Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications >

Using EIM to Load Data Into the Test Environment

You have already completed many of the tasks to prepare your test environment. For example, you have moved the application (including your configuration changes) from development to test and have performed the setup tasks described in Required Application Administration Tasks.

To do further development and testing work, however, you need to have actual corporate data in your Siebel database. Up until now, you have been working only with the sample data available with your Siebel installation.

This chapter tells you how to load data from your legacy applications into a Siebel database, using the Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM).

Generally, EIM is used to exchange data between Siebel database tables and other data sources. This exchange of data can include bulk imports, exports, merges, and deletes. Because the current goal is to load data into a Siebel database, this chapter deals only with bulk imports. For detailed information about EIM, read Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

This chapter focuses on one specific import example: loading account data for the NREC. The section Import Example, provides more detailed information about the specific import example presented in this chapter.

Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications