Oracle® Application Server Web Services UDDI Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part No. B13971-01

Class InstanceDetails

  extended byoracle.uddi.message.UddiElement
      extended byoracle.uddi.message.datatype.binding.InstanceDetails

public class InstanceDetails
extends UddiElement

General information:

This class represents an UDDI element within UDDI API Schema.

Element description:

It maps to instanceDetails element, which is used by basic UDDI data structure bindingTemplate.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ELT_INSTANCE_PARMS
static java.lang.String UDDI_TAG


Constructor Summary
InstanceDetails(UddiElementFactory ueFactory)


Method Summary
 java.util.List getDescriptionList()
 java.lang.String getFirstDescription()
          Return the first description string, without the language qualifier.
 java.lang.String getInstanceParms()
 OverviewDoc getOverviewDoc()
 java.lang.String getTagName()
          Returns the local name of the tag of the UDDI Element.
 void init()
          This method is not intended for use by clients of the API.
 void setDefaultDescription(java.lang.String defaultDesc)
          Set the default description, i.e., the description without any language qualifier.
 void setDescriptionList(java.util.List listDescription)
 void setInstanceParms(java.lang.String instanceParms)
 void setOverviewDoc(OverviewDoc overviewDoc)


Methods inherited from class oracle.uddi.message.UddiElement
getElementName, getElementPrefix, getGeneric, getNamespaceUri, getUddiElementFactory, getVersion, hasEmptyContent, isV1Compatible, isV2Compatible, marshall, unmarshall


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String UDDI_TAG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ELT_INSTANCE_PARMS
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public InstanceDetails(UddiElementFactory ueFactory)
Method Detail


public void init()
Description copied from class: UddiElement

This method is not intended for use by clients of the API.

Initalizes the element. If the element has been initalized, it re-initalizes the element so that it is as if it is a new object. This method enables object reuse.

Note on re-initalization: Reinitalization is done such that the object will be in the state as if it is a new object. It implies that all sub-elements will be discarded. If the caller wants to re-use sub-elements, it is caller's responsibility to get the sub-elements prior to re-initalization and reassign the optional sub-elements after re-initalization.

For example, A tModel contains an optional sub-element identifierBag. Hence identifierBag will be discarded. If the caller wishes to re-use the identifierBag, the caller has to get the identifierBag, re-initalize it and assign it back as the tModel's identifierBag :

   IdentifierBag identifierBag = tModel.getIdentifierBag();

Access to UddiElement and its sub-structure is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

Every subclass of UddiElement MUST overwrite init(). In the implementation, it should always invoke super.init() and intialize/reinitialize subclass-specific members. The pattern is exactly the same as a Java constructor.

init in class UddiElement


public java.lang.String getTagName()
Description copied from class: UddiElement
Returns the local name of the tag of the UDDI Element.
Specified by:
getTagName in class UddiElement


public java.lang.String getInstanceParms()


public void setInstanceParms(java.lang.String instanceParms)


public void setDefaultDescription(java.lang.String defaultDesc)
Set the default description, i.e., the description without any language qualifier. Existing default description, if present, will be replaced.
defaultDesc - the default description


public java.lang.String getFirstDescription()
Return the first description string, without the language qualifier.


public java.util.List getDescriptionList()


public void setDescriptionList(java.util.List listDescription)


public OverviewDoc getOverviewDoc()


public void setOverviewDoc(OverviewDoc overviewDoc)

Oracle® Application Server Web Services UDDI Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part No. B13971-01

Copyright © 2001, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.