Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (



Various utility classes.


Interface Summary
Streamable An interface for an object that can be input and output from/to a stream.


Class Summary
ArrayVector An array-based vector class.
CryptoUtils A set of utility functions for convenient access to certain cryptographic operations.
FixedByteArrayOutputStream A fixed-size, unsynchronized ByteArrayOutptStream, that provides access to the internal buffer for efficiency.
HttpUtils Utility functions for convenience in HTTP processing.
IntConstant This class can be extended and used to hold a list of constant int values that have "meaning".
NullOutputStream This class implements a null output stream (i.e., there is no output done.) It can be used in conjunction with DigestOutputStream to compute message digests.
ObjectPool A generic object pool.
OIDManager A class to manage mappings between object identifiers and the classes that implement them.
UnsyncByteArrayInputStream A ByteArrayInputStream with unsynchronized methods for greater efficiency.
UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream A ByteArrayOutputStream with unsynchronized methods for greater efficiency.
UnsyncHashtable This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
Utils A set of utility functions.


Exception Summary
InvalidFormatException This exception signals an invalid format of string data.
InvalidInputException Signals that an attempt to input an object from a stream has failed because an incorrect encoding was encountered.
OIDSecurityException This exception signals a violation of the OIDManager security rules.
OutputGenerationException Indicates that an exception occured while outputing a streamable object.
StreamableInputException This exception signals that an IOException unexpectedly occured when a streamable object has been written to memory and then read back.
StreamableOutputException This exception signals that an IOException unexpectedly occured while writing a streamable object to memory.
VersionException Signals that an attempt was made to read a data format with an unsupported version number.


Package Description

Various utility classes.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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