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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
Release 2 ( for hp Tru64 UNIX

Part Number B12426-02
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8 Oracle Web Conferencing

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with Oracle Web Conferencing. The following sections are included in the chapter:

8.1 What's New?

There are a number of new features for Oracle Web Conferencing in the release and patch set. See the Oracle Collaboration Suite Readme Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( for details about all new features.

8.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds

The following sections describe the following known limitations and any appropriate workarounds for Oracle Web Conferencing:

8.2.1 Database Service Name Limitation

Oracle Web Conferencing versions and below shipped with Oracle Collaboration Suite prior to the patchset requirement that database connections be specified using a SID. This is due to reliance on an older JDBC connect string format. The version of Web Conferencing ( that ships with the OCS patchset supports a manual process for configuring Web Conferencing to use connect strings that depend on service names. However, the OCS patchset installer still requires the use of a SID for database connection at install time. Following are the instructions for configuring Web Conferencing to use service names and other advance connect strings (such as multiple listener support for RAC). Installation

The Web Conferencing database must be accessible via SID during patchset installation, because the installer does not support the new service name feature. For RAC configurations, configure Web Conferencing to point directly to the SID of one RAC instance during install. Post-Installation

Once the patchset has been successfully applied to a particular Web Conferencing instance, the instance can be manually reconfigured to connect to the Web Conferencing database using service names, multiple listeners, etc.

  1. Shutdown all Web Conferencing components in the current instance:

    $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl stop
    $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl stop -co OC4J_imeeting -v
  2. Make a copy of the $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/conf/imtinit.conf file. You can revert to this file if edits you make below cause problems.

  3. Edit $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/conf/imtinit.conf to specify the full JDBC connect string.


    Edits to the imtinit.conf file are NOT generally supported. However, this process requires editing the file directly. Do not change any other settings in the file.

    Sample contents of the imtinit.conf file:

    #Wed Oct 22 01:34:42 PDT 2003  oracle.imt.database.sid=imtdb1  oracle.imt.schema.password.encrypted=27250A0179786675780C0272534812  oracle.imt.database.port=1521  oracle.rtc.instance.version=

    Notice that in the default configuration, connection information for the Web Conferencing database is specified in terms of hostname, port, and sid. Web Conferencing adds support for a new property called oracle.imt.database.jdbc.connect. When this property is present, all of the other database connect properties (oracle.imt.database.hostname, oracle.imt.database.port, and oracle.imt.database.sid) are ignored even if they are present. Add the following property to imtinit.conf:


    The value given for FULL_JDBC_CONNECT_STRING will be used to establish connections to the Web Conferencing repository without any modification or validation. This means that the value can be ANY valid JDBC connect string. Note that unlike tnsnames.ora entries, the entire connect string MUST be specified on a single line in this file.

    An example of the recommended JDBC connect syntax is shown below. Subsititute appropriate HOST, PORT, and SERVICE_NAME values.


    Following is an example with multiple listeners specified by IP address:


    Oracle recommends that you leave the old database connect settings intact. They will be ignored but some commands may still expect them to exist for validation purposes.

  4. Restart ALL Web Conferencing components in the current instance.

    $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl start$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl start -co OC4J_imeeting
  5. Verify that the Web Conferencing components connected to the database using the new connect string. First, enter the following:

    • Unix or Linux:

      grep "Database Connection Info" $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/logs/imtcontrol/*.xml
    • Windows:

      find "Database Connection Info" %ORACLE_HOME%\logs\imtcontrol\*.xml

    View the contents of the files you find. Older files should contain entries like the following:

    <record timestamp="2003-10-22T02:02:16.811-07:00" time-local="true" severity="config" source-path="oracle.imt.application.db" source="SrvDBConnProvider"><message>Database Connection Info: (Schema rtc_app)</message>

    The newest log file (created when you executed imtctl start) should contain an entry with the new JDBC syntax:

    <record timestamp="2003-10-23T02:21:27.994-07:00" time-local="true" severity="config" source-path="oracle.imt.application.db" source="SrvDBConnProvider"><message>Database Connection Info: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (Schema rtc_app)</message>

    Do the same check of the OC4J_imeeting logs:

    • Unix or Linux:

      grep "Database Connection Info" $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/logs/application/*.xml
    • Windows:

      find "Database Connection Info" %ORACLE_HOME%\logs\application\*.xml

    If the new logfiles still contain the old connect string syntax, then recheck the previous steps to make sure that you specified the correct property, edited the correct file, and restarted all Web Conferencing components. You can also check your Web Conferencing version to ensure that you are using or newer:

    $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl versions

    If the log files show that Web Conferencing is using the new connect string, then you have completed all steps successfully.

8.2.2 Installation and Configuration Issues


This section is included for users who have installed the release and have encountered problems completing the installation. If you have successfully installed the patch set, you do not need to follow these instructions. Further, the schema for Oracle Web Conferencing and the tablespaces for Web Conferencing in the repository have changed with the patch set, and the following instructions will not work.

Oracle Web Conferencing installation could fail due to incorrect inputs that cannot be validated and, hence, cannot be prevented during installation. Installation could fail during the configuration phase due to a variety of reasons. This section addresses how to recover from some of these failures and manually configure Oracle Web Conferencing.

Installation of Oracle Web Conferencing assumes that the Web Conferencing host machine is freely accessible on all ports for all traffic from users' computers trying to access Web Conferencing. For most enterprises, this translates to the Web Conferencing server machines on the intranet without any internal firewalls. If your installation does not fall into this category, you might not be able to access Web Conferencing immediately at the end of installation without further post-installation configuration.

See Also:

Oracle Web Conferencing Administrator's Guide for information on how to configure Oracle Web Conferencing for various other cases

Follow the post-installation steps for the most common configurations required for enabling e-mail invites to conferences and other basic functionality listed in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide. Clean Reinstallation and Deinstallation

Reinstallation and deinstallation of Oracle Web Conferencing is not supported in this release. In most cases you will need to restart the installation after restoring the installation environment to the exact state it was in before the installation was started, so that the new attempt is a clean new installation.

This section does not discuss how to clean up the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation. However, you might need to remove the Real-Time Collaboration repository in some cases. To do so, you will need to delete all Real-Time Collaboration objects from the database, including the RTC tablespaces. Removing the RTC Repository from the Database

You might need to remove the Real-Time Collaboration repository in some cases. To do so, you will need to delete all Real-Time Collaboration objects from the database, including the RTC tablespaces.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information on executing some of these commands for your particular database

  1. Log in to the database as SYSTEM user or user with similar privileges.

  2. Alter the system to disallow access to the database by RTC and RTC_APP users, so that those users may start no new sessions.

  3. Discontinue all sessions by RTC and RTC_APP users.

  4. Drop RTC_APP followed by RTC:

    • Drop user RTC and RTC_APP, including all the database objects owned by them

    • Drop tablespaces RTC_DATA, RTC_INDEX, RTC_BIG_DATA, and RTC_LARGE_DATA and the data files used for those tablespaces. Depending on how the RTC repository was created, you will have either RTC_BIG_DATA or RTC_LARGE_DATA present in the database. If both are present, drop both. Manual Recovery or Reinstallation

Oracle Web Conferencing needs to use the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration (RTC) repository residing in an Oracle9i (9.2 or later) database. This database may be a customer database, or it can be the Oracle Collaboration Suite information store database in which the RTC repository is already seeded at the time the information store is installed. Each of the following cases requires slightly different steps to make the RTC repository available.

  • The installation fails against a customer database—If the installation fails before you create the repository, you might need to edit the install_schema.cmd script to substitute correct values for the Oracle home and the SID of the database to which you plan to connect for the RTC repository.

    Issue the following command (all one line):

    $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/install/db/ connect_string_for_database SYSTEM_user_password rtc rtc_password rtc_app rtc_app_password RTC_DATA  RTC_LARGE_DATA RTC_INDEX directory_for_tablespaces

    The directory_for_tablespaces above is the directory on the database host where the datafiles for tablespaces will be created, typically the oradata/instance_name subdirectory in the Oracle home on the database host.


    (connect_data=(sid=ia902dbd)))  manager rtc  rtc  rtc_app  rtc_app
  • The installation fails against the Oracle Collaboration Suite information store—If the installation is interrupted before reaching the RTC repository dialogs, you might need to edit the scripts used here to substitute appropriate values for Oracle home.

    1. Issue the following command:

      $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/install/db/ connect_string_for_information_store_database SYSTEM_password rtc  rtc_app


      (port=1521))(connect_data=(sid=infom7)))  manager rtc  rtc_app
    2. Next, issue the following command:

      $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/install/db/ connect_string_for_information_store_database SYSTEM_password rtc rtc_password rtc_app rtc_app_password_of_your_choice


      (port=1521))(connect_data=(sid=infom7)))  manager rtc  rtc  rtc_app  rtc_app
    3. The RTC repository must be available for use for the following step to succeed. If the installation is interrupted before reaching the configuration phase, you might need to edit the imtctl script to substitute appropriate values for your Oracle home.

      • Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/conf/imtint.conf file and make sure it has a valid value for oracle.imt.instancename. It should be ORACLE_HOME_name.fully_qualified_host_name_for_the_middle_tier. For example,

      • Issue the following command:

        $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl updateDatabaseInfo -dbsid SID_for_the_RTC_repository_database -dbhost host_name_for_RTC_repository_database -dbport port_for_the_RTC_repository_database -dbschema rtc_app -dbpassword rtc_app_password
    4. For the Real-Time Collaboration Core Components instance, issue the following command (on one line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl  addInstance -installtype midtier 
      -instancename oracle_home_name.host_name.domain_name 
      -hostname host_name.domain_name 
      -imthome $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting 
      -mxport any_available_port_between_1025-49151 
      -webhost Host_name_used_by_OHS 
      -webport Oracle_HTTP_Server_or_Web_Cache_listen_port 
      -websslport Oracle_HTTP_Swerver_or_Web_Cache_SSL_listen_port
      -ldaphost OCS_infrastructure_OID_hostname
      -ldapport OCS_infrastructure_OID_port
      -oc4jname OC4J_imeeting 
      -imtpm_httpport any_available_port_between_1025-49151
      -appname imeeting 
      -em_integrate true|false 

      For -webport and -websslport, use the Web Cache port if Web Cache is enabled.

      Setting the -em_integrate option to true allows integration with the Enterprise Management website for displaying the status of Oracle Web Conferencing.


      $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl addInstance -installtype midtier -instancename -hostname -imthome $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting -mxport 2400 -webport 80 -websslport 443 -ldaphost -ldapport 4032 -oc4jname OC4J_imeeting -imtpm_httpport 2402 -appname imeeting -em_integrate true
    5. For the Document Conversion Server and Voice Conversion Server, issue the following commands (on one line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/ addInstance 
      -installtype voice|converter 
      -instancename oracle_home_name.host_name.domain_name
      -hostname host_name.domain_name
      -imthome $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting
      -orclhome $ORACLE_HOME 
      -voice_httpport any_available_port_between_1025-49151
      -imtpm_httpport any_available_port_between_1025-49151
      -appname imeeting

      Entering voice for -installtype issues the command for the Voice Conversion Server, converter issues the command for the Document Conversion Server.


      $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/ addInstance -installtype voice -instancename -hostname -imthome $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting -orclhome $ORACLE_HOME -voice_httpport 2042 -imtpm_httpport 2403 -appname imeeting Creating the OC4J RTC Application as Part of the Real-Time Collaboration Core Components Instance

This step is to be done only on the Core Components instance host. If the installation is interrupted or fails before proper creation of the files or scripts involved, you might need to edit the files and scripts involved to appropriately substitute the values for the Oracle home. Additional files used by this script are located in the same directory as the script.

Set the environment variables as follows:


Then execute:



Before issuing the above command, verify that the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/deploy.ini file exists. The $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/deploy.ini file might have been backed up by the installer as %ORACLE_HOME%/j2ee/deploy.ini.some_number.bak. Make a copy of it and save it as $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/deploy.ini. Oracle HTTP Server Configuration

All of the following modifications are to the mod_osso.conf file in the Web Conferencing Oracle home.


Oracle recommends setting OssoIPCheck to off in the mod_oss.conffile.

Enabling Download Functionality for HTTPS Deployments

If your deployment uses HTTPS, you must edit the mod_osso.conf file to enable downloading of the Web Conferencing Console, logs, documents stored in your conference materials area, and recordings.

For the Web Conferencing Console:

<Location /imtapp/res>
    OssoSendCacheHeaders off

For logs:

<Location /imtapp/logs>
    OssoSendCacheHeaders off
    require valid-user
    AuthType Basic

For materials:

<Location /imtapp/app>
    OssoSendCacheHeaders off

For recordings:

<Location /imtapp/console>
    OssoSendCacheHeaders off
<\Location> Turning Off Image Compression for PNG Files in OracleAS Web Cache

Users with Internet Explorer 5.5 might find that images are missing from documents they are viewing from the Web Conferencing Application or during Document Presentation mode in a conference. To prevent this, turn off image compression for PNG files in OracleAS Web Cache.

To turn off image compression:

  1. Access the OracleAS Web Cache administrator pages for the installation of Oracle9iAS. By default, it is at http://apache_web_host:4000 /webcacheadmin.

  2. Log in as the administrator. The default value for username and password is administrator.

  3. In the post-login page, you will see the Administration section on the left. Scroll down and locate the General Configuration section. In that section, under Cacheability Rules, click Compression.

  4. Select the radio button for the rule that contains a reference to the compression of PNG images. It is the second set of rules in the default installation.

  5. Click Change Selector Association.

  6. In the window that pops us, click the rule that refers to the compression of the PNG images.

  7. Click Remove Association. The pop-up window closes.

  8. Click Apply Changes on the main page.

  9. Click Restart. This causes the changes to take effect. Configuring E-Mailed Usage Reports

Chapter 5 of the Oracle Web Conferencing Administrator's Guide explains the imtreport script that is used to set up Oracle Web Conferencing reports. To configure report options, you edit variables at the top of the report script.

Edit the imtreport script as follows to configure usage reports to be e-mailed to recipients.

  • Change the export IMT_USE_BI_CLASSES line in imtreport to export IMT_USE_REPORT_CLASSES. Failure to edit this line results in a NoClassDefFound error

  • Set the SITE_ID parameter to a specific site ID or 100 for all sites. Setting it to an empty string results in the following error: TODAYSDATE is an invalid identifier

  • Remove any spaces after the commas in the comma-separated list of recipients. Failure to do so results in the e-mailing of the report to the first person in the list of recipients only.

  • Set the DISPLAY variable at the top of imtjvm. Failure to do so results in the following error: Problem with constructor javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource... Uploading the Demo When Using a Custom Database

The following exception occurs while the RTC configuration assistant "Create Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Repository" is running during installation, if you choose to install the Web Conferencing schema on a custom database:



Importing seeded demo conferences

LRM-00116: syntax error at 'address' following '('IMP-00022: failed to process 
parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help

IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully

You can safely ignore this exception. After installation, follow the steps below to upload the demo.

  1. Make sure the Oracle database import utility, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/imp, is available in the Oracle home for the database on the host you are using for the Real-Time Collaboration repository.

  2. Copy the $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/install/db/imtseed.dmp file from the Oracle home from any Real-Time Collaboration Core Components to the database host.

  3. Issue the following command on the database host from the shell:

    $ORACLE_HOME={database_oracle_home};export ORACLE_HOME 
    $PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin;export PATH  
    imp RTC_ACCT_NAME/password_for_schema_rtc@database_connect_string
    file=imtseed.dmp ignore=y commit=y buffer=40960000 grants=n indexes=n show=n
    touser=$RTC_ACCT_NAME fromuser=rtc

8.2.3 User Management Issues

Oracle Web Conferencing uses Oracle Internet Directory for user management. For performance reasons, Oracle Web Conferencing maintains a local copy of the following user attributes:

  • User Name: The name the user types when logging in. This attribute is set by the Oracle Internet Directory administrator.

  • User GUID: Global Unique Identifier. This is an internal field not visible to users

  • First Name

  • Middle Name

  • Last Name

  • E-mail Address

In the release and earlier, there was no synchronization between the user data in Oracle Internet Directory and the RTC Repository. In the patch set, this issue is resolved. The following table lists some scenarios in which you might encounter problems if you do not install the patch set. The simplest solution to these issues is to install the patch set.

There are certain situations in which one change affects multiple attributes. For example, when Oracle Internet Directory is configured such that the user name is mapped to an e-mail address, the change of an employee's last name could result in changes to the e-mail address, last name, and user name. In such cases, the fixes from all applicable scenarios should be applied.

Table 8-1 lists workarounds for user management issues if the patch set is not applies.

Table 8-1 Workarounds for User Management Issues if Patch Set is Not Applied

Issue Cause Example with Workaround
User gets an error when logging in to Oracle Web Conferencing User's User Name (login name) was updated in the Oracle Internet Directory; Oracle Web Conferencing contains user's old GUID Old User Name: JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM


Fix: Run the following SQL statements while connected to the RTC Repository as rtc_app account:

SQL> update rtc_users set user_name = 'JANE.YOUNG@ORACLE.COM'
     where user_name = 'JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM';
SQL> commit;
User's first name appears incorrectly User's first name was updated in the Oracle Internet Directory; Oracle Web Conferencing contains user's old first name Old First Name: Jane

New First Name: Jane2

Fix: Run the following SQL statements while connected to RTC Repository as rtc_app account:

SQL> update rtc_persons set first_name = 'Jane2'
     where person_id in (select person_id from rtc_users where
     user_name = 'JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM');
SQL> commit;
User's last name appears incorrectly User's last name was updated in the Oracle Internet Directory; Oracle Web Conferencing contains user's old first name Old Last Name: Doe

New First Name: Young

Fix: Run the following SQL statements while connected to RTC Repository as rtc_app account:

SQL> update rtc_persons set last_name = 'Young'
     where person_id in (select person_id from rtc_users where
     user_name = 'JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM');
SQL> commit;
User does not receive conference invitations through email User's e-mail address was updated in the Oracle Internet Directory; Oracle Web Conferencing contains user's old first name Old E-mail: JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM


Fix: Run the following SQL statements while connected to RTC Repository as rtc_app account:

SQL> update rtc_persons
     set email_address = 'JANE.YOUNG@ORACLE.COM'
     where person_id in (select person_id from rtc_users where
     user_name = 'JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM');
SQL> commit;
User previously logged in to Oracle Web Conferencing, but can no longer do so. Existing user account was deleted and then recreated in the Oracle Internet Directory; Oracle Web Conferencing contains the user's original GUID from his earlier login Fix: Run the following SQL statements while connected to the RTC Repository as rtc_app account:
SQL> delete from rtc_persons
     where person_id in (select person_id from rtc_users where
     user_name = 'JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM');
SQL> delete from rtc_users
     Where user_name = 'JANE.DOE@ORACLE.COM';
SQL> commit;

8.2.4 Allowing Pop-Up Window Display

Some Oracle Web Conferencing tasks, such as entering a conference or playing back recorded conferences, display pop-up windows such as dialog boxes during the task. If you have pop-up window blockers, the pop-up window is suppressed and so you cannot perform the task.

It is best to allow display of pop-up windows while you are using Oracle Web Conferencing.

8.2.5 Known Bugs

Table 8-2 lists known issues with the release of Oracle Web Conferencing.

Table 8-2 Oracle Web Conferencing Known Bugs

Bug No. Description Workaround
2898506 If using the Oracle Calendar, users should not schedule meetings through the Oracle Web Conferencing Schedule tab, but through the Calendar tool. To suppress the Schedule tab, enter the following command on the Oracle Web Conferencing middle tier:
$ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtctl setProperty -system true -pname IsCalendarOCSInstalled -pvalue true
3019653 The date does not display properly when Arabic is selected (date displays in the format for the Web Conferencing system locale). None
3033626 When Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 is installed, some of the Web Conferencing (Real-Time Collaboration) configuration assistants are run during installation, even if the user chooses not to configure Oracle Web Conferencing. The configuration assistants report failure to complete. Apply patch set, which fixes this issue
3095910 Some English strings appear in the Web Conferences portlet of Oracle Collaboration Suite when Korean is selected. None
3116499 During installation, an out of memory error occurs when the dcmctl updateconfig command is executed. Increase memory in Java Virtual Machine
3117475 Site=0 has no authentication key. Apply patch set, which fixes this issue
3124505 iMeeting appears in the Oracle Enterprise Manager middle tier site, but the page does not display. Stop and restart the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site
3133297 After upgrading from Oracle Collaboration Suite release 1 to Oracle Collaboration Suite release 2, users cannot start a Web conference from the portlet in the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page.
  1. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin.
  2. Enter: ./imtctl.

  3. Enter:

    setProperty -pname
    "ApacheWebPort" -pvalue "port_

    If you are running the Oracle Application Server Web Cache, use the Web Cache port number. Otherwise, use the Oracle HTTP Server port number.

  4. Restart OC4J for Oracle Web Conferencing.

    See the Oracle Web Conferencing Administrator's Guide for more details about setting port properties and restarting OC4J.

3263919 An error occurs when the user launches the demo if the Oracle Web Conferencing schema has been installed on a custom database. See Section, "Uploading the Demo When Using a Custom Database" for more information.
3425113 Sometimes a user when a user logs in and tries to create a or join a conference, an error message saying "Your session has expired" will appear even though the user has just logged in. Either the user's system clock is set incorrectly, or the system clock for the machine hosting the Web Conferencing instance is set incorrectly, usually to more than 10 hours earlier than the current time. Reset the clock for the Web Conferencing instance and/or the user's machine.
3482112 When using Netscape, if the browser language is set to Japanese [ja], users cannot join a conference because the pop-up window is truncated and the Cancel and Continue buttons do not appear. If using Netscape, set the browser language to English. In Netscape, choose Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Languages and select English/United States [en-US].
3502330 When using Netscape to start an instant conference, characters in the pop-up window can be garbled if the language is set to anything other than English, and the Cancel button may not work. If using Netscape, set the browser language to English. In Netscape, choose Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Languages and select English/United States [en-US].
3509491 If you are using load balancers (LBRs), sometimes when you play back a conference, the playback crashes soon after it starts. Conference playback uses session objects stored on the Real-Time Collaboration core component server to identify the user ID and site ID. If your load balancer sends users to different Web Conferencing servers during a single session, the session information needed by play back is not available.

Make sure your load balancer is set so that it always routes each user to the same Real-Time Collaboration server during a single session. That is, if user 1 is routed to server A, he should continue to go to A for this session, while user 2 can be routed to server B for her session. A "session" begins as you log in to Web Conferencing, and ends when you log out.