Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Package oracle.toplink.xml

Interface Summary
FileNameNormalizer This policy is used by XMLFileAccessorFilePolicy to "normalize" file names; i.e. convert invalid characters into something acceptable to the current O/S.
SAXParseException This interface allows us indirect access to the org.xml.sax.SAXParseException class.
XMLAccessor This interface defines methods needed for Accessor in the XML context.
XMLFileAccessorFilePolicy This policy is used by XMLFileAccessor to build the files that will be wrapped in XML streams.
XMLStreamPolicy This interface defines methods needed for stream handling in the XML environment.
XMLTranslator This interface defines the protocol from translating an XML document to a database row and vice versa.


Class Summary
DefaultFileNameNormalizer Default implementation of file name normalizer.
DefaultXMLFileAccessorFilePolicy Default implementation of accessor file policy.
JARClassLoader This class is an implementation of the ClassLoader abstract class.
XMLAccessorStreamPolicy This implementation of the XMLStreamPolicy interface simply forwards any message to the accessor, which is assumed to be an XMLAccessor.
XMLCall XMLCall does not do much.
XMLDataCall XMLDataCall provides the base state and behavior for XML calls that will read or write raw data, as opposed to objects.
XMLDataDeleteCall XMLDataDeleteCall simply deletes the appropriate XML document.
XMLDataInsertCall XMLDataInsertCall simply inserts the passed in database row into the specified "table" at the specified "primary key".
XMLDataReadCall XMLDataReadCall reads up the specified data and, if necessary, extracts the specified result elements and converts them to the specified types.
XMLDataUpdateCall XMLDataUpdateCall simply writes the passed in database row into the specified "table" at the specified "primary key", overwriting the existing data.
XMLDataWriteCall XMLDataWriteCall simply consolidates the behavior common to XMLDataInsertCall and XMLDataUpdateCall.
XMLDeleteCall XMLDeleteCall deletes the appropriate XML Document.
XMLDescriptor XMLDescriptor extends the SDKDescriptor protocol with a number of defaults and helper methods that simplify the use of XML data store.
XMLDoesExistCall This class checks the XML data store for the existence of the XML document.
XMLFileAccessor XMLFileAccessor is an implementation of the XMLAccessor interface that uses the native O/S file system to store XML documents: The base directory is analogous to a relational database that contains a collection of related tables.
XMLFileLogin XMLFileLogin holds the information required to log in to a file-based XML data store, using an XMLFileAccessor.
XMLFileStreamPolicy This implementation of the XMLStreamPolicy interface simply wraps the supplied file (or files) in the appropriate stream (or enumeration of streams).
XMLInsertCall XMLInsertCall simply writes a new XML document.
XMLLogin XMLLogin adds a little protocol to make it look like we are dealing with XML documents and elements instead of database rows and fields.
XMLPlatform XMLPlatform implements various database platform behaviors in a way that is useful for an XML data store: Building the calls necessary for XML "sequence numbers".
XMLReadAllCall XMLReadAllCall can perform one of two types of read: Read all the XML documents for a given root element name.
XMLReadCall XMLReadCall can perform one of two types of read: Read the XML document for a given primary key.
XMLSchemaManager This class extends the base TOPLink SchemaManager to create XML stream sources and sequences for XML Projects.
XMLStreamStreamPolicy This implementation of the XMLStreamPolicy interface simply returns the supplied stream (or streams).
XMLUpdateCall XMLUpdateCall simply overwrites the appropriate XML document.
XMLWriteCall XMLWriteCall simply adds the assumption that the query is a ModifyQuery.


Exception Summary
XMLDataStoreException Exception used for any problem detected while interacting with the XML "data store".


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