Siebel Applications Administration Guide > Creating and Administering iHelp >

Activating, Revising, and Deactivating iHelp Items

The Activate, Revise, and Deactivate buttons control:

  • The status of the iHelp items.
  • Whether the items are visible in the iHelp pane and iHelp Map.
  • Whether the items can be edited.

The behavior of these buttons is described in Table 14.

Table 14. About the Activate, Revise, and Deactivate Buttons
When to Use
Changes Status From...


The iHelp item is complete and ready for general use.

Cannot be modified (although it can be deleted).

The status and version no longer appear with the item name in the iHelp pane.

In Progress

Active 1


You want to make changes to an active iHelp item.

Copies the iHelp item to a new record that can be edited.

For the new record, deselects Active flag on Responsibilities view.



In Progress


You no longer want the item to display in the iHelp pane.

The iHelp item is no longer displayed in the iHelp pane or the iHelp Map.



1Any active version of the item becomes Outdated

To activate an iHelp item

  1. Navigate to the Administration - iHelp screen > All iHelp Items view.
  2. Select an in-progress iHelp item.
  3. Click Activate.

To revise an active iHelp item

  1. Navigate to the Administration - iHelp screen > All iHelp Items view.
  2. Select an active iHelp item.
  3. Click Revise.

TIP:   Reset the responsibilities for the in-progress iHelp item so that you can see and test the item that you are revising.

To deactivate an iHelp item

  1. Navigate to the Administration - iHelp screen > All iHelp Items view.
  2. Select an active iHelp item.
  3. Click Deactivate.
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