Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Class EntityDefImpl

  extended byoracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
          extended byoracle.jbo.server.DefObject
              extended byoracle.jbo.server.RowDef
                  extended byoracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStoreDescriptor, StructureDef

public class EntityDefImpl
extends RowDef
implements oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStoreDescriptor, StructureDef

Defines metadata for Entity Object classes.

JDeveloper 3.0

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_OBJTAB
static java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_OBJTYP
static java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_TABLE
static java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_VIEW
protected mAssocAccessors
The Association accessors for the Entity Object.
protected mAssocs
Association objects for this Entity Object.
protected mAttrAccessors
The Attribute accessors for the Entity Object.
protected int mBatchThreshold
protected AttributeDefImpl[] mFKeys
List of attributes that comprise the foreign key.
protected boolean mIsObjectTable
Determines if the current table is an Object Table.
protected AttributeDefImpl mOIDAttribute
If entity is a OIDObject
protected AttributeDefImpl[] mPrimaryKeys
List of attributes that comprise the primary key.
protected java.lang.String mSource
Stores the name of the database source: the database entity for the Entity Object.
protected java.lang.String mSourceType
Stores the database source type.

Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.RowDef

Fields inherited from class
mBaseDefObject, mExtendedDefObjects, mObjectResolved

Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
mFullName, mObjName, mParent, mProperties

Constructor Summary
protected EntityDefImpl()
Default Constructor, sets the row class.
EntityDefImpl(java.lang.String name)

Method Summary
AttributeDefImpl addAttribute(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.Class javaType, boolean isPrimaryKey, boolean isDiscriminator, boolean isPersistent)
protected void addEntityAssociation(EntityAssociation assoc)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected void addPropertyChangeListener(int index, PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list for an attribute at the given index.
protected void addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName, PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list for an attribute of the given Name.
protected void addUniquePKValidation()
Adds validators to each primary key attribute of this Entity to ensure that the primary key for an Entity is always unique.
protected void addValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
Adds a JboValidatorInterface to the listener list.
protected void addVetoableChangeListener(int index, VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release.
protected void addVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName, VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release.
protected void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release.
static boolean checkEntityLocked(Row en)
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Called by BaseLobDomain to check for entity's locked state in local mode using reflection rather than direct call as Domains need to be "server" independent.
protected EntityImpl createBlankInstance(DBTransaction txn)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected void createDef()
This method should be used to perform custom-metadata initialization in a subclass of EntityDefImpl.
protected EntityImpl createInstance(DBTransaction txn, AttributeList al)
Instantiate an instance of the Entity.
Key createKey(AttributeList al)
Given a set of attribute values (name-value pairs), creates a Primary key object for this Entity.
oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStore createStore(oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.Persistent p)
boolean exists(java.lang.Object pk)
AttributeDef findAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
Gets an attribute definition, given its name.
EntityImpl findByPrimaryKey(DBTransaction txn, Key key)
Finds an Entity Object given a Primary Key.
static EntityDefImpl findDefObject(java.lang.String defFullName)
Finds the named Entity Object definition.
protected void finishedLoading() getAllEntityInstances(DBTransaction tr)
Deprecated. since 5.0 use getAllEntityInstancesIterator. getAllEntityInstancesIterator(DBTransaction tr)
Creates an iterator for stepping through instances of Entities of this definition object type.
AssociationDefImpl getAssociationDefImpl(int index)
Returns the AssociationDefImpl (association accessors) given an index.
AssociationDefImpl getAssociationDefImpl(java.lang.String name)
Returns the AssociationDefImpl (association accessors) given the association name.
AssociationDefImpl[] getAssociationDefImpls()
Returns the AssociationDefImpls.
int getAttributeCount()
Returns the number of defined attributes.
AttributeDef getAttributeDef(int index)
Gets an attribute definition, given its index.
AttributeDefImpl getAttributeDefImpl(int index)
Given the attribute's column position (index) in the database, returns the attribute definition object.
AttributeDefImpl getAttributeDefImpl(java.lang.String attrName)
Given an attribute name, returns the attribute definition object.
protected AttributeDefImpl getAttributeDefImplByColumnName(java.lang.String colName)
Given an attribute's column name, returns the attribute definition object.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getAttributeDefImpls()
Returns the AttributeDefImpls objects for this Entity Object.
AttributeDef[] getAttributeDefs()
Gets the defined attributes.
protected AttributeDefImpl getChangeIndicatorColumn()
Returns the AttributeDef for the Change Indicator column for the datasource.
java.lang.Class getCollClass()
Gets the implementation class of this Entity's collection.
protected java.lang.Class getComponentClass()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
java.lang.String getEJBAppProviderURL()
java.lang.Object getEJBHome()
java.lang.String getEJBHomeJNDIName()
protected EntityAssociation[] getEntityAssociations()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getForeignKeyAttrs()
Returns the list of AttributeDefs that make the foreign key for the composition cases.
static int getMaxAttrConst(java.lang.String entityName)
Returns the index of the last attribute for this entity at runtime.
protected AttributeDefImpl getOIDAttribute()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getPrimaryKeys()
Returns the AttributeDef's that define the primary key.
java.lang.String getQuery()
Returns the query that will return all columns for this Entity.
int getRefAttrIndex()
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnInsertAttributes()
Returns the list of attributes for which the Refresh on Insert flag is enabled at Design Time.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnInsertPrimaryKeys()
Returns the list of primary keys for which the Refresh on Insert flag is enabled at Design Time.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnUpdateAttributes()
Returns the list of attributes for which the Refresh on Update flag is enabled at Design Time.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnUpdatePrimaryKeys()
Returns the list of primary key attributes for which the Refresh on Update flag is enabled at Design Time.
java.lang.Class getRowClass()
Gets the implementation class of this Entity's rows.
java.lang.String getSource()
Returns the name of the Database source table.
java.lang.String getSourceType()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
AttributeDefImpl[] getUniqueKeys()
Returns the list of attributes that were marked as Unique-key constituents in designtime The order of attribute definitions is the order in which the unique-key attributes appear in the set of attributes for this entity. getValidators()
Get the list of JboValidatorInterface objects registered with this entity
protected boolean hasLOBAttrs()
Determines whether the EntityDef contains attributes that are LOBs.
boolean isAssociationAccessorRetained()
boolean isObjectTable()
Determines whether this is an Object table.
protected boolean isOIDInPrimaryKey()
Determines whether the OID (object identifier) attribute is a primary key.
boolean isRefPKBased()
Indicates whether this Entity's REF is primary key based or not.
protected boolean isRowIDPrimaryKey()
Determines whether this Entity Object has a ROWID attribute that is used as a primary key.
boolean isSingleUseKeyStatement()
boolean isUpdateChangedColumns()
Determines whether the SQL generation of UPDATE statements should include all of the columns or just the changed columns.
boolean isUseGlueCode()
boolean isUseReturningClause()
Indicates if DML should use the RETURNING clause for this entity type.
protected void loadAttribute( elem)
Load the attributes from the XMLInput Stream
protected void loadCustomDef( xmlElement)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStore loadStore(oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.Persistent p)
AttributeDef lookupAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
Gets an attribute definition, given its name.
java.lang.Object queryAsCollection(java.lang.String viewDefName, java.lang.Object[] voParams)
protected void removePropertyChangeListener(int index, PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list of the given attribute (by index).
protected void removePropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName, PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list of the given attribute (by index).
protected void removeValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
Removes a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.
protected void removeVetoableChangeListener(int index, VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release.
protected void removeVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName, VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release.
protected void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release.
void resolveDefObject()
Function to preserve the order of the attributes
protected void resolveReferences()
Since this gets called from lazyload, load all attribute accessors upfront.
void setAssociationAccessorRetained(boolean b)
void setBatchThreshold(int threshold)
void setCollClass(java.lang.Class collClass)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
void setEJBAppProviderURL(java.lang.String url)
void setEJBHomeJNDIName(java.lang.String nam)
void setRefPKBased(boolean val)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
void setRowClass(java.lang.Class rowClass)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
void setSingleUseKeyStatement(boolean singleUse)
void setSource(java.lang.String source)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
void setSourceType(java.lang.String sourceType)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
void setUpdateChangedColumns(boolean updateChangedColumns)
Sets the flag for status to update on Changed Columns
void setUseGlueCode(boolean b)
protected void setUseReturningClause(boolean flag)
Subclasses should call this method with false, on the EntityDef to indicate that this entity type should not use RETURNING clause to fetch refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update values.

Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.RowDef
discrValuesQualify, findDefForDiscrValues, getAliasName, getAttributeIndexOf, getBaseDefObject, getBindingStyle, getClientProxyClassName, getComponentInterfaceName, getDefFullName, getDefName, getDiscrColumns, getEffectiveClientProxyClassName, getEffectiveComponentInterfaceName, getMessageBundleClass, getPackageDef, getPackageName, loadProperties, registerDefObject, setAliasName, setBaseDefObject, setBindingStyle, setClientProxyClassName, setComponentInterfaceName, setDiscrColumns, setMessageBundleClass, setName, setParent

Methods inherited from class
addExtendedDefObject, getContainerDef, getContainerName, getExtendedDefObjects, hasExtendedDefObjects, isBaseDefFor, isDynamicDefinitionObject, isObjectResolved, setObjectResolved

Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
getFullName, getName, getParent, getProperties, getPropertiesAsStrings, getPropertiesMap, getProperty, refreshProperty, setFullName, setPropertiesMap, setProperty

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.StructureDef
getAttributeIndexOf, getDefFullName, getDefName, getFullName, getName

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_TABLE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_VIEW
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_OBJTYP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DBOBJ_TYPE_OBJTAB
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected mAttrAccessors
The Attribute accessors for the Entity Object.


protected mAssocAccessors
The Association accessors for the Entity Object.


protected mAssocs
Association objects for this Entity Object.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] mFKeys
List of attributes that comprise the foreign key.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] mPrimaryKeys
List of attributes that comprise the primary key.


protected AttributeDefImpl mOIDAttribute
If entity is a OIDObject


protected java.lang.String mSource
Stores the name of the database source: the database entity for the Entity Object.


protected java.lang.String mSourceType
Stores the database source type.


protected boolean mIsObjectTable
Determines if the current table is an Object Table. Default is false.


protected int mBatchThreshold

Constructor Detail


protected EntityDefImpl()
Default Constructor, sets the row class.


public EntityDefImpl(java.lang.String name)

Method Detail


public static EntityDefImpl findDefObject(java.lang.String defFullName)
Finds the named Entity Object definition.

This method takes the fully qualified name (package_name.Entity_name) of an Entity definition and returns the corresponding Entity definition object. This method can be used to return only the Entity Object defintion object, instead of the more global methods in the MetaObjectManager class.

The following example returns the EntityDef object associated with the Categories Entity in package1.

 mDefinitionObject =
defFullName - the fully qualified name of the definition.
the Entity definition object corresponding to the specified name.
See Also:


protected void createDef()
This method should be used to perform custom-metadata initialization in a subclass of EntityDefImpl. The method is called as a notification that this definition object's metadata is loaded.

Override this method to satisfy your application's specific custom properties for the Entity definition. For example, you would override this method if your application builds custom properties programatically based on user preferences.

Subclasses of EntityDefImpl should invoke addUniquePKValidation() in this method to add primary key validators. For example:

 protected void createDef()

By default, the framework does not invoke the unique key check.
See Also:


protected EntityAssociation[] getEntityAssociations()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns an array of Entity Association objects for this Entity.


protected void addEntityAssociation(EntityAssociation assoc)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Adds an Entity Association to this Entity.

assoc - the entity assocition to be added.


public AttributeDefImpl getAttributeDefImpl(java.lang.String attrName)
Given an attribute name, returns the attribute definition object.

This method takes the string name of an Entity Object attribute and returns the corresponding attribute definition object. For example, use this method to get the attribute definition object to store custom properties.

attrName - the specified Entity attribute.
an Entity attribute definition object.


public AttributeDefImpl getAttributeDefImpl(int index)
Given the attribute's column position (index) in the database, returns the attribute definition object.

This method takes the Entity attribute's database column position (index) and returns the corresponding attribute definition object. For example, use this method to get the attribute definition object to store custom properties.

index - the attribute's database column position, where the leftmost column has index 0.
an Entity attribute definition object; null if the given index is invalid.


protected AttributeDefImpl getAttributeDefImplByColumnName(java.lang.String colName)
Given an attribute's column name, returns the attribute definition object.

This method takes the Entity attribute's database colunm name and returns the corresponding attribute definition object. For example, use this method to get the attribute definition object to store custom properties.

colName - the name of the attribute's column in the database.
an Entity attribute definition object.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getAttributeDefImpls()
Returns the AttributeDefImpls objects for this Entity Object. This method is typically used when customizing properties.
Specified by:
getAttributeDefImpls in class RowDef
an array of the attribute descriptors.


public AttributeDef[] getAttributeDefs()
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Gets the defined attributes.
Specified by:
getAttributeDefs in interface StructureDef
Specified by:
getAttributeDefs in class RowDef
an array of attribute definitions.


public int getAttributeCount()
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Returns the number of defined attributes.
Specified by:
getAttributeCount in interface StructureDef
Specified by:
getAttributeCount in class RowDef
the number of attributes.


public AttributeDef findAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Gets an attribute definition, given its name.
Specified by:
findAttributeDef in interface StructureDef
Specified by:
findAttributeDef in class RowDef
name - the name of an AttributeDef.
an attribute definition


public AttributeDef lookupAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Gets an attribute definition, given its name.
Specified by:
lookupAttributeDef in interface StructureDef
Specified by:
lookupAttributeDef in class RowDef
name - the name of an AttributeDef.
an attribute definition if found, null otherwise


public AttributeDef getAttributeDef(int index)
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Gets an attribute definition, given its index.
Specified by:
getAttributeDef in interface StructureDef
Specified by:
getAttributeDef in class RowDef
index - the index of an AttributeDef, where the leftmost attribute has index zero.
an attribute definition.


public AssociationDefImpl getAssociationDefImpl(java.lang.String name)
Returns the AssociationDefImpl (association accessors) given the association name.
name - the name of the association.
the association accessors for this object.


public AssociationDefImpl getAssociationDefImpl(int index)
Returns the AssociationDefImpl (association accessors) given an index. If an invalid index number is given, this method returns null.
index - of the association attribute.
the association accessors for this object; null if an invalid index number is given.


public AssociationDefImpl[] getAssociationDefImpls()
Returns the AssociationDefImpls.
the association accessors for this object.


public java.lang.String getSource()
Returns the name of the Database source table.

This method could be overridden if, for example, your application implements table generator code at runtime.

the name of database table that this business object represents.


public void setSource(java.lang.String source)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Sets the name of the Database source table.

source - the name of database table corresponding to this business object.


public boolean isObjectTable()
Determines whether this is an Object table.

This method returns true if this table is:

true if this is an object table; false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getSourceType()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns the name of the database source type.

the type of database source.


public void setSourceType(java.lang.String sourceType)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Sets the name of the Database source type.


public java.lang.String getEJBHomeJNDIName()


public void setEJBHomeJNDIName(java.lang.String nam)


public java.lang.String getEJBAppProviderURL()


public void setEJBAppProviderURL(java.lang.String url)


public void setBatchThreshold(int threshold)


public getAllEntityInstances(DBTransaction tr)
Deprecated. since 5.0 use getAllEntityInstancesIterator.
Creates an iterator for stepping through instances of Entities of this definition object type. This method could typically be used in a cache clean-up routine.
tr - the transaction containing the Entity Objects.
the iterator.


public getAllEntityInstancesIterator(DBTransaction tr)
Creates an iterator for stepping through instances of Entities of this definition object type. This method could typically be used in a cache clean-up routine.
tr - the transaction containing the Entity Objects.
the iterator.


public java.lang.Class getRowClass()
Gets the implementation class of this Entity's rows. For example, if this method is called on the Dept Entity Object, it will return DeptImpl.
Specified by:
getRowClass in class RowDef
the row implementation class.


public java.lang.Class getCollClass()
Gets the implementation class of this Entity's collection.
the collection implementation class.


public EntityImpl findByPrimaryKey(DBTransaction txn,
                                   Key key)
Finds an Entity Object given a Primary Key.

Given the name of the databse transaction and the table's primary key, this method returns the associated Entity Object. If the Entity has not already been brought into the cache by any of the View Objects, this method will cause the Entity to be fetched from the database.

This method returns null if the Entity Object is not found.

txn - the transaction containing the Entity Object.
key - the Primary Key.
the Entity Object matching Key, or null if not found.


public Key createKey(AttributeList al)
Given a set of attribute values (name-value pairs), creates a Primary key object for this Entity. This method could be used to create the input for the findByPrimaryKey method. If the key cannot be created, this method returns null.
the key with ordered attribute list values according to this definition; null if the key cannot be created.


protected EntityImpl createInstance(DBTransaction txn,
                                    AttributeList al)
Instantiate an instance of the Entity. The default values of the entity attributes are filled in in this method.

Override this method to create instances of composite Entities.

txn - the DBTransaction instance for the Entity.
al - List of attribute name/value pairs to be passed to Entity.create()
a new instance of the Entity.
See Also:


protected EntityImpl createBlankInstance(DBTransaction txn)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Internal method invoked whenever an Entity of this type is created within the framework.

txn - the Database Transaction Object.
EntityImpl an instance of the Entity Object.


public void setRowClass(java.lang.Class rowClass)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Sets the implementation class for this Entity's rows.

rowClass - the row implementation class.


public void setCollClass(java.lang.Class collClass)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Sets the implementation class for this Entity's collection.

collClass - the collection implementation class.


protected java.lang.Class getComponentClass()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns the class of the reference object.

the class of the reference object.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getForeignKeyAttrs()
Returns the list of AttributeDefs that make the foreign key for the composition cases. For example, in the case of Dept/Emp, this method returns the Deptno AttributeDef on the Emp EntityDef.
an array of primary key attribute descriptors.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getPrimaryKeys()
Returns the AttributeDef's that define the primary key.
an array attribute definitions for the primary key.


protected AttributeDefImpl getOIDAttribute()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns the object identifier attribute (OID). This method is used to return attributes that are Oracle Objects.

the object identifier attribute (OID) for this Entity.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnInsertAttributes()
Returns the list of attributes for which the Refresh on Insert flag is enabled at Design Time. Primary keys are excluded from the list even if they are marked Refresh on Insert. This method should not be overridden.
a list of attributes whose values are refreshed on insert.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnUpdateAttributes()
Returns the list of attributes for which the Refresh on Update flag is enabled at Design Time. Primary keys are excluded from the list even if they are marked Refresh on Update. This method should not be overridden.
a list of attributes whose values are refreshed on update.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnInsertPrimaryKeys()
Returns the list of primary keys for which the Refresh on Insert flag is enabled at Design Time. This method should not be overridden.
a list of primary key attributes whose values are refreshed on insert.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] getRetrievedOnUpdatePrimaryKeys()
Returns the list of primary key attributes for which the Refresh on Update flag is enabled at Design Time. This method should not be overridden.
a list of primary key attributes whose values are refreshed on update.


public AttributeDefImpl[] getUniqueKeys()
Returns the list of attributes that were marked as Unique-key constituents in designtime The order of attribute definitions is the order in which the unique-key attributes appear in the set of attributes for this entity. Only "Persistent" attributes can be marked as Unique Key attributes.


protected AttributeDefImpl getChangeIndicatorColumn()
Returns the AttributeDef for the Change Indicator column for the datasource. It returns null if the the column does not exist.

The Change Indicator column is used, in some applications, to indicate changes in the underlying row in the datastore. It usually takes the form of a Timestamp or a Counter and, is compared at change time, against the value in the cache, to check for consistency.

the Change Indicator column or null if none exists.


public boolean isUpdateChangedColumns()
Determines whether the SQL generation of UPDATE statements should include all of the columns or just the changed columns.

The return value of this flag indicates whether the SQL Generation of UPDATE statements should include all of the columns or just the changed columns. If this method returns true then only the updated columns will be included, otherwise the method will include all of the columns that are present.

true if only changed columns are used in SQL generation; false if all columns are used.


public void setUpdateChangedColumns(boolean updateChangedColumns)
Sets the flag for status to update on Changed Columns


public boolean isUseGlueCode()


public void setUseGlueCode(boolean b)


public java.lang.String getQuery()
Returns the query that will return all columns for this Entity. Override this method to provide your own query, perhaps specifying another datasource or a different collection of columns.
the SQL query statement.


protected void addPropertyChangeListener(int index,
                                         PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list for an attribute at the given index.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

index - the index of the attribute to which the listener is to be added.
listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be added.
See Also:


protected void addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                         PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list for an attribute of the given Name.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

attributeName - the name of the attribute to which the listener is to be added.
listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be added.
See Also:


protected void removePropertyChangeListener(int index,
                                            PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list of the given attribute (by index).

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be removed.
See Also:


protected final void removePropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                  PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list of the given attribute (by index).

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

attributeName - the attribute to which the listener is to be added.
listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be removed.
See Also:


protected void removeValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
Removes a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be removed.
See Also:


public getValidators()
Get the list of JboValidatorInterface objects registered with this entity
ArrayList List of Validators


protected void addValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
Adds a JboValidatorInterface to the listener list.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

listener - the JboValidatorInterface to be added.
See Also:


protected void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use add/removeValidator instead.

Adds a VetoableChangeListener to the listener list.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be added.
See Also:


protected void addVetoableChangeListener(int index,
                                         VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use AttributeDefImpl.add/removeValidator instead.

Adds a VetoableChangeListener to the listener list for an attribute at the given index. Use this method to add a validator to an attribute.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

index - the index of the attribute to which the listener is to be added.
listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be added.
See Also:


protected void addVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                         VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use AttributeDefImpl.add/removeValidator instead.

Adds a VetoableChangeListener to the listener list for an attribute of the given name.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

attributeName - the attribute to which the listener is to be added.
listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be added.
See Also:


protected void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use add/removeValidator instead.

Removes a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be removed.
See Also:


protected void removeVetoableChangeListener(int index,
                                            VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use AttributeDefImpl.add/removeValidator instead.

Removes a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list of the given attribute (by index).

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

index - the index of the attribute from which the listener is to be removed.
listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be removed.
See Also:


protected final void removeVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                  VetoableChangeListener listener)
This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use AttributeDefImpl.add/removeValidator instead.

Removes a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list of the given attribute (by index).

This method modifies the static/singleton metadata.

attributeName - the attribute to which the listener is to be added.
listener - the VetoableChangeListener to be removed.
See Also:


protected void finishedLoading()


protected void resolveReferences()
Since this gets called from lazyload, load all attribute accessors upfront.


public void resolveDefObject()
Function to preserve the order of the attributes
Specified by:
resolveDefObject in class RowDef


public AttributeDefImpl addAttribute(java.lang.String attrName,
                                     java.lang.String columnName,
                                     java.lang.Class javaType,
                                     boolean isPrimaryKey,
                                     boolean isDiscriminator,
                                     boolean isPersistent)


protected void loadAttribute( elem)
Load the attributes from the XMLInput Stream


public boolean isRefPKBased()
Indicates whether this Entity's REF is primary key based or not. This method is meaningful only for an Entity whose base table is an Oracle object table. For such an Entity, a question arises whether the object reference ("REF") for the table is primary key based or not. This method returns true if it is.
a flag indicating whether the underlying object table's REF is primary key based or not.


public void setRefPKBased(boolean val)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Sets a flag that indicates whether this Entity's REF is primary key based or not. This method is meaningful only for an Entity whose base table is an Oracle object table. For such an Entity, a question arises whether the object reference ("REF") for the table is primary key based or not. This method sets this flag.

val - should be true if the underlying object table's REF is primary key based. Otherwise, false.


public int getRefAttrIndex()


protected boolean isRowIDPrimaryKey()
Determines whether this Entity Object has a ROWID attribute that is used as a primary key. Returns true if the ROWID attribute has been marked as a primary key.
true if the ROWID attribute is used as primary key; false otherwise.


protected boolean isOIDInPrimaryKey()
Determines whether the OID (object identifier) attribute is a primary key. Use this method for tables that contain Oracle Objects. It returns true if an OID attribute has been marked as a primary key.
true if OID is used as primary key; false otherwise.


public boolean isAssociationAccessorRetained()


public void setAssociationAccessorRetained(boolean b)


protected void addUniquePKValidation()
Adds validators to each primary key attribute of this Entity to ensure that the primary key for an Entity is always unique.

Whenever any of the primary key attribute values change, this validation rule is invoked to validate, both in the cache and the database, that the new key does not belong to any other Entity of this type. If the key is found in one of the Entities, a TooManyObjectsException is thrown.

Subclasses should invoke this method in their createDef() method to add these validators. By default, the framework does not invoke the unique key check. For example, you can add a validator to look for duplicate keys. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. In entity wizard, during Design Time, click the Entity Definition Class's "Generate Java File" checkbox.
  2. In the Entity DefImpl's .java source file (, override protected void createDef() and make a call to addUniquePKValidation(). For example:
     protected void createDef()
    This enables validation to check if the modified primary key value exists in either the database or the cache.

An alternative way to apply this validator in designtime is to edit the entity in designtime and apply UniqueKeyValidator to the entity in the Rules Tab.

TooManyObjectsException - if a duplicate key is found.
See Also:
createDef(), TooManyObjectsException


protected void loadCustomDef( xmlElement)
                      throws PersistenceException
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Loads a custom Entity definition from the associated XML file. For example, add custom attributes or additional metadata to an Entity's XML file. Then use this method to load the new definition of the Entity definition.

Typically, a call to createDef() follows this method.

xmlElement - the root XML node for the Entity.
PersistenceException - if an error occurred while loading the XML files at runtime.
See Also:


protected boolean hasLOBAttrs()
Determines whether the EntityDef contains attributes that are LOBs.

This method is used by doDML to determine if the EntityDef contains LOB attributes. If it does, doDML calls doDMLWithLOBs to process the DML request. For example:

  protected void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
   if (!getEntityDef().hasLOBAttrs())
      doDMLWithLOBs(operation, e);
Developers who implement doDML() to handle the two-phase insert and update process, should override hasLOBAttrs() in the EntityDefImpl subclass and return false. This will cause doDML() to work properly with the current release.
true if the Entity contains LOB attributes; false otherwise.
See Also:
doDML, doDMLWithLOBs


public static int getMaxAttrConst(java.lang.String entityName)
Returns the index of the last attribute for this entity at runtime.

The framework's Extends feature lets developers add information, such as additional attributes and validation, to an existing Entity. The additional attributes are "appended" to the original Entity's list of attributes. The framework adds this method to the generated extended Entity's *Impl file and uses it at runtime to determine the index of the last attribute belonging to the original Entity. All of the attributes with index greater than this number belong to the extended Entity.

The following code snippet represents part of the class definition of the *Impl file generated by the framework for the extended Entity Object newEmp:

 public class newEmpImpl extends package27.EmpImpl {
    protected static final int MAXATTRCONST =
The getMaxAttrConst method returns the index of the last attribute from the EntityDefImpl belonging to the original Entity Emp in package27. The result is stored in the constant MAXATTRCONST. This constant is used in calculations later in the file.
entityName - the name of the Entity for which the index of the last attribute is retrieved.


public oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStore createStore(oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.Persistent p)
Specified by:
createStore in interface oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStoreDescriptor


public oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStore loadStore(oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.Persistent p)
Specified by:
loadStore in interface oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStoreDescriptor


public boolean exists(java.lang.Object pk)
Specified by:
exists in interface oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStoreDescriptor


public java.lang.Object queryAsCollection(java.lang.String viewDefName,
                                          java.lang.Object[] voParams)
Specified by:
queryAsCollection in interface oracle.jbo.server.ejb.cmp.PStoreDescriptor


public static boolean checkEntityLocked(Row en)
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Called by BaseLobDomain to check for entity's locked state in local mode using reflection rather than direct call as Domains need to be "server" independent.


public java.lang.Object getEJBHome()


public boolean isSingleUseKeyStatement()


public void setSingleUseKeyStatement(boolean singleUse)


protected void setUseReturningClause(boolean flag)
Subclasses should call this method with false, on the EntityDef to indicate that this entity type should not use RETURNING clause to fetch refresh-on-insert or refresh-on-update values.

By default, this flag is set. If a subclass resets this flag, then callable statements for insert/update DML on entities of this type will contain a separate SELECT statement to fetch the refresh-on-insert or update attributes. In that case, Entity.getRefreshSQLKeyAttrs() is used to get the list of attributes to create the WHERE clause for this extra SELECT statement.


public boolean isUseReturningClause()
Indicates if DML should use the RETURNING clause for this entity type. By default this flag is true. This flag is not used when Oracle SQLBuilder is not in use.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

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