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Oracle Internet Directory API Reference


Package oracle.ldap.util

Class Summary
Base64 Provides encoding of raw bytes to base64 encoded bytes and decoding of base64 encoded bytes to raw bytes.
Group This class represents a Group object in the directory.
IplanetDirectoryDS For SunONE/Iplanet (or Netscape) Directory Server
LDAPEntry This abstract class represents an LDAP entry.
LDAPGroup This abstract class represents an LDAP group entry.
LDIF A class that defines most common thing that pertain to LDAP data interchange format.
LDIFAttribute The LDIFAttribute class represents the name and values of an attribute.
LDIFReader LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a file format used to represent the Directory entries.
LDIFRecord LDIFRecord represents a single entry in an LDIF file, consisting of a distinguished name (DN) and zero or more attributes.
LDIFWriter LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a file format used to represent the Directory entries.
ModPropertySet This class represents a set of attributes and their values used in a modification of any properties.
NativeGuid This class represents GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), or object IDs.
OracleContext This class represents an Oracle Context in the directory
OracleSchema This class represents the Oracle Schema in the directory.
OrclGuid This class represents GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), or object IDs.
Property This class represents a particular property in a PropertySet.
PropertySet This class represents a particular PropertySet in a PropertySetCollection In other words, it represents a particular search result entry from a collection of search results
PropertySetCollection This class represents a collection of PropertySets.
RootOracleContext This class represents the Root Oracle Context in the directory.
Subscriber This class represents an Identity Management Realm in the directory.
User This class represents a valid User.
Util Util class provides a set of static utility methods that are used throughout the oracle.ldap.util package.
VarPropertySet A Variable property set that maintians a list Property objects.


Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException This exception is thrown when an LDAP operation cannot be carried out due to insufficient access.
AccountDisabledException This exception is thrown during user authentication if the user account has been disabled.
AccountInactiveException This exception is thrown during user authentication if the user account is inactive.
AccountLockedException This exception is thrown during user authentication if the user account has been locked.
AuthFailureException This exception is thrown during user authentication if the user's credential is invalid.
CommunicationErrorException This exception is thrown if the method involves any LDAP operation to indicate a broken LDAP connection.
GeneralErrorException This exception is thrown when a general error is encountered
GraceLoginException This exception is thrown during user authentication if grace login is enabled and the user password has expired.
IllegalValueException This exception is thrown during user password modification through User.setProperties() method if the value of the password to be replaced is invalid based upon the existing password policy on the user.
InvalidLDIFRecordException An Object of this class will be thrown when error occurs during LDIF record parsing
InvalidParameterException An Object of this class will be thrown when an error occurs during input parameter parsing
InvalidRootOrclctxException This exception will be thrown when an invalid root oracle context is encountered.
InvalidSubscriberOrclctxException This exception will be thrown when an invalid oracle context within the subscriber is encountered.
MinimumLengthException This exception is thrown during user password modification if the new value does not satisfied the minimum length requirement specified by the existing password policy on the user.
MultipleSubscriberException This exception is thrown when multiple subscribers of the same ID is encountered under the subscriber search base
MultipleUserException This exception is thrown when multiple users of the same ID is encountered during a single user search.
MustChangeException This exception is thrown during user authentication when the user password is required to be changed.
NoGroupMembersException This exception is thrown if the user looks for its group membership but it is not a uniquemember of any particular group
NoSuchGroupException This exception is thrown when the Group object can not be resolved because the group does not exist in the directory
NoSuchSubscriberException This exception is thrown when the Subscriber object cannot be resolved because the subscriber does not exist under the subscriber search base
NoSuchUserException This exception is thrown when the User object cannot be resolved because the user does not exist under the user search base of the specified subscriber
NumericCharacterException This exception is thrown during user password modification if the new value does not contain the mininum number of numeric characters specified by the existing password policy on the user.
ParameterException This exception will be thrown when an error occurs during input parameter parsing.
PasswordExpiredException This exception will be thrown during user authentication if the user password has expired.
PasswordExpiredWarningException This exception is thrown during user authentication when the server issues a warning that the password is about to expire.
PasswordInHistoryException This exception will be thrown during user password modification if the new value is a previously used password and the existing password policy on the user is not allowing it to be reused.
PasswordNullException This exception will be thrown during user password modification if the new value is a null value.
SetPropertiesException This exception is thrown when modification cannot be carried out while using setProperties() method
SubscriberNotFoundException This exception is thrown when the subscriber cannot be located under the subscriber search base
UtilException This is the superclass of all exceptions defined in oracle.ldap.util package


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Oracle Internet Directory API Reference


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