Oracle Internet Directory API Reference


Package oracle.idm.provisioning.plugin

Interface Summary
IDataAccessPlugin This is a Data Access plugin that is invoked from the DAS.
IDataEntryPlugin This is a Data Entry plugin that is invoked from the DAS.
IDefaultsMgmtPlugin Applications that would like to maintain default values for its user attributes must implement this interface.
IEventPlugin This is the base interface which the other interfaces liike IEventPolicy IEventAction IEventGen IEventMod
IEventsFromOID Applications interested in receiving changes from OID should implement this interface.
IEventsToOID Applications interested in sending changes to OID should implement this interface.


Class Summary
ApplicationContext A context object that contains the application information.
PluginStatus A Status object to be returned by each of the plugins.


Exception Summary
EventDeliveryException A exception object that would describe the error condition in while delivering a provisioning event to adn from OID.
EventPluginInitException A exception object that would describe the error condition in while delivering a provisioning event to adn from OID.
EventPluginTerminateException A exception object that would describe the error condition in while delivering a provisioning event to adn from OID.
PluginException A exception object thrown for a failure while performing any DIP Plugin related operations


Oracle Internet Directory API Reference


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