Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Access Control > Administering Access Control for Business Services >

Associating a Business Service with a Responsibility

This section describes how you can associate a business service with a responsibility to control access to the business service and its methods. You carry out the following procedure through the Responsibilities view.

To associate a business service with a responsibility

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Application > Responsibilities > Business Service.
  3. In the Responsibilities list, select the responsibility that you want to associate with a business service.
  4. In the Business Service list, click New to select a business service to associate with the responsibility selected in Step 3.

    The following Business Service dialog box displays the list of business services that are currently associated with the responsibility selected in Step 3.

Click for full size image
  1. In the Business Service dialog box, click New.

    A new record appears in the Business Service list view.

  2. Click the Select button in the Name field.

    The Business Service dialog box appears.

  3. Select a business service to associate with the responsibility selected in Step 3, and then click OK.

    The selected business service appears in the Business Service list view.

  4. In the Business Service Method list, click New to specify the business service methods to which the responsibility selected in Step 3 gains access.

    The Business Service Method dialog box appears. This dialog box displays the list of Business Service methods to which access is currently controlled. The following example illustrates an example Business Service Method dialog box.

    Click for full size image

  5. If the business service method to which you want to allow the responsibility access appears in the Business Service Method dialog box, select it, then click OK and go to Step 13. If not, go to Step 10.

    TIP:   To allow you to restrict access to business service methods without associating them with a real responsibility, Siebel Systems has provided a responsibility Default Bus Service Method Access Control User. Use the steps described in this procedure to associate all business service methods to which you want to control access with Default Bus Service Method Access Control User. This makes sure that the Business Service Method dialog box is populated with the business service methods to which you want to control access.

  6. In the Business Service Method dialog box, click New.

    A new record appears in the Business Service Method list view.

  7. Click the Select button in the Name field.

    The Business Service Method dialog box appears.

  8. Select a business service method to associate with the responsibility selected in Step 3, and then click OK.

    The selected business service method appears in the Business Service Method list view.

    NOTE:  By default, if you do not specify the business service methods to which the responsibility gains access, then the responsibility gains access to all business service methods of the business service provided that none of the business service methods have restricted access.

  9. From the Broadest Visibility drop-down list, select the view mode to associate with the responsibility.

    NOTE:  The business service selected in Step 7 must support view modes to allow you to select a value from the Broadest Visibility drop-down list.

  10. Step off the record to save changes.
Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications