Siebel Field Service Guide > Release Manager > Administrator Setup Procedures for Release Manager >

Setting Up Releases

When entering a release item record, an end user must associate the item record with a particular release. In Release Manager, a release is a type of project, and releases are tracked in the same way as projects are in Siebel Professional Services. For more information about setting up projects, see Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.

There are two types of releases, as follows:

  • Future Releases. Because each release item must be associated with a particular release, you must set up the release (project) before entering any records. Though only one active release may be in progress, you must set up records for future releases as well. That way, if a feature is deferred from the current release, the product marketing manager can immediately target it to a specific future release.
  • Unspecified Releases. There may be times when the appropriate future release for a given feature or other release item is unknown. Because all release items must be associated with a release, you should set up at least one artificial release called Unspecified Release or some similar term. Orphan release items can be linked to this release. When the appropriate future release has been determined, an item can then be retargeted to that release.
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