Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Interface UnitOfWork

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UnitOfWork
extends Session

Purpose: To allow object level transactions. This class represents the public API of the unit of work and should be used to maintain complete compatibility.

Description: The unit of work is a session that implements all of the normal protocol of a TopLink session. It can be spawned from any other session including another unit of work. Objects can be brought into the unit of work through reading them or through registering them. The unit of work will opperate on its own object space, that is the objects within the unit of work will be clones of the orignial objects. When the unit of work is commited, all changes to any objects registered within the unit of work will be commited to the database. A minimal commit/update will be performed and any foreign keys/circular reference/referencial integrity will be resolved. If the commit to the database is successful the changed objects will be merged back into the unit of work parent session.


Method Summary
 void addReadOnlyClass(java.lang.Class theClass)
          PUBLIC: Adds the given Java class to the receiver's set of read-only classes.
 void addReadOnlyClasses(java.util.Vector classes)
          PUBLIC: Adds the classes in the given Vector to the existing set of read-only classes.
 void assignSequenceNumber(java.lang.Object object)
          ADVANCED: Assign sequence number to the object.
 void assignSequenceNumbers()
          ADVANCED: Assign sequence numbers to all new objects registered in this unit of work, or any new objects reference by any objects registered.
 void beginEarlyTransaction()
          PUBLIC: Tell the unit of work to begin a transaction now.
 void commit()
          PUBLIC: Commit the unit of work to its parent.
 void commitAndResume()
          PUBLIC: Commit the unit of work to its parent.
 void commitAndResumeOnFailure()
          PUBLIC: Commit the unit of work to its parent.
 java.lang.Object deepMergeClone(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
          PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
 java.lang.Object deepRevertObject(java.lang.Object clone)
          PUBLIC: Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
 void deepUnregisterObject(java.lang.Object clone)
          ADVANCED: Unregister the object with the unit of work.
 void deleteAllObjects(java.util.Collection domainObjects)
          PUBLIC: Delete all of the objects and all of their privately owned parts in the database.
 void deleteAllObjects(java.util.Vector domainObjects)
          PUBLIC: Delete all of the objects and all of their privately owned parts in the database.
 java.lang.Object deleteObject(java.lang.Object domainObject)
          PUBLIC: Delete the object and all of their privately owned parts in the database.
 void dontPerformValidation()
          ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
 void forceUpdateToVersionField(java.lang.Object cloneFromUOW, boolean shouldModifyVersionField)
          ADVANCED: Set optmistic read lock on the object.
 java.lang.Object getOriginalVersionOfObject(java.lang.Object workingClone)
          ADVANCED: Return the original version of the object(clone) from the parent's identity map.
 oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session getParent()
          PUBLIC: Return the parent.
 int getValidationLevel()
          ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
 boolean hasChanges()
          ADVANCED: The Unit of work is capable of preprocessing to determine if any on the clone have been changed.
 boolean isActive()
          PUBLIC: Return if the unit of work is active (has not been released).
 boolean isClassReadOnly(java.lang.Class theClass)
          PUBLIC: Checks to see if the specified class is read-only or not in this UnitOfWork.
 boolean isNestedUnitOfWork()
          ADVANCED: Return if this session is a nested unit of work.
 java.lang.Object mergeClone(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
          PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
 java.lang.Object mergeCloneWithReferences(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
          PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
 java.lang.Object newInstance(java.lang.Class theClass)
          PUBLIC: Return a new instance of the class registered in this unit of work.
 void performFullValidation()
          ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
 void performPartialValidation()
          ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
 void printRegisteredObjects()
          PUBLIC: Print the objects in the unit of work.
 java.lang.Object refreshAndLockObject(java.lang.Object object)
          PUBLIC: Refresh the attributes of the object and of all of its private parts from the database.
 java.lang.Object refreshAndLockObject(java.lang.Object object, short lockMode)
          PUBLIC: Refresh the attributes of the object and of all of its private parts from the database.
 java.util.Vector registerAllObjects(java.util.Collection domainObjects)
          PUBLIC: Register the objects with the unit of work.
 java.util.Vector registerAllObjects(java.util.Vector domainObjects)
          PUBLIC: Register the objects with the unit of work.
 java.lang.Object registerExistingObject(java.lang.Object existingObject)
          ADVANCED: Register the existing object with the unit of work.
 java.lang.Object registerNewObject(java.lang.Object newObject)
          ADVANCED: Register the new object with the unit of work.
 java.lang.Object registerObject(java.lang.Object domainObject)
          PUBLIC: Register the object with the unit of work.
 void release()
          PUBLIC: Release the unit of work.
 void removeAllReadOnlyClasses()
          PUBLIC: Empties the set of read-only classes.
 void removeForceUpdateToVersionField(java.lang.Object cloneFromUOW)
          ADVANCED: Remove optimistic read lock from the object See forceUpdateToVersionField(Object)
 void removeReadOnlyClass(java.lang.Class theClass)
          PUBLIC: Removes a Class from the receiver's set of read-only classes.
 void revertAndResume()
          PUBLIC: Revert all changes made to any registered object.
 java.lang.Object revertObject(java.lang.Object clone)
          PUBLIC: Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
 void setShouldNewObjectsBeCached(boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached)
          ADVANCED: By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database.
 void setShouldPerformDeletesFirst(boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst)
          ADVANCED: By default deletes are performed last in a unit of work.
 void setValidationLevel(int validationLevel)
          ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
 java.lang.Object shallowMergeClone(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
          PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
 java.lang.Object shallowRevertObject(java.lang.Object clone)
          PUBLIC: Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
 void shallowUnregisterObject(java.lang.Object clone)
          ADVANCED: Unregister the object with the unit of work.
 boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached()
          ADVANCED: By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database.
 boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst()
          ADVANCED: By default all objects are inserted and updated in the database before any object is deleted.
 void unregisterObject(java.lang.Object clone)
          ADVANCED: Unregister the object with the unit of work.
 void validateObjectSpace()
          ADVANCED: This can be used to help debugging an object-space corruption.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.toplink.sessions.Session
acquireUnitOfWork, addQuery, clearIntegrityChecker, clearProfile, containsObjectInIdentityMap, containsObjectInIdentityMap, containsQuery, copyObject, copyObject, doesObjectExist, dontLogMessages, executeNonSelectingCall, executeNonSelectingSQL, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeSelectingCall, executeSQL, getActiveSession, getActiveUnitOfWork, getAllFromIdentityMap, getAllFromIdentityMap, getCacheSynchronizationManager, getCommandManager, getDescriptor, getDescriptor, getDescriptors, getEventManager, getExceptionHandler, getExternalTransactionController, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getIntegrityChecker, getLog, getLogin, getName, getNextSequenceNumberValue, getProfiler, getProject, getProperties, getProperty, getQueries, getQuery, getSessionLog, getWriteLockValue, getWriteLockValue, handleException, hasCacheSynchronizationManager, hasDescriptor, hasExceptionHandler, hasExternalTransactionController, initializeAllIdentityMaps, initializeIdentityMap, initializeIdentityMaps, isClientSession, isConnected, isDatabaseSession, isDistributedSession, isInProfile, isProxySession, isRemoteSession, isServerSession, isSessionBroker, isUnitOfWork, keyFromObject, log, logDebug, logDebug, logException, logMessage, logMessage, logMessages, printIdentityMap, printIdentityMaps, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readObject, readObject, readObject, readObject, readObject, refreshObject, removeFromIdentityMap, removeFromIdentityMap, removeProperty, removeQuery, setCacheSynchronizationManager, setCommandManager, setExceptionHandler, setExternalTransactionController, setIntegrityChecker, setLog, setName, setProfiler, setProperty, setSessionLog, setShouldLogMessages, shouldLogMessages, updateWriteLockValue, updateWriteLockValue, usesExternalTransactionController, validateCache


Method Detail


public void addReadOnlyClass(java.lang.Class theClass)
PUBLIC: Adds the given Java class to the receiver's set of read-only classes. Cannot be called after objects have been registered in the unit of work.


public void addReadOnlyClasses(java.util.Vector classes)
PUBLIC: Adds the classes in the given Vector to the existing set of read-only classes. Cannot be called after objects have been registered in the unit of work.


public void assignSequenceNumber(java.lang.Object object)
                          throws DatabaseException
ADVANCED: Assign sequence number to the object. This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit. It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database. Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.


public void assignSequenceNumbers()
                           throws DatabaseException
ADVANCED: Assign sequence numbers to all new objects registered in this unit of work, or any new objects reference by any objects registered. This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit. It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database. Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.


public void beginEarlyTransaction()
                           throws DatabaseException
PUBLIC: Tell the unit of work to begin a transaction now. By default the unit of work will begin a transaction at commit time. The default is the recommended approach, however sometimes it is neccessary to start the transaction before commit time. When the unit of work commits, this transcation will be commited.
See Also:
commit(), release()


public void commit()
            throws DatabaseException,
PUBLIC: Commit the unit of work to its parent. For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects with its parents. For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database transaction will be rolledback, and the unit of work will be released. If the commit is successful the unit of work is released, and a new unit of work must be acquired if further changes are desired.
See Also:
commitAndResumeOnFailure(), commitAndResume(), release()


public void commitAndResume()
                     throws DatabaseException,
PUBLIC: Commit the unit of work to its parent. For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects with its parents. For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database transaction will be rolledback, and the unit of work will be released. The normal commit releases the unit of work, forcing a new one to be acquired if further changes are desired. The resuming feature allows for the same unit of work (and working copies) to be continued to be used.
See Also:
commitAndResumeOnFailure(), commit(), release()


public void commitAndResumeOnFailure()
                              throws DatabaseException,
PUBLIC: Commit the unit of work to its parent. For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects with its parents. For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database transaction will be rolledback, but the unit of work will remain active. It can then be retried or released. The normal commit failure releases the unit of work, forcing a new one to be acquired if further changes are desired. The resuming feature allows for the same unit of work (and working copies) to be continued to be used if an error occurs.
See Also:
commit(), release()


public java.lang.Object deepMergeClone(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy. This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through RMI serialization or other serialization mechanisms, because the RMI object will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity within the unit of work and record its changes. Everything connected to this object (i.e. the entire object tree where rmiClone is the root) is also merged.
the registered version for the clone being merged.
See Also:
mergeClone(Object), shallowMergeClone(Object)


public java.lang.Object deepRevertObject(java.lang.Object clone)
PUBLIC: Revert the object's attributes from the parent. This reverts everything the object references.
the object reverted.
See Also:
revertObject(Object), shallowRevertObject(Object)


public void deepUnregisterObject(java.lang.Object clone)
ADVANCED: Unregister the object with the unit of work. This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent. Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it. The method should be used carefully because it will delete all the reachable parts.


public void deleteAllObjects(java.util.Collection domainObjects)
PUBLIC: Delete all of the objects and all of their privately owned parts in the database. Delete operations are delayed in a unit of work until commit.


public void deleteAllObjects(java.util.Vector domainObjects)
PUBLIC: Delete all of the objects and all of their privately owned parts in the database. Delete operations are delayed in a unit of work until commit.


public java.lang.Object deleteObject(java.lang.Object domainObject)
PUBLIC: Delete the object and all of their privately owned parts in the database. Delete operations are delayed in a unit of work until commit.


public void dontPerformValidation()
ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache. The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work. It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.


public void forceUpdateToVersionField(java.lang.Object cloneFromUOW,
                                      boolean shouldModifyVersionField)
ADVANCED: Set optmistic read lock on the object. This feature is overide by normal optimistic lock. when the object is changed in UnitOfWork. The cloneFromUOW must be the clone of from this UnitOfWork and it must implements version locking or timestamp locking. The SQL would look like the followings. If shouldModifyVersionField is true, "UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET VERSION = 2 WHERE EMP_ID = 9 AND VERSION = 1" If shouldModifyVersionField is false, "UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET VERSION = 1 WHERE EMP_ID = 9 AND VERSION = 1"


public java.lang.Object getOriginalVersionOfObject(java.lang.Object workingClone)
ADVANCED: Return the original version of the object(clone) from the parent's identity map.


public oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session getParent()
PUBLIC: Return the parent. This is a unit of work if nested, otherwise a database session or client session.


public int getValidationLevel()
ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache. The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work. It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.


public boolean hasChanges()
ADVANCED: The Unit of work is capable of preprocessing to determine if any on the clone have been changed. This is computationaly expensive and should be avoided on large object graphs.


public boolean isActive()
PUBLIC: Return if the unit of work is active (has not been released).


public boolean isClassReadOnly(java.lang.Class theClass)
PUBLIC: Checks to see if the specified class is read-only or not in this UnitOfWork.


public boolean isNestedUnitOfWork()
ADVANCED: Return if this session is a nested unit of work.


public java.lang.Object mergeClone(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy. This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity within the unit of work and record its changes. The object and its private owned parts are merged.
the registered version for the clone being merged.
See Also:
shallowMergeClone(Object), deepMergeClone(Object)


public java.lang.Object mergeCloneWithReferences(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy. This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity within the unit of work and record its changes. The object and its private owned parts are merged. This will include references from this clone to independent objects.
the registered version for the clone being merged.
See Also:
shallowMergeClone(Object), deepMergeClone(Object)


public java.lang.Object newInstance(java.lang.Class theClass)
PUBLIC: Return a new instance of the class registered in this unit of work. This can be used to ensure that new objects are registered correctly.


public void performFullValidation()
ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache. The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work. It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.


public void performPartialValidation()
ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache. The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work. It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.


public void printRegisteredObjects()
PUBLIC: Print the objects in the unit of work.


public java.lang.Object refreshAndLockObject(java.lang.Object object)
PUBLIC: Refresh the attributes of the object and of all of its private parts from the database. The object will be pessimisticly locked on the database for the duration of the transaction. If the object is already locked this method will wait until the lock is released. A no wait option is available through setting the lock mode.
See Also:
#refreshAndLockObject(Object, lockMode)


public java.lang.Object refreshAndLockObject(java.lang.Object object,
                                             short lockMode)
PUBLIC: Refresh the attributes of the object and of all of its private parts from the database. The object will be pessimisticly locked on the database for the duration of the transaction.

Lock Modes: ObjectLevelReadQuery.NO_LOCK, LOCK, LOCK_NOWAIT


public java.util.Vector registerAllObjects(java.util.Collection domainObjects)
PUBLIC: Register the objects with the unit of work. All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit. Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work must also be registered. Once registered any changes to the objects will be commited to the database on commit.
is the clones of the original objects, the return value must be used for editing, editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.


public java.util.Vector registerAllObjects(java.util.Vector domainObjects)
PUBLIC: Register the objects with the unit of work. All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit. Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work must also be registered. Once registered any changes to the objects will be commited to the database on commit.
is the clones of the original objects, the return value must be used for editing, editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.


public java.lang.Object registerExistingObject(java.lang.Object existingObject)
ADVANCED: Register the existing object with the unit of work. This is a advanced API that can be used if the application can guarentee the object exists on the database. When registerObject is called the unit of work determines existence through the descriptor's doesExist setting.
The clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing. Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.


public java.lang.Object registerNewObject(java.lang.Object newObject)
ADVANCED: Register the new object with the unit of work. This will register the new object without cloning. Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects. This version of the register method can only be used for new objects. This method should only be used if a new object is desired to be registered without cloning.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object registerObject(java.lang.Object domainObject)
PUBLIC: Register the object with the unit of work. All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit. Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work must also be registered. Once registered any changes to the objects will be commited to the database on commit.
the clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing, ** Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work. **


public void release()
PUBLIC: Release the unit of work. This terminates this unit of work. Because the unit of work operates on its own object space (clones) no work is required. The unit of work should no longer be used or referenced by the application beyond this point so that it can garbage collect.
Specified by:
release in interface Session
See Also:


public void removeAllReadOnlyClasses()
PUBLIC: Empties the set of read-only classes. It is illegal to call this method on nested UnitOfWork objects. A nested UnitOfWork cannot have a subset of its parent's set of read-only classes.


public void removeForceUpdateToVersionField(java.lang.Object cloneFromUOW)
ADVANCED: Remove optimistic read lock from the object See forceUpdateToVersionField(Object)


public void removeReadOnlyClass(java.lang.Class theClass)
PUBLIC: Removes a Class from the receiver's set of read-only classes. It is illegal to try to send this method to a nested UnitOfWork.


public void revertAndResume()
PUBLIC: Revert all changes made to any registered object. Clear all deleted and new objects. Revert should not be confused with release which it the normal compliment to commit. Revert is more similar to commit and resume, however reverts all changes and resumes. If you do not require to resume the unit of work release should be used instead.
See Also:
commitAndResume(), release()


public java.lang.Object revertObject(java.lang.Object clone)
PUBLIC: Revert the object's attributes from the parent. This also reverts the object privately-owned parts.
the object reverted.
See Also:
shallowRevertObject(Object), deepRevertObject(Object)


public void setShouldNewObjectsBeCached(boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached)
ADVANCED: By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database. Occasionally if mergeClone is used on new objects and is required to allow multiple merges on the same new object, then if the new objects are not cached, each mergeClone will be interpretted as a different new object. By setting new objects to be cached mergeClone can be performed multiple times before commit. New objects cannot be cached unless they have a valid assigned primary key before being registered. New object with non-null invalid primary keys such as 0 or '' can cause problems and should not be used with this option.


public void setShouldPerformDeletesFirst(boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst)
ADVANCED: By default deletes are performed last in a unit of work. Sometimes you may want to have the deletes performed before other actions.


public void setValidationLevel(int validationLevel)
ADVANCED: The unit of work performs validations such as, ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work, ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit, ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache. The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work. It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.


public java.lang.Object shallowMergeClone(java.lang.Object rmiClone)
PUBLIC: Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy. This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through RMI serialization (or other serialization mechanisms), because the RMI object will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity within the unit of work and record its changes. Only direct attributes are merged.
the registered version for the clone being merged.
See Also:
mergeClone(Object), deepMergeClone(Object)


public java.lang.Object shallowRevertObject(java.lang.Object clone)
PUBLIC: Revert the object's attributes from the parent. This only reverts the object's direct attributes.
the object reverted.
See Also:
revertObject(Object), deepRevertObject(Object)


public void shallowUnregisterObject(java.lang.Object clone)
ADVANCED: Unregister the object with the unit of work. This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent. Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it. The method will only unregister the clone, none of its parts.


public boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached()
ADVANCED: By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database. Occasionally if mergeClone is used on new objects and is required to allow multiple merges on the same new object, then if the new objects are not cached, each mergeClone will be interpretted as a different new object. By setting new objects to be cached mergeClone can be performed multiple times before commit. New objects cannot be cached unless they have a valid assigned primary key before being registered. New object with non-null invalid primary keys such as 0 or '' can cause problems and should not be used with this option.


public boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst()
ADVANCED: By default all objects are inserted and updated in the database before any object is deleted. If this flag is set to true, deletes will be performed before inserts and updates


public void unregisterObject(java.lang.Object clone)
ADVANCED: Unregister the object with the unit of work. This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent. Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it. The method will only unregister private owned parts


public void validateObjectSpace()
ADVANCED: This can be used to help debugging an object-space corruption. An object-space corruption is when your application has incorrectly related a clone to an original object. This method will validate that all registered objects are in a correct state and throw an error if not, it will contain the full stack of object references in the error message. If you call this method after each register or change you perform it will pin-point where the error was made.

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