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Creating Assignment Rules

This topic is part of About Assignment Rule Administration.

Each assignment rule has an activation and an expiration date that you can use to denote a range of dates for when the rule should be active. If you specify an activation date and no expiration date, the rule is active from the date denoted by the activation date onwards. If you specify an expiration date and no activation date, the rule is active until the date denoted by the expiration date. If you do not specify either the activation date or the expiration date, the rule is always active.

NOTE:  Siebel Assignment Manager uses the database time to determine whether a rule is active.

Use the following procedure to create your assignment rules. This task is a step in Process of Defining Assignment Rules.

To create an assignment rule

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Assignment screen, and then the Assignment Rules List view.
  2. In the Assignment Rules list, click New.
  3. In the new record, click in the available fields to enter relevant information for the new rule.

Table 12 shows the predefined fields.

TIP:   All fields may not be visible in the initial view. Use the Columns Displayed feature to make fields visible (right-click, select Columns Displayed, use the arrows to move a field from Available Columns to Selected Columns, and then click Save).

Table 12. Assignment Rule Fields


Name of the assignment rule.

Rule Group

Assignment rule groups applied to this rule. Each rule must be associated to an assignment rule group.

Objects to be Assigned

A multivalue group (MVG) field that allows you to select one or more assignment objects to apply to the rule.

NOTE:  These objects are the business entities chosen by the assignment administrator, such as accounts, contacts, and so on.


Sequence number for this rule. Assignment Manager uses this number to prioritize the execution of a set of rules. By default, assignment rules do not have a sequence number; one must be assigned by the administrator, if needed.

For more information about rule sequencing, see How Siebel Assignment Manager Determines the Sequence in Which Rules Are Evaluated.


Start date of the assignment rule.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


End date of the assignment rule.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


Score eligible for the assignment rule if qualifications are met.

For more information about scoring, see About Assignment Scoring.


If selected, candidates for this assignment rule supersede candidates that qualify for any other nonexclusive assignment rules.

For more information about the exclusive feature, see About Some of the Assignment Rule Fields.

Person Candidates Source

Determines whether the employee or position candidates for this rule are specified on the assignment rule (statically) or are chosen dynamically using predefined dynamic candidate object definitions.

The choices are From Rule, All People, and whatever other dynamic person candidate team records you defined in the Dynamic Candidate object using Siebel Tools.

For more information about this field, see Candidates Source Fields.

Organization Candidates Source

Determines whether the organization candidates for this rule are specified on the assignment rule (statically) or are chosen dynamically using predefined dynamic candidate object definitions.

The choices are From Rule, All Organizations, and whatever other dynamic candidate team records you defined in the Dynamic Candidate object using Siebel Tools.

For more information about this field, see Candidates Source Fields.

Assignee Filter

Filters used by Assignment Manager to determine which potential assignees are assigned. Choices for assignee filters are:

  • All, Above Minimum
  • All, Must Assign
  • One, Best Fit
  • One, Random

Defaults to All, Above Minimum when creating new assignment rules.

For more information this field, see About Some of the Assignment Rule Fields.

Candidate Passing Score

Minimum score required for candidates to qualify for this assignment rule. Defaults to 0 (zero) when creating new assignment rules.

Check Employee Calendar

If selected, activates Assignment Manager to check employees' calendars when determining assignment eligibility. Used only for employee-based objects.

For more information about this field, see About Some of the Assignment Rule Fields.

Primary Employee

Primary employee for this assignment rule if the rule passes and is the highest scoring rule for that object. Typically used for service-related assignments. Applicable only if this employee qualifies from the assignment rule (either from the rule itself or from dynamic candidates).

However, if the AddScores parameter is set to TRUE, the primary employee is ignored. This parameter overrides primaries on the rule, merges scores for each candidate across the rules, and then calculates the primary based on the highest total scoring employee that passes for that object.

NOTE:  If the assignee filter type is One, Best Fit, then do not select a primary employee, because the highest-scoring employee is still selected and the primary employee is excluded.

For information about assigning a particular employee as the primary assignee on a specific assignment rule, see Choosing a Candidate as the Primary Assignee.

Primary Organization

Primary organization for this assignment rule if the rule passes and is the highest scoring rule for that object. Applicable only if this organization qualifies from the assignment rule (either from the rule itself or from dynamic candidates).

However, if the AddScores parameter is set to TRUE, the primary organization is ignored. This parameter overrides primaries on the rule, merges scores for each candidate across the rules, and then calculates the primary based on the highest total scoring organization that passes for that object.

NOTE:  If the assignee filter type is One, Best Fit, then do not select a primary organization, because the highest-scoring organization is still selected and the primary organization is excluded.

For information about assigning a particular organization as the primary assignee on a specific assignment rule, see Choosing a Candidate as the Primary Assignee.

Primary Position

Primary position for this assignment rule if the rule passes and is the highest scoring rule for that object. Typically used for sales-related assignments. Applicable only if this position qualifies from the assignment rule (either from the rule itself or from dynamic candidates).

However, if the AddScores parameter is set to TRUE, the primary position is ignored. This parameter overrides primaries on the rule, merges scores for each candidate across the rules, and then calculates the primary based on the highest total scoring position that passes for that object.

NOTE:  If the Assignee Filter type is One, Best Fit, then do not select a primary position, because the highest-scoring position is still selected and the primary position is excluded.

For information about assigning a particular position as the primary assignee on a specific assignment rule, see Choosing a Candidate as the Primary Assignee.

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