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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
Release 2 ( for hp Tru64 UNIX

Part Number B12426-02
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1 Suite-Level Issues

This chapter summarizes release note issues that affect all components of Oracle Collaboration Suite versions and Patch Set 1 (

The following sections are included in the chapter:

1.1 What's New?

Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( is now available. This patch contains many important bug fixes, as well as new product features. To obtain the patch, go to OracleMetaLink at

For information about the new features and bugs fixed in this patch, see the Oracle Collaboration Suite Readme Release 2 Patch Set 1 (

1.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section describes the following known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 (

1.2.1 Cannot Enable RAC with a Pre-seeded Information Storage Database

Currently, Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) cannot be enabled with a pre-seeded Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 information storage database.

Workaround: Install a custom RAC enabled database from the Oracle9i Release 2 ( database CD-ROM and apply the patch set.

See Also:

Bug 3098122 for more information on this issue

1.2.2 Errors Occur in Oracle Collaboration Suite if Portal is Not Installed

During the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier installation, the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) lets you decide whether or not to configure Portal. While Portal is an optional component of Oracle Collaboration Suite, failure to configure Portal on at least one middle tier results in some broken links in the Web client. For example, an error occurs if you:

  • Click Log on to Oracle Collaboration Suite in the "End-User Login" section of the default welcome page (index.html).

  • Click the Return to Portal global link in web applications, such as Oracle Email and Oracle Files.

Oracle recommends configuring Portal on at least one Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier. Portal provides a convenient launch pad for accessing Oracle Collaboration Suite web applications.


Configuring Portal is a required prerequisite of configuring the Oracle Collaboration Suite Web client.

If you choose not to configure Portal as part of your installation, you can find the direct entry point URLs for various web applications, such as Oracle Email, Oracle Files, and Oracle Calendar in the following file:


1.2.3 Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client

This section describes Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client issues. Web Client may not Work on Korean Locale

The Web client may not work if you are using Internet Explorer on Korean Windows 2000. The Web Client Configuration Assistant Fails in the Upgrade Scenario

Workaround: Manually invoke the Web client configuration assistant from the command line as described in the following procedure.

Before invoking the Web client configuration assistant, manually ensure that the Oracle9iAS Portal middle tier has been installed or upgraded, and configured.

Skip section Section, "Configuring the Component URL", if the host name and port number for the applications were provided during the Web client installation through Oracle Universal Installer. Configuring the Component URL

This section explains how to configure component URL such as Oracle Email, Oracle Files, and Oracle Calendar. You configure the component URL by modifying the file.

The file contains three URL for each Oracle Collaboration Suite component:

    • Help page URL

    • Application entry point URL

    • Portlet provider URL

  1. Open the file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle /collabsuite/webclient/resources directory.

  2. In the file, set the entry point URL for each configured component.

  1. Replace the token for the host name and the port number in all three URL for each component to be configured.

    If you are not upgrading Oracle Calendar to Release 2 (, perform the following steps to make Oracle Calendar Release 1 (9.0.3) available as a portlet:

    1. Open the file from the $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle/collabsuite/webclient/resources directory on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( middle tier.

    2. Locate the following statement:


      Change it to:


    3. Locate the following statement:


      Change it to:

      calendar.provider= http://%WIRELESS_HOST%:%WIRELESS_PORT%/marconi/servlet/soaprouter Running the Web Client Configuration Assistant from the Command-line

Enter the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/webclient/bin/ Oradcle9iAS_Portal_user_name Oradcle9iAS_Portal_user_password -complete

If you know the Oracle9iAS Portal schema name, password, and connect string information, you can invoke the configuration assistant, as follows:

$ORACLE_HOME/webclient/bin/ Oracle9iAS_Portal_user_name Oracle9iAS_Portal_user_password -complete -s
schema -p password -c connect_string


  • schema: The Oracle database account for Oracle9iAS Portal

  • password: The Oracle9iAS Portal account password

  • connect_string: The connect string to the database instance where the Oracle9iAS Portal repository is installed; specified as host_name:port:SID Failure to Automatically Register the Files Portlet

After installing the Oracle Files middle tier, the Oracle Files domain is not started by default. Because of this the Web Client configuration assistant might not be able to contact the Files portlet during the Web Client configuration, causing the automatic registration of the Files portlet to fail. If Oracle Files and the Web Client are Configured on Different Hosts

If Oracle Files and the Web Client are configured on different hosts, be sure to start the Oracle Files domain before you configure the Web Client.

See Also:

"Starting All Necessary Processes" in the Configuring Oracle Files chapter of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide for more information If Oracle Files and the Web Client are Configured on the Same Host

If Oracle Files and the Web Client are configured on the same host during the same installation, automatic registration of the Files portlet will fail.


  1. Start the Oracle Files domain. Refer to the section called "Starting All Necessary Processes" in the Configuring Oracle Files chapter of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

  2. Verify that the URL for Oracle Files are correctly set in the $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle/collabsuite/webclient/resources/ file.

  3. Re-run the Web Client configuration assistant from the command line:

    $ORACLE_HOME/webclient/bin/ Broken Images on UNIX

The Web Client uses Oracle UIX (User Interface XML) technology to generate web pages. UIX dynamically generates many images, such as buttons and tabs, appearing throughout the UI. Due to limitations in Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) prior to version 1.4, UIX requires an X server process to generate dynamic images on UNIX platforms.

To locate the X server, the UIX runtime relies on the value of the DISPLAY environment variable. If the Web Client is running on a UNIX host, and some of the images in the UI appear broken or inconsistent, the problem may be that the value of the DISPLAY environment variable for the Web Client process is set incorrectly.

A common symptom of this problem is that instead of the rounded, beige buttons, UI pages are rendered using native browser buttons.

To verify the value of the DISPLAY environment variable for the Web Client process, open the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.conf file in a text editor, and locate the entry for the instance called \OC4J_Portal\:

<oc4j maxRetry="3" instanceName="OC4J_Portal" gid="OC4J_Portal" numProcs="1">
    <prop name="DISPLAY" value="your-host-name:0.0"/>

The value of the DISPLAY property should reference a running X server.


During installation, the Oracle Universal Installer automatically populates the value of the DISPLAY property in opmn.xml using the value of the DISPLAY environment variable detected during the installation session. If you are running the Oracle Universal Installer remotely, such as from a desktop PC with X emulation software (such as Hummingbird Exceed), this auto-detected value will be incorrect, because it will reference a remote X server that is not guaranteed to be available. The safest approach is to create an X server on the middle tier host and reference it in the DISPLAY property. Consult your UNIX documentation on how to start an X server on your platform. Broken Link on Collaboration Suite Welcome Page

In the Collaboration Suite welcome page at http://host:port/, the link in the End-User Login portlet only functions on the host where Oracle Portal is configured. On other middle tier hosts, the link is broken.

1.2.4 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Start Failure

When starting Oracle9iAS Web Cache, you may see the following error:

Error: No matching CACHE element found in webcache.xml for current hostname and ORACLE_HOME. Cache Server failed to start

If you see this error, some parameters in webcache.xml may be pointing to symbolic links rather than actual paths.

To find out whether webcache.xml parameters point to symbolic links, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to $ORACLE_HOME/webcache and open webcache.xml.

  2. Check the path specified for the ORACLEHOME parameter.

  3. At the command line, use the ls -l command to see whether the top-level directory is a symbolic link. For example, if the value for ORACLEHOME is /home/test/csr2mt, type the following command:

    ls -l /home

    If the directory is a symbolic link, you will see notation similar to the following:

    test -> /private/test
  4. If the webcache.xml parameters do point to symbolic links, update all paths in this file to use the actual path instead of the symbolic link. For example, change all instances of /home/test/csr2mt to /private/test/csr2mt.


    Back up the file before editing. Since paths are listed for multiple parameters in webcache.xml, make sure that you replace all occurrences.

  5. Save webcache.xml.

  6. Restart Oracle9iAS Web Cache:

    $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin/webcachectl stop
    $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin/webcachectl start
  7. Restart OPMN:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

1.2.5 Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Email Not Invoked

Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Email is not invoked during the installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 infrastructure.


Perform the following steps on the infrastructure and the middle tier:


  2. Run the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin/ script.

  3. Restart Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  4. emctl start

1.2.6 Referenced Name Error Occurs During Email Upgrade

During the mail store upgrade, the following error message occurs:

ORA-29521: referenced name could not be found

Workaround: None, errors in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/upgrad904.log file can be ignored.

1.2.7 Database is Not Being Registered

When running the database configuration assistant (DBCA) as a standalone, the database is not being registered.Workaround: Register the database using a user DN that is a member of the Oracle Directory Manager OracleDBCreators group, or the cn=orcladmin user DN.

1.2.8 Database Configuration Assistant Error

When the database configuration assistant (DBCA) is invoked from the Oracle Universal Installer or the command line, the following error occurs:

Open Wallet Failed

Workaround: None, you can ignore this error message.

1.2.9 Single Sign-On Photograph Registration

The current release does not permit a photograph of a single sign-on user to be uploaded.

1.2.10 Create or Edit User Information in Delegated Administration Service

When clicking Create or Edit in the Resource Access Information section on the user creation and editing screens, the previously entered user data in the other fields on the screen is lost.

Workaround: Re-enter the user data after the resource access information is created or edited.

1.2.11 File Not Found Error Occurs During Execution of the Script

When executing the script, you may receive an error message stating that the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/filemap file could not be found. This occurs because an attempt has been made to remove a file that does not exist.

Workaround: None, you can ignore this error message.

1.2.12 Welcome Page iSupport Link

The on the infrastructure and middle tier, where the Web Client is installed, perform the following:

Edit the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/htdocs/index.html file by replacing the URL:


1.2.13 Port Number Changes When Upgrade Assistant is Executed

When the upgrade assistant is executed, the port numbers for the following applications change:

  • Oracle CalendarOracle EmailOracle FilesOracle Web ConferencingOracle9iAS Wireless and Voice


Prior to running web client installer from the command line, manually reset the port number for each application in the ORACLE_HOME/webclient/classes/oracle/ collabsuite/webclient/resources/ file.

In the file, enter the appropriate port number in the URL associated with each of the following entry points:


1.2.14 Configure Oracle Collaboration Suite Components with SSL

See the following documentation for information on configuring Oracle Collaboration Suite components with SSL:

  • Security Web Providers document on the Oracle9iAS Portal Web site at the following URL:

  • "Manually Setting Up HTTPS with mod_osso on the Middle Tier" in Chapter 6 of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide

  • "Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite" in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide

  • Section 5.6, "Configuring Ports and Network Connectivity" and Section 5.7, "Configuring SSL" in Chapter 6 "Sample Deployments" of the Oracle Web Conferencing Administrator's Guide

1.3 Known Bugs in

Table 1-1 lists the known suite-level bugs in Oracle Collaboration Suite

Table 1-1 Known Suite-Level Bugs

Bug No. Description
2425455 The following only applies to AIX users:

If high availability cluster multi-processing (HACMP) was previously installed, and the system is running as single node, NetCA hangs and returns the following error during the information storage installation:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 15

If this occurs, stop the NetCA process.

Workaround: Perform the following prior to installing the information storage:

As root user, rename the following files:

# cd /etc/objrepos
# mv HACMPadapter HACMPadapter.bk
# mv HACMPnode HACMPnode.bk
2499191 The Oracle Email umbackend.tar file in the Oracle Collaboration Suite release is only in EnglishWorkaround: Contact your Oracle support representative to obtain the patch. Refer to bug number 3156779.
2499206 The Oracle Email script is only in English
3050374 In Internet Explorer, the single sign-on authentication throws an error for HTTPS links


  1. Use two host names, one for the infrastructure and one for the middle tier.

  2. Obtain a second host name that is mapped to the same IP address in DNS.

  3. For the infrastructure, change all the host names entries to the second host name.

  4. Change all the host names in the OHS configuration.

  5. Re-register the mod_osso partner applications in the middle tier to pick up the changed single sign-on server name.

3116499 Intermittent installation problem results in an "Out of memory" error for the dcmctl updateconfig file

Workaround: Increase the JVM memory

3118140 The following error occurs when editing a user entry by changing only the password field.

"Invalid Number Format for attribute : Employee Number"


To configure the employee number field to be alphabetical, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into DAS as a user with DAS configuration privileges such as orcladmin.

  2. Click the Configuration tab.

  3. Click the User Entry tab.

  4. Click the Next button on the lower right corner.

  5. In the attribute configuration table, select the attribute employee number row.

  6. Choose Single Line Text from the dropdown list in the UI Type column.

  7. Click Next in all subsequent windows, and click Finish.

3129911 Compilation error in the WK_CRW package body.


  1. Log in to the database as sys.

  2. Enter the following SQL commands:

    SQL> grant select on SYS.DBMS_LOCK_ALLOCATED to WKSYS;
    SQL>alter package wksys.wk_crw compile body;
    SQL> alter package wksys.wk_snapshot compile body;
3151836 When installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a machine with a large memory, the Oracle Universal Installer displays an error message

Workaround: Ignore the error message and continue installation

3204943 The NLS_LANG must be set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 to backup and restore multibyte messages and folders
3207537 An Oracle Internet Directory Delegated Administration Services error occurs on Simplified Chinese locale.


Uncomment the following line from ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf:

include "ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\mod_osso.conf"

Restart the HTTP Server through Oracle Enterprise Manager.

3214446 The following only applies to Linux users:

When running the Files Configuration Assistant ($ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin/ifsca) from Oracle Universal Installer or the command line, the following error message displays:

exort: command not found

Workaround: Ignore the error message

3376394 When viewing the status of a transaction created and recorded in Oracle Enterprise Manager (for example, logging into and out of Calendar) the transaction status shows "down." The following error message appears:


Performing the following workaround before creating a transaction prevents this error from occurring: For web applications that use ASCII-based character sets or UTF-8, add the flag -DUrlTiming.CharacterConversion=0 to the agentJavaDefines variable in the agent's file.

1.4 Known Bugs in

Table 1-2 lists the known suite-level bugs in Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( Patch Set 1.

Table 1-2 Known Bugs in Release 2 ( Patch Set 1

Bug No. Description
3376394 As described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite, you can monitor your Oracle Collaboration Suite components using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console. However, if you create a Web Application target in the Grid Control Console and create business transactions to monitor the availability of your Oracle Calendar applications, you may run into the following problem. When viewing the status of a transaction (for example, a transaction that logs in and out of Oracle Calendar) the transaction status indicates that the Web Application is "down." When viewing the error, the following message appears:


This problem often appears for Web Applications that use ASCII-based character sets or UTF-8. To fix this problem:

  1. Use a text editor to open the following file in the home directory of the Management Agent that is monitoring the Oracle Calendar Web Application:

  2. Locate the agentJavaDefines variable in the file.

    For example:

    agentJavaDefines=-Doracle.dms.refresh.wait.time=1000 -DUrlTiming.UseJSSE=true
  3. Add the following parameter to the agentJavaDefines variable:


    For example:

    agentJavaDefines=-Doracle.dms.refresh.wait.time=1000 -DUrlTiming.UseJSSE=true -DUrlTiming.CharacterConversion=0
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Restart the Management Agent.