Siebel Fundamentals > About the User Interface > About Lists in the User Interface >

About Vertical Scroll Bars in Lists

Use vertical scroll bars to navigate between records in a list. Vertical scroll bars appear to the right of lists that contain more rows than can fit on the screen. Using the vertical scroll bar you can navigate to the next record, the next record set, the previous record, or the previous record set, depending on the button you click. Figure 14 shows an example of a vertical scroll bar. Table 6 describes the vertical scroll bar buttons.

NOTE:  A scroll bar may appear if the number of records returned match the maximum records in a list. Once the system identifies that there are no more records, the scroll bar will be removed.

Figure 14. Example of Vertical Scroll Bar Buttons
Table 6. Description of Vertical Scroll Bar Buttons

Go to previous record set.

Go to previous record.

Go to next record.

Go to next record set.

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