet Directory, you should create the names using single-byte characters only. Users whose names are created with multibyte characters are unable to access content through Oracle Files protocol servers. Similarly, you should create user passwords in ASCII since the protocols only accept ASCII passwords.

Users whose passwords are created with non-ASCII characters are unable to access content through the Oracle Files protocol servers.

12.6.4 Accessing the Protocol Servers

To access the protocol servers running on your Oracle Files Domain, each end user must perform the following steps:

  1. Connect to the Protocol Access page:


    The value supplied for ocs_midtier_hostmachine should be a fully qualified domain name. The value supplied for port should be the port number of the middle tier computer.

    The Single Sign-On page displays.

  2. Log in using the Oracle Internet Directory user and password.

    The Protocol Access page displays.

  3. Enter the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On password and the Oracle Files-specific password and password confirmation to create these passwords for the user.

  4. Click Continue to save.

    Now that you have configured the Oracle Internet Directory user using the Protocol Access page, you can access the protocol servers that are running on your Oracle Files Domain.


    To access FTP and AFP, use the Oracle Files-specific password. To access SMB, Oracle FileSync, Web Folders, or the Oracle Files Web interface, use the Oracle Internet Directory password.

See Also:

Oracle Files Administrator's Guide for more information about creating users and accessing protocol servers running on your Oracle Files Domain

12.6.5 Validating Basic Operations

To validate that the domain and node started and the core Oracle Files components are working, perform the following steps:

  1. Check the status of the Oracle Files domain. Run the ifsctl status -n command from the following location:

  2. Check the HTTP log at the following location:

  3. If the HTTP log contains a "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" message, attempt to connect to the system from another computer on the network.

    Table 12-6 Expected Basic Functionality

    Protocol or Server Access Address or Method Expected Result
    Log in as a user created in the Oracle Internet Directory server.
    SMB Map a network drive from Windows Explorer.
    A Windows file share appears.

    If you attempt to connect to the HTTP Web server and receive a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable message, the HTTP node has not fully started. You must start the HTTP node (the OC4J instance).

    In addition, when the Oracle Files domain is stopped and restarted, you must also restart the HTTP node (the OC4J instance) in order to reinitialize the HTTP Node servlet.

    To start the OC4J instance from the command line, navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin directory and use the following command:

    opmnctl restartproc gid=OC4J_iFS_files

12.7 Additional Post-Configuration Tasks

Depending on your planned deployment, some or all of the following tasks are required after configuring Oracle Files.

12.7.1 Configuring Net Service Names

This task is recommended for ease of administration. You must perform this task if you are integrating Oracle Workflow with Oracle Files. Configure net service names using Oracle Net configuration assistant as follows:

  1. Run the Oracle Net configuration assistant by executing the following script:


    The Welcome screen displays.

  2. Select Net Service Name configuration, and click Next.

    The Net Service Name Configuration screen displays.

  3. Click Add, and then click Next.

    The Net Service Name Configuration, Database Version screen displays.

  4. Select Oracle8i or later database or service.

  5. Click Next.

    The Service Name screen displays. Enter a Service Name for the database instance, such as

  6. Click Next.

    The Select Protocols screen displays.

  7. Select TCP (default).

  8. Click Next.

    The TCP/IP Protocol screen displays. Enter values for the DB Hostname and DB Port. The default value for the database port is 1521.

  9. Click Next.

    The Test screen displays.

  10. Click Yes to perform a test.

    The Connecting screen displays with the result of the test connection. The test attempts to connect using the default user scott. Because the user scott is locked during database creation, the test connection might fail. If the test connection fails, the Oracle Net configuration assistant returns to the Service Name screen. Change the user to system, enter the values for your database and perform the test connection again.

  11. If the Connection screen returns the result OK, click Next.

    The Net Service Name screen displays. Enter a service name for this database connection in the TNS Alias Name field, such as db1.

  12. Click Next.

    The Net Service Name screen displays. Accept the default value of No.

  13. Click Next.

    The NetCA Done screen displays.

  14. Click Next.

    The Summary screen displays.

  15. Click Finish.

12.7.2 Integrating Oracle Workflow with Oracle Files (Optional)

To integrate Oracle Workflow with Oracle Files, perform the following tasks:

  1. Configuring Oracle Workflow

  2. Integrating Oracle Workflow with the Oracle Files Schema

  3. Enabling Additional Languages in the Oracle Workflow Schema (Optional) Configuring Oracle Workflow

The steps detailed in this section must be performed to properly configure Oracle Workflow for use with Oracle Files.

Configuring Oracle Workflow primarily involves setting up the Oracle Workflow schema, and only needs to be done for the first middle tier, not for any additional middle tiers that are added.


The Oracle Workflow scripts automatically set the Oracle Workflow administrator as the orcladmin user.

  1. Run Oracle Workflow configuration assistant in the first middle tier computer by executing the following script:


    The Oracle Workflow configuration assistant displays.

  2. Enter the user information listed in Table 12-7:

    Table 12-7 Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant Values

    Field Value
    Workflow Account The user name of your Oracle Workflow database account. The default Workflow account is OWF_MGR. If you are creating more than one Oracle Workflow instance on the same information storage database, enter a descriptive name for this account.
    Workflow Password The password for your Oracle Workflow database account.
    SYS Password Enter the SYS password for the database in which you are creating the Oracle Workflow account. See your Oracle DBA if you need more information.
    SYSTEM Password Enter your SYSTEM password for the database in which you are creating the Oracle Workflow account. See your Oracle DBA if you need more information.
    Install Option Select Install to perform a fresh installation of Oracle Workflow.
    Language Selection If you selected the Add language install option, select the language abbreviation for the language you want to add. Otherwise, accept the default.

    See Also: Table 12-9, "Language Codes" for a list of standard language abbreviations

    Connect Method Select Local to connect to a local database using the Oracle SID, or Remote to connect to a remote database through Oracle Net.

    Select Remote if you performed the steps listed in "Configuring Net Service Names".

    Connect String If you select the Remote connect method, enter the service name that you specified in step 11 of "Configuring Net Service Names" for the remote database.

    Important: To ensure that the Oracle Workflow schema is created on the same database where the Oracle Files schema is to be created, use the Oracle Collaboration Suite information store CONNECT_STRING.

  3. Click Submit to begin Oracle Workflow configuration.

    When Oracle Workflow configuration is complete, a confirmation window displays.

  4. Click OK.

    Oracle Workflow configuration is now complete. You can check the status of the Oracle Workflow configuration by reviewing the workflow.log log file located in the following directory:



    The workflow.log file produced during installation and configuration of Oracle Workflow can contain sensitive information. To protect this sensitive information, delete this file after the installation is complete or change the permissions for the file so that only authorized administrators can access it. Integrating Oracle Workflow with the Oracle Files Schema

Before integrating Oracle Workflow with the Oracle Files schema, you must apply ARU patch 5778073.

Download the patch from

To integrate Oracle Workflow with the Oracle Files schema, perform the following steps. These steps assume you have already configured Oracle Workflow per the instructions:


If you are using an external database instead of the information storage database included with Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, or if you are updating an existing information storage database, you must run the catldap.sql configuration script as the database SYS user on the database host system from /rdbms/admin. Then, run the ifswfsetup script to integrate Oracle Files with Oracle Workflow.

  1. If you are integrating Oracle Files with Oracle Workflow in a locale other than English, you must change the LANG environment variable to the English locale before running the ifswfsetup script. Type the following at a command prompt:


    Before changing the value of LANG, enter the command set LANG at a command prompt and record the current value of the environment variable.

    set LANG = american_america.we8iso8859p1
  2. Once you have successfully configured Oracle Workflow, edit the file using the values provided in Table 12-8. This table describes the parameters that are used by the ifswfsetup script. Edit these parameters based on your requirements. These edits are mandatory if you want to integrate Oracle Workflow with Oracle Files. The file is located at:



    Back up the file before modifying it. Do not edit any parameters other than the ones listed in Table 12-8.

    If you have applied Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release, the patch installation process backs up the file automatically.

    Table 12-8 Values for File

    Field # and Name Structure ExampleFoot 1
    (1) Oracle home
    (2) Database Host
    (3) Database Port
    (4) Database Service Name
    (5) Database TNS Alias Name
    This is the database service that you are using for Oracle Files, created with the Oracle Net configuration assistant. See "Configuring Net Service Names" for more information.
    (6) Database SID
    (7) Oracle Files Schema Name
    (8) Oracle Workflow Schema Name
    (9) Oracle Workflow URL
    (10) Oracle LDAP Host
    (11) Oracle LDAP Port
    (12) Oracle LDAP Admin User Name
    Enter the exact value specified in the Structure column.
    (13) Oracle LDAP Changelog
    Enter the exact value specified in the Structure column.
    (14) Oracle LDAP Baselog
    Values should match those specified for LDAP searchbase during Oracle Internet Directory configuration.
    (15) Language Upload Script
    Set the value to false when integrating Oracle Files and Oracle Workflow.

    Set the value to true when enabling additional languages in the Oracle Workflow schema.

    (16) Language Files to Upload

    See Table 12-9, "Language Codes" for a complete list of language codes. Multiple codes can be entered, separated by a comma.

    When LANGONLY=false (see Field 15), this value should be left empty.


    When LANGONLY=true (see Field 15), enter a language code.

    (17) OID Sync Interval
    Specifies, in minutes, how often an Oracle Internet Directory user is provisioned in Oracle Files.

    Footnote 1 Values for fields 2-7 and should be identical with information entered during Oracle Files configuration. Values for fields 8-9 should be identical with information entered during Oracle Workflow configuration. Values for fields 10-14 should be identical with LDAP information entered during Oracle Files configuration.
  3. Save and exit from the file.

  4. Execute the ifswfsetup script by entering the following two commands:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin

    This executes the script and creates the ifswfsetup.log log file in the following directory:



    The file and the ifswfsetup.log file contain sensitive information. To protect this sensitive information, delete these files after the installation is complete or change the permissions for the files so that only authorized administrators can access them.


    If you changed the value of LANG, you must use the set LANG command at a command prompt to set the value of the environment variable to its previous value.

  5. Enable additional languages in the Oracle Workflow schema, if necessary. Enabling Additional Languages in the Oracle Workflow Schema (Optional)

To enable additional languages in the Oracle Workflow schema, perform the following steps:


Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, and Russian language support is only available if you have applied Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release

  1. Edit the file (located at $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/settings), as follows:

    • Field 15: Language Upload Script


    • Field 16: Language Files to Upload

      LANG=[Enter language codes from column 2 of Table 12-9 that match the languages that you want to upload to Oracle Workflow. Separate multiple language codes with a comma.]

      If you want to enable all languages, use the following syntax:


  2. When you have completed edits to the file, execute the ifswfsetup script by entering the following two commands:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin

    This executes the script and creates the ifswfenablelang.log log file in the following directory:



    The ifswfenablelang.log file contains sensitive information. To protect this sensitive information, delete this file after the installation is complete or change the permissions for the file so that only authorized administrators can access it.

Table 12-9 Language Codes

Language CodeFoot 
Czech cs
Danish da
German de
Greek el
Spanish es
Finnish fi
French fr
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Dutch nl
Norwegian no
Portuguese pt
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Swedish sv
Turkish tr
Simplified Chinese zh_CN
Traditional Chinese zh_TW

Footnote These codes can also be found in the file.


Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, and Russian language support is only available if you have applied Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release

12.7.3 Post-Configuration Steps for Using Oracle Files with a Real Application Clusters Database (Optional)

The following tasks are required after configuring Oracle Files if you are using Oracle Files with a Real Application Clusters database.

In addition to the required preconfiguration tasks for setting up Oracle Files to use a Real Application Clusters database (see "Set Up Oracle Files to Use Real Applications Clusters Database (Optional)"), you must perform the following post-configuration steps:

  1. On each middle tier, back up the registry.xml file (located in the $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/common/ directory).

  2. Edit the registry.xml file and add a DatabaseUrl entry.

    You can add the DatabaseUrl entry anywhere under the <Instance> tag. In the following example, the entry is added directly under the tag. Note that the value for tnsentry should be the same as that specified in the Real Application Clusters pre-configuration steps.

    For example:


12.7.4 Adding the Return to Portal Link in the Oracle Files Web UI (Required)

If you have configured Oracle9iAS Portal, you can add a Return to Portal link that displays in the Oracle Files Web UI, so that you can navigate from Oracle Files to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page.

To add the Return to Portal link to the Oracle Files Web UI, perform the following steps:

  1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site by entering the following URL in a Web browser:

  2. Log in as ias_admin, using the password you specified during installation, and click OK.

  3. From the Oracle9iAS Home page, navigate to the Oracle Files top-level page by clicking on the Oracle Files domain link. For example:
  4. In the Configuration section, click Server Configurations

  5. From the Server Configuration page, click FilesBaseServerConfiguration. The Edit page displays.

  6. In the Properties section, select IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.FILES.PortalUrl and click Edit.

  7. Change the value to specify the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page URL. For example:
  8. Click OK on the Edit Properties page.

  9. Click OK on the Edit Server page.

  10. Return to the Oracle9iAS Home page.

  11. Select OC4J_iFS_files and click Restart.

    The Return to Portal link now displays in the Oracle Files Web UI. It also displays in the Federated Search pages.

12.7.5 Editing the Oracle Internet Directory Return Query Limit (Optional)

If your Oracle Internet Directory server has more than 1000 Oracle Internet Directory user accounts, the following error message can occur in your node log when the Oracle Files OidUserSynchronizationAgent attempts to synchronize users from the Oracle Internet Directory server:

8/13/02 7:39 PM Files: [oidsync-2107123 OidUserSynchronizationAgent] Exception
oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-12988: Count limit exceededUIDs

To avoid this error, complete the following steps before starting the Oracle Files OidUserSynchronizationAgent:

  1. Run Oracle Directory Manager.

  2. Log in to the infrastructure Oracle Internet Directory server using the Oracle Internet Directory administrator's user name and password.

  3. Select the Oracle Internet Directory server into which you just logged in from the tree. The server is represented in the tree with the account name, Oracle Internet Directory host, and Oracle Internet Directory port. Oracle Directory Manager displays the properties of the Oracle Internet Directory server in the right part of the window.

  4. Locate and change the value in the Query Entry Return Limit field so that it is greater than the number of Oracle Collaboration Suite users.

  5. Click OK to save.

12.7.6 Registering the Oracle Files and Search Portlets (Required)

After configuring Oracle Files and starting the domain, you must run the Web client installer in order to configure the Oracle Files and Search portlets. After registering the portlets, they become available from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Web client page.

See Also:

Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite" for information about running the Web client installer