Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Overview of Web Templates and Siebel Tags > About Siebel Templates >

About Catalog-Style List Applets and Rich List Templates

This feature supports a catalog-like layout for views with master-detail applets. Records from the master applet and the detail applet can be shown interwoven with each other. This allows the creation of the layout like the one shown below in Figure 129:

Figure 129.  Master-Detail Applet
Click for full size image

In this case the bullet items under Portable Music are from records in the master applet. The values below it are records from the detail applet for that record in the master applet.

To create this layout, the master and detail applets are configured to be list applets. The master applet will be called a root level applet. It is possible to show more than one set of master-detail relationships within a view (that is, there could be more than one root level applet). To define the relationship between the applets, the new Position attribute of the View Web Template Item object type is used. The position attribute works similarly to the Position attribute of the Tree Node object type. The root level applets will have position values like 1, 2, and so on. For the applet with position 1, its immediate child applets will be assigned position values 1.1, 1.2, and so on. It is possible to define third level applets with position 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and so on (that is, these are the child applets of the applet with position 1.1).

In the View Web Template Item object definition, only the root level applets are mapped to <swe:applet> tags in the view template. The other applets in the view defined in the View Web Template Item object are not assigned an Id value. The layout of these non-root applets are not specified in the view template, but are specified in the applet template of the root level applets. The following tags are used to specify this layout. Only applets in the base mode in this layout are supported.

  • swe:for-each-child


    <swe:for-each-child> ... </swe:for-each-child>

    Purpose: This tag iterates over each of the child applets defined for this applet (based on the Item Identified in the View Web Template Item object of the view to which the applet belongs). This tag can be used only in the base template of an applet. If the applet does not have any child applets, this tag is skipped.

  • swe:child-applet




    This tag is used to place the child applet within the parent applet. The base template of the child applet is used to render the child applet at the point where this tag is placed.


This section presents a master-detail applet relationship with the master applet being Category Items List Applet and the detail being Sub Category Items List Applet. The View Web Template Item of the view that contains this applet has the following values (Table 67):

Table 67.  View Web Template Item Properties
Item Identifier
Applet Mode


Category Items List Applet




Sub Category Items List Applet



The base template for the Category Items List Applet will have the following table definition:





<swe:control id = "5001" /> <!-- field value like "Small Business" -->




<swe:child-applet> <!-- Show the child applet -->






The base template for the Sub Category Items List Applet will have the following:




<swe:control id="5001"/> <!-- field value like "Desktop" -->




NOTE:  Set the HTML Number of Rows property of the Sub Category Items List Applet to the number of values you want to show under each category value. To allow drilldown from the category and sub-category values, configure the appropriate drilldown objects.

Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications