Siebel Forecasting Guide > Troubleshooting Forecasting and Revenues >

Resolving Problems

To resolve a problem, look for it in the list of Symptoms/Error messages in Table 13.

Table 13. Resolving Siebel Forecasting Problems
Symptom/Error Message
Diagnostic Steps/Cause

Queries run in the Details view in the Forecasts screen affect the information shown in the Summary view in the Forecasts screen.


End users might have to requery to see each of the forecast summary records after running a query on the forecast details.

Forecast Details view shows product line items that were deleted before creating the forecast.

While it is unlikely that any best practice would include the deletion of an opportunity that included revenue estimates, end users do have the ability to delete an opportunity. If an end user deletes an opportunity, but does not delete the associated revenues, those revenues are maintained, and are included in the next forecast.

End users should delete each revenue associated with the opportunity before deleting the opportunity if those revenues are not meant to be forecasted.

Revenues in the Opportunities screen > Revenues view do not appear in the parent account

End users can find that if they create an opportunity and assign revenues to it before they define the parent account, those revenues are not associated with the parent account.

If end users set the parent account in the opportunity first, and then create the revenues, the revenues are correctly associated with the parent account.

Cannot create a forecast.

[1] An error occurred while creating your forecast. Forecast may not include all revenues or subordinate details. Please check the log file or contact your system administrator for details.

Check the forecast log file on your server to find the source of this problem. These files are typically located as follows:

Siebel Mobile Client (siebel.exe) installation:

  • xxx: $install/log directory
  • yyy: siebel.log, or siebel_N.log, if the client has run N times since the crash occurred. (The names of the log files are incremented by one for each run, for example, siebel.log is renamed siebel_01.log, siebel01.log is renamed siebel02.log.)

Microsoft Windows server:

  • xxx:$install/siebsrvr/log
  • yyy: SrvrComponent_ProcessId.log, for example, SSEObjMgr_50231.log

UNIX server:

  • xxx: $install/siebsrvr/enterprises/$enterprise_name/$srvr_name/log
  • yyy: SrvrComponent_TaskId.log, for example, SSEObjMgr_50231.log

A component can have many tasks running and generating logs. See Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for information about the location of log files.

In the log file, you will find records like this:

FCSTLOG_EVENT Error 1 2004-10-30 16:16:02 <WW Sales, 10/01/2004, Product Line Manager-00004456, BGROVES> Error occurred when setting field 'Revenue Class" to value "Backlog"

The error in the previous example occurred on October 30th, 2004, when running a WW Sales forecast for a regional sales manager with the user ID of MSTERN. The error occurred because a revenue record that was to be included in the forecast included an invalid value for the Revenue Class picklist. In this example, you can correct the error by adjusting the Revenue Class LOV to include a value called BackLog, or by changing the Revenue Class on the offending record to a choice that is still valid.

NOTE:  It is most likely in this example that the valid values for the Revenue Class field were changed and the old data was never cleaned up.

After this issue is corrected, you can delete and rerun the forecast, or add the missing revenue record manually.

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