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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.4) for AIX Based Systems

Part Number B12116-01
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Oracle Calendar

This chapter describes new features and known limitations of the components of Oracle Calendar. It includes the following sections:

3.1 Oracle Calendar Server

This section contains the following topics:

3.1.1 What's New in this Release?

This release of Oracle Calendar Server includes the following new features:

Performance and Scalability

High Availability

Enhanced Administration Capabilities

Directory Support

Other Enhancements (Client Support Required)

3.1.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes known limitations and their workarounds for Oracle Calendar Server.

Coexistence and Upgrades


Oracle Connector for Outlook Issues



3.1.3 Resolved Limitations in this Release

This section describes resolved limitations of Oracle Calendar Server. Previously:

3.1.4 Documentation Errata

The following sections provide information on documentation errors in the Oracle Calendar Server documentation. Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide Oracle Calendar Reference Manual

In the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual, Appendix F, "Calendar Server Utilities", the unirestore documentation contains a syntax error.

The correct syntax should be the following:


unirestore [-u <uid>] [-path <bkpPath>]
[-futureReplies] [-noAddAttendee] [-logAll]
-n <node-ID> [-host <hostname>] [-p <sysOpPsw>]

unirestore -ls [<user>] [-path <bkpPath>]
-n <node-ID> [-host <hostname>] [-p <sysOpPsw>]

unirestore -v
unirestore -h

3.2 Oracle Calendar SDK

This section covers these topics:

3.2.1 What's New in this Release?

This release of the Oracle Calendar SDK includes the following new features:

The inclusion of Java classes facilitates Java implementations that were previously implemented by third parties.

Connection pooling adds configuration options for the connection model used by the SDK. This greatly enhances resource usage and efficiency when implementing various applications (especially Web-based and multi-threaded environments), and promotes reuse of existing connections.

Old CAPI event functions have been superseded by newer CSDK functions. Customers already using the CAPI functions need to run the utility unifhconv on the server if they depend on any of the following iCalendar properties:

3.2.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds

3.3 Oracle Calendar Application System

This section contains release note information on the following products:

3.3.1 Oracle Calendar Web Client

This section covers these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Web Client. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Web Client. Resolved Limitations in this Release

This section describes resolved limitations of Oracle Calendar Web client. Documentation Errata

This section describes known issues in the Oracle Calendar Web client online Help.

Device settings in standalone: When using Web client standalone, you can edit the following device setting preferences, which are not described in the Help:

3.3.2 Oracle Calendar Web Services

This section covers these topics: What's New in this Release?

This is the first release of Oracle Calendar Web services, the newest component of Oracle Calendar. Oracle Calendar Web services allows applications to retrieve, through common XML queries, calendar data for display in any portal, client application or backend server. Developers can use the Oracle Calendar Web services toolkit, included with Oracle Calendar, to build Web services applications and create SOAP queries. Known Limitations and Workarounds

The APIs of the Web Conferencing portion of the calendarlet are subject to change. Their functionality is not complete and has not been tested.

3.3.3 Oracle Sync Server

This section contains the following topics: What's New in this Release?

Oracle Sync Server is a new component of Oracle Calendar that allows you to synchronize data with any SyncML-compliant device using a standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connection. Sync Server uses SyncML, the open standard for synchronization backed by the Open Mobile Alliance. With a SyncML-compliant device and Oracle Sync Server, you can synchronize calendar data, to-do lists, contact information and other relevant data across multiple networks, platforms and devices. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle Sync Server 9.0.4. Resolved Limitations in this Release

3.4 Oracle Connector for Outlook

This section contains these topics:

3.4.1 What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Connector for Outlook.

3.4.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Connector for Outlook.

3.4.3 Resolved Limitations in this Release

This section describes resolved limitations of Oracle Connector for Outlook.

3.5 Oracle Calendar Desktop Clients

This section contains release note information on these products:

3.5.1 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

This section contains these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows. Resolved Limitations in this Release

This section describes resolved limitations of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows.

3.5.2 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

This section contains these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh. Resolved Limitations in this Release

This section describes resolved limitations of Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh.

3.5.3 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

This section contains these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux. Resolved Limitations in this Release

This section describes resolved limitations of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux.

3.5.4 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

This section describes general issues and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris.

3.6 Oracle Calendar Sync Clients

This section contains release note information on these products:

3.6.1 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

This section contains these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows.

3.6.2 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

This section contains these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh. Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh.

3.6.3 Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

This section contains these topics: What's New in this Release?

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC: Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC.