Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits >

Activating an Upgrade Kit

After you define the upgrade kits for an upgrade, you need to activate each kit. The status of a kit must be Pending before activating it. Activating a kit gathers the files to be included in the upgrade kit and compresses them into a single archive on the Siebel File System. It also sets the status of the upgrade kit to Active.

This task is a step in Process of Completing Upgrade Kit Creation and in Process of Limiting Distribution of an Upgrade Kit.

To activate an upgrade kit

  1. From the application-level menu, select Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Siebel Anywhere.
  2. From the link bar, click Upgrade Kits.

    The Upgrade Kits view appears.

  3. Select the kit you want to activate.

    The Status field must show that it is Pending.

  4. Click Activate.

    A dialog box appears indicating activation is in progress.

    If you are activating a large kit, such as a repository file (SRF) kit, your browser may appear unresponsive for a few minutes after you click Activate. The delay in response occurs because the browser must wait for a reply from the server before proceeding. During the wait, no hourglass is displayed. When the browser receives the server's reply, the Status field changes to Active.

Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 to activate each kit required for your upgrade.

NOTE:  Activating the upgrade kit does not affect the version information stored in the database. Activating a kit populates the File Size field for that kit. The kit is not available to subscribers until it has been applied and distributed.

When you activate the upgrade kit, the kit items you see in this view turn into item entries in the upgrade.ucf, which is part of every Siebel Anywhere upgrade kit.

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