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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86, and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

Part Number B10874-04
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3 Upgrading to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

This chapter contains procedural information for upgrading existing Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) installations and associated components to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

The sequence of events for a successful upgrade is as follows:

  1. Back up important information

  2. Globalization requirements

  3. Upgrade the infrastructure

  4. Upgrade the information store

  5. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( middle tier

  6. Perform pre-upgrade tasks

  7. Upgrade the middle tier

  8. Perform post-upgrade tasks

This chapter contains these topics:

3.1 Backing Up Oracle Installations


Oracle Corporation recommends backing up the software in the $ORACLE_HOME, database files, and the Oracle Inventory prior to upgrading the software.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server 9.0.2 documentation is available on Oracle Technology Network at

Back up your Oracle installations.

  1. Back up the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) information storage database.

  2. Back up the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) infrastructure.

  3. Back up the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier.

  4. Back up the directory (or directories) listed for your platform in Table 8-1.

  5. Back up Oracle Calendar by logging in as the user unison and backing up the /users/unison directory.

  6. Back up the Oracle Universal Installer inventory located in the oraInventory directory.

    1. Copy the oraInventory subdirectory and all of its contents to another directory.

3.2 Enabling Multiple Language Support in Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( provides translation support for 9 additional languages to that of Release 1 (9.0.3), as shown in Table 3-1.

To enable multiple language support in Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, execute the ptlasst.csh script from the Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier, located in the following directory, before going through the upgrade process:


  • You must run the script for each language you want to enable.

  • You cannot enable a language that is already enabled or it corrupts the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On and Oracle9iAS Portal repositories. If you have all 9 languages of Release 1 (9.0.3) enabled, ensure that you do not enable them again. Generally, in a typical Release 1 (9.0.3) installation, either English only, is enabled, or all 9 languages are.


The usage of the ptlasst.csh file is as follows:

$ORACLE_HOME/ora9ias/assistants/opca/ptlasst.csh -mode LANGUAGE -s portal -sp
portal -o orasso -op orasso -c -lang lang
-available -silent- verbose -sso_c

-available: Determines whether the language is available for user translation

-c: Connect string to the target database. The format should be hostname:port:SID

-o: Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On schema name. The default is orasso.

-op: Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On password. The default is orasso.

-lang: Language code for the language to install. Table 3-1 lists the various languages and their associated codes.

-silent: Runs the Oracle9iAS Portal configuration assistant in silent mode. Default is TRUE.

-sp: Oracle9iAS Portal schema password. The default is portal.

-sso_c: Connect string to the target database where Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On is installed. The format should be hostname:port:SID.

-verbose: Enables detailed logging mode. Even if there are errors in the log file, Oracle9iAS Portal configuration assistant install will continue. If this parameter is not set, logging information is brief and Oracle9iAS Portal configuration assistant aborts the install if it encounters any ORA-, PLS-, or SP2 errors. The default is TRUE.

You can retrieve Oracle9iAS Portal and Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On randomized passwords from Oracle Internet Directory with the following distinguished name:

Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext

OrclResourceName=ORASSO,,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext

Table 3-1 lists the 18 languages supported by Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( along with their associated language codes.

Table 3-1 Languages Supported in Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

Language Code Supported in Release 1 (9.0.3)
Arabic ar no
Brazilian Portuguese ptb yes
Danish dk no
Dutch nl no
Finnish sf no
French f yes
German d yes
Greek el no
Italian i yes
Japanese ja yes
Korean ko yes
Norwegian n no
Portuguese pt no
Simplified Chinese zhs yes
Spanish e yes
Swedish s no
Traditional Chinese zht yes
Turkish tr no

See Also:

Oracle9iAS Globalization Support Guide

3.3 Upgrading Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

In addition to upgrading the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure at the Oracle Collaboration Suite level, the infrastructure must also be upgraded at the component level for Oracle Email and Oracle9iAS Wireless.

This section contains the following topics:

3.3.1 Upgrading the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure at the Suite Level

Perform the following procedures to upgrade Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, or the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Infrastructure to Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

  1. Apply the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure patch 3038037 to the infrastucture.


    Contained in the README for patch 3038037 are instructions for applying the Oracle9i database server patch 2517300. You must apply patch 2517300 before patch 3038037. Both of these patches are available at:

  2. Copy the files listed in the following table from the CDROM_ROOT/tools /upgrade directory on the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Installation CD-ROM for Release 2 ( to the specified target directory in the infrastructure Oracle home directory that you are upgrading:

    File Target Directory
    modDirectiveMS.xsd $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/config/plugins/apache $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/libexec $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/libexec
    opca.jar $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib
    portalSMI.jar $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib
    repository.jar $ORACLE_HOME/jlib

  3. Download Oracle9iAS Portal patch 2513540 available at:

    Follow the instructions below to apply this patch:

    1. Unzip the contents of the file into a temporary directory. The file contains the following files:

      • secapi.pks

      • secapi.pkb

      • secapip.pks

      • secapip.pkb

      • secoid.pks

      • secoid.pkb

      • secoidd.pkb

      • secrmoid.sql

      • recompile.sql

      • ssooidd.sql

    2. Schedule system downtime to apply the patch (shut down all the infrastructure processes except the infrastructure repository database), because no users should be accessing Oracle9iAS Portal while the patch is being applied.

    3. Log in as the Oracle9iAS Portal schema owner using SQL*Plus, as in the following example:

      sqlplus portal/portal_schema_password
    4. In the SQL*Plus shell, execute the following:

      set define off
    5. Compile the files in the following order:

      • @secapi.pks

      • @secapip.pks

      • @secoid.pks

      • @secapi.pkb

      • @secapip.pkb

      • @secoid.pkb

      • @secoidd.pkb

    6. Compilation of the preceding files will invalidate some dependent schema objects. Recompile those objects using the following script:


      This script takes several minutes to execute.

    7. Restart all the infrastructure processes that were shutdown in step b.

  4. Create an orclguest user using Oracle Delegated Administration Services.


    You must have sufficient privilege to create new users in the default subscriber.

    1. Log in to Oracle Delegated Administration Services as a user with privilege to create users.

    2. Select the Directory tab.

    3. In the Search Results section, click Create.

    4. Depending on the configuration, the Create User page prompts for different values. The User Name value in this case should be orclguest. The rest of the values should be filled in, accordingly. Ensure that all of the required fields are filled in.

    5. Click Submit.

  5. Complete the following steps to complete the provisioning of the orclguest user using Oracle Directory Manager.

    1. Locate the DN of the default realm.

      Using Oracle Directory Manager, log in as cn=orcladmin. In the Entry Management section, navigate to the cn=common,cn=products, cn=oraclecontext entry. The value of the orcldefaultsubscriber attribute is the DN of the default realm.

    2. Locate the DN of the orclguest user entry.

      Using Oracle Directory Manager, navigate to the cn=common,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext,default_realm_DN entry under the default realm DN. The value of the orclcommonusersearchbase attribute is the DN of the user search base.

      Navigate to this DN. The orclguest user entry resides in the subtree under this DN—most likely one level under the user search base. Make note of the complete DN of this user.

    3. Set the orclguest user's default profile group to OCS_PORTAL_USERS.

      In the entry of the orclguest user, select All from View Properties in the DN of the orclguest user. Populate the orcldefaultprofilegroup attribute with the value cn=ocs_portal_users,cn=groups,default_realm_DN. Substitute default_realm_DN with the DN obtained in step a.

    4. Add orclguest to the OCS_PORTAL_USERS group.

      Using Oracle Directory Manager, navigate to the cn=ocs_portal_users,cn=groups,default_realm_DN entry. Add the orclguest DN obtained in step b to the uniquemember attribute. Do not remove any existing values of the attribute. Make note of the DN of the ocs_portal_users entry.


      When you create a new user, the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page is not set by default.

      See Also:

      "Troubleshooting Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client Configuration" for information on how to set the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page

3.3.2 Upgrading Oracle Email on the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

To upgrade Oracle Email on the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

  1. Make Access Control List (ACL) changes that allow e-mail administrators to modify e-mail attributes of base users.

    1. Run oidadmin and connect as cn=orcladmin.

    2. Go to the entry cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext.

    3. Get the value of attribute orclsubscribersearchbase from the common container.

    4. Back up the emailaci.ldif file in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin directory and re-create it with the following text:


      The line beginning with orclaci: and ending with (write) should be on one line.

      changetype: modify
      add: orclaci
      orclaci: access to attr=(mail) by group="cn=EmailAdminsGroup,
    5. Substitute %SUBSCRIBER_SEARCHBASE% in the script emailaci.ldif with the value for orclsubscribersearchbase retrieved in step c.

    6. Load emailaci.ldif:

      ldapmodify -v -a -Dcn=orcladmin -w orcladmin_password -h ldap_host -p
      ldap_port -f emailaci.ldif
  2. Index attribute targetdn. This allows the attribute to be searched, which is required by Oracle Email.

    1. Log in to the computer that has the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Oracle Internet Directory.

    2. Shut down the Oracle Internet Directory server.

    3. Run for the targetdn:

      $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ -connect infrastructure_connectstr -add
       -attr targetdn


      infrastructure_connectstr is the connect string for the Oracle9i Application Server Infrastructure database

    4. Restart the Oracle Internet Directory server.

3.3.3 Upgrading Oracle9iAS Wireless on the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

The Oracle9iAS Wireless schema in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Metadata Repository is automatically upgraded during installation of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( middle tier against the existing metadata repository. You do not have to perform any additional upgrade steps on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.

See Also:

"Upgrading Oracle9iAS Wireless" for further Oracle9iAS Wireless upgrade instructions

3.4 Upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite Information Storage Database

Both the Oracle Email and Oracle Files information stores from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) must be upgraded to Oracle9i

To update the information storage database to Oracle9i, download the patch 2761332 for the Oracle9i database server from OracleMetaLink at:

If you are upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite Information Store, you need to confirm that the Catalog for the LDAP PL/SQL API has been loaded in this database.

To confirm the presence or absence of the Catalog, run the following SQL*Plus command as the SYS user on the database tier:


If no such package exists, run the catldap.sql script that is present in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin as the SYS user on the database tier. This creates the catalog in the database.


Make sure that you run catldap.sql in the Oracle home of the database; do not run the script from the middle tier or infrastructure Oracle homes.

3.5 Upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite Middle Tier

This section describes how to upgrade the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier from Release 1 (9.0.3) to Release 2 (

This section contains these topics:


To enable multiple language support, you must follow the procedures in "Enabling Multiple Language Support in Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (" before performing the upgrade tasks in this section.

3.5.1 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( Middle Tier

Before upgrading the middle tier, you must install the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( middle tier into a different $ORACLE_HOME on the same computer as the Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier, as follows:

  1. Shut down all Release 1 (9.0.3) processes.

  2. Follow the middle tier installation instructions in "Installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Middle Tier", with the following exception:

    When installing Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, deselect the Oracle Files checkbox in the Oracle Universal Installer, so that the Oracle Files configuration assistant is not launched automatically.

    If the Oracle Files configuration assistant does launch, click Cancel to exit.


  • During the middle tier configuration phase, the Web client installation will NOT succeed, but this step is still required as it configures what would otherwise require manual configuration.

  • The upgrade assistant requires that the inventory location for Release 1 (9.0.3) and Release 2 ( should be same during a Release 2 ( middle tier installation.

See Also:

BBB to locate the oraInst.loc file for your platform

3.5.2 Pre-Upgrade Tasks

This section lists the pre-upgrade tasks that you must perform before beginning the upgrade process.

This section contains these topics: Oracle Calendar Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before upgrading Oracle Calendar, you must perform the following on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( system:

  1. From $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/upgrade, run as root. This will change the ownership of your Oracle Calendar 5.x installation.

  2. Log back on as the user who installed Oracle Collaboration Suite and continue with the next pre-upgrade task.


  • Before you start, it is recommended that you back up your data in case you want to restore your previous version at a later time. For details, see Chapter 15, "Node Maintenance," in the Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.

  • When you install Oracle Calendar Release 2 (, a default node is created. This will be removed when you upgrade data from an older installation. If you have any important data stored in the new node, you should back it up before upgrading. Oracle Email Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before upgrading Oracle Email, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Apply patch 2868153 to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) $ORACLE_HOME to upgrade the existing permissions on shared folders to a format that is required by Release 2 (

  • If you are planning on running multiple middle tiers that include installations of both Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) and Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, then you must apply patch 2979341 to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) installations. This is necessary in order for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) installations to access shared folders created by Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( clients.

  • Note:

    The required patches are available on OracleMetaLink at

  • The Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant creates additional datafiles in the same directory as the datafile for the SYSTEM tablespace, which by default is the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory, and you therefore must ensure that there is sufficient space (85 MB) on the computer to accommodate the new datafiles.

    The names of the new tablespaces, datafiles, and their initial sizes are as follows:

    • ESLMMR tablespace: eslmmr.dbf, 50 MB

    • ESNEWS tablespace: esnews.dbf, 10 MB

    • ESTEMP tablespace: estemp.dbf, 5 MB

    • ESORATEXT tablespace: esoratext.dbf, 20 MB Oracle Ultra Search Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before upgrading Oracle Ultra Search, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Log in to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Oracle Ultra Search administration tool to stop and disable all crawler synchronization schedules in every Oracle Ultra Search instance. You can enable all crawler synchronization schedules after upgrading to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

  • Use the Oracle Net configuration assistant to set up the network service name for the Oracle Collaboration Suite infrastructure database.

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Net Services Administor's Guide for details on using the Oracle Net configuration assistant

  • In case of any failure during the upgrade, back up all the files in the database host $ORACLE_HOME/ultrasearch directory Oracle Voicemail & Fax Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before upgrading Oracle Voicemail & Fax, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Shut down the advanced queue message waiting indicator (AQMWI) processes on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier.

  • In case of any failure during the upgrade, back up the following trees in Oracle Internet Directory:

    cn=midtier_hostname, cn=computers, cn=oraclecontext cn=telephony_server_host_name, cn=computers, cn=oraclecontext cn=umontainer,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext 
  • Back up the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) targets.xml file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/ directory.

  • On the Windows 2000 system, stop all running Oracle Voicemail & Fax Release 1 (9.0.3) processes. Also, delete all existing Oracle Voicemail & Fax Release 1 (9.0.3), including rmid, rmiregistry, and all services that begin with UM.

    On the Windows 2000 system, remove the Oracle Voicemail & Fax container part from the sc_vsto.cfg file and restart the CT server.

    See Also:

    "Adding an Additional Information Storage Database to Oracle Collaboration Suite" for information about configuring the sc_vsto.cfg file Oracle9iAS Wireless Pre-Upgrade Tasks

If you are upgrading multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite Wireless middle tiers, you must perform the following steps before starting the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant:

  1. Stop all Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Wireless middle tiers in the farm, including any Oracle9iAS middle tiers that are configured to run Oracle9iAS Wireless.


    Ensure that you have a backup of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Wireless schema in the infrastructure before you perform the installation of the first Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( Wireless middle tier, because that schema is upgraded during the installation of the first Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( Wireless middle tier.

  2. Select the first Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Wireless middle tier to be upgraded.

  3. Install the first Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( Wireless middle tier on the same computer as the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Wireless identified in the previous step.

3.5.3 Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant

The Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant is a command-line tool that automates the process of upgrading Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( During the upgrade process, you choose which Oracle Collaboration Suite components you want to upgrade. The Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant then runs separate plug-ins for each component you are upgrading to complete the upgrade process.

The Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant is located in the following directory:


The upgrade directory contains log and lib directories, and three primary files that are used in the upgrade process: ocsua.xml,, and Each of these files is described later in this section.

The log directory contains log files generated during the upgrade process. The lib directory contains .jar files that are required by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant framework.

This section contains these topics: The ocsua.xml File

The ocsua.xml file lists the component plug-ins along with variables that require user input. The Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant framework reads this file in order to read the plug-ins that perform the individual component ugprades. Do not modify this file. The File

The files contains optional properties that are used by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant framework. If a property does not exist in the file, then the upgrade process uses the default values in the Java classes that are required by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant framework. The contents of the are as follows:

# Global properties 
# These properties apply to all components of Upgrade Assistant. 
# Default global log level is NOTIFICATION 
# Utilities component 
# Default log level for CopyFile class is NOTIFICATION 
# Component plug-in specific properties 
#   For log level, the property name is plugin-name as a prefix 
#   with ".log.level". Plug-ins can define any names for 
#   other properties as long as they are prefixed with the 
#   plug-in name 
# Example: setting Ultra Search plug-in log level to TRACE to overide default 
#          log level of NOTIFICATION 
#UltraSearch.log.level=TRACE Running the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant


  • All Oracle Collaboration Suite components must be upgraded at the same time.

  • If the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) directory you are upgrading is also an active Oracle Enterprise Manager directory, the Oracle Enterprise Manager directory will be changed to the new Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( directory. If the active Oracle Enterprise Manager directory is not the same as the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) home directory, it will not be changed.

  • The script upgrades one information store at a time and must be run each time for multiple information stores.

  • Upgrading a middle tier does not create outages for other middle tiers in your system.

  • Coexistence of multiple Oracle Email middle tiers on one computer is not supported in this release of Oracle Collaboration Suite.

  • If you are upgrading Oracle Ultra Search from an existing Oracle9i database, refer to "Post-Installation and Upgrade Information" in the Oracle Ultra Search User's Guide.

  • If you are upgrading Oracle Ultra Search from an existing Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, refer to the Oracle Ultra Search Release Notes.

  • You must set the TNS connect string before running the upgrade assistant. The TNS connect string should be in the same format as the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file.

  • Before invoking the Web client configuration assistant, manually ensure that the Oracle9iAS Portal middle tier has been installed or upgraded, and configured. See "Upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client".

The Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant automatically performs the following steps:

  • Verifies the existing and version number of the source Oracle Collaboration Suite directory that is being upgraded

  • Identifies the plug-ins to executed, based on the components you select to upgrade

  • Identifies the configuration files to update in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) source directory for each component that is being upgraded

  • Displays a prompt for the values of common and plug-in specific variables for the components that are being upgraded

    Table 3-2 lists information you will need to provide to the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant for Oracle Files.

    Table 3-2 Required Oracle Files Information for Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant

    Information Description
    Host The database host where the existing Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Oracle Files schema resides
    Port The database listener port
    SID The database service name

    Table 3-3 lists information you will need to provide to the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant for Oracle Files if your existing Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Oracle Files schema is integrated with Oracle Workflow.


    The schema upgrade process should be performed only for the first middle tier, not for any additional middle tiers.

    Table 3-3 Required Oracle Files Information for Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant if Oracle Files is Integrated with Oracle Workflow

    Information Description
    Oracle Files Schema The name of the Oracle Files schema to integrate with the Oracle Workflow schema
    Oracle Files Schema Password The password for the Oracle Files schema
    Oracle Workflow Schema The name of the Oracle Workflow schema that is integrated with Oracle Files schema
    Oracle Workflow Schema Password The password for the Oracle Workflow schema

    If an error occurs while upgrading an Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) Oracle Files schema, check the following log file for more information:


    Table 3-4 lists information you will need to provide to the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant for Oracle Ultra Search.

    Table 3-4 Required Oracle Ultra Search Information for Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant

    Information Description
    SYS password Database SYS password
    WKSYS password Database WKSYS password
    TNS connect string Database TNS connect string

  • Displays a summary of files that need to be upgraded for each component

  • Displays a list of pre-upgrade tasks that need to be performed, along with any warnings

To run the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant, perform the following steps on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( middle tier:

  1. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/upgrade.

  2. Execute the script to start the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant and begin the upgrade process. The usage of the file is as follows:

    bash-2.05$ -help 
    ocsua -sourcehome sourcehome [-config input XML] [-all] 
    Upgrade configuration files to the Oracle Collaboration Suite 
    Release 2 (
    Oracle home:       -sourcehome       $ORACLE_HOME for Oracle Collaboration Suite 
                              Release 1 (9.0.3) 
          -config           Input XML file that lists all the plug-ins
          [-all]            Run all the component plug-ins without prompt

The first time you perform an upgrade by executing the file, the upgrade process automatically upgrades the Oracle9iAS components that are required by Oracle Collaboration Suite, including Oracle9iAS Portal, Oracle9iAS Web Cache, and Oracle Enterprise Manager. Script Example

Example 3-1 shows the log transcript of a sample upgrade session. It shows both input and output.

Example 3-1 Script

bash-2.05$ -sourcehome /home/ias903
    Validating Oracle homes
    These are the components that can be upgraded
    1. Oracle9iAS Portal
    2. Oracle Ultra Search
    3. Oracle9iAS Wireless
    4. Oracle Calendar Server
    5. Oracle Calendar Application System
    6. Oracle Email
    7. Oracle Email Store
    8. Oracle Voicemail & Fax
    9. Oracle Files
    Enter component numbers and/or ranges(example:1-3,5)[all]:
    Validating component plug-ins
Examining "Oracle9iAS Portal"
Upgrade items found:
Examining "Oracle Ultra Search"
Upgrade items found:
Examining "Oracle9iAS Wireless"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle9iAS Wireless Repository
Examining "Oracle Calendar Server"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle Calendar Server configuration files
Oracle Calendar Server database files
Oracle Calendar Server Oracle Internet Directory entries
Oracle Calendar Server administrator administration files
Examining "Oracle Calendar Application System"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle Calendar applications configuration file
Oracle Calendar Web Client files
Examining "Oracle Email"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle Email Oracle Internet Directory entries
Webmail configuration
Examining "Oracle Email Store"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle Email Store
Examining "Oracle Voicemail & Fax"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle Voicemail & Fax Oracle Internet Directory product tree
Oracle Voicemail & Fax mid-tier Oracle Internet Directory entry
Examining "Oracle Files"
Upgrade items found:
Oracle Files Schema
Validate pre-upgrade requirements:
The destination Oracle home has not been modified since it was installed.

The source and destination instances of Oracle Collaboration Suite are not
The Enterprise Manager Web site is not running.
The source Oracle home is based on Oracle9iAS version with interim

[Oracle Ultra Search] A tnsnames.ora file has been created in the destination
Oracle home and contains an entry for the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository
containing the Oracle Ultra Search schema.
[Oracle Calendar Server] The script has been run in the
destination Oracle home.
Have you verified all pre-upgrade requirements?[No]Y
Specify the TNS connect string for the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository used by
Oracle Ultra Search, as well as passwords for the following users:
TNS Connect: TNS_connect_string
SYS Password: password
WKSYS Password: password
Specify connection information (host:port:SID) and associated passwords
for the Oracle Email Store to be upgraded:
Oracle Email Store Connect: host_name:port_number:SID
SYS Password: password
ESMail Password: password
CTXSYS Password: password
Specify connection information for the Oracle Files Store to be upgraded:
Host: database_host_name
Port: port_number
SID: service_name
Specify the Oracle Files schema and password in the Oracle Files Store to be
Oracle Files Schema: IFSSYS
Oracle Files Schema Password: password
If Oracle Workflow was integrated with Oracle Files in the source installation,
specify the Oracle Workflow schema and password. If Oracle Workflow was not
integrated with Oracle Files, leave both fields blank:
Oracle Workflow Schema: OWF_MGR
Oracle Workflow Schema Password: password
Upgrading "Oracle Portal"
Executing the script
Oracle_Collaboration_Suite_Release_1_ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca/ptlasst.csh to
upgrade Oracle Portal
Script terminated with exit value 0
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Ultra Search"
Upgrading the metadata schema (this will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes)
The schema upgrade log file is XXXXX
Finished upgrading metadata schema
Getting JDBC connection
Loading Java stored packages (this will take approximately about 3 to 5 minutes)
Finished loading Java stored packages
Creating the file materialization table
Upgrading database files (this will take approximately about 15 to 30 seconds)
Processing XXXXX
Finished upgrading database files
Dropping the file materialization table
Upgrading mid-tier configuration files...
Processing XXXXX
Finished upgrading mid-tier configuration files
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle9iAS Wireless"
Copying Oracle9iAS Wireless customization files.
Upgrading Oracle9iAS Wireless repository.
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Calendar Server"
Upgrading configuration files.
Upgrading database files.....
Upgrading Oracle Internet Directory entries...
Upgrading administration files.
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Calendar application system"
Upgrading configuration files
Upgrading Web Client files
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Email"
Upgrading Oracle Internet Directory entries...
Upgrading configuration files\205
Upgrading Oracle Webmail configuration files\205
Upgrading listener.ora...
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Email Store"
Upgrading database content. (this will take approximately 20 minutes)
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Voicemail & Fax"
Upgrading product tree in Oracle Internet Directory.
Upgrading process tree in Oracle Internet Directory.
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
Upgrading "Oracle Files"
Upgrading the Oracle Files schema (this will take roughly approximately 15 to
20 minutes)
Upgrade finished with status: Success.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The upgrade completed successfully <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
You must now complete the following post-upgrade tasks:
[Oracle Files] Run the following script manually to complete the Oracle Files
[Oracle9iAS Web Cache] The following files may need to be upgraded manually if
they were customized in the old Oracle home:
[Oracle Enterprise Manager] The Oracle_Collaboration_Suite_Release_2_ORACLE_
HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml file may
contain duplicate target entries from both the old Oracle home and the new
Oracle home. If you want to remove the old targets, edit this file.
Log files containing details of the upgrade process can be found in the
following location:
A transcript of this upgrade session can be found at:

3.6 Post-Upgrade Tasks

This section contains these topics:

3.6.1 Oracle Calendar Coexistence

Coexistence can be useful for a large organization that is upgrading its current installation of Oracle Calendar to Release 2 ( The ability to have nodes and servers of different versions connected and running at the same time can help reduce the down time required to achieve the upgrade.


Coexistence between Oracle Calendar server 5.5 and Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4 is viewed as a migration step towards having a uniform (same version) network of calendar servers. It is not recommended that a mix of the two versions be sustained for a long period of time or permanently.

This section contains the following topics:

Oracle Calendar Server Parameters

Coexistence will only work after the following parameters are added to $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini on the 9.0.4 calendar server.

Section: [ENG]

Parameter: coexist_cwsbasicauth

Value: TRUE


Parameter: cs-standard_coexistence

Value: TRUE


As a security precaution, you must remove the preceding parameters from $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc /unison.ini immediately after all calendar servers are upgraded to 9.0.4.

The following parameters will be reset to the default values listed here. If you used different values in your Oracle Calendar server 5.x installation, reset them to your desired values after completing the upgrade.

Parameter: resourcemailmap

Value: "O"

Parameter: usermailmap

Value: "O"

Parameter: usersmcprefmap

Value: "OU3"

Parameter: usermobiletypemap

Value: "N"

Parameter: usermobilemap

Value: "R"

Parameter: itemuidmap

Value: "P"

Coexistence Limitations

There are limitations in having two servers of different versions coexist.

  • Web services 9.0.4 will only work when all connected servers are upgraded to version 9.0.4

  • Event calendars are not supported in coexistence scenarios

  • Passwords longer than 15 characters are not supported by the 5.5 calendar server or pre-9.0.4 Oracle Calendar clients. Consequently, users with passwords longer than 15 characters will not be able to log in to older clients.

  • Do not use 9.0.4 utilities to administer a 5.x Oracle Calendar server. The only exception to this is when moving users; the moveuser utility must be from the latest server version (9.0.4), even if moving a user between two nodes that are both on old server nodes (5.x).

  • Do not use 5.x utilities to administer a 9.0.4 Oracle Calendar server.

  • If you need to create a node network, the nodes.ini and the use of uninode commands must be done on the most recent version (9.0.4) of the server within the network.

  • Coexistence may cause odd error messages on an old Oracle Calendar server (5.x). This is due to the fact that the old server may not understand the features introduced by the new server.

  • Mapping parameters have been added to the 9.0.4 server unison.ini for coexistence and upgrades. 5.x servers map O for EMAIL and P for UID. However, 9.0.4 servers do not need this mapping anymore. Parameters added to a 9.0.4 server do not affect it.

    The new parameters include:

    usermailmap = O
    itemuidmap = P
    resourcemailmap = O
    usersmscprefmap = OU3
    usermobiletypemap = N
    usermobilemap = R
  • Unidbfix -c may report "Minor inconsistencies" on an Oracle Calendar 9.0.4 server when events are created by an Oracle Calendar 9.0.4 user using Oracle Connector for Outlook 9.0.4 and accepted or declined by an Oracle Calendar 5.4 user using the Windows Native client 9.0.4. These inconsistencies do not impact the integrity of the database.

  • Users of previous versions of Oracle Calendar will not generate e-mail messages when using resource scheduling

  • Attachment names may change to Mime-Encoded-attachment.txt when using a mix of Oracle Calendar 9.0.4 and 5.4 users with Oracle Connector for Outlook. The attachments will still be readable.

  • Oracle Calendar desktop clients for Macintosh (V5.2.3) users may not be able to download offline files while connecting to a 9.0.4 standalone installation

  • The current versions of Oracle Calendar clients work with Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4, including:

    • Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows 6.0.5

    • Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh version 5.2.3

    • Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux/Solaris version 5.0.2

    • Oracle Connector for Outlook version 3.3 and later

    It is best to use these client versions; if you are using an older client, please upgrade before proceeding with testing. The latest versions of the clients are available at:
  • The Oracle Calendar portlet of Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client Release 1 (9.0.3) is not compatible with Oracle Calendar Release 2 ( To avoid this problem, upgrade both components to Release 2 (, as described in "Installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Middle Tier".

    If you have already upgraded Oracle Calendar but not the Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client, see "Upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client".

Oracle Calendar Application System Upgrades

The upgrade assistant only migrates the following keys. Unless otherwise mentioned, they are migrated to ocwc.conf. Your installation will still work, but you may need to make changes to your parameters to get the look and feel you want. For information on editing parameters, see the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.


(All keys migrated to "connection" section of ocas.conf. If the old installation 
was a masternode, 'mnode' will be the only entry.)

(All keys into ocas.conf)








showicalvcal (becomes same key in "modules" section in ocwc.conf).

3.6.2 Oracle Email Post-Upgrade Tasks

The Oracle Email information storage database is upgraded when you run the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant, as explained in "Running the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant".

Additionally, perform the following steps to install required files and libraries on the Release 2 ( information storage database:

  1. Copy the umbackend.tar file from the $ORACLE_HOME/oes directory on the application server to the $ORACLE_HOME DIRECTORY on the information storage database.

  2. Untar umbackend.tar file:

    tar xvf umbackend.tar
  3. Run the following commands to start the Oracle Universal Installer:

    cd backend/Disk1

    Follow the screen prompts to complete the Oracle Email back-end installation.

3.6.3 Oracle Files Post-Upgrade Tasks

Perform the following after the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant finishes:

  1. Restart the Oracle Files configuration assistant by executing ifsca from the following location:

  2. On the Domain Operation screen, select Set up this computer to use an existing Oracle Files domain.

  3. On the Schema Name screen, select the upgraded Oracle Files schema.

  4. Click Next and follow the remaining Oracle Files configuration assistant screens.

    See Also:

    "Setting Up a Computer to Use an Existing Domain" for more information about these screens

  5. On the Summary screen, click Configure.

    A progress window appears. If an error occurs, check the following log file for more information:


    When the process is complete, a message informs you that the configuration was successful. Click OK to close the message. Oracle Files and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site are integrated automatically.


    You must run the ifsca script on all middle tiers. Updating Oracle Workflow Parameters

If the Oracle Files schema that you are upgrading has been integrated with Oracle Workflow, follow the post-configuration instructions in the following sections:


You do not have to follow the steps in "Configuring Net Service Names" unless you want to change the existing Oracle Workflow configuration parameters. Manually Synchronize the IFS_TEXT Index

After upgrading an existing Oracle Files domain, you must manually sync the existing IFS_TEXT index. For more information, see Appendix A, "Oracle Text Reference", in the Oracle Files Administrator's Guide.

3.6.4 Oracle Ultra Search Post-Upgrade Tasks

The following sections describe the recovery steps for common errors:

Error upgrading middle tier configuration files

Check that the data-sources.xml configuration file is available in the following Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) directory:


Re-run the Oracle Ultra Search upgrade plug-in after you confirm the availability of the data-sources.xml file.

Failed to upgrade database file: <file_name>

Confirm that you have write permission to the $ORACLE_HOME/ultrasearch directory in the database file system. Then re-run the Oracle Ultra Search upgrade plug-in.

Error upgrading metadata schema

See the schema upgrade log file for error details. Fix the problem, and then re-run the Oracle Ultra Search upgrade plug-in.

Error loading Java stored packages and upgrading database files

Check that the file $ORACLE_HOME/ultrasearch/lib/ultrasearch_db.jar is in place. Then re-run the Oracle Ultra Search upgrade plug-in.

3.6.5 Oracle Web Agent Packages Post-Upgrade Tasks

Oracle9iAS ships with Oracle9iAS Web Agent Packages (OWA packages) version The PL/SQL applications accessed through OHS mod_plsql use the OWA packages, and must be manually upgraded.

You must complete this post-upgrade procedure if one of the following conditions is true:

  • You have Oracle9iAS Portal that uses an Oracle database

  • You have Oracle9iASInfrastructure that uses an Oracle database

  • You have an Oracle database that has custom PL/SQL procedures accessed through OHS mod_plsql

If one of the preceding conditions is true, then complete the following procedure:

  1. Navigate to the directory where the owaload.sql file is located:

  2. Use SQL*Plus to log on to the Oracle database as the SYS user.

  3. Enter the following command at the SQL prompt:

    SQL> @owaload.sql log_file

    where log_file is any temporary filename that will contain the output from the command to load OWA packages.

  4. Scan the log file for any errors.

  5. Manually recompile any invalidated packages; typically by running the $OH/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql script as the SYS user.

Installing the OWA packages invalidates all dependent objects. These packages automatically recompile on first access, but Oracle recommends that you complete the manual recompile after the re-installation.


You can check the existing version of the OWA packages by running the following query:
select owa_util.get_version from dual

The owaload.sql script checks the existing version of the OWA packages in the database. If one of the following conditions is true, then the script installs a new OWA package version:

  • No OWA packages exists

  • Older OWA packages are detected

If one of the preceding conditions does not exist, then your database already has the latest OWA packages or a later version installed; in which case the script does nothing.

The outcome of the owaload.sql script check is reported in the log file.

3.6.6 Upgrading Oracle Voicemail & Fax

Upgrading Oracle Voicemail & Fax is not done through the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant.

To upgrade Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

  1. Install Oracle Voicemail & Fax Release 2 ( on the Windows 2000 telephony server.


    If you installed CT Media 2.1 or 2.1.1 for Oracle Voicemail & Fax Release 1 (9.0.3), you must download the latest version of Timed with NTLMAuthentication.dll into the Program Files\Dialogic\CT Media\Client directory before you install Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

  2. Execute the following command to upgrade Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

    %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts\UpgradeTelephonyServerfromV1.bat host_name 

3.6.7 Upgrading Oracle9iAS Wireless

Upgrading Oracle9iAS Wireless involves two tasks. First, runtime customization classes and configuration files must be copied into the new $ORACLE_HOME. Second, existing processes and their configurations must be moved to the new middle tier.

To upgrade Oracle9iAS Wireless:

  1. Stop all Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tiers in the farms, including any Oracle9iAS middle tiers that are configured to run Oracle9iAS Wireless.

  2. Select the first Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier for upgrade.

  3. Install the first Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 2 ( middle tier on the same computer as the Oracle9iAS Wireless middle tier identified in step 2. During installation, the Oracle9iAS Wireless configuration assistant upgrades the Oracle9iAS Wireless schema in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository (see "Oracle9iAS Wireless Upgrade Items").

    The Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant:

    1. Copies runtime customization classes (such as listener hooks and customized folder renderers) as well as suite-level configuration files from $ORACLE_HOME_1 to $ORACLE_HOME_2 (See "Oracle9iAS Wireless Upgrade Items").

    2. Copies the process configuration information for the Oracle9iAS Wireless standalone processes from the Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier to the Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 2 ( middle tier, and configures the Release 2 ( middle tier accordingly.

At this time, all Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 2 ( middle tiers can be restarted to reduce downtime.

The configuration information for the Oracle9iAS Wireless standalone processes is stored in the Oracle9iAS Wireless schema in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository. During upgrade from Release 1 (9.0.3) to Release 2 (, the Oracle Collaboration Suite upgrade assistant copies the process configuration information from the Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier to the Release 2 ( middle tier by creating additional entries in the Oracle9iAS Wireless schema.

In the Oracle9iAS Wireless schema upgrade during the first middle tier installation, the Oracle9iAS Wireless configuration assistant pre-populates default standalone processes for each process type. When the Oracle9iAS Wireless upgrade assistant copies Release 1 (9.0.3) process information to a Release 2 ( middle tier, it deletes the redundant process (if one is found in the Release 1 (9.0.3) middle tier). In addition, the Oracle9iAS Wireless upgrade assistant ensures that each process has a unique process name.

Oracle9iAS Wireless Upgrade Items

The following files are changed in the first phase of the Oracle9iAS Wireless upgrade process:

  • ORACLE_HOME_2/wireless/server/classes/*.class

  • ORACLE_HOME_2/wireless/server/classes/*.properties

  • ORACLE_HOME_2/wireless/server/classes/marconi.config

3.6.8 Upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client

The Web client can be selected to be installed and configured using the Oracle Universal Installer during installation of the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier.

However, the Web client configuration assistant does not function properly in an upgrade scenario. This section describes how to invoke the Web client configuration assistant from the command line.

Before invoking the Web client configuration assistant, manually ensure that the Oracle9iAS Portal middle tier has been installed or upgraded, and configured.

This section contains the following topics:

Skip Configuring the Component URL if the host name and port number for the applications were provided during the Web client installation through Oracle Universal Installer. Resetting the Port Numbers in the File

When you upgrade from Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3) to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, you install the new Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier in a new Oracle home. The new installation temporarily changes the port number specifications for various applications in certain files, such as the httpd.conf file, and the Web client configuration assistant then resets the specifications back to their original values.

However, the Web client configuration assistant does not reset the port number values in the file for the following components:

  • Oracle Calendar

  • Oracle Email

  • Oracle Files

  • Oracle Web Conferencing

  • Oracle9iAS Wireless and Voice

You must therefore manually reset the port numbers in the file, located in the located in the version_2_ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle/collabsuite/webclient/resources directory, by entering the correct port numbers in the URL associated with each of the following entry points:

  • Configuring the Component URL

This section explains how to configure a component URL, such as Oracle Email, Oracle Files, and Oracle Calendar. You configure the component URL by modifying the file.

The file contains three URL for each Oracle Collaboration Suite component:

  • Help page URL

  • Application entry point

  • Portlet provider URL

  1. Open the file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle /collabsuite/webclient/resources directory.

  2. In the file, set the entry point URL for each configured component.

  3. Replace the token for the host name and the port number in all three URL for each component to be configured.

    If you are not upgrading Oracle Calendar to Release 2 (, perform the following steps to make Oracle Calendar Release 1 (9.0.3) available as a portlet:

    1. Open the file from the $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle/collabsuite/webclient/resources directory on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( middle tier.

    2. Locate the following statement:


      Change it to:


    3. Locate the following statement:


      Change it to:

      calendar.provider= http://%WIRELESS_HOST%:%WIRELESS_PORT%/marconi/servlet/soaprouter Running the Web Client Configuration Assistant from the Command Line

Enter the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/webclient/bin/ Oradcle9iAS_Portal_user_name Oradcle9iAS_Portal_user_password -complete

If you know the Oracle9iAS Portal schema name, password, and connect string information, you can invoke the configuration assistant, as follows:

$ORACLE_HOME/webclient/bin/ Oracle9iAS_Portal_user_name Oracle9iAS_Portal_user_password -complete -s
schema -p password -c connect_string


  • schema: The Oracle database account for Oracle9iAS Portal

  • password: The Oracle9iAS Portal account password

  • connect_string: The connect string to the database instance where the Oracle9iAS Portal repository is installed; specified as host_name:port:SID

3.6.9 Deleting Instances of Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 (9.0.3)

After you successfully upgrade to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (, you can delete any instances of Release 1 (9.0.3).

Perform the following steps prior to deleting Release 1 (9.0.3) targets from the targets.xml file:

  1. Make a copy of the targets.xml file before making any changes.

  2. Ensure that the targets.xml file contains the following header:

    <Target TYPE="host" NAME="" VERSION="1.0">
  3. Remove all Release 1 (9.0.3) targets from the targets.xml file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd directory in the active Enterprise Manager Daemon.

  4. Execute the following command from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( $ORACLE_HOME:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin
    dcmctl destroyInstance -i Release_1_instance_name


    Use the following command to list all instances by name to help identify the instances to be removed:
    dcmctl listInstances

  5. Deinstall the old middle tier (optional).

3.7 Upgrading CorporateTime Server 5.4 to Oracle Collaboration Suite

CorporateTime Server 5.4, internal or external, can be upgraded to Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( While this is a supported upgrade path, the process involves manual steps.

To upgrade CorporateTime Server 5.4 to Oracle Collaboration Suite:

  1. Upgrade CorporateTime Server 5.4 to Release 2 ( of Oracle Calendar, standalone, as described in "Server Upgrade".

  2. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite infrastructure and middle tier as described in Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite".


    Ensure that you do not install into the $ORACLE_HOME you used in step 1.

  3. Migrate the user information to the Oracle Internet Directory component of your new Oracle Collaboration Suite infrastructure.

  4. Import your CorporateTime Calendar attributes, including the ctCalXitem ID, into the Oracle Internet Directory component of your new Oracle Collaboration Suite infrastructure.

  5. Copy the Oracle Calendar database files, upgraded in step 1, over to the Oracle Calendar component of your new Oracle Collaboration Suite installation.

3.8 Upgrading from Oracle Calendar Standalone External to Oracle Collaboration Suite

This section provides a high level outline on how to upgrade from an Oracle Calendar standalone installation with iPlanet Directory Server, to Oracle Collaboration Suite which uses Oracle Internet Directory. There are two possible upgrade scenarios.

3.8.1 Upgrading with Coexistence

This scenario assumes that you need to keep and manage iPlanet Directory Server along with the Oracle Internet Directory server. The Oracle Directory Integration Platform (DIP), a feature of Oracle Internet Directory, is used to keep the user data in both directories synchronized. A detailed procedure is available on Oracle Metalink

The Document ID is 268947.1.

Some General Notes and Assumptions

Before you begin this procedure take note of the following assumptions and limitations regarding this procedure.

  • You currently have Oracle Calendar standalone release 2 ( and iPlanet Directory Server version 5.x installed and running.

  • The synchronization will be one-way only (from iPlanet Directory Server to Oracle Internet Directory).

  • Once the migration is completed, you can only add new users through iPlanet Directory Server.

Step 1 Install Oracle Collaboration Suite

Install Oracle Collaboration Suite release 2( and ensure that it is running.

Step 2 Migrate the Directory Entries from iPlanet Directory Server to Oracle Internet Directory

The directory entries must be exported from iPlanet Directory Server to an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file, modified, then imported to Oracle Internet Directory. The modifications include removing proprietary data and operational attributes, and adding Oracle Internet Directory object classes.

Also, if you have made any modifications to the base schema of iPlanet Directory Server, you may also need to make the same modifications to Oracle Internet Directory. This depends on whether the attributes added to the base schema are also being imported into Oracle Internet Directory.

Step 3 Configure the Synchronization Service Between Oracle Internet Directory and iPlanet Directory Server

The Oracle Directory Integration Platform (DIP) provides the synchronization service between Oracle Internet Directory and iPlanet Directory Server. The synchronization is done through a user account and configuring the synchronization service involves, among other things, setting the mapping rules and creating an integration profile.

Step 4 Migrate the Calendar Database

Migrating the calendar database involves moving calendar nodes from the Oracle Calendar standalone installation to the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation then reconfiguring the node network to recognize this change.

3.8.2 Upgrading Without Coexistence

This scenario assumes that once the upgrade is complete the user accounts will be managed through Oracle Internet Directory. A detailed procedure is available on Oracle Metalink

The Document ID is 268948.1.


This procedure assumes that you have already upgraded the current Oracle Calendar standalone installation to Oracle Calendar standalone release 2 (

Step 1 Install Oracle Collaboration Suite

When you install Oracle Collaboration Suite, use the same node network configuration (nodes and node IDs) as your current Oracle Calendar standalone installation.

Step 2 Migrate the Directory Entries from iPlanet Directory Server to Oracle Internet Directory

The directory entries must be exported from iPlanet Directory Server to an LDIF file, modified, then imported to Oracle Internet Directory. The modifications include removing proprietary data and operational attributes, and adding Oracle Internet Directory object classes.

Also, if you have made any modifications to the base schema of iPlanet Directory Server, you may also need to make the same modifications to Oracle Internet Directory. This depends on whether the attributes added to the base schema are also being imported into Oracle Internet Directory.

Step 3 Migrate the Calendar Database

Migrating the calendar database involves moving calendar nodes from the Oracle Calendar standalone installation to the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation then reconfiguring the node network to recognize this change.

3.9 Upgrading from Oracle Calendar Standalone Internal to Oracle Collaboration Suite

This section outlines how to upgrade from Oracle Calendar standalone internal to Oracle Collaboration Suite. A detailed procedure is available on Oracle Metalink

The Document ID is 268949.1.

Step 1 Install Oracle Collaboration Suite

When you install Oracle Collaboration Suite, use the same node network configuration (nodes and node IDs) as your current Oracle Calendar standalone installation.

Step 2 Migrate the User and Resource Entries to Oracle Internet Directory

The user and resource entries must be exported to an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file, modified, then imported to Oracle Internet Directory. The modifications include adding Oracle Internet Directory object classes to the entries.

Step 3 Reconfigure the .ini Files

Update the .ini files on the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation so that they match the settings in the Oracle Calendar standalone installation.

Step 4 Migrate the Calendar Database

Migrating the calendar database involves moving calendar nodes from the Oracle Calendar standalone installation to the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation then reconfiguring the node network to recognize this change.

3.10 Non Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Instructions

Perform the following if you are installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite, Release 2 middle tier against a non Oracle Collaboration Suite infrastructure, such as Oracle 9iAS infrastructure, or Oracle9iAS infrastructure upgraded to Oracle9iAS infrastructure

  1. Upgrade Oracle9iAS infrastructure or Oracle9iAS infrastructure to Oracle9iAS infrastructure

  2. Apply the Oracle9iAS infrastructure patch 3038037 to the infrastructure.


    The patch 3038037 README contains instructions for applying the Oracle9i database server patch 2517300. You must apply patch 2517300 before patch 3038037. Both of these patches are available at:

  3. Copy the files listed in the following table from the CDROM_ROOT/tools /upgrade directory on the Oracle9iAS infrastructure installation CD-ROM for Release 2 ( to the specified target directory in the infrastructure Oracle home directory that you are upgrading:

    Table 3-5 Upgrade Files and Target Directories

    File Target Directory

  4. Create an orclguest user using Oracle Delegated Administration Services.


    You must have sufficient privilege to create new users in the default subscriber.

    1. Log in to Oracle Delegated Administration Services as a user with privilege to create users.

    2. Select the Directory tab.

    3. In the Search Results section, click Create.

    4. Depending on the configuration, the Create User page prompts for different values. The User Name value in this case should be orclguest. The rest of the values should be filled in, accordingly. Ensure that all of the required fields are filled in.

    5. Click Submit.


      Ensure that there is no middle tier installed against this infrastructure.

  5. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database.


    While registering the information storage database, point to the Oracle Internet Directory of the infrastructure upgraded to in Step 1.

  6. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite, Release 2 middle tier.

    When installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 middle tier against the upgraded Oracle9iAS infrastructure, the Oracle9iAS Wireless configuration assistant will fail during the configuration phase.

    Perform the following steps to avoid this failure:

    1. Complete the installation without configuring Oracle9iAS Wireless

    2. Download patch 3133419 and run the Oracle9iAS Wireless configuration assistant tool as instructed in the patch.

  7. Apply the Oracle9iAS Portal patch 2758529 on the middle tier machine. The patch can be downloaded from:

  8. Recompile all of the invalid objects.

  9. Re-run the Web Client installer from the command line:

    $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/bin/ OID_Administrator password -complete
  10. Complete the Oracle Collaboration Suite, Release 2 middle tier configuration steps.