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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for Windows

Part Number B12239-01
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15 Configuring Oracle Web Conferencing

This chapter discusses post-installation configuration tasks for Oracle Web Conferencing.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Overview of Oracle Web Conferencing Configuration

This section contains the following topics:

A standard configuration is a deployment in which corporate intranet users can hold online meetings with voice streaming and document conversion service. This is the simplest deployment and is generally used to create a pilot deployment. In this deployment, users can access Oracle Web Conferencing from the Internet, through their proxy across the Internet, and through the intranet.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide for information about dcmctl

As shown in Figure 15-1, Host 1 and Host 2 are deployed in the DMZ, while Host 3 and Host 4 are deployed in the corporate intranet.

Figure 15-1 Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Basic Deployment

Description of ocsig001.gif follows
Description of the illustration ocsig001.gif

The following are the mandatory associations that must be made for the various parts of Oracle Web Conferencing to work:

imtctl Command-Line Utility

The imtctl utility provides a command-line interface for administering and configuring the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system. The utility supports a variety of commands to support actions such as starting and stopping Oracle Real-Time Collaboration components, viewing their current state, and configuring them. You can run imtctl in an interactive shell mode, or you can issue a single command as a command-line argument, in which case imtctl executes the command and exits.

The utility is available on all platforms under %ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\bin. It is invoked as imtctl on all platforms. Invoking imtctl without any arguments opens the interactive shell.

%ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\bin> imtctl

To display a list of supported commands, invoke the help command:

imtctl> help

To display specific instructions for a particular command, invoke the command followed by the -help option:

imtctl> COMMAND -help

The exit command ends the shell session:

imtctl> exit

imtctl Scripts

You can write simple scripts for the imtctl utility. These scripts consist of commands that are executed by imtctl, as well as optional comments. The advantage of these scripts over standard operating system scripts is that imtctl scripts are platform-independent and do not require multiple invocations of the utility to perform multiple commands.

Oracle Web Conferencing comes with a set of standard scripts you can use to perform typical post-installation configuration tasks. These scripts reside in the IMT_HOME\bin\scripts directory and end with the extension .imt. Each script has been templated to indicate the values that must be set before running the script. Invoke the scripts using standard input redirection as in the following example:

%ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\bin> imtctl < \scripts\sample.imt


The command line might vary slightly across platforms, but the same basic usage is supported.

You can create new scripts, as needed. The scripts can contain any supported imtctl commands, plus comment lines (any line that begins with #) and the special echo [on/off] command for echoing commands executed by scripts.

Starting the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Instance

At installation time, all the processes are automatically started by the installer.

Any other time, start the system by using the imtctl utility. Invoke the following start command:

%ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\bin\imtctl start

Alternatively, you can invoke imtctl in shell mode and then issue the start command. The second option makes it easier to verify the state of Oracle Real-Time Collaboration after the start command is completed:

imtctl> start
imtctl> getState

Stopping the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Instance

Stop the system by invoking the following stop command:

imtctl> stop

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Core Components Post-Installation Tasks

When you install the Oracle Web Conferencing Core Components, you are installing the Oracle Web Conferencing Server and other related components. Every time you perform a new installation that results in the creation of an instance, you must perform the following two types of tasks:

Table 15-1 lists the various tasks you must perform and information pertinent to each.

Table 15-1 Task Checklist

Task Reason it is Required Nature of Task
Integrate with existing proxy server Oracle Web Conferencing must be integrated with the existing proxy settings for use by Oracle Web Conferencing Console. This includes cobrowsing functionality, and cross-instance HTTP-based diagnostics. System task
Integrate with existing e-mail Oracle Web Conferencing must be integrated with the e-mail infrastructure in order to send e-mail invitations for conferences. System task
Integrate with Oracle HTTP Server Oracle Web Conferencing must be integrated with the Oracle HTTP Server associated with that instance. This allows access to intranet users behind remote firewalls. Instance task
Configure Oracle Web Conferencing for reports Oracle Web Conferencing provides automatic generation and sending reports by e-mail. Oracle Web Conferencing must be configured for this functionality. System task
Set up for periodic monitoring The instance can be monitored periodically and the results plugged into an alert management system. Instance task
Assign businessadmin role to an administrator This allows an administrator to view the administration pages in the Oracle Web Conferencing Application. System task

This section contains the following topics:

System Tasks

Integrate with existing proxy servers: The Oracle Web Conferencing Cobrowse mode accesses Web sites using the HTTP/S protocols from the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Core Components instance system. Depending on network topologies and firewall configurations, it might require an HTTP/S proxy server to access some sites. The following script provides a template for enabling proxy functionality:


Before executing the script, edit it to replace templated-values with actual deployment values. See the instructions in the script for details.

Set the following properties:

  • UserAgentProxyHost

  • UserAgentProxySSLHost

  • UserAgentProxyPort (only if it is not 80)

  • UserAgentProxySSLPort (only if it is not 443)

  • UserAgentProxyExclusions

  • UserAgentProxyEnabled

See Also:

"Properties" for more details on these properties

Integrate with existing e-mail: The Oracle Web Conferencing Application can generate outbound e-mail for various purposes, such as inviting users to a conference. The Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system must be configured with certain e-mail-related properties to enable this feature. See the following imtctl script for details:


Before executing the script, edit it to replace templated-values with actual deployment values. See the instructions in the script for details.

Set the following properties:

  • SmtpHost

  • SmtpPort (only if it is not 25)

  • EmailEnabled

See Also:

"Properties" for more details on these properties

Set up reports: Oracle Real-Time Collaboration supports various reporting capabilities, Oracle Web Conferencing reports can be generated and sent by e-mail using the imtreport script. The script is located in the %ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\bin directory and is invoked as imtreport on all platforms. The actual script file is imtreport for UNIX, and imtreport.cmd for Microsoft Windows. Mandatory report options, such as the recipient list, are set by editing variables at the top of the report script. The script contains comments on the options provided. Be sure to edit the proper script for the platform you are using. You may want to send out automated weekly reports by using some operating system provided mechanism for invoking the script on a weekly basis (for example, cron job on UNIX or the Task Scheduler on Windows).

Set up the administrator role:

imtctl> modifyRole -username "" -rolename 

Instance Tasks

Integrate Oracle Real-Time Collaboration with Oracle HTTP Server on this Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Core Components system: Enable the mod_imeeting.

Make the necessary configuration changes to the Oracle HTTP Server in which mod_imeeting is configured. mod_imeeting is included through the
%ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\conf\mod_imeeting.conf file, which in turn is included in %ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Apache\conf\oracle_apache.conf file for Apache.

To activate the mod_imeeting:

  1. Add the following line for mod_imeeting.conf in oracle_apache.conf line:

    Include "%ORACLE_HOME%\imeeting\conf\mod_imeeting.conf"
  2. Update the Apache configuration using DCM.

    %ORACLE_HOME%\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide for information on dcmctl

  3. Restart Apache through DCM.

    %ORACLE_HOME%\dcm\bin\dcmctl restart -ct ohs
  4. Set up mod_imeeting/mx redirect.

    See the following imtctl script for details:


    Before executing the script, edit it to replace templated-values with actual deployment values. See the instructions in the script for details.

    Set the MxRedirectPort property.

    See Also:

    "Properties" for more details on this property

  5. Configure Oracle Real-Time Collaboration to use basic Apache settings.

    The Oracle Real-Time Collaboration installer assumes that the actual host name configured for the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Core Components computer is used by clients to access Oracle Real-Time Collaboration resources. This might not be true in some deployments where DNS aliasing and other advanced network deployment scenarios might require customization of the names used to access Oracle Real-Time Collaboration resources from external locations. The following script provides examples on how to support such configurations:


    Before executing the script, edit it to replace templated-values with actual deployment values. See the instructions in the script for details.

    Set the following properties:

    • ApacheWebHost

    • ApacheWebPort

    • ApacheWebSecurePort

    • ApacheProtocolSecure

Set up service availability tests for periodic monitoring: Set up your monitoring infrastructure to periodically ping the following URLs. The following examples assume the URL for the instance (ApacheWebHost) is

For meeting service availability monitoring: 

For Voice Conversion Server availability monitoring:

For Document Conversion Server availability monitoring:

See Also:

Oracle Web Conferencing Administrator's Guide for more information


To verify that the instance tasks have been done correctly, invoke:

imtctl> runtests

For each test that fails, verify that the post-installation steps have been done correctly.


The voice conversion server availability test and the document conversion server availability test will fail on the Core Components instance if the document and voice conversion servers have not been configured to serve the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration cluster to which the Core Components instance belongs.

Installing the Document and Voice Conversion Servers

When you install the document conversion server or voice conversion server, a new instance of the newly installed server is created.

Configuring the Voice Conversion Server

This section explains how to configure and start the voice conversion server.

VoiceDialInPrefix Property

Description: This property sets the dial-in prefix for an instance of the voice conversion server. This prefix is added to all dial-in numbers received by the voice conversion server before dialing out. Typically, corporations have a dial-in prefix (9, for example) for dialing numbers outside the company's internal phone network.

Default Value: None

Valid Value: Any valid dialing sequence. In most cases, it would be a number (9, for example). A valid dialing sequence contains numbers 0-9 and any of the following characters: , * #.

Scope: Instance

To configure the dial-in prefix for a voice conversion server instance to 9, invoke:

imtctl> setProperty -i instance_name -pname "VoiceDialinPrefix" -pvalue "9"

System Dial-Ins

System dial-ins are system-wide dial-ins that an administrator creates. They are available to all Oracle Web Conferencing users. Typically, system administrators create system dial-ins for phone conference vendors that are used commonly by the users of the system. System dial-ins serve as templates for users to create their own dial-ins; however, users cannot edit them. In many cases, system dial-ins are incomplete dialing sequences in that they contain information that is common to all users and indicate the information a user must add to make it a usable dial-in. Users should make the recommended addition to the system dial-in and save it as a user-defined dial-in for use in a conference.

For example, phone conference vendors typically provide a PIN or conference ID to its users. A system administrator might create a system wide dial-in for the particular conference vendor that contains the toll-free number for the vendor, followed by a placeholder for the PIN/Conference ID and the required separators, such as ',', '#', or '*'. Users would then modify the system dial-in by adding their PIN/Conference ID and then save it under a different name.

Table 15-2 lists two examples of dial-ins.

Table 15-2 Example Dial Ins

Dial-in Name Dial-in Sequence
Audio Conferencing Vendor (US)
Joe's account with Audio Conferencing Vendor
18005555555,8282828#,,,,,,,,,, #,,,,,,,,,#

System dial-ins can be managed through the imtctl utility.

Creating a New System Dial-In

To create a new system dial-in:

imtctl> addSysDialin -name dialin_name -sequence dialin_sequence -default  

The -default indicates whether the system dial-in should be made the default for all users. Users can override the default, from the Oracle Web Conferencing Console, if they choose.

Deleting a System Dial-In

To delete a system dial-in:

imtctl> deleteSysDialin -name dialin_name -id dialin_id

The dial-in name or ID is required. If both are specified, the dial-in name is used. To get the name or ID, invoke getSysDialins.

Viewing Existing System Dial-Ins

Invoke getSysDialins. It lists the dial-in ID, name, and sequence for existing system dial-ins.

Configuring the Voice Conversion Server to Serve Instances in a Specific Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Cluster

Invoke the following:

imtctl> setProperty -pname InstanceLocation -pvalue  

Starting the Voice Conversion Server

Invoke imtctl> start to start the voice conversion server.


To verify that this Voice Conversion Server is set up correctly, shut down the other Voice Conversion Servers, if any, that are assigned to serve the same Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Core Components to which the new server is assigned. Then, on a set of Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Core Components invoke:

imtctl> runtests -testlist voiceconvtest

Verify that the Core Components computer is able to connect to the Voice Conversion Server.

Configuring Time Zones

Oracle Web Conferencing users can set their time zone by logging in to the Oracle Web Conferencing Application and clicking Preferences. A list of available time zones displays.

After users have set their time zone, all date and time references in the Oracle Web Conferencing application and Oracle Web Conferencing Console are automatically converted to their time zone.

Example: User A sets his time zone to "(-05:00) US Eastern Time." He then schedules a conference for 30-Mar-2004 5:00 PM. He intends to have the conference at 5 pm Eastern Time. User B, whose time zone is set to "(-08:00) US Pacific Time," is invited to this conference. When User B sees the invitation in her Upcoming Conferences tab, it displays as 30-Mar-2004 2:00 PM. The time has been converted to Pacific Time for User B.

Setting the Default System-Level Time Zone

When a user registers with Oracle Web Conferencing for the first time, the user's default time zone is set based on the system-level property DefaultTimeZoneName. The default value of this property is UTC. An administrator might want to change this value. For example, if the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system is deployed in New York, you can change the property as follows:

imtctl> setProperty -system -pname DefaultTimeZoneName -pvalue America/New_York

This only affects the default time zones for users who have not set their time zone yet. Encourage users to set their time zones.

Time Zones

Table 15-3 contains a listing of time zones supported by Oracle Real-Time Collaboration.

Table 15-3 Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Time Zones

Internal Name External User Visible Name
Pacific/Pago_Pago (-11:00) Pago Pago
Pacific/Honolulu (-10:00) Hawaii
America/Anchorage (-09:00) Alaska
America/Vancouver (-08:00) Canada Pacific Time
America/Los_Angeles (-08:00) US Pacific Time
America/Tijuana (-08:00) Tijuana
America/Edmonton (-07:00) Canada Mountain Time
America/Denver (-07:00) US Mountain Time
America/Phoenix (-07:00) Arizona
America/Mazatlan (-07:00) Mazatlan
America/Winnipeg (-06:00) Canada Central Time
America/Regina (-06:00) Saskatchewan
America/Chicago (-06:00) US Central Time
America/Mexico_City (-06:00) Mexico City
America/Guatemala (-06:00) Guatemala
America/El_Salvador (-06:00) El Salvador
America/Managua (-06:00) Managua
America/Costa_Rica (-06:00) Costa Rica
America/Montreal (-05:00) Canada Eastern Time
America/New_York (-05:00) US Eastern Time
America/Indianapolis (-05:00) East Indiana
America/Panama (-05:00) Panama
America/Bogota (-05:00) Bogota
America/Lima (-05:00) Lima
America/Halifax (-04:00) Canada Atlantic Time
America/Puerto_Rico (-04:00) Puerto Rico
America/Caracas (-04:00) Caracas
America/Santiago (-04:00) Santiago
America/St_Johns (-03:30) Newfoundland
America/Sao_Paulo (-03:00) São Paulo
Atlantic/Azores (-01:00) Azores
Etc/UTC (00:00) Universal Time
UTC (00:00) Universal Time
Atlantic/Reykjavik (00:00) Reykjavik
Europe/Dublin (00:00) Dublin
Europe/London (00:00) London
Europe/Lisbon (00:00) Lisbon
Africa/Casablanca (00:00) Casablanca
Africa/Nouakchott (00:00) Nouakchott
Europe/Oslo (+01:00) Oslo
Europe/Stockholm (+01:00) Stockholm
Europe/Copenhagen (+01:00) Copenhagen
Europe/Berlin (+01:00) Berlin
Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) Amsterdam
Europe/Brussels (+01:00) Brussels
Europe/Luxembourg (+01:00) Luxembourg
Europe/Paris (+01:00) Paris
Europe/Zurich (+01:00) Zurich
Europe/Madrid (+01:00) Madrid
Europe/Rome (+01:00) Rome
Africa/Algiers (+01:00) Algiers
Africa/Tunis (+01:00) Tunis
Europe/Warsaw (+01:00) Warsaw
Europe/Prague (+01:00) Prague Bratislava
Europe/Vienna (+01:00) Vienna
Europe/Budapest (+01:00) Budapest
Europe/Sofia (+02:00) Sofia
Europe/Istanbul (+02:00) Istanbul
Europe/Athens (+02:00) Athens
Asia/Nicosia (+02:00) Nicosia
Asia/Beirut (+02:00) Beirut
Asia/Damascus (+02:00) Damascus
Asia/Jerusalem (+02:00) Jerusalem
Asia/Amman (+02:00) Amman
Africa/Tripoli (+02:00) Tripoli
Africa/Cairo (+02:00) Cairo
Africa/Johannesburg (+02:00) Johannesburg
Europe/Moscow (+03:00) Moscow
Asia/Baghdad (+03:00) Baghdad
Asia/Kuwait (+03:00) Kuwait
Asia/Riyadh (+03:00) Riyadh
Asia/Bahrain (+03:00) Bahrain
Asia/Qatar (+03:00) Qatar
Asia/Aden (+03:00) Aden
Africa/Khartoum (+03:00) Khartoum
Africa/Djibouti (+03:00) Djibouti
Africa/Mogadishu (+03:00) Mogadishu
Asia/Dubai (+04:00) Dubai
Asia/Muscat (+04:00) Muscat
Asia/Yekaterinburg (+05:00) Yekaterinburg
Asia/Tashkent (+05:00) Tashkent
Asia/Calcutta (+05:30) India
Asia/Novosibirsk (+06:00) Novosibirsk
Asia/Almaty (+06:00) Almaty
Asia/Dacca (+06:00) Dacca
Asia/Krasnoyarsk (+07:00) Krasnoyarsk
Asia/Bangkok (+07:00) Bangkok
Asia/Saigon (+07:00) Vietnam
Asia/Jakarta (+07:00) Jakarta
Asia/Irkutsk (+08:00) Irkutsk
Asia/Shanghai (+08:00) Beijing, Shanghai
Asia/Hong_Kong (+08:00) Hong Kong
Asia/Taipei (+08:00) Taipei
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur (+08:00) Kuala Lumpur
Asia/Singapore (+08:00) Singapore
Australia/Perth (+08:00) Perth
Asia/Yakutsk (+09:00) Yakutsk
Asia/Seoul (+09:00) Seoul
Asia/Tokyo (+09:00) Tokyo
Australia/Darwin (+09:30) Darwin
Australia/Adelaide (+09:30) Adelaide
Asia/Vladivostok (+10:00) Vladivostok
Australia/Brisbane (+10:00) Brisbane
Australia/Sydney (+10:00) Sydney Canberra
Australia/Hobart (+10:00) Hobart
Asia/Magadan (+11:00) Magadan
Asia/Kamchatka (+12:00) Kamchatka
Pacific/Auckland (+12:00) Auckland


This section explains the properties that must be set in order to configure Oracle Web Conferencing functionality.

This section contains the following topics:

Setting Up a Proxy

The following properties configure proxy settings used by all Oracle Real-Time Collaboration HTTP client code. This includes cobrowsing functionality and cross-instance HTTP-based diagnostics. This is important for firewall considerations.


Description: This property sets the host name of the HTTP proxy

Default value: None

Valid values: host name

Scope: Component


  • To set the proxy to for the entire system, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname UserAgentProxyHost -pvalue 
  • To set the proxy to for the current instance, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname UserAgentProxyHost -pvalue 


Description: This property sets the host name of the HTTPS proxy

Default value: None

Valid values: valid host name

Scope: Component


  • To set the proxy to for the entire system, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname UserAgentProxySSLHost -pvalue 
  • To set the proxy to for the current instance, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname UserAgentProxySSLHost -pvalue 


Description: This property sets the proxy port

Default value: 80

Valid values: Any port

Scope: Component


  • To set the proxy port to 8080 for the entire system, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname UserAgentProxyPort -pvalue 8080
  • To set the proxy port for the current instance, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname UserAgentProxyPort -pvalue 8080


Description: Set this to the SSL proxy port

Default value: 443

Valid values: Any port

Scope: Component


  • To set the SSL proxy port to 4443 for the entire system, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname UserAgentProxySSLPort -pvalue 4443
  • To set the SSL proxy port for the current instance, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname UserAgentProxySSLPort -pvalue 4443


Description: This property sets a list of URLs for domains/hosts that should not be proxied.

Default value: None

Valid values: (simple tail-matching algorithm). The format of the value must be "[\"domain1\", \"domain2\"]"

Scope: System, Instance. The property can be set at system scope but can be overridden for a specific component.


  • To set the exclusions for the whole system for domains and, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname UserAgentProxyExclusions -pvalue  
    "[\"\", \"\"]"
  • To set the exclusions for the current instance for domains and, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname UserAgentProxyExclusions -pvalue  
    "[\"\", \"\"]"


Description: This property enables the proxy settings. None of the other proxy settings take effect unless this is set to true.

Default value: true

Valid values: true/false

Scope: Component

Example: To enable the proxy setting, invoke:

imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname UserAgentProxyEnabled -pvalue true

Configuring E-mail

Oracle Web Conferencing can generate outbound e-mail for various purposes, such as inviting users to a conference. To enable this feature, you must configure the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system with certain e-mail-related properties.


Description: This is the host name of the SMTP server Oracle Real-Time Collaboration should use

Default value: None

Valid values: a host name

Scope: System, Instance. The property can be set at system scope but can be overridden for a specific instance.


  • To set SmtpHost for the whole system to, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname SmtpHost -pvalue 
  • To set SmtpHost for the current instance to, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname SmtpHost -pvalue ""


Description: This is the port on which the SMTP server listens

Default value: 25

Scope: System, Instance. The property can be set at system scope but can be overridden for a specific instance.


  • To set SmtpPort for the whole system to 3000, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -system true -pname SmtpPort -pvalue 3000
  • To set SmtpPort for the current instance to 3000, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -pname SmtpPort -pvalue 3000


Description: Internet end-users connecting through the Oracle Web Conferencing Console typically connect to the Apache/mod_imeeting. Ultimately, the socket is handed off to the MX by mod_imeeting, and this property is used to facilitate the communication between mod_imeeting and the MX process on the instance. This parameter has the following platform-specific connotations:

  • UNIX: It is not a port, but a name. The socket is handed off using Domain Name Sockets.

  • Windows NT: It is a port

  • Linux x86: It is not a port, but a name

Default value: None

Valid values: Integer within the range 2400-2700

Scope: Component


  • For one MX process (installer default), invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -ct mxcomm -pname MxRedirectPort -pvalue "[\"2420\"]"
  • For two MX processes, invoke:

    imtctl> setProperty -ct mxcomm -pname MxRedirectPort -pvalue 

Typically, these two examples are enough to support all modes of connections if Oracle Web Cache is not present on the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration core components computer, and Oracle HTTP Server is the listener.

Synchronize Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Properties with Apache Settings

Change the following properties to synchronize with the Apache settings.


Description: The Oracle Real-Time Collaboration installer assumes that the actual host name configured for the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration core components computer is used by clients to access Oracle Real-Time Collaboration resources. This might not be true in some deployments where DNS aliasing and other advanced network deployment scenarios might require customization of the names used to access Oracle Real-Time Collaboration resources from external locations.

Default value: Actual host name derived at installation by the installer

Valid values: Any host name

Scope: Instance

Example: If the actual host name is com, but if the name to be used is "", invoke:

imtctl> setProperty -pname ApacheWebHost -pvalue ""


Description: The port on which Apache is listening for HTTP requests

Default value: 80

Valid values: Any legal port value

Scope: Instance

Example: If the Apache on the instance is listening on port 7777 instead of 80 for HTTP requests, invoke:

imtctl> setProperty -pname ApacheWebPort -pvalue 7777


Setting the port to a value other than 80 may prevent access to users coming behind remote proxies.


Description: The port on which Apache is listening for HTTPS requests

Default value: 443

Valid values: Any legal port value

Scope: Instance

Example: If the Apache on the instance is listening on port 4443 instead of 443 for HTTPS requests, invoke:

imtctl> setProperty -pname ApacheWebSecurePort -pvalue 4443


Setting this to something other than 443 may prevent access to users behind remote proxies.


Description: Whether the ApacheWebHost is using SSL

Default value: false

Valid values: true/false

Scope: System

Example: If the Apache Web host is using SSL, this property needs to be set to true, as shown in the following example:

imtctl> setProperty -pname ApacheProtocolSecure -pvalue true