Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (

Class RandomBitsSource


Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class RandomBitsSource
extends java.lang.Object

An abstract class representing secure PRNG (pseudo-random number generator) implementations.

Please note that, by the very nature of PRNGs, the security of their output depends crucially on the amount and "quality" of seeding entropy used. Implementing classes should provide guidance as to their proper initialization and use.

See Also:
EntropySource, SpinnerEntropySource

Constructor Summary
protected RandomBitsSource()

Method Summary
abstract void clear()
Clears out sensitive data pools within the PRNG.
static RandomBitsSource getDefault()
Get the default random bits source.
java.math.BigInteger randomBigInteger(int len)
Provided as an alternative to BigInteger(int, java.util.Random).
abstract byte randomByte()
Generate a random byte.
byte[] randomBytes(byte[] bytes)
Fill a byte array with random bytes.
void seed()
Seed from the system default entropy source.
abstract void seed(byte[] seed)
Seed the PRNG with the supplied array of bytes.
abstract void seed(EntropySource egs)
Seed the PRNG with a default number of bytes from the supplied entropy source.\
static void setDefault(RandomBitsSource rbs)
Sets the default random bits source for the current run-time environment.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected RandomBitsSource()

Method Detail


public abstract void seed(byte[] seed)
Seed the PRNG with the supplied array of bytes.


public abstract void seed(EntropySource egs)
Seed the PRNG with a default number of bytes from the supplied entropy source.\

Note that entropy source algorithms are frequently time and/or resource-intensive, which may cause significant delay before this method returns.


public void seed()
Seed from the system default entropy source.


public abstract byte randomByte()
Generate a random byte.


public byte[] randomBytes(byte[] bytes)
Fill a byte array with random bytes.


public java.math.BigInteger randomBigInteger(int len)
Provided as an alternative to BigInteger(int, java.util.Random). Returns a BigInteger uniformly distributed within the interval of the requested length (polling for as many random bytes from the random bits source as necessary). (Note that, as a consequence, the bit length of the returned integer will -- exactly half the time -- be less than the length requested.)


public static RandomBitsSource getDefault()
Get the default random bits source. If the default is not set, a new MD5RandomBitsSource is created, seeded and returned. Note: Successive calls to getDefault will return additional references to the same RandomBitsSource instance. This must be taken into consideration by programmers developing multi-threaded applications.
See Also:


public static void setDefault(RandomBitsSource rbs)
Sets the default random bits source for the current run-time environment.
See Also:


public abstract void clear()
Clears out sensitive data pools within the PRNG. Note that in so doing, the PRNG may be brought to an unusable state (e.g. requiring new seed material). Implementing classes should throw an exception when random bytes are request in this case.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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