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Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10685-01
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Wireless Tools

This document describes the tools you use to get the most out of Oracle Collaboration Suite with Oracle9iAS Wireless. Each section of this document presents a different topic. These sections include:

6.1 Overview

Wireless provides a set of Web-based tools to help you create, manage, and deliver mobile services. These tools include wizards for developing and managing repository objects, and utilities for managing the server and deploying Wireless. Wireless provides the following development tools:

These tools are role-specific; users can only access tools associated with the roles that the User Administrator has assigned to them. For example, a user assigned to the Content Management Tool role can only access the Content Management Tool tool and a user with Content Developer privileges can only access the Service Designer.

Wireless provides the following user roles:

Table 6-1 Wireless User Roles
User Role  Description  Available Tools 


The Wireless administrator, a user who can access all of the webtools and manage the system from the Oracle Enterprise Manager console. 

Service Designer

Content Manager

User Manager

Device Portal Access 


Users assigned the Designers role perform the following functions:

  • Create, modify, and delete adapters from the Wireless Repository.
  • Create, modify, delete, and test master services and master alerts.
  • Manage transformers for logical devices.
  • Develop applications using Mobile XML.
  • Develop, modify and delete data feeders.
  • Develop, modify and delete presets.
  • Develop location-based services
  • Develop, modify, and delete regions used for creating location-based services.

Service Designer 


Users assigned the Organizers role perform the following functions:

  • Manage service folders.
  • Create services based on master services.
  • Create alerts based on master alerts.
  • Deploy applications to groups.
  • Assign regions to location-based services.

Content Manager  


Users assigned the System role manage the system. 

Wireless systems management functions (through the Oracle Enterprise Manager console) 


Users assigned the Helpdesk role perform the following functions:

  • Check user profiles and services.
  • Create new groups and users.
  • Manage user access privileges.
  • Assign different roles to a user.

User Manager  


Users assigned the consumer role are end users of Wireless services. End-users can customize their own services either from a desktop or from a device. Customization for end-users includes:

  • Create Logical Devices to receive alerts.
  • Set Presets
  • Reorder services.
  • Set Locationmarks.

Device Portal Access 

Guest User 

An unregistered user.  

Device Portal Access 

Users assigned to the Administrators, Designers, Organizers, System, and Helpdesk roles also have end-user privileges.


For a full overview of Wireless, see Oracle9iAS Developer's Guide

6.2 The Service Designer

You use the Service Designer to create and modify objects in the Wireless repository. These objects include:

Table 6-2 Objects in the Wireless Repository
Object Type  Description 


You can use folders to group services. Folders make services available to end users. Every user has a "home" folder. This contains the services, usually referenced by an alias, that the user can access. A user can also access any service in a folder owned by a group to which the user belongs. 

Master service 

The master service object implements the service and invokes a specific adapter. You can associate a custom transformer with a master service. Custom transformers are service- and device-specific. They can be used by only one device and one master service. 

Preset Definitions 

Preset definitions, which are specifically associated with a service, enable users to personalize services by entering their own input parameters to an application by creating presets. When a user requests a service, a service loads the user-defined input parameters, (or presets). Typically, the service may list these presets for the user, who must select an item to execute the application. 

Master Alert 

A template for an alert service, that specifies the content data feeder for an alert and the type of trigger parameters used by the alert. 

Data Feeder 

A data feeder is a repository object that retrieves content from both internal and external content sources and converts that content into a standard XML format. 


Adapter objects represent the Wireless interface to content sources. Adapter objects have an attribute called classes. This attribute identifies the archive file that contains the actual Java implementation of the adapter. 


A transformer converts the content returned by the Wireless adapters. Transformer types include:

  • Result transformers, which convert Adapter Result content into SimpleResult content.
  • Device transformers, which convert SimpleResult content into the final target format.

A device transformer can be either the default transformer for a logical device, or a custom transformer, which is used to render a specific master service for a specific logical device.  

Logical Device 

A logical device object associates a physical device or an abstract device, such as email, with a transformer.  


Wireless uses regions to enable developers to assign a location to a service, making the service location-based, unique to a specified area.  

The Service Designer provides a set of wizards for the creation of master services, master alerts, logical devices, and data feeds. The Service Designer's wizards present the creation of each of these components as a discrete task broken down into a series of steps. The Service Designer prompts you through each step, ensuring that you successfully create the component quickly and easily.

In addition to these wizards, the Service Designer includes a screen for testing and creating transformers. Transformers, in the form of XSLT stylesheets or Java classes, convert the content returned by Wireless adapters into the format best suited to a particular platform. Using the Service Designer, you can both test and create transformers. The tool enables you to view and edit adapter input parameters and the transformers of the source content. See the Oracle9iAS Developer's Guide for more information on Wireless Edition XML.

Using the Service Designer, you can create location-based master services, which are visible to users at specific locations. The Service Designer enables developers to create these services by assigning a location to a master service from the spatial data repository. The tool enables you to view a spacial object as a map image with its corresponding geometry. In addition, the tool enables you to access, view, and modify the data stored in the spatial database in the repository.

6.3 The Content Manager Tool

The Content Management Tool enables you to create services and alerts based on the master services and master alerts created by Content Developers. The Content Manager Tool tool enables you to assign services, alerts, and topics to each user group. Using the Content Manager Tool, you can organize the wireless portal in a business context appropriate to a user group. The Content Manager Tool provides you with wizards to ensure that you create services easily. See Chapter 8 for more information on the Content Manager Tool.

6.4 The User Manager

This tool enables you to perform such help desk functions as creating and modifying users and groups and assigning services to users and groups. See Chapter 9 for more information on the User Manager.

Manager enables you to centrally manage property files at both the server and site levels.