Siebel Advisor Administration Guide > Working with Advisor Feature Tables > Process of Creating Advisor Feature Tables >

Designing an Advisor Feature Table

In the Designer view, you design the feature table in which you enter your feature data.

This task is a step in Process of Creating Advisor Feature Tables

Each feature table must contain at least three columns: CODE, DESC, and DEFAULT, which are described in Table 1. When you create a feature table in Advisor, these columns are automatically created.

Table 1. Required Columns for Feature Tables


Abbreviated value for the feature defined in the DESC column. Contains unique values (within the column) that identify the rows in the table.


Full-length text description of the feature value. This value represents the text that appears in input UI controls on display pages in the application.


Defines the initial display value for an input UI control that takes its content from the feature table. Type "default" in the row that represents the default feature value and leave all other cells in the column blank.

In the Table Designer view, you can add additional columns between the DESC and DEFAULT columns to represent other aspects of a feature, such as price or a part number. There can be as many columns to a table as there are values to a feature.

To design an Advisor feature table

  1. Navigate to Administration - Product > Advisor Pagesets > My Pagesets.
  2. Select a pageset.
  3. From the Feature Tables tab, select the Designer tab.

    The Feature Table designer opens.

  4. Complete the fields for the new record in the Feature Table Designer.

    The following table describes the columns in the Feature Table Designer.



    The sequence numbers determine the order in which the feature columns appear in the Feature editor. These numbers are automatically generated, but you can overwrite them.


    Column Name

    Enter a column name for each feature.

    For example, for the CARS feature table, you might enter columns for MODEL, COLOR, and PRICE.


    Business Component

    This column maps to the selected column (business component) in the Siebel database. For more information on using business components, see Using Siebel Tools.

    If the data you want to display is already available in the Siebel database, you can access the business component and field and select that data.

    NOTE:  If you select a business component and field, you cannot select a class and attribute. These options are mutually exclusive.


    Field Name

    If you selected a business component, you must also select a Field Name. Select a field name from the business component you selected.



    Check the Shared field to reference one row ID in a business component.

    All columns in the Table Designer that reference the same business component and have the Shared field selected are populated with data when a value is selected for any one of them.

    For example, you add the columns Name, Phone, Organization, and Address to your feature table, and they all reference the Contact business component. Then when you switch to the Editor View and select a value for the Organization column, values for Name, Phone, and Address are filled in.



    This field is optional.

    This field maps to the selected class in the Siebel database. For more information on classes and attributes, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.

    NOTE:  If you select a class and attribute, you cannot select a business component and field. These options are mutually exclusive.



    If you selected a class, select an attribute for the class.


    Target Table

    If the feature table is a trigger table, you may need to choose a target table.

    For more information, see Creating Trigger and Target Feature Tables.



    Enter any notes.


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