Siebel Forecasting Guide > Setting Up Forecasting >

Creating a Hybrid Forecast Series

A hybrid forecast allows you to have My Revenues and My Team's Revenues visibility in the same Forecast series, therefore combining a rollup and departmental snapshot forecast.

The hybrid forecast:

  • Allows for a forecast process to include both a rollup forecast and a departmental forecast in the same forecast series

Use the hybrid forecast if:

  • One manager does not want or cannot have his subordinates create a formal forecast each period, yet another manager wants to have his subordinates run a formal forecast rollup

Do not use the hybrid forecast if:

  • Both managers want either just a rollup or departmental forecast

To create a hybrid forecast series

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Forecast screen > Forecast Administration view.
  2. Create a forecast series.

    For information, see Creating a Forecast Series.

  3. Click the Forecast Series Participants view tab and add the appropriate end users.

    For information about adding participants, see Adding Forecast Series Participants.

  4. Once you have added a participant, choose their visibility from the Visibility drop-down list by selecting either My Revenues or My Team's Revenues.

    CAUTION:  Do not select My Team's Revenues for a manager that has included a participant as this results in double-counting.

    NOTE:  If you cannot see the Visibility field in the Forecast Series Participants list, check to see which columns are being displayed.

Siebel Forecasting Guide