Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Class Expression

  extended byoracle.toplink.expressions.Expression

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Expression
extends java.lang.Object
implements, java.lang.Cloneable

Purpose: Define an object-level representation of a database query where clause.

Description: An expression is a tree-like structure that defines the selection criteria for a query against objects in the database. The expression has the advantage over SQL by being at the object-level, i.e. the object model attributes and relationships can be used to be query on instead of the database field names. Because it is an object, not a string the expression has the advantage that is can be easily manipulated through code to easily build complex selection criterias.


See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Base Expression Constructor.

Method Summary
Expression addDate(java.lang.String datePart, int numberToAdd)
PUBLIC: Function, return an expression that adds to a date based on the specified datePart.
Expression addDate(java.lang.String datePart, java.lang.Object numberToAdd)
PUBLIC: Function, return an expression that adds to a date based on the specified datePart.
Expression addMonths(int months)
PUBLIC: Function, to add months to a date.
Expression addMonths(java.lang.Object months)
PUBLIC: Function, to add months to a date.
Expression and(Expression theExpression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that is the boolean logical combination of both expressions.
Expression anyOf(java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship.
Expression anyOfAllowingNone(java.lang.String attributeName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship.
Expression appendSQL(java.lang.String sqlString)
Deprecated. since OracleAS TopLink 10g (9.0.4). See prefixSQL(java.lang.String), postfixSQL(java.lang.String).
Expression ascending()
PUBLIC: This can only be used within an ordering expression.
Expression asciiValue()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the single character strings ascii value.
Expression average()
PUBLIC: Function, This represents the aggregate function Average.
Expression between(byte leftValue, byte rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two bytes
Expression between(char leftChar, char rightChar)
PUBLIC: Function, between two chars
Expression between(double leftValue, double rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two doubles
Expression between(Expression leftExpression, Expression rightExpression)
Expression between(float leftValue, float rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two floats
Expression between(int leftValue, int rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two ints
Expression between(long leftValue, long rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two longs
Expression between(java.lang.Object leftValue, java.lang.Object rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is between two other values.
Expression between(short leftValue, short rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two shorts
Expression caseStatement(java.util.Hashtable caseItems, java.lang.String defaultItem)
PUBLIC: Function Convert values returned by the query to values given in the caseItems hashtable.
Expression concat(java.lang.Object left)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the concatenation of the two string values.
Expression containsAllKeyWords(java.lang.String spaceSeperatedKeyWords)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that performs a key word search.
Expression containsAnyKeyWords(java.lang.String spaceSeperatedKeyWords)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that performs a key word search.
Expression containsSubstring(Expression expression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring.
Expression containsSubstring(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring.
Expression containsSubstringIgnoringCase(Expression expression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring, ignoring case.
Expression containsSubstringIgnoringCase(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring, ignoring case.
Expression count()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Average.
Expression currentDate()
PUBLIC: This gives access to the current date on the database through expression.
Expression dateDifference(java.lang.String datePart, java.util.Date date)
PUBLIC: Function, Return the difference between the queried part of a date(i.e. years, days etc.)
Expression dateDifference(java.lang.String datePart, Expression comparisonExpression)
PUBLIC: Function, Return the difference between the queried part of a date(i.e. years, days etc.)
Expression dateName(java.lang.String datePart)
PUBLIC: return a string that represents the given part of a date.
Expression datePart(java.lang.String datePart)
PUBLIC: Function return an integer which represents the requested part of the date.
Expression dateToString()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date converted to the string value in the default database format.
Expression decode(java.util.Hashtable decodeableItems, java.lang.String defaultItem)
PUBLIC: Function Convert values returned by the query to values given in the decodeableItems hashtable.
Expression descending()
PUBLIC: This can only be used within an ordering expression.
Expression difference(java.lang.String expression)
PUBLIC: Function return a value which indicates how much difference there is between two expressions.
Expression distinct()
PUBLIC: Function, This represents the distinct option inside an aggregate function.
Expression equal(boolean theBoolean)
Expression equal(byte theValue)
Expression equal(char theChar)
Expression equal(double theValue)
Expression equal(Expression theValue)
Returns an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value.
Expression equal(float theValue)
Expression equal(int theValue)
Expression equal(long theValue)
Expression equal(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value.
Expression equal(short theValue)
Expression equalsIgnoreCase(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value, ignoring case.
Expression equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value, ignoring case.
Expression exists(ReportQuery subQuery)
PUBLIC: Return a sub query expression.
Expression get(java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name.
Expression getAllowingNull(java.lang.String attributeName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name.
Expression getField(oracle.toplink.internal.helper.DatabaseField field)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a field in a data-level query.
Expression getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a field in a data-level query.
Expression getFunction(int selector)
ADVANCED: This can be used for accessing user defined functions.
Expression getFunction(int selector, java.util.Vector arguments)
ADVANCED: This can be used for accessing user defined functions that have arguments.
Expression getFunction(java.lang.String functionName)
ADVANCED: Return a user defined function accepting the argument.
Expression getFunction(java.lang.String functionName, java.lang.Object argument)
ADVANCED: Return a user defined function accepting the argument.
Expression getFunctionWithArguments(java.lang.String functionName, java.util.Vector arguments)
ADVANCED: Return a user defined function accepting all of the arguments.
Expression getParameter(oracle.toplink.internal.helper.DatabaseField field)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name.
Expression getParameter(java.lang.String parameterName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name.
Expression getTable(oracle.toplink.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a table in a data-level query.
Expression getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a table in a data-level query.
Expression greaterThan(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(Expression theValue)
Expression greaterThan(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThan(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is greater than the other value.
Expression greaterThan(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression greaterThanEqual(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
Expression hexToRaw()
PUBLIC: Function, returns binary array value for the hex string.
Expression ifNull(java.lang.Object nullValue)
PUBLIC: Function return the a specific value if item returned from the query is null.
Expression in(boolean[] theBooleans)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(byte[] theBytes)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(char[] theChars)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(double[] theDoubles)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(Expression arguments)
Expression in(float[] theFloats)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(int[] theInts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(long[] theLongs)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(java.lang.Object[] theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(ReportQuery subQuery)
Expression in(short[] theShorts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression in(java.util.Vector theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression indexOf(java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the integer index of the substring within the source string.
Expression isNull()
PUBLIC: Compare to null.
Expression lastDay()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date with the last date in the months of this source date.
Expression leftPad(int size, java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
Expression leftPad(java.lang.Object size, java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
Expression leftTrim()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string left trimmed for white space.
Expression length()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the size of the string.
Expression lessThan(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(Expression theValue)
Expression lessThan(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThan(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression lessThanEqual(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
Expression like(Expression argument)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
Expression like(java.lang.String value)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
Expression like(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String escapeSequence)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
Expression likeIgnoreCase(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ignoring case.
Expression likeIgnoreCase(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ignoring case.
Expression maximum()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Maximum.
Expression minimum()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Minimum.
Expression monthsBetween(java.lang.Object otherDate)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the decimal number of months between the two dates.
Expression newTime(java.lang.String timeZoneFrom, java.lang.String timeZoneTo)
PUBLIC: funcation return a date converted to a new timezone.
Expression nextDay(java.lang.Object dayName)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date with the next day from the source date as the day name given.
Expression not()
PUBLIC: Return an expression that is the boolean logical negation of the expression.
Expression notBetween(byte leftValue, byte rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(char leftChar, char rightChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(double leftValue, double rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(Expression leftExpression, Expression rightExpression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(float leftValue, float rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(int leftValue, int rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(long leftValue, long rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(java.lang.Object leftValue, java.lang.Object rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notBetween(short leftValue, short rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
Expression notEqual(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notEqual(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
Expression notExists(ReportQuery subQuery)
PUBLIC: Return a sub query expression.
Expression notIn(boolean[] theBooleans)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(byte[] theBytes)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(char[] theChars)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(double[] theDoubles)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(Expression arguments)
Expression notIn(float[] theFloats)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(int[] theInts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(long[] theLongs)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(java.lang.Object[] theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(short[] theShorts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notIn(java.util.Vector theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
Expression notLike(Expression arguments)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not like the other value.
Expression notLike(java.lang.String aString)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not like the other value.
Expression notNull()
PUBLIC: Return an expression representing a comparison to null Example: TopLink: employee.get("age").notNull() Java: employee.getAge() !
Expression or(Expression theExpression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that is the boolean logical combination of both expressions.
Expression postfixSQL(java.lang.String sqlString)
ADVANCED: Inserts the SQL as is directly into the expression.
Expression prefixSQL(java.lang.String sqlString)
ADVANCED: Insert the SQL as is directly into the expression.
Expression ref()
ADVANCED: For Object-relational support.
Expression replace(java.lang.Object stringToReplace, java.lang.Object stringToReplaceWith)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with occurances of the first substring replaced with the second substring.
Expression replicate(int constant)
PUBLIC: return the result of this query repeated a given number of times.
Expression replicate(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: return the result of this query repeated a given number of times.
Expression reverse()
PUBLIC: Function return the reverse of the query result.
Expression right(int characters)
PUBLIC: Function return a given number of characters starting at the right of a string.
Expression right(java.lang.Object characters)
PUBLIC: Function return a given number of characters starting at the right of a string.
Expression rightPad(int size, java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
Expression rightPad(java.lang.Object size, java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
Expression rightTrim()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string right trimmed for white space.
Expression rightTrim(java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with the substring trimed from the right.
Expression roundDate(java.lang.Object yearOrMonthOrDayRoundToken)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date rounded to the year, month or day.
Expression standardDeviation()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function StandardDeviation.
Expression subQuery(ReportQuery subQuery)
PUBLIC: Return a sub query expression.
Expression substring(int startPosition, int size)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the substring from the souce string.
Expression substring(java.lang.Object startPosition, java.lang.Object size)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the substring from the souce string.
Expression sum()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Sum.
Expression toCharacter()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the single character string with the ascii or character set value.
Expression toDate()
PUBLIC: Function, returns date from the string using the default format.
Expression toLowerCase()
PUBLIC: Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to lower case.
Expression toNumber()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the number converted from the string.
java.lang.String toString()
PUBLIC: Print a debug form of the expression tree.
Expression toUpperCase()
PUBLIC: Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to upper case.
Expression toUppercaseCasedWords()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with the first letter of each word capitalized.
Expression translate(java.lang.Object fromString, java.lang.Object toString)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with each char from the from string converted to the char in the to string.
Expression trim()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string trimmed for white space.
Expression truncateDate(java.lang.String datePart)
PUBLIC: return the date truncated to the indicated datePart.
Expression value()
PUBLIC: Function, this represents the value function, used in nestedtable
Expression value(boolean constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(byte constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(char constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(double constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(float constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(int constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(long constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(java.lang.Object constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression value(short constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.
Expression variance()
PUBLIC: Function, this represents the aggregate function Variance.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Expression()
Base Expression Constructor. Not generally used by Developers

Method Detail


public Expression addDate(java.lang.String datePart,
                          int numberToAdd)
PUBLIC: Function, return an expression that adds to a date based on the specified datePart. This is eqivalent to the Sybase DATEADD funtion.


TopLink: employee.get("date").addDate("year", 2) Java: NA SQL: DATEADD(date, 2, year)


public Expression addDate(java.lang.String datePart,
                          java.lang.Object numberToAdd)
PUBLIC: Function, return an expression that adds to a date based on the specified datePart. This is eqivalent to the Sybase DATEADD funtion.


TopLink: employee.get("date").addDate("year", 2) Java: NA SQL: DATEADD(date, 2, year)


public Expression addMonths(int months)
PUBLIC: Function, to add months to a date.


public Expression addMonths(java.lang.Object months)
PUBLIC: Function, to add months to a date.


public Expression and(Expression theExpression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that is the boolean logical combination of both expressions. This is equivalent to the SQL "AND" operator and the Java "&&" operator.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equal("Bob").and(employee.get("lastName").equal("Smith")) Java: (employee.getFirstName().equals("Bob")) && (employee.getLastName().equals("Smith")) SQL: F_NAME = 'Bob' AND L_NAME = 'Smith'


public Expression anyOf(java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship. This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria.


Format Equivalent
TopLink ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);
ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
Expression exp = builder.get("id").equal("14858");
exp = exp.or(builder.anyOf("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob"));
Java No direct equivalent
SQL SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID (+) = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')


public Expression anyOfAllowingNone(java.lang.String attributeName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship. This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria. This version of the anyOf operation performs an outer join. Outer joins allow the join to performed even if the target of the relationship is empty. NOTE: outer joins are not supported on all database and have differing symantics.


Format Equivalent
TopLink ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);
ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
Expression exp = builder.get("id").equal("14858");
exp = exp.or(builder.anyOfAllowingNone("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob"));
Java No direct equivalent
SQL SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID (+) = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')


public Expression appendSQL(java.lang.String sqlString)
Deprecated. since OracleAS TopLink 10g (9.0.4). See prefixSQL(java.lang.String), postfixSQL(java.lang.String).
ADVANCED: Append the SQL as is directly into the expression.


public Expression ascending()
PUBLIC: This can only be used within an ordering expression. It will order the result ascending. Example:


public Expression asciiValue()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the single character strings ascii value.


public Expression average()
PUBLIC: Function, This represents the aggregate function Average. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression between(byte leftValue,
                          byte rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two bytes


public Expression between(char leftChar,
                          char rightChar)
PUBLIC: Function, between two chars


public Expression between(double leftValue,
                          double rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two doubles


public Expression between(float leftValue,
                          float rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two floats


public Expression between(int leftValue,
                          int rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two ints


public Expression between(long leftValue,
                          long rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two longs


public Expression between(java.lang.Object leftValue,
                          java.lang.Object rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is between two other values. This means the receivers value is less than the first argument and greater than the second value. This is equivalent to the SQL "BETWEEN AND" operator and Java ">", "<" operators.


TopLink: employee.get("age").between(19,50) Java: (employee.getAge() > 19) && (employee.getAge() < 50) SQL: AGE BETWEEN 19 AND 50


public Expression between(Expression leftExpression,
                          Expression rightExpression)


public Expression between(short leftValue,
                          short rightValue)
PUBLIC: Function, between two shorts


public Expression caseStatement(java.util.Hashtable caseItems,
                                java.lang.String defaultItem)
PUBLIC: Function Convert values returned by the query to values given in the caseItems hashtable. The equivalent of the Oracle CASE function


Hashtable caseTable = new Hashtable(); caseTable.put("Robert", "Bob"); caseTable.put("Susan", "Sue"); TopLink: employee.get("name").caseStatement(caseTable, "No-Nickname") Java: NA SQL: CASE name WHEN "Robert" THEN "Bob" WHEN "Susan" THEN "Sue" ELSE "No-Nickname"

caseItems - java.util.Hashtable a hashtable containing the items to be processed. Keys represent the items to match coming from the query. Values represent what a key will be changed to.
defaultItem - java.lang.String the default value that will be used if none of the keys in the hashtable match


public Expression concat(java.lang.Object left)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the concatenation of the two string values.


public Expression containsAllKeyWords(java.lang.String spaceSeperatedKeyWords)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that performs a key word search.


TopLink: project.get("description").containsAllKeyWords("TopLink rdbms java")


public Expression containsAnyKeyWords(java.lang.String spaceSeperatedKeyWords)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that performs a key word search.


TopLink: project.get("description").containsAllKeyWords("TopLink rdbms java")


public Expression containsSubstring(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstring("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("Bob") != -1 SQL: F_NAME LIKE '%BOB%'


public Expression containsSubstring(Expression expression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstring("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("Bob") != -1 SQL: F_NAME LIKE '%BOB%'


public Expression containsSubstringIgnoringCase(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring, ignoring case.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstringIgnoringCase("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().toUpperCase().indexOf("BOB") != -1 SQL: F_NAME LIKE '%BOB%'


public Expression containsSubstringIgnoringCase(Expression expression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring, ignoring case.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstringIgnoringCase("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().toUpperCase().indexOf("BOB") != -1 SQL: F_NAME LIKE '%BOB%'


public Expression count()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Average. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression currentDate()
PUBLIC: This gives access to the current date on the database through expression.


public Expression dateDifference(java.lang.String datePart,
                                 java.util.Date date)
PUBLIC: Function, Return the difference between the queried part of a date(i.e. years, days etc.) and same part of the given date. The equivalent of the Sybase function DateDiff


TopLink: employee.get("date").dateDifference("year", new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) Java: NA SQL: DATEADD(date, 2, GETDATE)


public Expression dateDifference(java.lang.String datePart,
                                 Expression comparisonExpression)
PUBLIC: Function, Return the difference between the queried part of a date(i.e. years, days etc.) and same part of the given date. The equivalent of the Sybase function DateDiff


TopLink: employee.get("date").dateDifference("year", new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) Java: NA SQL: DATEADD(date, 2, GETDATE)


public Expression dateName(java.lang.String datePart)
PUBLIC: return a string that represents the given part of a date. The equivalent of the Sybase DATENAME function


TopLink: employee.get("date").dateName("year") Java: new String(date.getYear()) SQL: DATENAME(date, year)


public Expression datePart(java.lang.String datePart)
PUBLIC: Function return an integer which represents the requested part of the date. Equivalent of the Sybase function DATEPART


TopLink: employee.get("date").datePart("year") Java: date.getYear() SQL: DATEPART(date, year)


public Expression dateToString()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date converted to the string value in the default database format.


public Expression decode(java.util.Hashtable decodeableItems,
                         java.lang.String defaultItem)
PUBLIC: Function Convert values returned by the query to values given in the decodeableItems hashtable. The equivalent of the Oracle DECODE function. Note: This will only work on databases that support Decode with the syntax below.


Hashtable decodeTable = new Hashtable(); decodeTable.put("Robert", "Bob"); decodeTable.put("Susan", "Sue"); TopLink: employee.get("name").Decode(decodeTable, "No-Nickname") Java: NA SQL: DECODE(name, "Robert", "Bob", "Susan", "Sue", "No-Nickname")

decodeableItems - java.util.Hashtable a hashtable containing the items to be decoded. Keys represent the items to match coming from the query. Values represent what a key will be changed to.
defaultItem - the default value that will be used if none of the keys in the hashtable match


public Expression descending()
PUBLIC: This can only be used within an ordering expression. It will order the result descending.




public Expression difference(java.lang.String expression)
PUBLIC: Function return a value which indicates how much difference there is between two expressions. Equivalent of the Sybase DIFFERENCE function


TopLink: employee.get("name").difference("Frank") SQL: DIFFERENCE(name, 'Frank')


public Expression distinct()
PUBLIC: Function, This represents the distinct option inside an aggregate function. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression equal(byte theValue)


public Expression equal(char theChar)


public Expression equal(double theValue)


public Expression equal(float theValue)


public Expression equal(int theValue)


public Expression equal(long theValue)


public Expression equal(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equal("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().equals("Bob") SQL: F_NAME = 'Bob'


public Expression equal(Expression theValue)
Returns an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.

Since OracleAS TopLink 10g (9.0.4) if this is an ExpressionBuilder and theValue is not used elsewhere, both will be translated to the same table. This can generate SQL with one less join for most exists subqueries.


TopLink: employee.get("manager").equal(employee) Java: employee.getManager().equals(employee) SQL (optimized): EMP_ID = MANAGER_ID SQL (unoptimized): t0.MANAGER_ID = t1.EMP_ID AND t0.EMP_ID = t1.EMP_ID
See Also:


public Expression equal(short theValue)


public Expression equal(boolean theBoolean)


public Expression equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value, ignoring case. This is equivalent to the Java "equalsIgnoreCase" method.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equalsIgnoreCase("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase("Bob") SQL: UPPER(F_NAME) = 'BOB'


public Expression equalsIgnoreCase(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value, ignoring case. This is equivalent to the Java "equalsIgnoreCase" method.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equalsIgnoreCase("Bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase("Bob") SQL: UPPER(F_NAME) = 'BOB'


public Expression exists(ReportQuery subQuery)
PUBLIC: Return a sub query expression. A sub query using a report query to define a subselect within another queries expression or select's where clause. The sub query (the report query) will use its own expression builder be can reference expressions from the base expression builder.


ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder(); ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Employee.class, new ExpressionBuilder()); subQuery.setSelectionCriteria(subQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("name").equal(builder.get("name"))); builder.exists(subQuery);


public Expression get(java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name. This method is used to construct user-defined queries containing joins.




public Expression getAllowingNull(java.lang.String attributeName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name. This is only applicable to 1:1 relationships, and allows the target of the relationship to be null if there is no correspondingn relationship in the database. Implemented via an outer join in the database.




public Expression getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a field in a data-level query. This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving fields and/or tables that are not mapped.


builder.getField("ADDR_ID").greaterThan(100); builder.getTable("PROJ_EMP").getField("TYPE").equal("S");


public Expression getField(oracle.toplink.internal.helper.DatabaseField field)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a field in a data-level query. This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving fields and/or tables that are not mapped.




public Expression getFunction(int selector)
ADVANCED: This can be used for accessing user defined functions. The operator must be defined in ExpressionOperator to be able to reference it.
See Also:




public Expression getFunction(int selector,
                              java.util.Vector arguments)
ADVANCED: This can be used for accessing user defined functions that have arguments. The operator must be defined in ExpressionOperator to be able to reference it.
See Also:


Vector arguments = new Vector(); arguments.addElement("blee"); builder.get("name").getFunction(MyFunctions.FOO_BAR, arguments).greaterThan(100);


public Expression getFunction(java.lang.String functionName)
ADVANCED: Return a user defined function accepting the argument. The function is assumed to be a normal prefix function and will print like, UPPER(base).




public Expression getFunction(java.lang.String functionName,
                              java.lang.Object argument)
ADVANCED: Return a user defined function accepting the argument. The function is assumed to be a normal prefix function and will print like, CONCAT(base, argument).


public Expression getFunctionWithArguments(java.lang.String functionName,
                                           java.util.Vector arguments)
ADVANCED: Return a user defined function accepting all of the arguments. The function is assumed to be a normal prefix function like, CONCAT(base, value1, value2, value3, ...).


public Expression getParameter(java.lang.String parameterName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name.


public Expression getParameter(oracle.toplink.internal.helper.DatabaseField field)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name.


public Expression getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a table in a data-level query. This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving fields and/or tables that are not mapped.




public Expression getTable(oracle.toplink.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)
ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a table in a data-level query. This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving fields and/or tables that are not mapped.




public Expression greaterThan(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is greater than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">" operator.


public Expression greaterThan(Expression theValue)


public Expression greaterThan(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThan(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.


public Expression greaterThanEqual(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression greaterThanEqual(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .


public Expression hexToRaw()
PUBLIC: Function, returns binary array value for the hex string.


public Expression ifNull(java.lang.Object nullValue)
PUBLIC: Function return the a specific value if item returned from the query is null. Equivalent of the oracle NVL function


TopLink: employee.get("name").ifNull("no-name") Java: NA SQL: NVL(name, 'no-name')


public Expression in(byte[] theBytes)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(char[] theChars)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(double[] theDoubles)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(float[] theFloats)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(int[] theInts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(long[] theLongs)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(java.lang.Object[] theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(short[] theShorts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(boolean[] theBooleans)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression in(java.util.Vector theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector) Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge()) SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)


public Expression in(Expression arguments)


public Expression in(ReportQuery subQuery)


public Expression indexOf(java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the integer index of the substring within the source string.


public Expression isNull()
PUBLIC: Compare to null.


public Expression lastDay()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date with the last date in the months of this source date.


public Expression leftPad(int size,
                          java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.


public Expression leftPad(java.lang.Object size,
                          java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.


public Expression leftTrim()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string left trimmed for white space.


public Expression length()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the size of the string.


public Expression lessThan(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(Expression theValue)


public Expression lessThan(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThan(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression lessThanEqual(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.


public Expression like(java.lang.String value)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE" operator that except wildcards. The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character. i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB"


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B%") Java: NA SQL: F_NAME LIKE 'B%'


public Expression like(java.lang.String value,
                       java.lang.String escapeSequence)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE ESCAPE" operator that except wildcards. The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character. i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB" The escape sequence specifies a set of characters the may be used to indicate that an one of the wildcard characters should be interpretted literally.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B\_SMITH", "\") Java: NA SQL: F_NAME LIKE 'B\_SMITH ESCAPE '\''


public Expression like(Expression argument)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE" operator that except wildcards. The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character. i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB"


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B%") Java: NA SQL: F_NAME LIKE 'B%'


public Expression likeIgnoreCase(java.lang.String theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ignoring case. This is a case in-sensitive like.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").likeIgnoreCase("%Bob%") Java: none SQL: UPPER(F_NAME) LIKE '%BOB%'


public Expression likeIgnoreCase(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ignoring case. This is a case in-sensitive like.


public Expression maximum()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Maximum. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression minimum()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Minimum. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression monthsBetween(java.lang.Object otherDate)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the decimal number of months between the two dates.


public Expression newTime(java.lang.String timeZoneFrom,
                          java.lang.String timeZoneTo)
PUBLIC: funcation return a date converted to a new timezone. Equivalent of the Oracle NEW_TIME function


TopLink: employee.get("date").newTime("EST", "PST") Java: NA SQL: NEW_TIME(date, 'EST', 'PST')


public Expression nextDay(java.lang.Object dayName)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date with the next day from the source date as the day name given.


public Expression not()
PUBLIC: Return an expression that is the boolean logical negation of the expression. This is equivalent to the SQL "NOT" operator and the Java "!" operator.


TopLink: employee.get("age").equal(24).not() Java: (! (employee.getAge() == 24)) SQL: NOT (AGE = 24)


public Expression notBetween(byte leftValue,
                             byte rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(char leftChar,
                             char rightChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(double leftValue,
                             double rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(float leftValue,
                             float rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(int leftValue,
                             int rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(long leftValue,
                             long rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(java.lang.Object leftValue,
                             java.lang.Object rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(Expression leftExpression,
                             Expression rightExpression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notBetween(short leftValue,
                             short rightValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values. Equivalent to between negated.
See Also:
between(Object, Object)


public Expression notEqual(byte theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(char theChar)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(double theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(float theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(int theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(long theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(Expression theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(short theValue)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notEqual(boolean theBoolean)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value. This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
See Also:


public Expression notExists(ReportQuery subQuery)
PUBLIC: Return a sub query expression. A sub query using a report query to define a subselect within another queries expression or select's where clause. The sub query (the report query) will use its own expression builder be can reference expressions from the base expression builder.


ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder(); ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Employee.class, new ExpressionBuilder()); subQuery.setSelectionCriteria(subQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("name").equal(builder.get("name"))); builder.notExists(subQuery);


public Expression notIn(byte[] theBytes)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(char[] theChars)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(double[] theDoubles)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(float[] theFloats)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(int[] theInts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(long[] theLongs)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(java.lang.Object[] theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(short[] theShorts)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(boolean[] theBooleans)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


public Expression notIn(java.util.Vector theObjects)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection. This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.


TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector) Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge()) SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)


public Expression notIn(Expression arguments)


public Expression notLike(java.lang.String aString)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not like the other value. Equivalent to like negated.
See Also:


public Expression notLike(Expression arguments)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not like the other value. Equivalent to like negated.
See Also:


public Expression notNull()
PUBLIC: Return an expression representing a comparison to null


TopLink: employee.get("age").notNull() Java: employee.getAge() != null SQL: AGE IS NOT NULL


public Expression or(Expression theExpression)
PUBLIC: Return an expression that is the boolean logical combination of both expressions. This is equivalent to the SQL "OR" operator and the Java "||" operator.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equal("Bob").OR(employee.get("lastName").equal("Smith")) Java: (employee.getFirstName().equals("Bob")) || (employee.getLastName().equals("Smith")) SQL: F_NAME = 'Bob' OR L_NAME = 'Smith'


public Expression postfixSQL(java.lang.String sqlString)
ADVANCED: Inserts the SQL as is directly into the expression. The sql will be printed immediately after (postfixed to) the sql for this.


public Expression prefixSQL(java.lang.String sqlString)
ADVANCED: Insert the SQL as is directly into the expression. The sql will be printed immediately before (prefixed to) the sql for this.


public Expression ref()
ADVANCED: For Object-relational support.


public Expression replace(java.lang.Object stringToReplace,
                          java.lang.Object stringToReplaceWith)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with occurances of the first substring replaced with the second substring.


public Expression replicate(int constant)
PUBLIC: return the result of this query repeated a given number of times. Equivalent of the Sybase REPLICATE function


TopLink: employee.get("name").replicate(2) Java: NA SQL: REPLICATE(name, 2)


public Expression replicate(java.lang.Object theValue)
PUBLIC: return the result of this query repeated a given number of times. Equivalent of the Sybase REPLICATE function


TopLink: employee.get("name").replicate(2) Java: NA SQL: REPLICATE(name, 2)


public Expression reverse()
PUBLIC: Function return the reverse of the query result. Equivalent of the Sybase REVERSE function


TopLink: employee.get("name").reverse() Java: NA SQL: REVERSE(name)


public Expression right(int characters)
PUBLIC: Function return a given number of characters starting at the right of a string. Equivalent to the Sybase RIGHT function


TopLink: employee.get("name").right(2) Java: NA SQL: RIGHT(name, 2)


public Expression right(java.lang.Object characters)
PUBLIC: Function return a given number of characters starting at the right of a string. Equivalent to the Sybase RIGHT function


TopLink: employee.get("name").right(2) Java: NA SQL: RIGHT(name, 2)


public Expression rightPad(int size,
                           java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.


public Expression rightPad(java.lang.Object size,
                           java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.


public Expression rightTrim()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string right trimmed for white space.


public Expression rightTrim(java.lang.Object substring)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with the substring trimed from the right.


public Expression roundDate(java.lang.Object yearOrMonthOrDayRoundToken)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the date rounded to the year, month or day.


public Expression standardDeviation()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function StandardDeviation. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression subQuery(ReportQuery subQuery)
PUBLIC: Return a sub query expression. A sub query using a report query to define a subselect within another queries expression or select's where clause. The sub query (the report query) will use its own expression builder be can reference expressions from the base expression builder.


ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder(); ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Employee.class, new ExpressionBuilder()); subQuery.addMaximum("salary"); builder.get("salary").equal(builder.subQuery(subQuery));


public Expression substring(int startPosition,
                            int size)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the substring from the souce string.


public Expression substring(java.lang.Object startPosition,
                            java.lang.Object size)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the substring from the souce string.


public Expression sum()
PUBLIC: This represents the aggregate function Sum. Can be used only within Report Queries.


public Expression toCharacter()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the single character string with the ascii or character set value.


public Expression toDate()
PUBLIC: Function, returns date from the string using the default format.


public Expression toLowerCase()
PUBLIC: Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to lower case. This is equivalent to the SQL "LOWER" operator and Java "toLowerCase" method. This is only allowed for String attribute values.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").toLowerCase().equal("bob") Java: employee.getFirstName().toLowerCase().equals("bob") SQL: LOWER(F_NAME) = 'bob'


public Expression toNumber()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the number converted from the string.


public java.lang.String toString()
PUBLIC: Print a debug form of the expression tree.


public Expression toUpperCase()
PUBLIC: Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to upper case. This is equivalent to the SQL "UPPER" operator and Java "toUpperCase" method. This is only allowed for String attribute values.


TopLink: employee.get("firstName").toUpperCase().equal("BOB") Java: employee.getFirstName().toUpperCase().equals("BOB") SQL: UPPER(F_NAME) = 'BOB'


public Expression toUppercaseCasedWords()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with the first letter of each word capitalized.


public Expression translate(java.lang.Object fromString,
                            java.lang.Object toString)
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string with each char from the from string converted to the char in the to string.


public Expression trim()
PUBLIC: Function, returns the string trimmed for white space.


public Expression truncateDate(java.lang.String datePart)
PUBLIC: return the date truncated to the indicated datePart. Equivalent to the Sybase TRUNC function for dates


TopLink: employee.get("date").truncDate(year) Java: NA SQL: TRUNC(date, year)


public Expression value()
PUBLIC: Function, this represents the value function, used in nestedtable


public Expression value(byte constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(char constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(double constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(float constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(int constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(long constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(java.lang.Object constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(short constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression value(boolean constant)
PUBLIC: Return an expression on the constant.


reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));


public Expression variance()
PUBLIC: Function, this represents the aggregate function Variance. Can be used only within Report Queries.

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