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Oracle® Voicemail & Fax Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1)

Part Number B14496-03
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5 Managing Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts

This chapter describes how to provision Oracle Collaboration Suite users for voice access, and how to manage voicemail accounts and user preferences.

Provisioning Users for Voicemail & Fax Access

The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database that is used to store e-mail messages is shared by the voicemail and fax account to store voicemail and fax messages. The Voicemail & Fax Application accesses the same Inbox that the IMAP and SMTP servers access to retrieve and record voicemail and fax messages. Therefore, before you can provision a user for voice or fax access, the user must first be created and must be assigned an e-mail account through Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console. When a user is provisioned for voice access, a voicemail account is created and a phone number is assigned to this account. This must be done through the Self-Service Console or the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager tool. You cannot provision a user for voice access through Enterprise Manager.

To provision a user for voice and fax access:

  1. Create a user using Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console.

    See Chapter 4, "Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite Users and Groups," in Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide.

  2. Provision a user for voice access using the Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console.

    See Chapter 4, "Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite Users and Groups," in Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for more information about using Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console

  3. Modify the account preferences.

    See"Changing Voicemail Account Preferences" for information on editing the preferred language, and enabling or disabling voice access, fax access, and the message waiting indicator for a user.

See "Adding Users with Bulk Provisioning" for information on bulk provisioning users.

Multiple Voicemail Accounts

Voicemail accounts are tied to a site and Oracle Voicemail & Fax creates one account at every site where a user has a phone number. The majority of users will have one voicemail account at a single site and one phone number assigned to that account. However, some users will have more than one phone number. For example, a user may have a phone number at the headquarters office in Redwood Shores, California and another in the Burlington, Massachusetts office. One account is created and assigned to each site. Using this example, an account is created and assigned to the and sites. The preferences for each account can be set separately.


Oracle Voicemail & Fax creates only one account at each site. Therefore, if a user has more than one phone number assigned to the same site, the account preferences apply to all phone numbers that belong to that site. You cannot set different preferences for each phone number.

Account preferences can be managed through all three interfaces, Enterprise Manager, Grid Control, Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console, and Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager with the following qualifications. You can only add a subsequent phone number for a user through Enterprise Manager Grid Control or Accounts Manager. And you can only remove all voice access for a user through the Self-Service Console or Accounts Manager.

Adding Users with Bulk Provisioning

You can bulk provision Oracle Voicemail & Fax users in one of two ways. You can load an LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) file into Oracle directory server and follow the procedure for bulk provisioning users in Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console. To successfully provision users for voice access, the attribute list must contain the information for creating a base user, an e-mail account, and a telephone number in international format

See Also:

Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for more information on bulk provisioning users and Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for information on creating and formatting the LDIF file.

The second method for bulk provisioning users is the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager tool. A description of the command can be found in "Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager Tool".

Adding Users with Automatic Provisioning

When a user is created and provisioned for voice access through Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console, an add event is sent to an Oracle Voicemail & Fax plug-in. When the user is created, it triggers the add event which provisions the user for voice access and assigns the specified phone number to the account.


In order for the plug-in to create a voicemail account for the user, a valid phone number must be assigned to the user in the Self-Service Console.

Because Oracle Voicemail & Fax provides a plug-in that automatically provisions users for voice access, there is no on-demand provisioning by end users.

Setting Passwords for Bulk-Provisioned Users

When bulk provisioning users for voicemail or fax access, you can set the users' initial password in one of the following ways.

You can specify the password for each user in the LDIF file. The LDIF file contains parameters and values to create base users for Oracle Collaboration Suite. In addition, you can also include the telephonenumber parameter which specifies the phone number for a voicemail account. Once the file is loaded into Oracle Internet Directory, the Oracle Collaboration Suite base user is created, and an add event is sent to the Oracle Voicemail & Fax plug-in which provisions the base user for voice access. The telephonenumber parameter in the LDIF file is the only parameter required to trigger the add event to provision the user for voice access. Optionally, you can include the orclpasswordverifier;email parameter in the LDIF file to specify the initial password for the voicemail account. Then, when the LDIF file is loaded, this password gets loaded into Oracle Internet Directory. Note, there is no automatic notification process with this method. You will have to notify the users of their initial voicemail password.

In some instances, you may want to create the passwords and the voicemail accounts at two different times. Often, system administrators want to send an e-mail to their users some time before the new voicemail account is active. If this is the case, you can use the ovfucr generatepassword command to generate passwords for the users. Note, this command assumes that the base user and e-mail account have already been created. This command automatically generates the initial password for users that are specified in an input file and sends an e-mail notification to the user with the new password. Then, when you are ready to activate the voicemail accounts, you can use ovfucr create to create the voicemail accounts.


Alternatively, you can specify the optional password parameter when you run the ovfucr create command to create a voicemail account and assign a password to the account. However, there is no notification feature if passwords are generated in this way.

You can also use a third-party or other proprietary tool to generate passwords.

Searching for a Voicemail User

All users in the Oracle Voicemail & Fax installation, who have been provisioned for voicemail access, fax access, or both and have been assigned a phone number, appear in the Results table. The table is sorted in ascending order by the e-mail ID.

You may search for a particular user using their e-mail ID or phone number.

To search for a voicemail user:

  1. Navigate to the Voicemail & Fax administration page.

  2. Click the Go To Task icon for the Manage Voicemail Accounts task.

  3. Find the Search section of the page. In the first list, select the field on which you want to search. You may either search for the user's e-mail ID or phone number.

  4. Select a choice from the second list that specifies how the search is done:

    • Containing searches for the specified string anywhere in the field.

    • Starting with searches for the specified string at the beginning of the field.

    • Ending with searches for the specified string at the end of the field.

  5. In the text box, type the string you want to search on and click Go.

    Any users that match the string you specified appear in the Results table.

Changing Voicemail Account Preferences

You may edit the preferences for a user's voicemail accounts in the Preferences table. There is, at most, one voicemail account at a site. When you edit the preferences for a particular site, these preferences apply to all phone numbers for this user at this site. By default, the preferences are set to inherit from the parent.

You may change the following preferences:

To navigate to the Edit User page:

  1. Navigate to the Voicemail & Fax administration page.

  2. Click the Go To Task icon for the Manage Voicemail Accounts task.

  3. Use the Search feature to find the user.

  4. Click the E-mail ID of the user to go to the Edit User page.

To override the parent value:

  1. Click the Override icon.

  2. Select from the list and click OK.

To inherit the parent value:


You can also use the ovfucr modifyaccount command to change the account preferences.

Changing the Voicemail & Fax Quota

A single quota is set for storage of a user's e-mail, voice, and fax messages and is determined by the e-mail quota. The Voicemail & Fax Quota adds additional quota to the e-mail quota to accommodate the extra space that the voicemail and fax messages may require. This single setting applies to all accounts for the user. The default for the Voicemail & Fax Quota is the quota that is assigned to the first account that is set up for the user.

To edit the Voicemail & Fax Quota:

Adding a Phone Number

You may add a phone number for a user for an existing voicemail account or for a new voicemail account.

To add a phone number:

  1. In the Phone Numbers table, click Add Phone Number.

  2. On the Add Phone Number page, enter the phone number in the International Number field and click OK.


    The phone number must include the country code, area code or city code, and local phone number. The phone number must be a string of numbers with no spaces or other punctuation, for example, 14152927777.
  3. On the Select Group page, select a group to which you want to assign the phone number from the Group list, and click OK.

    The application returns you to the Edit User page. When a new phone number is added, the Edit User page for the user is updated as follows:

    • If the new phone number belongs to a site for which there is no voicemail account, a new row with the site and group name is added to the Preferences table, and a new row is added to the Phone Numbers table. When the phone number is assigned to a group, it inherits the properties of the group. After the phone number is created and you are returned to the Edit User page, you can edit the preferred language, phone access, faxin access, and mwi enabled properties for the phone number.

    • If the phone number is added to an existing voicemail account, a row with the new phone number is added to the Phone Numbers table. However, a new row is not added to the Preferences table.


You can also use the ovfucr addphonenumber command to add a phone number.

Deleting a Phone Number

You can delete a phone number for a user if they have more than one phone number. You cannot delete a user's phone number if it is his or her only phone number because, by doing so, you will be removing all voicemail and fax services for the user. You can only remove voicemail and fax services for a user through Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console or by using the ovfucr delete command.

To delete a phone number:

  1. Navigate to the Voicemail & Fax administration page.

  2. Click the Go To Task icon for the Manage Voicemail Accounts task.

  3. Use the Search feature to find the user.

  4. Click the E-mail ID of the user.

  5. In the Phone Numbers section of the Edit User page, click the Remove icon for the phone number you want to delete.


You can also use the ovfucr deletephonenumber command to delete a phone number.

Removing Voicemail and Fax Services for a User

You can remove all voicemail and fax services for a user using the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager Tool. Once these services are removed for a user, you will not be able to re-establish voicemail and fax services for this user from Enterprise Manager. Voicemail and fax services can only be re-established from Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console or using the Accounts Manager tool (ovfucr delete command), and a new phone number must be assigned to the user. You can temporarily remove voicemail or fax services for a user by following the procedure in "Changing Voicemail Account Preferences" and editing a user's voicemail account preferences.

Removing the voicemail and fax services for a user does not delete the user. You can only delete a user from the Self-Service Console. Removing voicemail and fax access for a user makes the phone number available for reassignment to another user.

Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager Tool

The Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager tool is a command-line utility that you can use to create and manage your voicemail accounts. You can use the command to do the following:

The Oracle Voicemail & Fax Accounts Manager tool can be found in the %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts directory. Enter ovfucr at the command line to display the syntax for the Accounts Manager commands.

Phone Number Format

Phone numbers in Oracle Voicemail & Fax must be in international format—that is, they are expressed as a string of digits (0–9), with no spaces or punctuation. The phone number must include the country code, city code or area code, and local phone number. For example, the U.S. phone number 1 (415) 292-7777 expressed in international format is: 14152927777.

ovfucr addphonenumber

Adds a phone number for an existing voicemail user.


ovfucr addphonenumber emailaddress phonenumber [groupname]


  • emailaddress – E-mail account for which the phone number is being added. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • phonenumber – Phone number of the voicemail account, in international format.

  • groupname – Name of the group to which the phone number is assigned. Use the fully qualified group name, for example,


Use ovfucr addphonenumber to add another phone number for a voicemail user who already has a phone number. If you are creating a voicemail account for the first time for a user, use the ovfucr create command.

When you add a phone number for an existing voicemail user, the phone number can be added to a site where the user already has an account or to a site where the user does not have an account.

Each phone number belongs to a particular site. Use the groupname parameter to assign the phone number to this site or to a group that is a child of the site. These are the only valid groups to which the phone number can be assigned.


ovfucr addphonenumber 14152927777

ovfucr create

Creates the first voicemail account for an e-mail user.


ovfucr create emailaddress phonenumber password [groupname]| inputfile


  • emailaddress – E-mail account of the user for whom the voicemail account is being created. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • phonenumber – Phone number assigned to the voicemail account, in international format.

  • password – Password of the voicemail account.

  • groupname – Name of the group which the phone number is assigned to.

  • inputfile – Name of the file used to create voicemail users in bulk.


The user and the user's e-mail account must already be created before you use ovfucr create. You may create the user and e-mail account using the Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console. Alternatively, you may use the oesucr command-line tool to create an e-mail account for an existing user.


See Chapter 4, "Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite Users and Groups," in Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for information on using the Self-Service Console. See "oesucr" in Appendix D of Oracle Mail Administrator's Guide for more information on this command-line tool.

Use ovfucr create to enable voicemail access for a user who does not currently have voicemail access. If the user is already enabled for voicemail access, that is, the user has at least one voicemail account, and you are adding another phone number for this user, use ovfucr addphonenumber instead.

If you do not specify a group, the tool assigns the voicemail user to the site that the phone number belongs to. If there are invalid entries in the file, the tool returns an error for those entries.

You may enable access to an individual user by specifying the parameters at the command line or you can bulk provision users by specifying a file containing the required parameters. Each entry appears on a separate line in the text file, and the entries must be in the following format:

emailaddress:phonenumber:password[:groupname]emailaddress:phonenumber:password[:groupname]emailaddress:phonenumber:password[:groupname] ...


ovfucr create 14152927777 welcome

ovfucr delete

Deletes a voicemail account.


ovfucr delete -emailaddress emailaddress [-group groupname] | -filename inputfile


  • emailaddress emailaddress – E-mail account of the user for whom the voicemail account is being deleted. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • group groupname – Name of the group which the phone number is assigned to.

  • filename inputfile – Name of the file used to delete voicemail users in bulk.


Use ovfucr delete to delete the voicemail account for a user. When a voicemail account is deleted, the user's account preferences are deleted, and any voicemail messages that are in the user's Inbox are saved. Once the account is deleted, the user will not be able to receive any new voicemail messages. If the user is later re-provisioned for voice access, he or she will be able to access the saved voicemail messages.

If you do not specify a group, the tool deletes all voicemail accounts for the specified user. If the user has multiple voicemail accounts, and you want to delete a specific account, then you must specify the groupname parameter. If there are invalid entries in the file, the tool returns an error for those entries.

You may delete an individual user by specifying the parameters at the command line or you can delete users in bulk by specifying a file containing the required parameters. Each entry appears on a separate line in the text file, and the entries must be in the following format:

emailaddress:phonenumber:password[:groupname]emailaddress:phonenumber:password[:groupname]emailaddress:phonenumber:password[:groupname] ...

ovfucr deletephonenumber

Deletes a phone number for a voicemail user.


ovfucr deletephonenumber emailaddress phonenumber


  • emailaddress – E-mail account of the voicemail user. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • phonenumber – Phone number that is being deleted. Specify the phone number in international format.


This command can only be used if the user's voicemail account has more than one phone number. You cannot delete a phone number if there is the only one phone number in the voicemail account. You can delete an account with a single phone number using the ovfucr delete command.


ovfucr deletephonenumber 14152927777

ovfucr displaylanguagelist

Displays a list of the languages and language codes for the supported Oracle Voicemail & Fax languages.


ovfucr displaylanguagelist


Use ovfucr displaylanguagelist to display the language codes for the languages supported by Oracle Voicemail & Fax. These codes are used to specify the locale or language in the ovfucr modifyaccount, and ivrman deployment commands.

ovfucr generatepassword

Generates the initial password for a new voicemail user and sends an e-mail to the user with the password.


ovfucr generatepassword {emailaddress telephonenumber | inputfile} telephoneaccessnumber numdigitsofpassword smtphost


  • emailaddress – E-mail address of the user for whom the password is being generated.

  • telephonenumber – Phone number of the user. Specify the phone number in international format.

  • inputfile – Name of the file used to generate passwords and send e-mails to the users

  • telephoneaccessnumber – Phone number that the user will use to access the voicemail system.

  • numdigitsofpassword – Number of digits in the generated password.

  • smtphost – Name of the host where the SMTP process is run; generally, this is the host where the Oracle Mail Server is run. Use the fully qualified name of the host, for example,


Before you can use ovfucr generatepassword, the user must already be created and provisioned for e-mail.

ovfucr generatepassword generates a random password for the voicemail account specified with the telephonenumber parameter. numdigitsofpassword sets the number of digits in this password. It sends an e-mail to the user, specified by the emailaddress parameter, with this initial password and the phone number that the user uses to access the voicemail system, as specified by the telephoneaccessnumber parameter.

You may generate a password for an individual user by specifying the parameters at the command line, or you can generate passwords, in bulk, by specifying a file containing the required parameters. Each entry appears on a separate line in the text file, and the entries must be in the following format:

emailaddress:telephonenumberemailaddress:telephonenumberemailaddress:telephonenumber ...

ovfucr modifyaccount

Modifies the voicemail account including specifying the language of the system prompts, enabling or disabling access to voicemail and fax, enabling or disabling the message waiting indicator feature, and changing the group to which the phone number is assigned.


ovfucr modify account emailaddress -group groupname {-voicemailaccess {true | false} | -faxinaccess {true | false} | -mwienabled {true | false} |-preferredlanguage lang | -newgroup groupname}


  • emailaddress – E-mail account of the user whose voicemail account is being modified. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • -group groupname – Name of the group to which the phone number is assigned.

  • -voicemailaccess {true | false} – Specifies whether the voicemail feature is enabled. true enables the feature; false disables the feature.

  • -faxinaccess {true | false} – Specifies whether the fax receiving feature is enabled. true enables the feature; false disables the feature.

  • -mwienabled {true | false} – Specifies whether the message waiting indicator feature is enabled. true enables the feature; false disables the feature.

  • -preferredlanguage lang – Specifies the language in which the voicemail user hears the system prompts. Use the ovfucr displaylanguagelist command to display a list of the valid codes for the lang parameter.

  • -newgroup groupname – Specifies the group to which to assign the phone number. groupname must be the site to which the phone number belongs or a group that is a child of the site.


You may modify one or more account properties at a time. Refer to the examples below.

In most instances the voicemail user has one phone number and, therefore, has one voicemail account. In a smaller number of instances, a user may have more than one phone number. For each site where the voicemail user has a phone number, the user has a separate voicemail account. For example, if the user has a phone number at Site A and another phone number at Site B, then the voicemail user has two voicemail accounts. The properties for each account can be modified separately.

The account being modified is determined with the -group flag.

All phone numbers for a particular user that belong to the same group share the same account properties. Modifying the group's properties changes the properties for all phone numbers belonging to the user's account. In the situation where a user has two or more phone numbers that belong to the same site, there is only one account. The account properties apply to all phone numbers belonging to that site.


ovfucr modifyaccount -group -preferredlanguage en -newgroup

ovfucr modifyphonenumber

Replaces an existing phone number with a different phone number.


ovfucr modifyphonenumber emailaddress -oldphonenumber phonenumber -newphonenumber newphonenumber [-newgroup newgroup]


  • emailaddress – E-mail account of the user whose phone number is being replaced with a new phone number. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • oldphonenumber phonenumber – Phone number that is being replaced. Specify the phone number in international format.

  • newphonenumber newphonenumber – New phone number being assigned to the user. Specify the phone number in international format.

  • newgroup newgroup – Group to which the phone number is being assigned. If newgroup is not specified, the phone number is assigned to the site to which it belongs.


If you do not specify the group to which to assign the new phone number, the phone number is assigned to the site to which the phone number belongs.

ovfucr movegroup

Assigns a voicemail user to a different group. You can move a single voicemail user, multiple users specified in a text file, or all users belonging to a group.


ovfucr movegroup {-emailaddress emailadress | -filename filename | -allusers oldgroupname} -newgroup newgroup


  • emailaddress emailaddress – E-mail account of the voicemail user. Include the domain of the e-mail address, for example,

  • filename filename – Text file specifying the e-mail accounts of the voicemail users.

  • allusers oldgroupname – Moves all voicemail accounts assigned to the group.

  • newgroup newgroup – Name of the group to which the voicemail accounts are moved.


ovfucr movegroup is used to upgrade voicemail users from Oracle Voicemail & Fax 9.0.4 to 10.1.1. In Oracle Voicemail & Fax 9.0.4, multiple accounts were not supported. Therefore, if you are moving a single voicemail user, specifying the user's e-mail address is sufficient to identify the user's phone number and the group to which the number is assigned.

