Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide > Using Siebel Universal Queuing > Creating Routes and Escalations >

Creating Route Escalation Rules

This section describes how to create escalation rules and describes the syntax and fields for escalation rules. Escalation rules are based on skill definitions, which are described in Creating Skill Definitions.

NOTE:  Escalation rules do not need to be entered in the order of evaluation. However, entering the rules in the order in which you want them to execute will help you to visually understand the evaluation sequence. You can sort on the Sequence field afterwards, regardless of the order in which you created the rules.

To create an escalation rule

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > UQ Administration > Routes.

    The Routes view appears.

  2. Select the route for which you are adding an escalation.
  3. Click the Escalations view tab.
  4. Select the escalation for which you are adding an escalation rule.
  5. Add escalation rules to the route as follows:
    1. In the Escalation Rules view, add a new record.

      The Escalation Rules form appears.

    2. Complete the escalation rule fields.
  6. Click Notify UQ if you want to reload the routing rules without restarting Siebel Universal Queuing.

    Otherwise, the new rules will take effect the next time Siebel Universal Queuing is started.

Route Escalation Rule Syntax

The syntax for an escalation rule is as follows:

skill_id = skill_value/expertise

where skill_value is either a constant string or a data property name.

The following example shows an escalation rule that looks for an agent who is expert in the product, or an agent who is intermediate in the product, but has had advanced training, or a universal agent who is also licensed in the customer's state.

This example uses data property substitution, where Product is the name of a data property.

(ProdSkill = "%Product%"/3) |
(ProdSkill = "%Product%"/2 &
TrainingLevel = "Advanced") |
(ProdSkill = "Universal"/3 &
License = "%state%")

Fields for Route Escalation Rules

Escalation rule fields are described in Table 10.

Table 10. Escalation Rule Fields

Begin Group

Optional. When multiple escalation rules are defined and joined to specify complex selection criteria, you may need to begin the definition of an individual escalation rule with ( or ((, as is appropriate for its role in the overall selection criteria defined by the joined individual escalation rules.

You do not need to select a value for a route with only a single escalation rule.

Skill Name

Required. Choose from the pop-up window.

Skill Item

Required. Choose from the pop-up window or enter the name of a work item data property. The value of the data property will be used when the rule is evaluated.


Required. Choose one of the following values from the drop-down list:

n Novice
n Intermediate
n Expert

If no expertise value is selected, a default value of Novice is used.

End Group

Optional. When multiple escalation rules are defined and joined to specify complex selection criteria, you may need to end the definition of an individual escalation rule with ) or )), as is appropriate for its role in the overall selection criteria defined by the joined individual escalation rules.

You do not need to select a value for a route with only a single escalation rule.


Required for more than one rule statement. The possible join values are AND and OR.


Required. The sequence in which escalation steps are evaluated for this route rule.

If only one escalation step is entered, the sequence is 1. As you add new escalation steps, the sequence number is automatically assigned using the highest sequence number used plus one. For example, if you have sequence number 3, 6, and 8 already defined and you add a new step, the sequence number 9 is automatically assigned to the new step.

Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide